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BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

The (Original!) Tomb of Horrors!!!
S1 by the great Gygax 1978. Everything adapted to 2e. This is NOT the Return to ToH written for 2e

Labyrinth of Madness!!! Previously Concluded (by TPK)
S6 by Monte Cook from 1995. Designed for 2e. IMHO this one is the tougher of the two, but not by much.

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

i dont think bards are weak, just diversified. and the kits all have fairly balanced hinderances. Skalds can;t stsrt with reading/writing, get penalties to read lang skill, and CANT USE SCROLLS... that's a serious detriment. plus, their 'war chant' is very similar to standard bardic inspiration in most respects.

the 'inspired performance' thing we worked up was an nwp. nwps dont scale with level (even the specifoc spell nwp it was based on didnt scale with level)
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Well, if we will play without Justin I'll take the riddle master.

What I think is overpowered for the skald is that id adds (19HP, +1 Atk, +1dmg, +1AC, +3Morale)X(#players) so the bonus to the whole group is huge. It also play part in the 'inspired performance' only that it's +2X#players instead of (+6+19HP)X#player.

but no munchkin-ing this time, right? :)

I saw that the gauntlets of dexterity also allow non thief to pick pocket and open locks as 4th level thief and add 10% for thieves. So since bard has pickpocket, I assume it adds 10% to it, but since it is already at 95% I'd move bonus points to climb walls to end at 95% pickpocket and 85% climb walls and 37% open locks. (Once getting the open locks by the gauntlets and having bonus points as advancing in levels could these points be used to increase the open locks percentage as well?)
What can be done with flying at class D? besides Flying of course, what are the allowed maneuvers? How does it affect battle? It is sure good for bards inspiration and rallying troops :) unless the bards get shot by fireball and burst into flame while flying above the group...
I also saw that the Luck Blade gives +1 to all S.Th. which are not currently updated at the character.

About alignment, he is lawful good, but the laws he obeys to are elven, so to humans laws he might less obey if he thinks they are not righteous. (does it make sense?)

I saw you marked the henchman HP in red. I thought you would roll them, but I don't mind if you want me to roll it.
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

BishGada wrote:Well, if we will play without Justin I'll take the riddle master.

What I think is overpowered for the skald is that id adds (19HP, +1 Atk, +1dmg, +1AC, +3Morale)X(#players) so the bonus to the whole group is huge. It also play part in the 'inspired performance' only that it's +2X#players instead of (+6+19HP)X#player.

but no munchkin-ing this time, right? :)

It's true this is a powerful effect at high level, but the skald's effects end when he receies his first wound; a bard's do not.

Elves dont strike me as the viking type, however (especially the not-reading bit).

the gauntlets will allow you to pick locks at 45%, you cant add skill points to that. The gauntlets have the ability, the wearer does not,

i'll take a look when i have a chance and adjust the thief skills and saves appropriately.(and i'll move the 10 pts from pick pocket to climb as you mentioned)

so the boots are the fastest, but the clumsiest available.
according to DMG: Class D. Somewhat slow to reach masx speed, wide turns, forward movement equal tonhalf the movement rate is required. Turns are limited to 60 degrees per round. make 1 'pass' every 3 rounds

you can read more in the DMG under Chaper 9: Combat (Aerial Combat) on the purple worm site
as for how flying affects battle, that is much too broad a question for a single post. it affects your mobility and positioning, not stats.

Lawful Good with respect to Elven society is fine, and totally reasonable

you can roll follower hps or i can, it doesnt matter
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

TristenC wrote:Elves dont strike me as the viking type, however (especially the not-reading bit).
Agreed. In my first post mentionin the Skald I wrote:
BishGada wrote:Will you allow Skald in general and specifically for an elf?
That's because I was skeptical it fits the settings.

So again, if Justin won't play I'll take the riddlemaster.

Thanks for the other stuff.

HP for Falar:
[8d8] = 34+36 Faldair the Fair Initial HP

I've put the + in the wrong place but it sums to 70HP.

