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General Knowledge

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

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General Knowledge

Post by TristenC »

Welcome to Genwald

This section is for common knowledge. More details known by individual characters will be listed in their sub-forums.

Sun Kingdom map (1 square is 5x5 miles or 25 sq mi) ... m.jpg?dl=0

Closeup of the Southern campaign area (including Fenris Forest) ... h.jpg?dl=0

Closeup of the Northern campaign area ... h.JPG?dl=0

The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

-The Sun Kingdom is one of the more advanced cultures on the planet. It bears one coastal border, and lies nestled between Elven and
Dwarven kingdoms. Magic use within the realm is partially regulated but prevalent (7 official major towers of Magi). The kingdom has
a history of good relations with the demihuman populations nearby, but misunderstandings are becoming more frequent and severe.
The long-time ruler, Good King Gregory the third of House Ulfbert, passes away in his old age from complications of a mysterious plague
that swept the capital and surrounding areas not five years gone. Now his young son Clarence the 1st, inexperienced, naïve, and
uninterested in ruling has been coronated. The 13 Great Houses strive to maintain their footing, while they and the lesser houses
cultivate any opportunities to advance their fortunes.

- Trade flows freely with many foreign lands, and the influx over the last few decades has introduced a more unpredictable economic
dynamic than previously anticipated. Strange cultures are becoming more and more common to see, as are monstrous humanoids
wanting to partake in ‘civilized’ society. Individuals of the more common monstrous races are tolerated on a regular basis if they obey
the laws of the realm, (goblins, half-orcs, half-ogres, gnolls, bugbears, etc) and can even become shopkeeps, soldiers and productive
members of society.

The Time Before:
Legends of the birth of mortals, the schism of the races, the rise of man, and the Kingdom of the Sun. [The Human perspective]

Ancient Past: Year 0 - 2900, OA (Original Age)
Pre-recorded history: (survived in tales, song, games, traditions, language)
[Commonly held beliefs by those who don't have more detailed information]

Gods' and godlike peoples* once roamed the earth. They fought great battles and wrought their kingdoms from the land. All peoples
are their descendants and vie for mastery of the world.

The world was shaped by the gods' battles. Peoples were scattered to the far reaches of the world by the 'Gods' War' so that they
would not unite and use the items of great power that the gods themselves had crafted to war with one another.

During this time were created the "Eternal Ones" who later became known as the elves. Other races were created by the gods,
corrupted from the eternal ones, or drawn from more bestial stock.

Many changes took place, but more is not known by most humans

Birth of Man: 2900 - 3040. OA
Creation then Transition from stone age to savage technological culture:

Eventually came man, and he was ill equipped to survive... he hid in caves, trembling at the rumbling of the heavens and the roaring
of the beasts... until man discovered fire...

Tribal humans bound together for survival. Gradually they learned to hunt well and cultivate the land. Hunters and fishers sustained
the tribes which lived near the forests or oceans and lakes, but sought safety in the field (where they could see danger coming).
The more difficult terrain lay yet un-tamed and rife with danger. The gods are present but reclusive and temperamental...

The Woods:
Roamed by Wild things (natural predators), evil spirits (monstrous humanoids), and demigods (Sylvan and High elves). Some human
tribes skilled in hunting and woodcraft managed to survive here with the blessings of the demigods. they followed certain guidelines,
taking only what they need. They revere the elves and forces of nature, and are allowed to sustain themselves. To the southern
forest the demigods are wild and violent and less tolerant ( Sylvan elves). Greater devotion to nature is demanded (druidic humans
emerge and survive), and the beasts are more fierce and strange.

The Mountains:
Inhabited by twisted, evil man-like things (goblins, orcs, other monstrous humanoids), tricksome spirits (gnomes), and a strange but
powerful short folk (dwarves). The mountains are an un-explored wonder. The gods of fire and stone live there, and suffer little the
whims of humankind. Few who venture ever return. Those who do are mad or broken.

The Sea:
Wild and untamable, titanic sea creatures and dragons live beneath the waves, the gods of Wind and Water rule here and humankind
quakes at their presence.

The Swamps:
To the East, deep in the wood only barely known by humankind now, the spirits of true evil and death reign. Not even the demigods of
the wood venture here without consequence.

