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"Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

Moderator: TristenC

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"Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

Post by TristenC »

Summaries for various Acts/scenes

Color coding:
Date: usually used at the start of a summary or in reference to future plans.
Area of Interest: usually a town, farm, dungeon, natural curiosity, etc
Location of Interest: usually and establishment or area within a community.
Important NPC: only for first chapter introduced, or when mentioned again after a long time.
Important Game information/item
Direct quote from an NPC: typically only used when tied to important information

Preludes and Solos: An Unexpected Foray into the Demiplane of Dread

Act 1, Scene 1: "Together in Harmony"

Act 1, Scene 2: “Taking Care of Business”

Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony"

Act 1, Scene 4: "To Skald"
Dreams, like nagging insects, continue to plague the group. Perhaps brought on by tired minds and bodies from the defense of the Ontash farmhouse… This time the dreams take the form of hundreds of were-creatures assaulting the small homestead, crushing like a tide of fur and glowing eyes until the party wakes to the smell of…

The morning of Wednesday February 28th (736 BC) has finally come. Maria has prepared a splendid breakfast for the group and the group digs in while preparing themselves for the day. [Bacon apparently being a component of the ultimate summoning spell] Ontash is found outside tending chores with his newly healed leg (thanks to Elsa). Pyros goes out to brush horses and talk with the farmer, who thanks him gratefully but cautions him against the creature and many other things. Pyros takes the warning as any Kender would, in-stride with half a mind. Mira inspects her wound from the night before, but the injury is small and doesn’t appear to be infected. The party still has no real idea how or why one person might be affected over another. The only members to have encountered creatures like this in their homelands maintain that it is a gamble of odds that seem to favor transformation the more severe the wounding.

Last night the were-beast escaped, and the mood of the group is decidedly fixed; the creature must be stopped. Unquestionably. The party speculates that the creature only attacked when provoked or an opportunity presented itself outside of the farmhouse. Jerry questions Ontash about the nature of nightmares, but he seems to think of them as normal; though he admits they had been worse for him of late; attributing it to their personal troubles with the creature. In short order the group collects their spent missiles from the night before, and Artanis quickly catches up the trail.

Adran, the newcomer of the group, is hesitant to leave. He remarks that he has finally found a reference book he has been searching for over half a century. When he acquired it the object was impossible to open; but somehow, here in this strange place, he is able to do so. He stays at the farmhouse to study it while the party searches, not knowing whether the book will ‘seal itself’ again at any moment. He perhaps thinks the group will return once they track down the creature. Cal decides to stay as well in case the farmhouse needs defending again. He also plans to catch up on sleep and get in a little study of his own.

The group sets out along the trail, Artanis taking the opportunity to point out various markings to Pyros and guiding the curious Kender’s energy to the ways of tracking. The wolf-man tracks meet up with two sets of normal wolf tracks, likely the ones that escaped. The woods are incredibly thick, which makes tracking easy but travel difficult; though the ranger’s lead compensates for that. The blood from the trail peters out and the wolf-person tracks end where a pair of barefoot human tracks begin. The trail ends at yet another farmhouse, somewhat dilapidated compared to the Ontash homestead.

The party discusses their strategy for approach, finally deciding that Artanis and Pyros will circle around while Mira and Merrick use invisibility spells to approach the opposite side unseen. Elsa, Jerry and Cross will hang back until required to rush to wherever they are needed. The approach goes well enough, and the groups signal each other. Mira and Merrick attempt cantrips to cause the sound of dogs barking (though Mira fails, causing her a splitting headache). The sound causes some movement in an upstairs window. Quietly Pyros and Artanis approach the opposite side of the house, where the Kender unlocks the door. Artanis finds a hostile wolf inside and begins to try to calm it, just as Pyros throws open the door and begins barking and yapping at it like an aggressive dog! Another wolf is present and the pair quickly take the canines down.

Suddenly, the door to the kitchen practically explodes in a shower of flinders revealing the Wolf-Man from last night! Mira rushes headlong across to the door the Ranger and Kender went in while Cross, Jerry and Elsa approach the house; taking cover at the structures. The creature takes up an iron fire-poker and Artanis closes and begins to trade blows with the beast, finding too late that his silver weapon isn’t effective against the creature! Seeing the beast attack, Mira lets loose a stream of magic missiles while pyros employs his hoopak firing magical stones. Artanis takes the brunt of the attack, his wounds adding up and staggering him from the loss of blood. Elsa, hearing the conflict, breaks down the kitchen door and rushes in from the other side just as the bard sends another volley of magic; putting the wolf-man down. The body shifts and transforms, just as the one in the jail, into the figure of a human man with black hair. The three healers in the party quickly patch Artanis back up to a more stable condition. Artanis stabs the body in the heart with his magical sword, just in case.

A search of the farmhouse reveals many things including a mysterious stone vial, bloodstones, a large bag of more than 800 silver coins, a trail map (leading from the farm to Harmonia, Skald and a place marked by skulls), list of names (with some crossed out and others the party recognizes), a pantry stuffed with meat products, a hidden wall-safe and a quartet of wolf-pups! Artanis easily convinces the pups the party means no harm, and the application of food quickly endears them to the group. He determines that they are just old enough to take training if the group decides to do so. A discussion arises on how to deal with them, but for now the group decides to let it lie. Pyros investigates the safe, but somehow fails to open it! Merrick (still invisible) confesses that he has a spell capable of opening it, which he can prepare tomorrow.

Artanis and Pyros investigate the barn, finding many tools and pieces of equipment which they plan to leave for Ontash to collect. After much discussion, the party decides that Mira and Elsa will try the road to get back to the Ontash farm while the other spend the night in the new place so that Merrick can prepare the spell and open the safe. The two women leave and the rest of the group spends the evening with a fine dinner (thanks to Cross’ culinary ability) and some quiet discussion. Artanis takes some time to search the woods nearby and finds a few more items on his list of herbs for Rautant.

Mira and Elsa make their way along the road south. Along the way they share stories and chat about various things, including the fact that Akriel and Airand were on the list the group discovered. The road quickly leads past the Ontash place, and the pair find the family waiting for them but that Cal and Cross are missing! They relate their experience to Ontash, who is quite upset to learn that the creature was his neighbor! He muses that Jaconos was the lazy sort, who had taken advantage of his kindness many times and speculates that the creature wanted to drive the family off so he could take their farm. He is particularly upset that Joshua was killed over such a thing. The family again offer their thanks and a place to stay any time the group is in the area.

It soon comes out that Adran and Cal thought they had seen something in the forest and set out to investigate but never returned! Mira and Elsa take off along the same trail to find them, but quickly realize that they would just as easily be lost in the extremely dense forest. Returning while still able, they spend the night at the Ontash Farm; planning to wait to see if the others return by tomorrow. Maria cooks them a splendid meal and Mira sings for the family.

The next morning, Thursday February 28th (736 BC), the Gnome and Elf still have not returned so the girls say their farewells and set out to meet the rest of the party. Heading back Elsa teaches the bard a Halfling military song, [Tallfellow Spearmen song] with some of Maria’s cooking in-tow. The group is informed about Adran and Cal, and decides that the pair know the plan to reach Skald and the Broken Wheel and so leave the absent duo to find them there.

As they breakfast, Merrick uses a Knock spell to open the safe, revealing an impressive cache of Iron, Silver and gold weapons!!! The party divvy’s up what they can each use personally, and leave the rest with the tools in the barn for Ontash along with a note. Merrick, still invisible, decides it is better to drop the spell in the privacy of the farm than along the road. The party strikes out, once again, for Skald.

