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TristenC-(Private Thread)

A fun, open-to-all, fly by the seat of your britches D&D5e adventure that happens in a town you probably haven't heard of to the tune of a bard's song you definitely haven't heard of. Strangers will unite in strange places and meet strange people before the day is done.

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TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

This is a private thread for TristenC.

Current Character Sheet

Pik G’nrok II, Male Kobold Rogue (Theif), Level: 1 [D&D 5th Ed]
Alignment: N, Height: 2’5”, Weight 24 lbs, HD(1d8) Hit Points: 8/8, XP: 0/300
STR:11/+0, DEX:15/+2, CON:11/+0, INT:10/+0, WIS:12/+1, CHR:14/+2

AC: 13 [Leather AC 11, Dex +2AC], Initiative: +2, Speed: 30,
Weapons: Rapier: +4 to hit (+2 prof, +2 dex), dmg 1d8+2 (Finesse); Shortbow: +4 to hit (+2 prof, +2 dex), dmg 1d6+2 R (80/320); Dagger: +4 to hit (+2 prof, +2 dex), dmg 1d4+2 (Finesse) R(20/60)
Saving Throws: STR +0, DEX +4 (prof.), CON +0, INT +2 (prof.), WIS +1, CHR +2

Kobold Traits:
-Size: Small, base move 30 ft
-Darkvision 60’: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
-Party Tactics: +1 bonus on damage rolls against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. This bonus increases to +2 at level 9 and +3 at level 18.
-Sunlight Sensitivity: Disadvantage on attack and perception (sight only) when target is in direct sunlight
-Gutless: When at 1/2 hps or below can disengage as a bonus action
-Hoarder: starts with 2 trinkets
-Language: Common and Draconic (Simplified Dialect called Yipyak). Need int 8 to read and write, int 11 to speak non-native languages fluently

Rogue Features:
-Expertise: double proficiency bonus in 2 skills (chose Theives’ tools and Stealth). Pick 2 more at level 6
-Sneak Attack: 1/turn deal an extra 1d6 dmg IF: a) you have advantage, b) target has an enemy within 5’ and you don’t have disadvantage
-Thieves’ Cant: Secret language of thieves including secret signs and symbols

Background: “Tunnel Rat” (Modified Criminal)
Skills: Investigation, Perception
2 Tool or Language skills: Thieves tools, 1 language [Already get tools from class, substituting musical instrument (Pan flute) for thieves tools, Choosing Gnomish language]
Equipment: thieves tools, dark clothes, pouch with 15 gp [Already have thieves tools from race and class so trading it in for Musical Instrument “pan flute’]

Proficiencies: Proficiency Bonus: +2
Light, armor, simple weapons, Longsword, Rapier, short sword, Hand X-bow, *Thieves’ tools, Musical instrument (Sylvan Pan Pipes).
Skills: Acrobatics +4(Dex, prof), Animal Handling +1(Wis), Arcana +0(Int), Athletics +0(Str), Deception +4(Cha, prof), History +0(Int), Insight +1(Wis), Intimidation +2(Cha), Investigation +2(Int, prof), Medicine +1(Wis), Nature +0(Int), Perception +3(Wis, prof), Performance +2(Cha), Persuasion +2 (Cha), Religion +0(Int), Sleight of Hand +4(Dex, prof), *Stealth +6(Dex), Survival +1(Wis)
Languages: Common, Draconic (Yipyak dialect), Thieves’ Cant, Gnomish

Gear: [weight in lbs]
Head - Hood
Neck - NA
Torso – Dark grey clothes and Brown cloak w/hood [3], Leather Armor [10]
Back – Shortbow (slung over shoulder)[2], Backpack (see below)
Waist - Rapier (L hip)[2], quiver (R hip)[1] {20 arrows [1]}, 2 daggers (hidden) [2]
Pouch #1: (hidden) with 3gp, 4sp, 9cp, thieves’ tools[1]
Pouch #2: [1] {Steel mirror [0.5], caltrop sack [2], ball bearing sack [2]}
Feet – Brown boots (came with clothes)

Backpack: [5] {Sylvan Pan pipes [2], hammer [3], 10 pitons [2.5], Tinderbox[1], 5 days rations[10], Waterskin[5], 50’ of rope on side[10], Grappling hook [4], 20 Arrows bundled on top [1]} => [42.5 lbs]
Sack: (tied atop pack) [0.5] {crowbar [5], 10 torches[10], 5 days rations[10], Fishing tackle [4], Trinkets: bright red egg [1], legionnaire’s insignia} =>[30.5]

Weight without pack/sack: [27.5]
Pack Weight: [42.5]
Sack Weight: [30.5]
Total weight carried: [100.5 lbs]

