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home brew of the forge

A 5th Edition D&D game set in the homebrew world of Carnade amidst a war between two kingdoms.

Moderator: Rivi

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home brew of the forge

Post by Rivi »

so i plan this to be a kind of fly by the seat of my pants home brew so as people ask me for things not in the book like our first home brew option (being a half vampire) if you think of something i will make up my own rules and post them in this part
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Rivi »

ok im home brewing on the fly so if something doesn't work will tweek in as we go or if i missed something ill fix it the same way. now for our first two home brews

first pixie race

race attributes and limitations
a sub race of elves race
never over 1 and a half foot tall have bug like wings
pixies have a plus 2 dex but a limitation on strength of 15
flight your jump height it 10 feet and length is 20. you never take dmg from a fall
pixie light once per day you can cast a free light spell localized on your self
weapon limitation you can never carry a weapon unless it has the "light" attribute
all pixies have a love of sugar of all kinds and can live on it alone

second half vampires
so this will be a little complicated as it intrudes a new stat you must track as a half vampire:blood count
first how vampires are seen in my wold. they are seen as predators of all races and are instinctively fared. as a half vampire you will have to deal with stigma. once someone knows your a vampire you will have to deal with stigma. even if a person overcomes the innate stigma they still take the negatives to know your a vampire.

race attributes and limitations
stigma: if someone knows you are half vampire all charisma rolls against them takes a -5 and all people should treat you with disdain
being discovered: if anyone suspects you of being a vampire they roll a perception check and if they roll a natural 20 or if you are seen feeding they know what you are. every other power can be attributed to magic

blood points or BP
your blood point represent how well you are fed. you will start at 5 out of 10 points. you must feed every day to keep it at its current rate. if you miss a feeding it drops by one if you feed three times in one day you gain a point. each level of blood point gives bonuses and negatives as well as at specific levels you can spend blood points for extras powers

fang attacks
to land a fang attack on someone unwilling you must beat there ac+3 with a 1d20+strength modifier. it heals you half the dmg rounded down as temp hp if your above 5 BP but the attack is not a feed unless you feed for another full turn. the target can fight back rolling a 1d20+strength vs your 1d20+strength if they win they brake the contact and you haven't fed

feeding gains you one BP. the attacks are based on how low you blood points are. the attack is a 1d4+the number below the 5 base line (ie at 4 its +1 at 3 its +2 and so on) as well as lowering the the targets constitution by 1. the effect lasts for a number of days based on the modifier. so if you are a blood starved vampire attacking your friends they would take 1d4+5 and would lose one con for 5 days and cannot be feed on again until it can still attack someone with your fangs but you cannot feed on there life force and BP cannot be gained until it returns

race bonuses
if you are half vampire your half something else if making a vampire you start by making a normal character as most vampire ability's and affects are based on blood points
but being a vampire makes you more or less of what you already are. each race gets an attribute bonuses normally as a vampire this can grow or shrink based on you r blood points

0 blood
here you are starving every turn or 5 minutes you roll a d20+wisdom modifier if you are below 10 you must make a fang attack against the closet living target to feed
1 blood
you are extremely weak and are taking a triple race bonuses negatives all the time and now must roll a sleep resistance check every turn or 5 min during day time if you fail you fall asleep
2 blood
you now look undead you eyes are sunken and red. your skin is pail and you look starved. you are weakened and anyone looking at you can tell what you are if they pass a 10 perception check during the day you get a double negative race bonuses
3 blood
your race bonuses is at a negative and people take a -2 charisma check to any skills based on charisma
4 blood
you are now hungry but its ignoble you lose your race bonuses
5 blood
you are normal no difference in ability
6 blood
you have a healthy glow and no longer need regular food or sleep and can see in complete darkness
7 blood
you double your race bonuses
8 blood
double your proficiency with any charisma based skills
9 blood
you gain proficiency in all charisma based skills
10 blood
you gain hp each turn or 5 min based on your con modifier

blood powers
level 1
spend a blood point to stabilize and get back up after a blow that would drop you. gaining your con modifier as hp (can be used without being dropped)
level 3
spend a blood point to cast a Charm Person or Minor Illusion
level 5
spend a blood point to cast Invisibility or Vampiric Touch
level 7
spend two blood points to Polymorph into a giant bat
level 9
spend two blood points to cast Etherealness and regain your con modifier as heath

let me know what you think as this is a little of the top of my head or if there is anything else you want me to home brew
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Rivi »

age restrictions
i don't like age restrictions so all races mature at the same rate so you don't have to wait to be an elf at 100 a 20 year old elf acts like a 20 year old human not 50 year old teens in my game. this doesn't mean you cant be over 100 or anything just no minimums
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Chris1234 »

Thanks; looks good to me. Want me to set up a baseline character?
TBH the idea was sparked off by Spike's campaign (Scarlor) but it appeared that might be on hiatus..

I was at least as interested in the situations that could arise as in the consequential powers.
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by silver54clay »

The home-brew rules

1. Rewarding creativity.
If you describe your combat maneuvers, you can deal extra damage. Don't go too crazy though, or else you may find yourself with having to roll a 50 to hit.

That's the only rule for now, post your thoughts!
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Nocturno »

I'm on board with that. As long as it does not unbalance the game. I don't want my character dead, but I also don't like a walk in the park either.
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by silver54clay »

Basic attacks are still an option, thesr are just an option. The more insane the maneuver, the more damage, but the harder it is to hit.
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Chris1234 »

Honestly not keen on the idea.
What works for us can work against us.
Only a set number of PCs against potentially infinite number of foes.
Sooner or later PCs will get killed by lucky "needs natural 100 on d100 to hit."..
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by silver54clay »

Chris1234 wrote:Sooner or later PCs will get killed by lucky "needs natural 100 on d100 to hit."..
Not exactly what I mean. But this is why I asked for your opinion.

To help you, here are some clarifacations.

1. Everything is still on a d20, just you take debuffs to hitting when doing more complex maneuvers.
2. As I said, basic attacks are still an option. Only enemy bosses & PCs are able to use this.

Hope that helps. :D
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Chris1234 »

A lot.
A horde of 100 kobalds would decapitate a couple of PCs and the rest would miss by miles was my concern.

Now replaced by a fretting about a conference room of bosses.
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by Nocturno »

They would be all stuck on the who will geek the mage call, and we can just sneak up on them.
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Re: home brew of the forge

Post by silver54clay »

If you don't like it, it won't be used.