Along the road, the group releases the wolf pups into the wild; finally deciding that they would be too much of a risk in town. The town sits along a river, which borders to the NorthWest. A great white wall stretches from the water to high redstone cliffs to the East, atop which sits the well walled and protected Meistersinger’s Keep that overlooks the community below. Before the gates stands a ramshackle section of town called Out Town, where the less affluent and less law-abiding members seem to live. The foundation of the Old Fortress stands around the main gates, echoing the feel of ghosts and ancient history. The useable wall to the town itself is kept in good repair.

A quick conversation at the East gate directs them to the Broken Wheel, and their names are taken down. The party enters Upper Skald (the nicer area of town) where they can see the Clock Tower next to twin waterfalls against the cliffs NorthEast of town. The group quickly realizes that people are avoiding looking at them too long or passing too close to them, almost as if they carried some form of disease or strong odor. Soon they find the Broken Wheel, a smaller and apparently less successful establishment than the Wayfarer’s Rest in Harmonia, but still clean and in good order. Unfortunately, the proprietress Erris is nowhere to be found.

The group are expected, however, and rooms are arranged for. As the party takes lunch, they make note of the sparse patrons. One person in particular stands out, a dusky-hued woman wearing a rapier. Artanis jokingly asks Mira to find if the woman is single, and the bard promptly walks over to strike up a conversation; much to the Ranger’s embarrassment. Mira discovers that the woman’s name is Adrastia, and that she is obviously of Visitani stock (though more somberly dressed). The fighter warns Mira of the danger of impersonating the traveling people, and comments on the unusual nature of the group.

Mira explains that it is not meant to be offensive. The woman doesn’t seem to care either way, stating that she simply wanted them to understand it might make them targets to those who do not like the Visitani; also recognizing and admitting that the bard’s shawl is authentic and must have been a gift. Eventually they come to an understanding, and she gives Mira a brief rundown of the Nations and Tribes of the Visitani, for her own safety. She tells the bard “If any of The Blood ask you, say you are a Giogoto of the Naiat Tribe of the Boem people. Giogoto means 'trusted friend'.” Those things are not common knowledge away from the wagons. It will not help you with the locals, but if you run into a True Vistani, it may save your life.

Mira invites Adrastia to join the group for a time, and the dark-haired woman tentatively accepts, sharing that she is hunting “bloated, twisted, voracious... things.. They were once human...” and whatever controls them; though admittedly she has lost the trail. She recognizes the significance of silver in hunting the undead and shape changers. Through conversation everyone shares what they are hunting [undead, shape-changers, misshapen humanoids] and Adrastia gives some advice on what to use against shapechangers, those that Sing [Advising Iron] and those that don’t [advising silver].

The group shares their plans to meet Akriel at the Old Kartakan Inn on Sunday, regarding an item; the Crown of Soldiers, or perhaps Crown of Souls according to other information. Elsa suggests they check the place out tonight. The group discusses their plans for the rest of the day and split up; Mira, Elsa, Adrastia and Pyros in Group A / Artanis, Cross, Jerry and Merrick in Group B. Everyone makes their way to the East Gate, where the groups split up.

Group A follows the wall dividing Upper Skald from the Western portion of town, filling Adrastia in on The Crown and why they seek it. They soon come to a curios shop named the Glass Eye. The proprietor, a balding, middle aged man with spectacles named Chales Cordivan, seems the cheerful and helpful sort. Mira reveals one of the bloodstones she found and the pair haggle over it, eventually settling on the price of 150 gold and the blacksmith puzzle. After some other minor purchases the trio moves on to find the Old Kartakan Inn.

Group B follows Merrick into Lower Skald, the less affluent part of the town. He leads them off a side street past a local Park towards the river where the Lower and Upper Toll Bridges stand. The feeling of being avoided is stronger in this area of town. From here can also be seen The Wharves and an active Saw Mill. Artanis and Cross peel off to go fishing along the river, noting the lumberjacks on the waterway guiding massive logs to the mill. The impressive thickness of the surrounding woodlands eases the Ranger‘s mind about seeing so many trees downed; comfortable in the fact that the forest would not suffer. Meanwhile Jerry and Merrick quickly locate the Papermaker.

The proprietor, a man in his middle years with thinning blonde hair, recognizes Merrick; and Jerry inquires about learning something of the craft. Gradually Imer Porteau agrees since he has a large order to fill; free labor for a few days in exchange to “…cram as much about papermaking into that pretty little head of yours as it can hold.” The pair move off, briefly investigating a common workman’s inn called The Wooden Mug, before heading to the magic shop Merrick knows of named The Stone. Along the way, the pair discover that Artanis and Cross have moved on to fish The Wharves. The pair of fishermen seem content, but they remain observant of the comings and goings at the docks.

Back in Upper Skald, Mira leads Group A North then East along the riverside where they pass a well-to-do gated boatyard known as the High Wharves. Nearing the cliffs they see a breathtaking sight as the twin waterfalls cascade down around a small island hidden in the mist (and midst) of the churning waters locally known as The Cauldron. A lone structure stands upon that island, a grand construction known as The Old Kartakan Inn. The shroud of moisture gives it an almost supernatural look, and shapes can be seen moving nearby. Elsa explains what they know of the crown to Adrastia.

The inn proves to be large and well kept with a separate bar, multiple dining sections (for people of various means) and rooming accommodations. The party decides to take lunch rather than announce their presence. The food is fantastic and not terribly expensive (though there is a seat fee). They learn through their server Sabrina that Akriel is a waitress here, though she has not been seen for a few days. During the course of the meal, the group hears singing from the kitchen! Sabrina explains that it is the head chef, and he sings often when preparing food. Before leaving, Mira invites Sabrina to attend her performance at the Broken wheel tonight.

Jerry and Merrick make their way to The Stone; a magic shop that his cousin sometimes has dealings with. The shop is similar to the Silver Scale, and is run by a suspicious man named Germaine in his forties with short-cropped white hair. The pair rent some reference materials and search for any mention of a Crown. Jerry comes across some curious info about problems with summoning spells (creatures turning violently insane) and planar travel (being completely theoretical). The proprietor is suspicious and not very helpful, and Jerry decides to try reading his mind. He doesn’t notice the spell, and all she can determine is that he doesn’t trust the pair in the least. After they leave, Merrick tells her that casting spells on people without their permission is illegal, as is any mind-altering magic. The pair make their way back to the inn.

On the way back to the inn, Mira spots an odd mansion-like structure. Approaching it she learns it is called The Grand Hall of Song and Dance. The building is affluent, bordering on opulence, but the quality of the music the party hears is somewhat weaker than that of the Harmonic Hall. Mira approaches a group of young people, all of which leave except for a very self-assured young teenage girl named Charlise. She comments on the unusual nature of the group and some rumors about Mira; not bothering to be diplomatic in the least. She finally realizes she has gone too far when she angers Adrastia with half-insults. Mira calms the situation and invites the girl to attend the performance that evening. Meanwhile, Pyros heeds the call of an open window and finds himself in one of the practice rooms. Eventually they retrieve him and head back to the inn.