The Fields:
Friendly, Half-measure folk (Halflings) live in the ground and help humankind survive. Semi-permanent tribal communities became more
stable. The first truly permanent known human settlements in the area established and grow. Predators and pack hunters still roam
and venture here, but gathering numbers/growing populations combined with permanent settlements allow humankind to thrive.

Eventually humans furthered farming technology and began domesticating animals and using them for labor, livestock and protection (canines)

Human magic at this point is known only a very few naturally-talented individuals that are born. They become shamans and tribe-
leaders, witch-doctors and wise-men. They protect the tribes as best they can and consult the gods. In those days it was said that
magic wasn't truly divine or arcane, but both. Elemental magic made a base of sorts.

Ascent of Man: 3040- 3220 OA
Transition from savage culture to Bronze age

Farming technology grows farther and faster with the use of domesticated animals. Construction capabilities improve, smaller groups if
humans try to take what they can. Inter-tribal conflict becomes an issue as groups compete for resources. Fighting is mainly in the
form of raids or invasions. The friendly small-folk withdraw from certain communities and hide themselves in the hills and shallow
woods or near the more peaceful tribes; loathe to be drawn into conflict.

Looming Threat: 3220 OA
The Dwarves (far more technologically advanced at this point) send representatives to the humans with startling word: A wave of
destruction is coming and all must band together to survive. Many tribes ignore the warning and continue their in-fighting. A few are
convinced of the danger and those deemed worthy are taught basic warfare by the Dwarves along with better technology
(rudimentary metal-working).

3260 OA
Other tribes grow jealous and use craftiness and lies to receive the same from the Dwarves, who are slow to agree to help them. The
horde reaches Dwarven lands, so the technology is shared to all, knowing every soul and sword is needed.

Invasion! 3310. OA
Mankind in this area faces its first true taste of warfare as a massive horde of monstrous men (Orcs, goblins, trolls, giants, ogres)
pours from the mountains. Man and Dwarf fight side-by side for survival. The threat overwhelms many settlements and the outlying
dwarven holds. The demigods of the wood (Elves) are assaulted as well. The battles rage for years. The gift of understanding arcane
magic is shared with mankind by a desperate few trickster spirits who live in the mountains (Gnomes) and demigods of the Eastern
wood (High Elves). After more than a century of warfare, the now-scattered hordes disperse.

3410 OA
Transition from Bronze to Early Middle Ages
Military strategy, Dwarven construction, Gnomish technology, elven and gnomish magic catapulted man into the next age. More well
established cities formed, and farming advancements led to a population boom. Loyalty was greatly valued. Houses of great leaders
grew and formed almost clannish brotherhoods. Most surviving tribes/groups joined one of these hundreds of houses, some growing far
greater than others.

3480 OA
Some of the less scrupulous houses attacked unaffiliated families/tribes. This sparked a conflict with the other houses, and Alliances
formed. As sides were taken among humans, demihumans stepped back from man. Humans fought for decades and eventually 'The
Kinship' prevailed (being good-hearted, their ancestors had received the demihuman gifts sooner and had a slight edge).

3570 OA/ 0 YS
The Sun Kingdom was established, with House Ulfbert reigning (leading the alliance known as 'The Kinship') The Year of the Sun is
declared, and calendars are changed from the Old Age (or Original Age) to the Year of the Sun (YS). The time before is now referred
to by man as Before Enlightenment (BE)

The Seven Great Towers of Magi are sanctioned, funded by various groups and houses, established as centers of learning. The towers
were raised up near existing communities known for their particular area of study.

3670 OA/ 100 YS
Transition from Early Middle to Late Middle Ages
Trade opened again and emissaries were sent far and wide to find other cultures and represent the Sun Kingdom to the world. Strange
new lands are discovered and welcomed when peaceful. Demihumans begin to affiliate with humans readily again. More secrets were
shared, and technological advances made.

Weak Ruler: 3730 OA/ 160 YS
House Ulfbert almost falls in a succession. A 'cousin' is crowned. During the political weakness foreign delegations pounce and
negotiate many rights and trades unfavorable for the Sun Kingdom. This opens gates to a flood of other cultures having rights in the

<more detail later>

Current year: 3762 OA/ 192 YS
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Re: General Knowledge

Post by TristenC »

Within the Sun Kingdom:

A note on Map Locations:
Actual exact locations for many of the hidden sites (Including but not limited to: the Green Tower, Black Tower, and listed Elven communities) are only approximate. Very few not from or directly involved in those communities would know exactly where to look or how to gain access. One seeking them, without an escort, is hundreds of times more likely to get lost as to find anything. For instance, the Green Tower has a crown-paved road passing near it. A character could be led to the tower by an initiate along that road several times, yet always find it at a different spot. One traveling the road without a guide would never find it. Even if a hidden site were to be found by some miracle, those uninvited might be met with hostility.

