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Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game thre

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

Calan seems about to dismiss the idea out of hand, but then takes a longer look at the Drow... what sort of trade? he asks, perhaps curious what such an exotic humanoid might have at his disposal.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by Chris1234 »

"I know some spells already that might be of interest; I'm exceptional at appraising, ancient history & herbalism, can sculpt and am good at religion and the history of my race. I'm fluent in many Underdark languages. And, of course, I know the details of my racial heritage," answers Linar.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

Hmm... Calan seems somewhat disappointed. We have professionals on-staff here at the keep for most of the mundane tasks you mentioned... at least those we have use for. I'm not strictly prohibited from accepting spells in barter, but... well it is discouraged. Still, if there is something useful enough... What sort of arcane would you be willing to trade?
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by Chris1234 »

"I can offer: Armour, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Colour Spray, Comprehend Languages, Mending, Protection from Hunger & Thirst. Certainly some of these are far less commonplace on the surface lands compared to 'below'. Also, less materially but perhaps more rare, I could offer some insights into the arcane abilities of my race," suggests the dark elf. "So, which of these things, if any, may be of interest to you? If several, I'm sure we can work something out."
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by ausie »

Garroth says “That sounds fair, I’ll be back in the
Morning to fulfill that... but just consider... I can do the same for any liquid..”
Garroth bows and takes his leave

Garroth Kazzak (Minotaur Ranger/Mage)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

The Keep, Bowyer/Fletcher: Garroth
Terrence bows in return. I understand. But since this shop is under the ownership of the keep, I can only accept in trade that which would be useful to the shop itself.

[Where would Garroth like to go now?]

The Keep, Hidden Alchemist: Linar, Vanidur
Calan considers the spells for a moment. Hmm... most of those are fairly common place, or restricted from their distribution to some degree like charm... I could only accept something that would be saleable by the shop of course... That immunity to hunger is intriguing. I could think of several practical and military applications for it. I think that would certainly be worthy of barter. I will accept a copy of that for that of the Identification spell.

Chris, roll your % chance to learn for Linar please :)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by Chris1234 »

Linar nods in agreement, "Thank you. Yes, that would be fine." He tries to repeat the words in Harmonian and then adds, "And if it's particularly lucrative, maybe you can give a discount if I'm passing another time with more coinage."

Learn TN85 [1d100] = 5
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

Calan grins, Perhaps

[Linar successfully copies Identify into his spellbook. roll 1d6 for the number of pages it takes please. I'll add it to your sheet]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by Chris1234 »

Linar replies, "Thank you." He grins back and adds, "Perhaps."

The elf gestures with a hand to indicate that he's moving onto another topic, "Anyway, as I'm here, would you exchange these for 4pps & 2 gps, please? Then maybe I'll be able to carry more stuff back and probably sell to you, making you even richer!"

He deposits a sack of 220sps on the counter.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

Calan smirks at the last comment, but changes out the coin for him
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by Chris1234 »

"Seriously, Calan, thank you," says Linar, and then tries to repeat it in the local language.

He then looks around whatever is on display *..and then returns with Vanidur to the military bunk area to wait* for 'Beefy'.
He continues to work on learning the surface trade language (Common).

Edited: insertion between *..*
Last edited by Chris1234 on Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by ausie »

Garroth might like to visit a Calan too.

Garroth Kazzak (Minotaur Ranger/Mage)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

Garroth expresses interest in the magical shop his allies were taken to, and is led by a squire through a series of turns and corridors. The layout of the keep seems to be intentionally confusing. Eventually he reaches an apparent dead end, but the squire knocks on a section of wall. After a moment, the stonework opens to reveal a secreted shop! All manner of concoctions line various pieces of railed shelving. Stones glowing with a magical light populate the room giving it a bright feel.

A robed human man seems to be just finishing up with his current customers, Linar and Vanidur.

The Keep, Hidden Alchemist: Linar, Vanidur
The human seems barely phased by the large Minotaur as he enters. Ah, welcome. I had heard there were other magic users among your group. My name is Calan, what can I help you with? he asks Garroth


Calan shows Garroth the Hidden Alchemist shop spell list:
L1 (100 gp): Balance, Dancing lights, Detect magic, Identify, Message, Preserve, Run, Sharpen, Tenser's floating disk, Ventriloquism

L2 (250 gp): Detect invisibility, Eagle eyes, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror image, Seal, Shatter
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by Chris1234 »

"Hey there, Garroth!" says Linar advancing to shake his friend's hand.
More quietly he adds, "I just gained 'Identify'. Really pleased with that." He looks Garroth in the eye for longer than normal and squeezes his hand to let the follow know he needn't buy the same spell.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: “The Edge and Back” (Group B: Main Game

Post by TristenC »

[Been about a week. Is there anything else Linar wants to do here? Otherwise i'll close up some things]