Group A and Group B reunite at the inn, and Mira finally finds Erris has returned. The proprietress asks about Yasir, which inadvertently throws the bard into a melancholy. She goes up to her room to practice, and Jerry follows. The two have a quiet conversation about the land and relationships. Eventually Jerry leaves Mira to finish her practice. The bard comes down and fairly fumbles the first song, but the remainder of the performance goes well enough. Sabrina shows up, enjoying the music, but Charlise does not. Some of the musical selections garner questionable responses, and Erris remarks that Mira may be getting herself a reputation she doesn’t want. Eventually the performance ends and everyone retires for the evening.
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Re: "Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

Post by TristenC »

Friday February 30th, 736 BC
Artanis wakes before the dawn and decides to go fishing. At this point Cross and Pyros are still resting soundly (Cross having stayed up in study and entered his trance late), so the ranger goes off alone. He takes a quick container of coffee from the kitchens and heads out just as light begins to break. He makes his way to the river along the wall, and notes the much nicer High Wharves area.

Jerry and Merrick rise and study their spells for the day before having breakfast, (which Jerry skips, preferring to use her magical nourishment). Before long Merrick escorts her to the Papermaker, then goes off to sight see a bit. He meets her around lunch time, having looked into potential research avenues. The Grand Hall of Song and Dance, or in the great library of the Meistersinger’s Keep seem the only likely places to find info; but the latter would require an invitation or official writ, and the pair cannot get to either during the short break for lunch. As far as they know, there is nowhere else in Lower Skald that might have what they’re looking for. Jerry mentions the need for jewelry to use her Protective Amulet, and Merrick promises to ask around when she returns to the papermaker.

Cross decides to go to check out the Familiar scroll at The Stone. He asks Mira if she could be of help, and the bard agrees to accompany him. Pyros (who overhears Jerry is out making paper all day, and considers it not terribly interesting) also learns Cross is going to a Magic Shop!!! He quickly inserts himself into the group before they strike out. Merrick leads them to the shop and it’s proprietor; a man named Germaine in his forties with short-cropped white hair. Germaine is suspicious of the group to start, though Merrick merely introduces them and waits patiently aside as they negotiate. The bard haggles well, but still only manages to get his price down to 110 gp for the Find Familiar Scroll. Germaine is a little upset when he realizes Cross doesn’t have the funds at present to purchase the scroll, needing [Pyros and Merrick to help pay for it.] He also gets more than a little irritated at Pyros’ naturally inquisitive nature. Unfortunately (according to Pyros) the man is very rude and keeps glaring at the Kender, for no reason! He even is fussed at for playing with some of the little statues or whatever are around. What a grump! Occupying himself in the corner, he tries out his new puzzle, but can’t get the thing to work. Quickly bored with being told to mind his fingers, Pyros thinks maybe tomorrow he should go fishing with the ranger instead!

Elsa and Adrastia talk and check things out elsewhere, while the others are occupied at the shop. Adrastia wants to return to the Old Kartakan Inn to get a better idea of the layout, and to track down some rumors on the creatures she hunts. They arrive early enough for breakfast, and Adrastia makes some queries while Elsa has a small snack, enjoying the food immensely. The pair decide there is little else to be learned right now, though Adrastia resolves to return later either today or tomorrow to catch the tavern crowd and make some inquiries.

Artanis returns around noon to catch up with the others and take a load off. He is still a little uncomfortable in town, and muses aloud about venturing out. Adrastia reminds him of the dangers of going alone, and the pair resolve to step out tomorrow and see what they can see. Artanis intends to hunt down some more herbs and things, while Adrastia has a few leads to follow up on regarding potential tracks her prey may have left outside of town.

Mira and Elsa make their way to The Grand Hall of Song and Dance to check out the local music. Mira speaks to some of the local members, and quickly learns that the Grand Hall is –not- officially affiliated with the Harmonic Hall.. in fact, they are rivals! Many of the members look down on those in Harmonia as too showy and straying too far from the classic; though to the Bard’s ear, the Harmonians have the better musicians. In fact, she recalled a remark overheard in Harmonic Hall about how the establishment in Skald was too “rigid and self-important”. Even so, she can tell there is a quiet respect for the Masters of the Harmonic Hall; though compliments are kept close.

A few of the younger musicians seem interested in her style, and begin to ask questions before the discussion is broken up by one of the instructors. She is informed that “Access to the Grand Hall of Song and Dance is restricted to members and apprentices; except during venue performances.” She is also ‘invited’ to apply; though that might be too strong a word for the off-handed mention of the process: a series of interviews and demonstrations to determine if she would be “A good fit for the Illustrious Grand Hall.” The Grand Hall boasts a library even more expansive and impressive than its counterpart. The fee for research is 5 silver per hour for non-members, and 1 silver per hour for members; but at least there are caretakers to aid in finding the right area for a search.

A few other young performers (mostly in their late teens, early twenties) approach Mira to talk. She is asked, rather directly, about her association with ”… such an unassuming little place as the Broken Wheel?” And could she not find a better place to allow her to play? Perhaps the Golden Lute? Or the Old Kartakan Inn? Yes, her style might be appreciated at the latter… Or maybe she was lying low for some reason? Could that mean the rumors of her… nocturnal activities were true? Or at least somewhat so? Had she been to Out Town yet? It was a dangerous place after dark, but surely she being a wanderer could handle such things. And she had been spotted here the day before with another of the ‘Traveling Folk’. Had they come for some mysterious task? Or was there some prophecy or disaster in the air? Everyone knew the Gypsy women read the stars and their cards and gazed into crystals, and could she do that? Of course, she must! Mira finally had enough with all the chatter when they began to ask her to read their palms, promising they wouldn’t tell others she could if only she would do for them just this once. Extracting herself from the group, she bids them good day and escapes with a bemused Elsa.

The two women spend the rest of the afternoon checking out local establishments and talent. Most places don’t have music until around dark, but they do encounter a few musicians in the square or in small park areas. There seems to be an odd dichotomy. There are those who stick to classics and traditional styles (the local majority and some of which who are remarkably skilled), and those who play with a more individualistic or improvisational style. The population seems likewise divided between which they appreciate and which they avoid with distaste. Mira’s first performance in town, it seems, has stuck her clearly in the more individualistic camp.

Evening comes and the party regroups at the inn. The regular performer is here for the weekend, and the inn is slightly more populated than before. The Incomparable Jiacamo proves to be a fastidious looking fop-of-a-man with a pencil-thin mustache and goatee. He sings some local classics known as Mora, which they learn are common songs everyone in the realm learns as children to teach morals. He uses few embellishments, sticking to the original style but performing the more intricate versions. One in particular stands out; warning of dangers in the mist, and the treacherousness of wanderers chance-met in the forest. He plays the violin as well, with a passing grace, and performs mostly instrumental numbers with it. At his break he practically preens as a few locals come to speak to him, but soon waves them away so he can take his meal in peace and prepare for the second half of his performance. The second half goes much like the first, the finale being apparently a very popular Mora that everyone sings along to. The words are in a different language even than Harmonian, which Erris explains is called Old Kartakan. She also explains that this one basically exalts the comfort and safety of ”good fire, good fellowship and good song; safe inside walls of wood and stone until the threat of night has gone.
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Re: "Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

Post by TristenC »

Saturday March 1st, 736 BC
Artanis rises early as usual, meeting up with Adrastia in the common area. Pyros wakes early enough and insists on tagging along if possible. After some planning, they decide to cross the river to the North of town; Artanis having briefly checked the area South as the party approached the town. Adrastia realizes, from her trip to the Old Kartakan Inn, that the river can be crossed there without using the toll bridges. The two make their way across, past the Old Shacks [Area 14 on map]; a series of shanty-style sheds and structures with patches of Meekulburn berries overgrowing the area amidst the noise and mist of the waterfalls. Traveling on into the wooded areas beyond, the ranger searches for more of the items on Rautant’s list while Adrastia searches for any signs of her prey. The warrior has little luck, while the Ranger and Kender find several items from his list [Amaranth, Bullrush and Lungwort]. The two return to The Broken Wheel around noon to meet up with the others.

