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Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:25 pm
by TristenC
The night is fraught with fitful, incoherent dreams rather than the ultra vivid nightmares of the last few days. Haunting echoes and traces of their past creep forward from the dark recesses of the mind; taunting, startling and haunting every restless moment. Like lightning they flash into being, and like so much chaff in a windstorm they scatter. Bleary eyes crack open in the early hours, odd aches and recollection of the horrific dreams waning as wakefulness grows.

The grey-bleak dawn has come… and the road lays ahead…

It is now Monday, March 3rd, 736 BC (Barovian Calendar)

-The party sets off today for Harmonia and ultimately the wilderness in search of the fabled Crown of Souls!

Artanis and Adrastia have planned to stop at Jackques’ farm to pick up some food supplies, which shouldn’t take long

The above is mostly flavor regarding a rough night. It has no real in-game effect on sleep for recovery/casting purposes this time. Casters pick your spells for the day please.

Sorry for the minimalistic intro, just trying to get things going.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:17 am
by Chris1234
On morning of March 3rd, Jerry memorizes:
1. Colour Spray, Magic Missile

and prays for:
2.Spiritual Weapon

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:32 am
by Jenara
(She'll swap Comp Lang's for another magic missile, otherwise all as before)

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:17 pm
by TristenC
Downstairs the common area is fairly clear aside from Adrastia and Artanis waiting at table. Anyone joining them soon finds their breakfast needs met by the attentive waitstaff.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:48 pm
by Chris1234
Jerry and Merrick join the others at the table.
She nods to all, "Oh for a dreamless sleep! Anyway, morning ladies!"
She just asks for a little water; no other breakfast necessary.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:51 pm
by Jenara
Mira slips on her most comfortable traveling outfit, slipping her blade through her belt, and whistles a tune, the Nightmares... Always with the Nightmares, she'd probably never get used to them.. could she cope with them if it meant actually having someone remember her name?

"Morning. Yeah the dreams do grate somewhat, I find staying mostly sober helps, never get so drunk you can't remember what you did! It really makes them worse." Mira suggests as she slides into a chair, ordering a full breakfast and mug of Ale. "So we head back today? Part of me will miss this place, I have to return.." she adds remembering her bodice and hoping it will get some use.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:45 am
by thawizkid
Adran memorizes Detect Magic, Magic Missiles, and Web.

Adran joins the group at the table and says, "Good morning - it appears that I might have overslept just a bit." Adran ads, "these dreams are quite strange and mysterious to me, I really can't find meaning." Adran orders an ale and breakfast. "When do we leave?"

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:56 am
by Chris1234
"Hey Mira! Yep, remembering where and you are is good," answers Jerry with a wan smile. "If I knew where that was though, I'd tell you."

"Guess you did," said Jerry to Adran. "Were your dreams, uh, 'comfortable'? Or..?"
She shrugs, ""Not sure exactly, but shortly, i believe."

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:03 am
by thawizkid
Adran responds to Jerry - "I would describe my dreams as strange and indiscernible. Hopefully they become clear!"

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:07 am
by Nocturno
"GOOOOOOOOOODMORNING SKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLD!" Pyros will shout while rubbing the shoulder that was in the wolf's vise like mouth.

The shout will startle Cross awake.

He will calm himself, and pull his spellbook close. With his nose in the book, he will walk down stairs behind the bouncing Kender.

1st level: Burning Hands(Phantasmal Force), Sleep
2nd level: Invisibility(Summon Swarm)

The brackets contain spells that need to be replaced or spent, so he can fill the slot.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:44 pm
by Jenara
"Jerry my dear, I'm where people who care about me are." She grins shooting Elsa a wink, "Dreams or no dreams, that matters a lot."

"So, the farm then Harmonia? We get supplies then go into the countyside. We need torches.. those wolves will be out there are there are no houses to protect us." She asserts quite firmly.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:08 pm
by Chris1234
"Of course," and answers Jerry (squeezing Merrick's leg under the table.
Still facing Mira she suggests, "Perhaps some oil would be useful too. And if anyone sees some garlic, please do get me some."

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:12 pm
by Jenara
"Garlic? Fancy doing some cooking?" Mira asks with a raised eyebrow.

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:21 pm
by Chris1234
"Yes," replies Jerry. "I hope to cook someone's goose."

Re: Act 2 Scene 2: “In Search of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:32 pm
by thawizkid
Adran offers, "I'll help with the supplies, especially the garlic!."