Obviously there are many, many communities not mapped on the “Campaign Area”; including Human settlements with a population smaller than 5,000 and most Demihuman settlements (aside from the few elven ones marked).

The Sun Kingdom

Political Division, Geographic: Provinces (7)
Northern (forests bordering mountains, includes Pi Sai)
Western (borders Elven lands to the East, southern edge is Meadville)
Southwestern (borders Fenris forest to south, and the chasm area West. Includes Bordertown, Quel Salas.)
NorthEastern (borders ocean, includes dismal terrain, brown tower, gold tower, northeastern edge of continent the)
Eastern or 'Capital' (Eastern seaboard, contains the capital, blue tower)
Southern (South east, green tower, Fenris Forest)
Central (following roads. White tower, Grey tower windmill. Grey tower itself is barely over line)

Political Organization, Municipal: Major communities
Kin City: (Nickname: The Capital)
Pop: 27,000+ (appx 40,000 if the 3 outlying towns are included)
Very diverse (78% human, 8% elves and h-elves, 5% dwarven, 4% Gnomish, 2% Halfling, 3% other
Lots of cultural diversity among humans here. Some 'other' races are traditionally considered monstrous races but long-term residents are individuals who have proved they can peacefully integrate with human society.

Thel Jeers: (The Merchant City. The ‘Corrupted’ City)
Pop: 20,500+
Primarily human. Fair mix of other friendly demihuman races. Trade center of the Western Kingdom

Pi Sai: (The North City)
Pop: 13,000+
Heavy mix of human (40%), Elven (20%), Dwarven (25%), Gnomes and Halflings. Various monstrous races and half-breeds dwell here as well. Likely the most culturally diverse major city in the realm aside from the Crossroads City and Porton.

Lunaflon (The Half-Elf city)
Pop: 9,500+
Human (40%) and Elven (30%), some forest gnomes, some Halflings, many other very unusual races (including some cat-folk)

Lesoger (The Elf City)
Pop: 8,000+
Primarily Elven (70%), some forest gnomes, a few Halflings, druidic humans & rangers pass through or stay short term often. [The city itself is elven-made]

Porton (The Port)
Pop: 8,500+
Trade heavy. Huge mix of cultures, and some particularly wild races (Kenku, even aquatic races) have representatives here.

Bordertown (The South City)
Pop: 7,000+
Almost completely Human (85%). Largely militarized and controlled by the Crown. Some elves and half-elves reside here, most are of a military nature. Few others)

Dust Shrine (The North Port)
Pop: 6,000+
Northern trade port. Fishing is the established trade. Serves Brown and Gold towers and the small community of Barrendust. Only grew to significant size because of ocean trade/transportation and connections with the Brown and Gold Towers.

Crossroad City
Pop: 6,000+
Most diverse township in the kingodm. Almost all races are 'welcome' here. Highest concentration of 'monstrous' races, definitely the most accepting to humanoid races.

<I’ll dig out more info on the other communities later, including:>
Quel Salas (Elven town)
Meadville (Human town, halfings and elves as well)
Waterknoll (Humans and halflings mostly)
Sil Quan (elven and human)

Political Division, Philosophical/Hereditary: Great Houses (13) and The Alliances (3)
Noble Houses:
13 Great Houses rule the kingdom. Among these 13, 11 have entered into major Alliances while 2 remain unaffiliated. There are hundreds of minor houses as well, some affiliated with various Great Houses or unaffiliated.

The Allinaces:
The “Kinship”:
Led by House Ulfbert (The King’s house), allied with houses Amwick, Fletcher, Jernigan
Main goals/beliefs are: Guardianship of the realm, keep the peace, growth through trade/mutual prosperity, the betterment of society and allied societies.
“To be strong we must rely on each other and do our parts.”

The “Silver Circle”:
Led by house Markov (A Machiavelian trade-based house), allied with houses Creighton, Norris, Pritchard
Main Goals/beliefs are: Grow wealth and power through trade and technological advancement. “To be strong is best for survival.”