Merrick drops Jerry off and confesses he won’t be doing much today. Apparently today marks the celebration of New Year’s day in Sithicus; a day for fasting, reflection, and thanksgiving. He returns to the inn to seclude himself, but remembers to ask regarding jewelry for Jerry’s Protection spells. He speaks to Erris finds that there is a temple in town near the main square. He makes his way to the small structure, and spends some time in prayer. [Area T, just south of the main square].

Mira and Elsa do a little more sight-seeing, including the Golden Lute, which is a large, bright, friendly looking place with nice accommodations; a small step up from the Wayfarer. There is a musician there around noon, a man in his 30s who plays the lute. His style is actually more improvisational, though she overhears someone say they prefer the more straight laced regular performer in the evenings. It seems some places make use of both styles in order to help more people feel welcome. Precious few other places on their route have musicians during the day; most only providing entertainment once dark has begun to fall.

Cross rises early and prepares for casting the potentially extremely long ritual for summoning a familiar by eating a massive breakfast, money taken out of the allocated party funds for food. Once sated, he returns to his room and opens the window. He recites the scroll properly, and the smoke of incense rises from the parchment as he meditates. The response is far quicker than anticipated, only taking 5 hours before he is greeted by a curious avian… A stately raven, largest he has ever seen, perches to lite on his windowsill! The bird’s feathers are glossy and healthy looking, and the large bird stands well over one foot tall. The eyes gleam with cleverness, and it seems the very picture of health. Without a squawk or call, it flits down; hopping over to the elf to begin the ritual. Directing the threads of magic, Cross reaches out to the bird’s mind. The raven hardly hesitates before reaching back; and a bundle of thought and sensation flows through the bond, like a small window into the new-come familiar’s feeling, completing the ritual! Gar grumbles incomprehensibly for an hour or so after the appearance of the Raven, which seems intrigued with the talking dagger.

Jerry continues to work hard, cramming in as much papermaking knowledge as she can; taking notes and practicing the language along the way. Imer Porteau is a practical teacher, showing once, then having Jerry perform a task a few times under his watch before leaving her to it a while before moving on to the next. At midday, Merrick joins her for a quiet walk through the park; neither of them eating today. He shares that there are two shops in Upper Skald that might work for her purposes: the first is a Curios shop named the Glass Eye that maintains a wide array of jewelry. Another shop, The White Ribbon can make jewelry to order, but is much ore expensive. He also shares that he has heard an odd rumor regarding Harmonia in passing… apparently a local was found in the street with their head caved in; body drained of blood… very unusual compared to occasional ‘disappearances’…

Around noon the others (aside from Merrick and Jerry) reconvene at The Broken Wheel; relating their experiences. Cross takes the opportunity to show off his new companion and eat a more than healthy lunch. Adrastia makes it known she will return to the Old Kartakan Inn a little before dark to catch the bar-crowd and try to tease out some rumors. Mira and Elsa decide to check out the musicians in Lower Skald, having explored the richer part of town the day before. Artanis, having promised to take Pyros fishing, resolves to do so near the inn so that Adrastia will have backup if needed.

Mira and Elsa find that in addition to musicians, the West side of town also boasts a few street performers; including a woman who seems quite adept at juggling knives and swords. The musicians seem to be on-par with the quality in the richer area of town, but favor the more individualistic style on average than the Classical. Mira gets the sense that she is being followed during their walk, and soon realizes that the winding loop through Lower Skald is a prime setup for pick-pockets. Fortunately, being wary lessens the danger and the women proceed safely. As evening begins to draw near, Merrick picks up Jerry and the four return to the inn.

Meahwhile, Artanis and Pyros pass a pleasant afternoon fishing. Adrastia meets them an hour before dark, having drummed up some meager information about her prey… several of the bloated creatures she hunts had been seen far to the East near a red-clay canyon. Unfortunately, the information isn’t precise enough to guide her investigation; but the tidbit is filed away. Everyone meets back at Erris’ inn before dark, where The Incomparable Jiacamo performs a set very similar to the one the night before. This time he spends his break chatting up a pretty blonde woman who seems enamored with him. He struts and preens like a rooster; that is until he falls victim to one of Pyros’ practical jokes by eating a mouthful of horseradish rather than the grated parsnip he was expecting!! Several patrons find the event quite amusing, but the musician turns bright red in anger and refuses to go on for the rest of the night. Mira, always ready, offers to finish the set but Erris asks her to hold off; not wanting to cause a conflict between the two performers should it lead to suspicion that the bard had planned it. The rest of the evening passes uneventfully, though the dark night is fraught with troubled dreams…
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Re: "Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

Post by TristenC »

Act 2, Scene 1: "Legend of The Crown"

In a shared dream the group finds a golden crown high atop a pillar in a dark cavern. Pyros and Mira climb to retrieve it while the rest of the group hold off waves of undead in the nearby passages. Tendrils of mist begin to form and just as they are about to reach the Crown, Cross' magical dagger begins shouting to call the enemies closer! The tendrils of mists latch onto the climbers and they fall as the dream ends and the horrors descend upon the group.

The party wakes in their rooms at The Broken Wheel, scheduled to meet the girl Akriel today who would give them a lead on where the mysterious Crown might be found. Cross marvels briefly over his new Raven familiar, naming him Fenrir. He and Pyros head downstairs and join Artanis and Adrastia who are waiting. The others make much over the new addition, Artanis the Ranger even going so far as to calling him quite the specimen... considerably large and fit for his species [with] something of the look of cunning to his eyes. Fenrir seems suspicious of the group.

Up in the rooms Mira and Elsa share their nightmare somewhat and reassure each other that they will find a way home. Elsa shares details of the day she and Pyros traveled to Harmonia, where they were set upon by wolves. Elsa was grievously wounded and nearly killed but despite the hopeless situation Pyros had remained by her side. Mira and Elsa join the group downstairs and the Bard brings up the nightmares to see if all are the same.

Jerry and Merrick have a similar conversation, though the male half elf brings up the subject of Jerry's father in the context of the nightmare. The pair spend a few moments enjoying each other's closeness. She reveals that the crown they seek might be the same as one she was foretold of by a spirit would be needed to put her father to rest. She makes her daily spell preparations, as does he, and they join the others downstairs just as the food arrives. Jerry brings up the dreams again, and soon it is revealed that her father is a Vampire and the Crown has been foretold to be the key to his destruction. Adrestia shares that she has a vague lead on the bloated, evil formerly human creatures she has been hunting being spotted in canyons in the foothills of the Blutespur, but no exact location.

The party makes their way to the Old Kartakann inn, a grand old inn on a small island nestled between twin waterfalls that cascade down with a dull roar that deafens all sound outside as it dampens the air with swirls of ever-playing mists. To their surprise they find Adran in the dining area, whom they had last seen at the Ontosh farm several days ago! He shares that he became lost in the woods but recalled their meeting and returned here. He elaborated that his investigation of the text he had was of Tannis Feywald, a mage who had seemingly been trapped in this world then vanished. He was also on the verge of unlocking the secrets of very powerful magics. Portions of the book are in code, and it seems likely another volume is necessary to decrypt it.