Height 59", weight 98 pounds.
Age is to be discussed. Since he is experienced I assumed to give high age after the base, so initially I wrote 234. Then I looked at the phb and saw the age effects and I wonder if you use them. If so Galan should have -3 Str, -2 Dex, -2 Con, +1 Int, +2 Wis. Which means he will have Con 4 and probably die of heart attack at the first mouse he will see :). On the other hand he will have Int 19! will you allow it?
One more thing to consider is that 234 for elf seems equivalent to 60 age for human, which I'm not sure is what require for high level. I think that for humans to be at level 19, it is reasonable to be at age that range from 30+ -to 50+ which is still in the middle age.
Taking all that into account I thought he can be at age ~200 but I wanted to know if you will work with -1 Str/Con and +1 Wis/Int which will grant immunity to 1st level illusions and loss of 19 HP!! (BTW are there gauntlets of super constitution similar to ogre power or giant str?)
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

skald yes, for an elf no. sorry, busy week.

i do use age affects. just because an elf is experienced adventurer doesnt mean he has to be 200+. even 10 or 15 years would be plenty for argument sake. if that's what you want to do, i'll certainly allow it though.

not sure about the gauntlets

i dont see any con bosting items
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

I assume I'll stay "young" 148 years old elf.
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

ok, age at 148. Did you have a height and weight decided for him or shall we just determine it randomly?

so, you have 8 languages listed
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Kender, Orc, Draconic (evil or good?), Giantish, Sign language, Kobold.

if you want draconic common, choose either evil or good (as there are different ones)

Riddlemaster then?
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

I want to get this thing off the ground.

I added your previously listed height/weight to the sheet, and details for the Riddlemaster kit
-Riddlmaster kit adds a +5% to CW, DN and RL, which i have added. let me know if you want to adjust any of these as this puts 2 scores above 95%
-riddlemaster doesnt specifically allow longsword or longbow, but since he is a High elf and it is such an important part of their culture i'll allow it

Regarding the languages you had 1 more listed than he should have, but since you've settled on the Riddlemaster kit it actually gives you a bonus language; so now i just need clarification on which version of draconic you want (Good or Evil?)

He also gets reading/writing for free as part of the kit,
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Are rouge abilities limited at 95%?
We spoke of the gauntlets adding 10% to pickpocket and eventually decided on 45% open locks. Have you used those in your calculations?
In any case if there is 95% limit and the numbers are with the armor worn, then I'd move points such that DN PP RL will have at least 95% and CW the rest. If CW is also at 95% and there are still remaining points, add 1/7 of the remaining points to CW and 2/7 of these to each other ability.

I'd go for Good dragons.

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

you can make them higher than 95 to offset penalties in a situation (like slippery walls, difficult listening situations, etc) but can never benefit from a roll higher than 95,, even if the score is 100+

i just added the 45% pick lock to his sheet. it is listed next to the gauntlets as they provide him the ability. we didnt 'decide' on this really, it'd a listed ability. The gauntlets would allow someone previously unskilled to pick pockets, but they wont boost that for someone who already knows how
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

I see. OK, so please transfer 5% from DN and 5% from RL to CW ending with 90%, 95%, 95%, 95%.
What does "Little bit of everything: 95% (5%/lvl, 1d10 rnds)" means? I thought it is a general expression for role playing but what are the percentage and what are the 1d10 rounds?

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

Will do.

"Little bit of everything" is a bard ability that increases with level. It is the un-adjusted chance he will know some random information about something he is checking into. It is kind of a 'catch all' skill. He has a chance to identify special magic items that might have rumors around them, or certain markings or stories or just piece together things from tales he has heard that might pertain to the subject under investigation.

Of course if information on the subject is extremely scarce or common, there will be an adjustment to this number. 1d10 rrounds is how long it takes him to come up with whatever information he can from memory.
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Thanks. Any assumption when will the adventure start?
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

Ok, hopefully we will be able to start soon... please choose your memorized spells for the beginning of the adventure ^_^

Spells Memorized (4/4/4/4/3/2/-/-/-)
1st level:
2nd level:
3rd level:
4th level:
5th level:
6th level:
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

1st: Phantom Armor, Enlarge, Charm Person, Disarm
2nd: Zala’s Lifeforce Guardian, Cat’s Grace, ESP, Hypnotic pattern
3rd: Invisibility 10' radius, Fireball, Dispel magic, Alternate Reality
4th: Stoneskin, Polymorph self, Improved Strength, Minor Globe of Invulnerability
5th: Teleport, Telekinesis, Demi-shadow monsters
6th: Anti magic shell, disintegrate

I might change the spells (especially since I don't remember their descriptions ;) ) but I think it is a solid start.
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