The “Jade Alliance”:
Led by house Windham (A trade-based house known for fair-dealings), allied with Kirkwood, Oreth
Main Goals/beliefs: Growth by fair trade and honest dealing.
“Trade is the lifeblood of a nation, both within and without its borders.”

Unallied Great Houses:
House Gylex:
Device: 3 Red Wolves rampant on field of silver with copper boulders
Main Goals/beliefs: Might makes right, and we are the best. (They would have been a fit for the Silver Circle but are considered far too volatile by the alliance.)
Names: The Mercenary house, House of Blood, Blood wolves, Copper wolves, Red dogs,

House Taber (TN):
Device: Pair of golden eyes peering from a dark green backfield
Main Goals/beliefs: The natural world must be protected. Use only what you need. Greed is evil’s seed.
Names: The Wild house, The Elven House, House of Wolves, The Garden House.
“The Natural way endures”

[More detail on all the major houses will be provided to humans or demihumans with either political interest or major residence within human society. So far everyone seems to be preferring characters outside of the major human cities. Those with ties to a particular house will get more intricate details on that house. I.e. Those living in the Fenris Forest will get details about House Taber.]

Unusual Organization: “Towers of "Magi":
Named by their ‘colors’. Each specializes in a different schools/styles of magic delineated by elemental focus or /philosophy. There are 7 official condoned towers of Magi (see crest below) and one unofficial tower concealed in a vast swamp.

Red (fire), Blue (water), Grey (air), Brown (earth), Gold (healing/good), White (Protection/good), Green (natural/druidic), Black (Necromantic/evil).

A magic user need not become seriously affiliated with any particular tower, but most formal training takes place within one. Some exceptions are directly-taught apprentices of experienced magic users (as hedge-wizards and shamans often do). Each tower retains a much more advanced collection of materials pertaining to their ‘focus’ than the others, but lower level magic is typically accessible for a fee (excepting diametrically opposed spells). Often mundane research can be performed in the towers’ libraries for a fee, and magical research provided the supplicant performs some service for the tower itself.

Crest of the Magi or Crest of the Seven
Crest of the Magi.jpg
Crest of the Magi.jpg (33.8 KiB) Viewed 10126 times

Magic Regulations:
The Towers of Magi as organizations are in cooperation not competition with the Crown. Even so, certain restrictions are necessary to ensure public wellbeing:

-The casting of Magic within a town may be permitted or prohibited by city-district or at the Municipal level. [Meaning one district can allow it while another prohibits within the same city, while a city can vote not to allow magic at all. The capital itself allows casting in certain districts, but the ‘inner city’ is “Magic-Free”]

-At no time are the following spells permitted to be used within the limits of a City, Township, or other civilized community of the Realm: Those designed to cause harm, alter consciousness, mental or physical state. Neither are spells to be used to destroy the property of another, steal, cheat or otherwise be involved in the commission of a crime. Doing so will escalate the penalty for said crime within the eyes of the law. [There are specially trained guards and constables allowed to use magic in the defense of the realm stationed in all the major cities. Illegal magic use will be met with magical force.]

-The regulation of the specifics of Arcane Magic are controlled individually by each tower regarding what to teach and how. Magic beyond that of study, simple cantrips, and harmless or basic magics are to be closely regulated by the Towers. [Basically only 1st and 2nd level spells can be gained without becoming directly involved with one of the towers to some degree. Obviously there are ways around this, but they’re illegal]

-Each Tower is itself wholly responsible for its initiates, and is obliged to aid in the pursuit, capture and destruction of any rogue wizard coming from their number that seeks to cause harm to the realm or its people. [The towers often have tests and lay... ‘insurances’ on their initiates to prevent this. If someone studies at a tower and then goes and uses magic to commit a crime, the tower itself will hunt them down… with a vengeance…]

-In the case of apprentices taught by an unaffiliated master, the master himself/herself is solely responsible for making the laws understood to the student, and considered accessory in any crimes committed by the apprentice.

-Wild Magic use is never permitted in Cities, Townships or civilized communities for any reason.

-Any auxiliary magical vendors or places of study must have both: Some legitimate connection to the Seven Towers, either individual or in cooperation with each other; And a permit from the Lord of the District in which it resides and the Crown itself.

-Each tower may be called upon by the Crown to aid in the Defense of the Realm against significant threats of both Foreign and Domestic nature.