Mira takes from the conversation that there is a way out of this accursed land, and shares that the rest of the party had vanquished the wolfman. Jerry offers to read the scroll, but Adran forestalls that it should be done in private as Aglos' agents could be nearby. Merrick further shares that Rautant Dubuisson of the Toad's Toe in Harmonia had met this Tannis long ago and the two were friends.

As the party are discussing it, an elderly man leans on the table, hacking and coughing. Oddly he seems to be speaking in Elven around the coughing fits, indicating the front desk. As he leaves, the others notice a small leather scrip has been deposited on the table! Pyros follows the old man just in time to see him move through a secret passage in the hall behind the currently unoccupied front desk! The secret door leads to a short passage with a large locked oaken door. The remainder of the group follows more casually, and by the time they realize the leather scrip contains a wolf-headed key the Kender rogue is already through the lock.

The locked room proves to contain a table, chairs and benches designed for meetings. Akriel, hooded, waits alone for them and retrieves the key. The room looks to have been the site of many fights in the past, but is modestly kept. She remarks on the newcomers and introduces herself; explaining those she had originally met had agreed to help her. She reveals that after a week of investigation, she now knows the location of the Crown of Soldiers. She hopes her betrothed can use it to protect her from the woodsman who seeks to force her to marry him; and that the Crown can be used to send the party to their homeworlds. Her betrothed, one Dr Dominiani is quite a learned man and treats those with mental disorders. His extensive library, she reveals, was instrumental in discovering the Crown's nature and how it could be used to aid them. Finally the location is revealed as a canyon between Kartakass and Blutespur in a place described only as Where the Old Bones Lie.

Artanis draws out the map the group found at Jackques' farm that depicts a trail leading to a canyon marked by a crudely drawn skull. Pyros remarks on the similarity to Adrestia's lead. Akriel cautioins that it is a very dangerous place, and Fenrir echoes the sentiment to Cross mentally. Mira expresses interest in Dominiani's library and muses that the reason she has failed to turn up a lead must be that the Crown was not from this world originally as Akriel elaborated. Adran also expresses interest in the library. Mira further reveals that a list of names was found at Jackques' farm, and that Akriel's name is on it; a fact which the girl seems quite disturbed by.

Jerry eventually speaks up and asks several pointed questions about the girl, her family and Dr Dominiani. Akriel answers most of the less invasive questions, though she seems flustered by the barrage. She speculates that whomever had the list must be an agent of The Woodsman who was pursuing her hand. Jerry smiles and nods, but speaks aside to Merrick, still suspicious of the girl. Mira comes to the girl's defense. Akriel excuses herself but asks the group to leave a note with their decision to help or no. Pyros searches the area, finding only evidence of truly epic tavern-battles that must have been wrought in this very space.

Mira suggests to Pyros that he explore the alternate entrance to the tavern and he quickly slips out. She admits to being a little suspicious of Akriel as well. Merrick discusses Rautant and the journal further with Adran who seems excited at the prospect of speaking with the old man. Adrestia and Artanis begin working out via the maps the best route to approach the canyon; determining going back through Harmonia will be the quickest with the least exposure outdoors at night.

Jerry relents based on the rest of the party's reactions. She and Merrick split off to the paper-maker's in Lower Skald, but stand outside a moment in discussion. Adran, Artanis, Adrestia and Cross head off to the dining area to discuss things further while Elsa and Mira go in search of the Kender...

Pyros makes his way outside and finds the side entrance locked. Casually he picks the lock and finds himself in a stuffy stairway with stains on the wooden walls and stairs resembling wine.. or blood. It seems certain Akriel came out the front of the inn this way, but he cannot tell if she entered this stair or continued outside. Cautiously he checks for traps but finds none on the stairs. He listens carefully at the door before unlocking it. He finds a sort of common gathering area, obviously for employees, and rows of doors that seem likely to serve as their quarters.

One of the doors opens and a staggeringly beautiful Elven woman with platinum hair seems to detect him but not exactly see him at first. Pyros remains silent and tries to move to the door, at which point she spots him. She speaks perfect Elven in a voice like silver chimes. Pyros says he is leaving and she smiles and says the same, offering for him to go first. The Elven woman introduces herself as Coraline. As they reach the exit, she says that she seems to have forgotten something and closes the door, locking him out.

Elsa and Mira search outside but don't find the Kender, as they are about to re-enter the inn when the side door opens, revealing the most beautiful woman either of them have ever laid eyes upon. The woman remarks in Elven about “so many new face”. Mira greets her formally and describes Pyros as she asks about him. Coraline introduces herself and notes Mira's description as 'child like' but not a child. She takes a second look at Elsa before indicating that Pyros exited into the dining area and that Staff's quarters are off-limits... unless invited, of course.

Pyros rejoins the others, describing his interaction and the beautiful Elven woman who spoke Elven without the flat music-less tone of those who use the local Elven. Elsa and Mira rejoin the others in the dining area after a brief word to Jerry and Merrick who are still outside. Afterwards Jerry and Merrick continue on to the papermaker's. Jerry reaffirms her suspicion of all the new arrivals. The pair continue their walk quietly, just a couple strolling through town. Once at the papermaker, Merrick observes the process as Jerry works to help fill the order.

Back at the inn, the group continue their planning, resolving to stay the night in Skald for Mira to perform, and head for Harmonia at first light to supply. Cross excuses himself outside and Fenrir enjoys the chance to stretch his wings. He remarks on Cross' inability to fly as well, though he seems content that Cross will eventually learn. Mira returns to the Broken Wheel and apologizes to Erris, saying she will have to leave in the morning. The inkeeper takes it in stride and gives her some words of encouragement. Mira confides about Yasir and about their helping someone in order to get home; promising to be somewhat more modest in her future performances.

Jerry completes her obligation at the papermaker and the pair wander off to find a local jeweler Jerry had heard of. Merrick leads her through The Old Keep, a hexagonal section of town with dillapidated outer walls, and into Upper Skald. The pair find The Glass Eye to be almost a curio shop with jewelry, antiques, various pieces of equipment, art and other oddities; run by a polite and enthusiastic man named Chales. Jerry misdirects Merrick and procures a silver pin with a green stone to give to him on his Name Day, which is coincidentally tomorrow. They return to the inn and Jerry sends Merrick on an errand while she prepares the pin with a Protective Amulet spell against Color Spray.

Mira goes upstairs to practice, with a complementary glass of [color=#800ff]Meekulbrau [/color]. The first half of Mira's performance is traditional and poetic and the crowd steadily grows. Throughout the night, several members of the party hear rumor of [color=#800ff]a brutal murder in Harmonia, where the victim's throat was torn out, but shockingly little blood.[/color]. Jerry cautions the others that it may be her father, and such a killing might result in more undead..

Mira meets a few new admirers (patrons), one of which is Erik Moreau son of a seargent of the Guard in Harmonia, and brother to Marie who works at the seamstress where Mira purchased a fine dress. Mira also spots Sabrina, a server from the Old Kartakann Inn. At the urging of one of her new fans, Mira performs a more Gypsy-style musical number for the second half of her set and dedicates it to her two new patrons specifically.

