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Places and People

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:02 pm
by Chris1234
Prompeldia coastline
The region is subtropical, meaning that's its mostly warm and humid enough to make it hard work doing anything active in chainmail and completely exhausting in anything heavier.
Inland the wild forest, which others call a jungle, is predominantly inhabited by elves whose mostly unseen border patrols keep humanoid incursions to a minimum.
Most movement and trade along the human dominated coast is via boat. For those who cannot afford the boat fare there is the coastal road, a cart-width dirt track with passing places.
The coast road leads tothe city of Prompeldia.
Prompeldia coastline1.jpg
Prompeldia coastline1.jpg (38.21 KiB) Viewed 5368 times
Slavery is legal in Prompeldia. In the countryside things can become less clear.
Enslaving free people is completely illegal.
Selling slaves is very profitable. A lot of the trafficking is by hobgoblins and half-hobgoblins.
Attacking you (as a random traveler) is illegal but defending yourself as a free citizen is legal.
Slaves are property. They have about the same rights as a hunting dog.
Murdering slavers is illegal as is stealing their property.

Re: Places and People

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:07 am
by Chris1234
To the north of Prompeldia, half a day's fast travel along the coast road, lies the village of Narmaren.
Narmaren has a population of maybe two or three hundred, so barely large enough to appear on most maps. Most of those are ‘pass-throughs’, which is to say, wandering merchants that set up their tents in the shade of the trees and attempt to sell their wares for a few days or weeks before moving on. There are only half a dozen or so ‘permanent ‘ structures in Narmaren , namely a two story stone building proudly signed “Whispering Wind” with adjoining stables, a tile and wood single story structure and a few stone and tile houses. The latter are all new constructions, apparently uninhabited and in various stages of completion. The tile and wood single story structure is the village's sole religious edifice, a shrine of The Traveller, a local aspect of Lathander the Morninglord.
The majority of the dwellings in the village are tents that have been rimmed at their bases with small walls of what is later discovered to packed clay and straw.

Whispering Wind Tavern
The Whispering Wind, a two story stone building, is the only inn in Nararen. As such, it is the hub of social activity and gossip.
The Whispering Wind Tavern.jpg
The Whispering Wind Tavern.jpg (190.52 KiB) Viewed 5368 times
The public areas are:
  • #1 A dining room, which contains half a dozen round wooden tables and a long rectangular table near the fireplace. This area doubles as a bar and common room.
    #7 Four guest rooms (upstairs), each furnished with three beds, a basin and three chests. The blankets are made of local wool.
    Stabling to the rear of the building.
The Staff
Bruce the Innkeeper (hm)
Bald, tough looking fellow, mostly muscle but developing a paunch. Maybe 35, 6’7” & 280lb. Runs his inn in a relaxed manner, but stands for no nonsense, otherwise out comes ‘Mr Cudgel’.
Freesha the Serving Woman (hf)
Young, pretty redhead, flirts with the customers. Seems competent and happy doing what she does.
Dari the Cook (hm)
Dark, short and wiry with similar hair. Quiet around strangers but when he talks it’s with a thick accent that’s difficult to understand.
The Regulars
Chippy the Carpenter (hm)
Unremarkable fellow apart from the amount of ale he consumes. Always grimaces when it’s time to return to work (after lunch) or to his wife (after closing time).
Howorth the Fisherman (hm)
Casts his net in the shallows near Narmanen. Makes a decent living by all accounts. Bruce Exchanges fish for ale.
Dremi the Potter (hf)
Plain lady, early middle age, but artfully dressed. Keeps her brown hair tied back. Makes a wide variety of pottery at varying quality and price, mostly sold to passing merchants. Likes to gossip and complain about any man that she isn’t talking to.
Tren the Tailor (hm)
Painfully thin man, looks like he doesn’t eat properly. Probably late 20s, greasy hair that’s just a bit too long. Friendly and very tactile. Font of much knowledge for those patient enough to accommodate his chronic stammer.
Polly the Halfling (½f)
Cute, pretty and well spoken. Likes leathers. Regarded as the Whispering Winds’ Lucky Charm. The regulars all pat her on the head when they leave the Tavern.
Cheff the ‘Adventurer’ (hm)
Serious man wearing serious chainmail in the darkest corner on the Tavern. Habitual pipe smoker; probably in his 20s. Apparently avoided by the other Regulars. Referred to as ‘The Bigot’ behind his back.
The chalkboard behind the bar proudly announces:
• Common room 1sp/day
• Semi-private room 6sp/day
• Stabling (including fodder) 1sp/day
• Stew 5cp
• Seafood 1sp
• Breads 5cp
• Dried meats 3sp

Shrine of the Traveller
This small wooden shack primarily serves as a center of worship for travelling merchants who wish to receive blessings to ensure safe passage as they travel the Elos road with their wares.
The interior is simply furnished pigeons roost in the rafters beneath the tiled roof and the structure appears somewhat neglected. A life-sized stone statue of an old man with star-adorned robes and worn sandals stands before the front door.
The shrine is maintained by Saryf, the town's priest. He is bald, gaunt, wears studded leather armour underneath a thin yellow robe and sports a quarterstaff. On the silver star that hangs around his neck is engraved a stylized quarterstaff against a rising sun. Although Saryf sustains himself in part by donations from passing merchants, he is apparently uninterested in coin and material things.
Shrine of The Traveler.jpg
Shrine of The Traveler.jpg (105.33 KiB) Viewed 5367 times