[The Black tower focuses on many studies the crown and other towers disapprove of. The black tower is wholly illegal and anyone found to be a member of it is to be tried and convicted. That said, for certain things like harmful necromancy, it is the only organized place of study.]
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Re: General Knowledge

Post by TristenC »

Items and Information of Interest:

Wetrock's Arc

Pieces Found: [1/??]
-Metal handle, the length of a forearm with the appearance of polished steel. One end has holes as if meant to be affixed to something else,
and the other end is threaded as if it screwed into yet another portion...

"Prophecies" and last words
Bone Priest:
Cheer the Bone Priest's bloody demise,
Heralding Great Ossunin's rise!
Blood to feed our thirsting lord,
And welcoming the... coming... horde...

Soot Shaman:
Break ope’ the Bone, Soot blinds the eyes,
Receive my soul, Ossunin rise!
All goblin lives, and orcs and more!
And hail your new, terrific… lord…

[Katten ‘marked’ by black soot from elbows down to wrists]

"What we wetrocks do when commanded... by... gods... Osssooooonin... riiiise..."

[Found in Sub-Chief Mixeg's Lair
Most of the notes and things gathered from the goblin cave are poorly worded communiques, scribbled in goblin between Mixeg
(Signed by an M with a small x crossing the rightmost leg of the letter) and a similarly initialed Ax (where the x is positioned the same).
By and large they speak of movements and supplies, pushing Eastward to take more loot or search more caverns. A particular pair of notes,
however, have a bit more substance to them... [Translated by Elden, who understands goblin ;) ]

Secund-Cheif Mixeg,
Won of ur axes [apparently a term of rank among the goblins] take nu caves at bridge.
Bone-shaman see the dark god in his dreem, and we mus o-beh.
Have heem sersh eet wel, an leesen two da shaman. Hee dose Ossunin's weel.
Hidein in da caves is a peece of majiks. Our lord mus hav eet, or wee face hees roth.
Wif nu ruum, yu make beeger ur caves. Don kare haw, fine slaves or deeg eet urself!
Da Wetrox bee da beeges Gobyn trybez under our nu lord!

Four Ossunin!


[the parchment is dingy and damaged in places, and must be at least a few months old by the worn appearance of the writing.]

The next note is in equally poor shape, but slightly more legible. and signed with a pair of sinuous 'S' shapes that cross [§]

My broder beeneat Ossunin. Da Bone-shaman de-manz yu aid. Eye go to heem to bring da nu caves unner Kuntrol.
Da hoomans an Elfs frum Board-er-ton hav geev heem truble. Hee dos da weel of our lord. Eye com bak when hee
has enuf slaves an stuffs to keep heem going. KEEP UR DOOTIE while eye aweh. Ossunin espec SACRIFISE!
Don kare eef eet slaves or gobbins. Our lord deeman burnd offrins. KEEP da wayz or Ossunin know.. an we all lost.

[The signature is made with a greasy, sooty mark like the scraping of an over-burned bit of flesh]

The final item is a map of the area, at least partly not drawn by goblin hand. In fact it is a fair representation of the road and bridge crossing
the chasm and the area just west along the cliffs. It was obviously a work in progress, but the detail ends approximately at the party's current
position. The map continues westward, as if drawn by a child not yet developed of motor skills. Or perhaps a goblin not paying much attention
to its work. It lays out three more locations, one of which is marked through with an 'x' and appears to be a cave with a scribbly black lump
drawn next to it labeled only 'Scruff'. The second marked position is another cave labeled 'BEEWAR!!! STON LIZUR'. The third and final location
marked is to the south of the canyon and somewhat farther west (though scale is difficult to divine in the goblin portion. That area is labeled
only 'Horkag'.
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Re: General Knowledge

Post by TristenC »

Elven Calendar of the North Lands
This calendar is used by roughly the northern half of the continent (the continent itself consists of an area over a dozen tiimes the size of the Sun Kingdom itself).
Elves and other demihumans have different names for some of the months and days, but the layout is the same. Humans adopted this calendar from the elves
and changed the names from the original elven (which is listed here since most of the party is closer to Elven society anyway). Where there is not an Elven word
or name listed, the Human (Common) is a direct translation from the Elven. Days of the week are likewise approximate translations from Elven.

The year consists of 13 months of 28 days each.