The music plays long into the night, fears and concerns for the moment forgotten; driven back by laughter and camaraderie. Friends and acquaintances and strangers mingle in the modest public house; the dark and the cold at bay for now. The long and difficult journey before lies waiting on the morrow, but tonight... tonight fellowship struck a chord to galvanize the soul.
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Re: "Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

Post by TristenC »

Act 2, Scene 2: Part 1 "In Search of The Crown"
Monday March 3rd, 736 BC

The night is fraught with fitful, incoherent dreams rather than the ultra vivid nightmares of the last few days. Haunting echoes and traces of their past creep forward from the dark recesses of the mind; taunting, startling and haunting every restless moment. Like lightning they flash into being, and like so much chaff in a windstorm they scatter. Bleary eyes crack open in the early hours, odd aches and recollection of the horrific dreams waning as wakefulness grows. The grey-bleak dawn has come… and the road lays ahead…

After brief discussion and preparation, they say their goodbyes and leave The Broken Wheel by heading South out of Skald. A few hours later they come upon Jacques' farm, as planned. Artanis scouts ahead and informs the group that a horse has been posted nearby, though the owner had no horses they knew of. At first they suspect it may be the local farmer Ontash, whom they had helped a few days prior. Pyros sneaks ahead and returns with news of a Gypsy man who seems to be ransacking the unoccupied farm.

Mira and Pyros investigate the farmhouse, fire laid, front locked but back door still broken. Artanis posts up near the unfamiliar horse while Jerry and Merrick head to investigate the Barn. Jerry calls out to anyone inside, having possibly heard something, and Mira quickly makes her way over with Adran. Jerry introduces herself and Merrick as A lanky dark-haired man steps from the door gripping a hammer loosely. He introduces himself as Pytor. He speaks concernedly of his grandmother named Marta, who apparently had vanished in the night along with her wagon. He immediately questions the party's motives, demanding What have you done with her?”

Jerry offers the group's aid to help find her, while Adran refutes Pytor's suspicion. Mira's initial comment is more along the lines of ”I mean this with the greatest respect, but crazy old lady..?", attempting to assure him she had probably moved on alone while he slept. The bard's comment only seems to antagonize the newcomer, though she dismisses it amusedly. Pytor again rebuffs the claim, saying the excuses were nonsensical and one does not merely vanish.

Meanwhile Pyros, Cross and Elsa continue to search the farm, finding a temporary barricade and searching carefully for any sign of others.

Pytor recognizes the gypsy scarf Mira wears, as well as the fact that she is clearly not of the blood. As the conversation seems to stall Adrastia comes into view. She immediately recognizes the style of Pytor's garb and equipment. She greets him as an Equaar, something that has little meaning to any but Pytor and possibly Mira. He greets her back with the honorific domnișoară, and apologizes for accusations as he seems to visibly calm. Again he names his grandmother, and it is Adrastia's turn to be suspicious. ... if you speak of the one others call 'Mad Marta.' I know her well, and she has no male grandchildren. she says coldly. Why the lies? Why her?' she asks, tensely.

Pytor takes the accusation quite sharply from one of the blood. In frustration he recounts a bit of the last few days where, for the first time he met Mad Marta, learned critical things about his past and learned that he had a long lost sister. Again he seeks to part company with the group, insisting he is being hunted by something. Adrastia stands in shock, barely able to speak her own name to ask if he recognizes it. Pytor smiles sadly, delivering an apparent message from Marta. A third time he seeks to leave, warning them of an avenging spirit.

Pyros, Cross and Elsa leave the farmhouse to see what is going on as Pytor makes his way to his horse tied nearby. Pyros remarks about wagon tracks, but Artanis searches around the barn; observing that tracks enter but none leave. Adrastia expresses disbelief at Pytor's sudden desire to flee after their finally meeting. She demands to know the nature of what is hunting him and offers for him to travel with them; offering her not insubstantial fighting ability to protect him as her long-lost family.

Mira too seems surprised at the revelation, asking if he had been recently and mysteriously displaced. She begins to introduce the others and invites him to hold off for a moment to speak inside. Jerry reintroduces herself more formally, and sets on a pot of tea. Pytor tells the others that the creature that hunts him is Barsali, an undead abomination of vengeance that once was his cousin. Furthermore he reveals that it was on the night that he was pursued when he first found himself in this strange land. Calmer now he behaves quite charmingly to Jerry, who seems to enjoy the attention but makes sure he understands she and Merrick are an item.

With the mood of the chance encounter mellowed somewhat, the conversation turns more typical. Pytor apologizes for taking Pyros for an elven child, which Elsa playfully prods the Kender about since he had not known of halflings at their first meeting. She reflects that Adran, Artanis and Jerry are from the same world, Mira, Pyros and Cross from the same; and follows up by asking Pytor directly where his homeland is. Pytor answers that he believed he was from the Sun Kingdom but recently learned he was actually from this land of mists.

Elsa is excited to learn they are from the same Kingdom, and shares details. Arestia elaborates on the nature of the half-vistani and speculates on the nature of the creature hunting Pytor. Idly Pytor mentions needing a shave and Mira promptly uses a cantrip to do so, inadvertently shaving off his prized mustache in the process; though Adran finds the cantrip useful. Perhaps to change the subject, several members of the party reiterate their offers to aid Pytor into destroying the undead Barsali. Adrestia mentions their search for the Crown will take them into the wild and hopefully away from the creature for a time.

Adran and Pyros mention the iron weapons while Artanis gathers supplies. Mira explains the significance of such so Pytor chooses an iron axe and Elsa also offers him a silver-faced warhammer. As the others do, Adran shares a look at his prized journal with Merrick. The Sithican is fascinated and goes on about the Tannis Journal that Rautant has.

The road makes easy travel, and an hour or so after what feels like midday (the clouds still obscuring the sky) the northern edge of Harmonia comes into vies. A rushing river borders the town North, high redstone cliffs to the East, and a stout wall to the West and South. As the party approaches from the North, they pass between a pair of tall stone watchtowers towards the lone bridge into the city. The Whirling Bridge of Harmonia stands before them, and a guard halts them for a toll, indicating the posted amounts. Mira translates the list of fees and she and Merrick lead the others in singing the Pledge of Harmony in order to avoid the largest fee. Adran inquires about residency and the guard explains there is no formal process, one simply moves in for an extended time.

Once the toll is paid, the group follows the main road (called The Loop) through Harmonia to the Wayfarer's Rest; a modest but well appointed 2-story inn on the corner of two main streets. Adran and Pyros make straight for the bar and the food as the others filter in, making arrangements for the horses and rooms. Guilliam Sartre, the inkeeper, greets them personally and with familiarity; inquiring in particular about the two apparent gypsies. The accommodations are quickly settled and he invites Mira to sing; which she naturally accepts.

Pyros and Artanis discuss the possibility of fishing, and set out to fish near the river on the north edge of town.

Cross and Adran set off to find the Toad's Toe, where they can examine Tannis' Journal. Merrick and Jerry discuss their own research regarding the Crown briefly and decide to follow the others to the secret magic shop. Talk quickly turns to the Journal, and Rautant speculates that Adran may be an 'outlander' as well. He Allows them to examine it, but will not permit it to be borrowed away from the shop. Merrick asks permission to copy a portion of it magically, but Rautant seems reticent.

Pytor and Adrastia step outside to walk and talk, the former bidding a charming evening to the women as he exits. The Giomorgio siblings discuss mainly the Moon Madness common to their kind, and Adrestia teaches her younger brother some ways to mitigate it. She also shares things about their mother and grandmother. Pytor confesses to some discomfort around the drinking at the tavern, and returns the conversation to details about their mother. She also shares a story of their childhood where he caught a snake by the tail at the age of three and she killed it with a stick before it could bite them.

Back in the shop, Adran discovers that the book seems to have been kept as a travel-journal by a man named Tannis Feywald. It is written with some shorthand style references but they manage to pick up the gist of it. The dates and times seem to correspond to the Harptos calendar of Faerun. One entry, some 50 years old, describes Tannis falling asleep in a fog and awaking in another land. He describes meeting Rautant and postulates that he must have traveled between the plains, and his shock that planar travel is utterly unknown here.

Tannis' theorizes that escape will be difficult but that there must be small, more stable access points somewhere. He mentions intending to search for a great library by one Dr Dominiani of the land of Gundarak. Afterwards the entries become strange and cryptic, as if the author is concerned with recording his thoughts lest others find them. Strange sigils and codes become more common, though they have no magic to them, and it seems clear they hint at some cypher between this volume and the one Adran possesses.

Rautant confesses he has no knowledge of other volumes, but that as far as he knew Tannis had gone to visit Dominiani to see the library. He tells them that the good Dr lives North in Gundarak, a few days north of Skald. They recall that Akriel had offered to have Dominiani show them his library as reward for their aid. Adran makes several notes about the information and symbols in the journal, as does Jerry.

Meanwhile, Mira and Elsa strike out for the Blue Bolt, a clothier where Mira had commissioned a green silk dress some days before setting out for Skald. The shopkeep Marie greets her and asks if the bodice she bought last time made an impression on her 'young man'. Mira sadly relates that he had chosen a different path. They gossip a bit about clothing and Marie mentions one Madame Brodeur, who Mira recalls as a stern-faced woman on her Bard College Board Evaluation, had actually been quite a wild 'free spirit' in her youth. Mira recognizes that gossip is an almost sacred pass-time among friends in Harmonia, and contributes some of her own: Namely that a powerful young Gypsy Man (Pytor) and his beautiful sister (Adrestia) have recently arrived in town.

Marie has a few questions about the gypsies, but talk soon turns to the silk dress and Mira goes to look at it. She is quite happy with the results. She tries it on and Marie marks it up for final adjustments. She sells the bard something new to wear for the performance that night.

In twos and threes the group filters back into the inn. Mira gives a performance that the locals and the Party enjoy.
Pytor grows reflective during the performance and more somber as the mood of the selections shift. He finds himself watching the bard closely and soon begins to partake of the local ale. Pyros does his best to dance the feet off of anyone willing; which predictably ends up being Elsa. Cross studies one of his books at a table with Merrick, Jerry and Adran; all clapping at appropriate intervals. Mira finishes her set strong, to much applause and patronage from the locals.

The party heads to their respective rooms and turns in for the night; dark dreams making restless mockery of their sleep...
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Re: "Oh the Tales We'll Tell" (Act/Scene Summaries)

Post by TristenC »

Act 2, Scene 2: Part 2 "In Search of The Crown"
Tuesday, March 4th, 736 BC (Barovian Calendar)

The moon was little help… The haze in the sky all but obfuscated the glowing ball aside from a pale halo, like that of a sickly angel or the wan flicker of an evil Wisp… the kind that lured adventurers to their deaths in the deep swamps and dark places of the wild. A little more light would have certainly helped… especially when those… Things had come pouring out of the trees.

A shared nightmare haunts each member of the group again, of a midnight ambush in the wilderness. Lupine creatures attack from everywhere in the claustrophobically dense forest. Cross' dagger begins loudly singing a song of slaughter in to draw the creatures nearer. Elsa's voice taunts and tempts Pyros towards the dark with promises of shiny interesting toys. Artanis explains that he couldn't stop the attack.. just natural creatures... just nature taking it's course. His words twist and he transforms into a wolf-creature with sinister, passionless golden eyes peer hungrily at the others.

Something unseen strikes Merrick down, and Jerry's father's voice chides her from the obfuscating night. In an instant he is upon her, drinking her blood and instructing that Merrick is too weak… but he’ll make a fitting first feeding...
Gar, Cross' dagger, begins to fly around of its own accord; doing its best to strike down the platinum haired Elf's familiar!

Aglos calls from the dark as well, taunting Adran and claiming to have found his prized volume in the struggle. Powerful magic siezes the militant wizard and begins to draw him away from the others into an unknown but certainly deadly fate; It is time for your first real lesson, my boy. Elsa appears again, this time tempting Mira. As the halfling steps into view she casts a spell upon the bard, forcing her to struggle step-by-step away from the protection of the group.

The sounds of struggle die out as each succumbs to the unrelenting night, until only Pytor stands alone; shaken and feeble from withdrawls. Bloodied, his sister makes her way out of the dark to him; bloodied sword in her hand and regret on her lips for having to dispatch the ranger. Her sobs are soon wracked with unnatural jerky motions of a different kind. Horror fills those brown eyes as she clutches her torso in pain. Fine hairs begin to sprout from the back of her slender but powerful hand, her gaze going to her brother. Mouth quivering in fear she rasps out a single word… run…! The call becomes a deafening roar as her face stretches into yet another bestial muzzle. He tries to flee, but trips and struggles to gain his feet. The gypsy-man’s eyes clench tight in pain and failure as the… end… comes…


Dawn breaks at the Wayfarer's Rest, and the party wakes in their respective beds; many sharing rooms with the very subjects of their betrayal the night before. Each wakes with some tangible simulacrum of their terror the night before; wrapped in sheets, pricked by splinters where bite marks lay, bruised from falling out of bed where they had been battered down... The group meet downstairs for breakfast, each with their reservations. Some comfort each other, others refuse to speak of the dreams, but each deflects or addresses it in their own way.

Adrestia advises them that the countryside is dangerous, though she is new to the group she is a native of this land and knows its hazards intimately. As they are leaving Artanis mentions that the group will be able to make better time, and thus fewer nights in the forest, if Elsa and Pyros can be content to ride. The group head North out of town and soon turn to the path marked on Jackques' map. An hour or so into the day the unmistakable stink of death wafts over the trail. Artanis investigates, finding a kill but not a fresh one. Jerry inquires further but all the ranger can say is: Just a deer. Wolves it seems. Not really enough left to tell much more after a few days in the forest.

Thick brush and rocky ground choke the land like a smothering blanket. The path winds back and forth in the uneven way of a game trail; though the ranger’s lead helps the group keep a steady move on. The horses plod along at the same rate as the rest of the group; the thick and twisty path through the forest an obvious impediment to any faster pace. Gradually the trail becomes more hilly, dipping into various natural depressions and small rises as they near the foothills. As night falls they make camp and the group agrees to take watch in pairs.

The watches are set and the group settles down. While on watch, both Cross and Pyros notice a sound moving through the forest near camp. Pyros listens carefully, but cannot quite determine what the sound is. After a few moments, Cross spots a few dozen yards away three humans fumbling their way through the woods; two of them helping a smaller that appears to be moving with a limp. Cross sends Fenrir his familiar to investigate and determines the figures are human and weaponless. Pyros carefully wakes Artanis, who arms himself and watches.

Cross begins to follow the figures with his natural Elven stealthiness. About 100 yards farther on, the smaller figure collapses, whimpering. Cross calls out to see if they need help. As what appears to be a family group, they respond fearfully to the voice in the night. Pyros lights a torch and rushes into the forest to find cross with Artanis watching over the camp. Cross draws closer and the man interposes himself between the pair and his mate and child who huddle behind him away from the 'strange figures in the night' that the Elf and Kender must seem. Again the man asks if the two would help them, and again Cross affirms.