1 week is 7 days

There are 7 Feast-days/Holy days spread throughout the year that exist outside of the calendar months (but still take place in the week)

The full year is 371 days

Celestial Bodies
Genwald has 2 moons to speak of, that are on different cycles.
Luna is somewhat smaller, bluish in hue, and on a shorter cycle (23 days)
Sehanine is pale (like Earth's moon) and on a cycle nearly 3 times longer (63 days)

When both moons are Full (a phenomenon that lasts approximately 3 days) it is called the “Eyes of Correlon"
When both moons are dark (also 3 days) it is called the "Raven Queen's Watch"
Both of these events occur between 1 and 2 times per year.

Other races have their own considerations about the phases of the moons, for example Orcs consider one moon full the favor of Grummush (the one-eyed god) and are typically more bold/aggressive during this time

There are many other celestial events, some of which are listed on the Block Calendar; which I will try to get formatted properly and posted soon.

Months and Feastdays: (in order)
[Human name/ Elven name](# of days)
"Starbirth": (1)
"Dawnlight ": (28)
"Thaw/ Rellavar": (28)
"Tempest/ Aerdrie": (28)
"Bloomday ": (1)
“Emergence/ Hanali": (28)
"Flourish/ Melira": (28)
"Zandilar": (28)
"Solar/ Protector": (2)
"Revel/ Alobal": (28)
"Sheaf/ Vandria": (28)
"Transformation/ Kirith": (28)
"Haunt/ Erevan": (1)
"Mend/ Naralis": (28)
"Harvest/ Eledrin": (28)
"Remembrance/ Enoreth": (1)
"Shadowfall/ Solonar": (28)
"Dorm/ Labelas": (28)
"Nightfall/ Araleth": (1)

Days of the Week
Sun (or SunDay)
Plow (Elven term is Harvest)

The Current year is:
192 YS (Year of the Sun by Human reconing)
3762 OA (Original Age by most demihumans or 'Old' Age by humans)

years before 192 in Human recokning are counted backwards from 0 YS and suffixed by BE or “Before Enlightenment”. Some demihumans find this amusing... others offensive.
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Re: General Knowledge

Post by TristenC »

Bordertown, more details later (when i'm not on my phone, lol)

1st Ward (SW): 'Shield Ward' Barracks, bowyer/fletcher, armorer, weaponsmith, stonemason, some residences, traders/merchants, halfling provisioner
2nd Ward (SE): 'Spear Ward' Barracks, bowyer/fletcher, armorer, weaponsmith, stonemason, some residences, traders/merchants, glazier, potter
3rd Ward (NW): 'Stable Ward' Most of the livestock housed here and related work. Residences, butcher, cheesemaker, tanner/leathergoods, tack/saddler, weavers, chandler (beeswax and tallow), taverns, flophouse
4th Ward (NE): 'Farmers Ward' related stuff, grocer, carpenters, cooper, cobbler, general trader, bowyer fletcher, an herbalist, wagonwright, taverns, inn, brewery, miller
Bordertown basic.jpg
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Re: General Knowledge

Post by TristenC »

Travel Journal of Rewalt Mythey:

The journal compiles many notes on assembled research for a magical item; a rod of some kind, though there are no details as to it's use.
Additionally there are notes with vague reference to a party travel in search of a cavern system where most of the components are rumored to have been 'lost'.
The last entry is over 2 months old (at the time of discovery: 26th of Hanali, 192 YS)

In the back is a list of known components and how they are to be assembled, with extra notations on empowering the device:
-Bar, length of a forearm. Looks like polished steel. Has one threaded end, the opposite end has holes for pins
-Pommel/base? Egg shaped brass the size of a child's fist. Threaded hole, screws onto Bar
-Curled figure, Head shaped like a snake or something, (reference poor) embracing an object (No details! Why!?). Platinum pins (on straps?), should attach to Bar...
-Power source; Orb? VERY powerful object, designed to fit in coil? arms? of Snake body? Golden color
-Link??? Must have way to hold the power source. No part detailed, only references are to a 'formless creature' ?! Must ask the guardians of the Green....
-Assembly: Pin figure/head in place, Egg screws onto base, straps woven around shaft (a detailed sketch of the wrap is done nearby: player ref, like a katana handle), add power source, 'offer' to the link/creature... thing?! ORDER IS CRUCIAL!
-Activation: Speak the incantation <pronunciation in ancient Elven, written phonetically> "Erui-o i Seldarine dab- hi faer na bui- cin" when near the "One who must be willing".. sacrifice? Target? unclear