Pyros moves forward to give them some rations, just as Fenrir sends shock and alarm through the bond; Danger! Predators!! The man's eyes begin glowing oddly in the flickering torchlight... Th... thank you, we are very hungry.. The huddling figures behind him stand to display the horrific transformation that has occurred while they were shielded from view! Jackalweres!!! Pyros hops away just in time as he shakes off the hypnotic effect of the leader and Cross sends Fenrir barreling through the night to warn the others!!!

To the perspective of the rest of the party, some time during the night Fenrir swoops into camp cawing frantically!!! Several party members wake up and begin to rouse the others, noting that Cross and Pyros are missing!!! In the forest, distant shouts and sounds of pursuit ring out as they slowly rouse.

The white-haired mage is suddenly confronted toe-to-toe by the Mother Jackalwere as the Father begins his ecstatic transformation behind her. The juvenile creature rushes through the woods in pursuit of the Kender. Pyros Taunts the creature as only a Kender can. The beast giggles and chuckles hideously, undaunted as an evil grin reveals filthy black teeth. Pyros turns and flees but the beast is faster, and begins tearing into him; spraying crimson blood on matted orange fur. Cross begins to turn himself invisible, but the creatures are too fast and he is quickly down.

Back at camp, the party arm themselves. Artanis and Adrastia move off into the woods to aid Pyros while Elsa casts a Prayer upon the group. Fenrir squawks and falls to the ground, weakened but alive; a harrowing indication of what must be happening to Cross out in the darkness. Fenrir feebly takes to the air, in an effort to lead the others to his master...

Adrestia and Artanis quickly reach Pyros and call for him to retreat to the others so they can look for Cross. As if in answer, a female Jackal creature appears in the woods behind Pyros about 30 feet away; a broad fan of blood marking her mouth, neck and chest. Blood very clearly not her own. Rather than retreat, Pyros arms himself and attacks but his strikes have no effect! Adrastia and Artanis' magical weapons prove more effective, though the Ranger's silver sword does not. The Juvenile peels off for other targets...

Elsa leads Mira and Pytor out into the forest, each with a hand on her shoulder since they cannot see well. Back at the camp Jerry, Merrick and Adran watch as red-orange eyes glowing in the night begin to circle them. The three prepare and as the male Jackalwere emerges from the night, Merrick blasts it with his Magic Missiles! The creature is upon him quickly and tears into the half-elf with savage black teeth! Jerry enchants a pair of rocks, turning them to Magical Stones. Adran blasts the creature in the side with his own spell, ending the threat to their portion of the combat.

Pyros backs away from the Mother Jackalwere, doing his best to Taunt the beast again. It works and she turns away from the pair it is fighting. Artanis and Adrastia waste no time in cutting the were-beast down with their magical swords. Fenrir cries out in the night, and Pyros rushes to follow the familiar to its master. He finds Cross in quite poor condition, but digs out some spare cloth, ribbons and twine to bind the Elf's wounds so he doesn't bleed out.

Elsa, Pytor and Mira encounter the juvenile Jackalwere. Each lands a blow, but only the old iron short sword of Kharus the Jailer that Mira wields seems to have any effect!!! The creature bites the Bard in retaliation. Elsa begins hurling her own Magical stones at the creature. She does some damage but it manages to injure Mira further before turning towards the Halfling. Jerry rushes to help while Elsa heals the bard. Jerry blasts the creature with another missile of magic and Mira does the same. The flashing lights dart forward to blast the creature squarely in the chest. A faint whine accompanies the crashing sound as it falls back to earth. Slowly the figure warps and shrinks, gradually returning to the form of a normal jackal…

Several members of the party are visibly shaken by the ordeal as they regroup and several rounds of bandages and magical healing are shared. These things are just hunting, Adrestia mutters, same as any other carnivore would. They are just more intelligent and cruel than most beasts. They all return to camp and Pytor offers to take watch for Cross who barely survived.

The remainder of the night passes without event and the dawn of Wednesday, March 5th comes. Pyros wakes with some sort of uneasy pain, but doesn't mention it to anyone. Travel is fairly uneventful, and Jerry sees to everyone's wounds throughout the day as Artanis and Adrestia guide the party using the trail map. Pytor is charming to the women as usual, and vets the new campsite. Mira cautions them all that if something else should happen tonight that all should be awakened. Pytor and Pyros go out into the night to lay traps to alert them should anything approach the camp.

Mira slips into a melancholy about her effectiveness in the fight the night before, but Jerry and Elsa both offer comfort and eventually she comes around. Pytor sees to the horses and shares stories of his traveling people, laying traps, traveling in the wild; all the while exuding charm to the ladies of the group. He even makes a gift of a small sprig of holly as a cloak pin to the Bard. Pytor prepares his violin as if to play, but a terrible screech comes out. He puts the instrument away and recounts more tales of his family as the others begin their sleep or their turn at watch.

The gypsy folk take first watch with Artanis as the others lie down to rest. The hours pass eerily, the sounds of the night dwelling creatures familiar but nonetheless ominous to the three outdoorsy folk. Eventually the turn comes, and they wake Elsa and Mira for the second watch… The Halfling keeps vigilant watch with her friend, and the time passes easily enough… until the sounds of the forest die off…. The quiet looms large in the darkness until the sound of cracking brush fills their ears! A monstrous blur of fur and teeth lunges from the darkness, bounding through the thick brush towards the women. It rears back on its hind legs and looms tall in the dark night; the burning fire of hunger and malice in its lupine eyes! Elsa cries out in surprise, nearly falling from her seat as it closes the distance with tremendous speed!

Mira blasts the creature with Magical Missiles and Elsa clips it with her mace. Most of the others quickly rouse, though Jerry is weary from the day's travel and takes effort from Merrick to wake. Elsa sustains some wounds from the Wolf-man. Pyros tries to Taunt the creature, but it has no effect. Merrick, Mira and Jerry send a swift staccato of magical force in unison; felling the creature. The body twists and writhes as it returns to its humanoid form. Artanis strolls up, twirling his magical sword to ensure the thing is dispatched, but the sight of the man stops him in his tracks. Hollowly he speaks but a single word, Erodh... He moves off, without explanation to check the Kender's traps.

Merrick speculates that perhaps Artanis knew the man, and the wounded are seen to. Elsa complains that her wounds itch oddly and Pyros finally voices the uneasy pain he has had since the previous night. Jerry uses some minor magical healing on each of them, and the unusual feelings recede. Pytor seems concerned there may be others, and Elsa informs the newer members of the party that Artanis had once spoken of a friend ofhis named Erodh, who had been injured by a huge wolf or something like that. Merrick suddenly recalls that night as well, and says that Rautant of the Toad's Toe had tested dried blood on Artanis' sword from that night which he had used to kill the original beast.

Merrick also relates that a strange spirit of some kind had appeared to Artanis at The Wayfarer's Rest and touched his forehead. At the new mention of undead, Jerry is immediately concerned. Mira voices that Artanis had been around them so long that he couldn't have been infected at that time at least. Adrestia and Artanis return to retrieve the body and drag it into the woods to be dealt with. Tense minutes go by before they return. Artanis doesnt say a word, but moves back to his bedroll and turns to face away from the others.

The watches continue uninterrupted through the unsettling night...
Yet the night remains full... of deadliness... doubt... and dreams...