Personality traits: Trickster (love practical jokes even semi-harmful ones); “Sticks and Stones” (I love a good insult, even one directed at me)
Ideals: People (loyal to friends, everyone else can take a trip down the Styx)
Bonds: “Tribe” (fiercely loyal to the friends and no secret about it. Won’t conspire against them or even pretend to. Will put himself in harm’s way to save/help them)
Flaws: “No Filter” (no respect for ‘royalty’ or social position. Everyone is fair game. He’d as soon prank/insult a king as a peasant… maybe more likely to pester those in a position of authority)

Tall for a Kobold, Pik stands a full 2'5"; though the added tail length makes him seem a little larger. An easy-going demeanor, surprisingly well-groomed green-and-violet flecked scales, polished horns and half-smile make him much less sinister looking than most of his brethren. A suit of grey leather armor and a brown cloak with a deep hood cover all but the clawed feet and hands when the hood is drawn. A rapier and quiver bristling with arrows hang from opposite hips, with a shortbow slung across his back.

Pik was very young when his tribe was wiped out by adventurers. He was just a little whelp, a child by human standards, and was actually not quite sure what was going on at the time. A party of demihumans, hired by the locals, was tasked with ridding the area of the “Kobold Menace”. The group did their duty, exterminating every last member of the tribe… that is until they came to a young adolescent kobold digging alone in a dead-end tunnel. The party ranger had scouted ahead, and spotted the un-armed little guy. A skilled animal trainer and a bit of a softie, the ranger knew he could leave the miserable little thing there to die or give it a mercy killing. Before he could decide, the party cleric arrived and stayed his hand. After a long conversation she convinced him to keep it. What better way to deal with evil than to teach it the ways of good and make it a force for righteousness? The ranger knew some training would be possible, and so eventually agreed. The party bard had heard a tale told long ago of a particularly skilled Kobold who had been raised in a similar manner. He had survived untold dangers and been an ally to the forces of good… a Kobold named Pik. The decision to name the new addition was unanimous; and thus Pik G’nrok the second was ‘born’ that day.

Kobolds grow fast, coming of age around 6 or 7 years old, and it wasn’t long before young Pik grew into adulthood. At first the party struggled with how to make him useful. He showed a fair amount of strength for one so small, probably due to the warrior using him as a little swag-hauler at every opportunity. The cleric assumed he wouldn’t have much aptitude for magic, and that such a little guy would have trouble in a fight. She thought and thought, but was at a loss for what to do.

Eventually the warrior began to use Pik for other things… He sent Pik ahead when scouting (unbeknownst to the cleric), saying “Your vision in the dark is much better than mine. Go see what is ahead and tell me.” The party at that time had no rogue but the bard, and so thought to use Pik to ‘discover’ any traps. The (relatively) innocent young Kobold dutifully scouted ahead and reported the way clear each time. One time, however, the warrior took him at his word and promptly fell into a pit trap! Furious the fighter clambered out and raised his sword to strike young Pik down. The cleric stepped between and demanded to know why young Pik had done such a thing. The kobold’s simple response was, “Dat trap so easy anybody could see it!”. After convincing the warrior not to kill Pik, the cleric informed the Kobold that he was the new party rogue.

Pik knew a lot about traps for one so young, having been an apprentice trap-maker as a whelp. His duties in the tribe had been mostly digging and making simple parts to assist the trap-layers, but he was always curious about how they worked and as a youngling studied them every chance he got. He knew how to handle scorpions without being stung, where to look out for the ‘bad slime’ and the best way to hide from predators. He took to the job as party rogue like a duck to water. Eventually the group picked up another rogue who taught him some of the more standardized basics of the craft. After a couple of years Pik was fully trained. One morning when Pik was out scouting a group of drow crept up on the party and wiped them out. When Pik returned everyone was dead and their valuables looted. Not really wanting to go back to life in the caves, poor Pik was faced with the prospect of finding a new group to travel with…
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

/Licks new forum
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

/smacks the gnome
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

it still had that new forum taste.
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Here is the start of my character so far (with relevant rolls). I will edit the initial post in this thread to contain the full character sheet once it is complete.

I’ll look at buying additional equipment with his remaining 15 gp later. Let me know if I’m on track here and if the ability score rolls were done correctly.

Pik-G'nrok II

Pik II stats 1-3 [4d6c1] = 11[4d6c1] = 14[4d6c1] = 11
Pik II stats 4-6 [4d6c1] = 13[4d6c1] = 10[4d6c1] = 12

14, 13, 12, 11, 11, 10
Kobold ability score adjustments: Dex+1, Cha+1
Ability: score (base + racial mods) [score bonus]
Str: 11
Dex: 15 (14+1) [+2]
Con: 11
Int: 10
Wis: 12 [+1]
Cha: 14 (13+1) [+2]

Pik II Height/wt [1d6+24] = 1+24 = 25[1d10+20] = 4+20 = 24
Height: 2'5"
Wt: 24 lbs
Age: 10 yrs old
Alignment: True Neut

-Size: Small, base move 30 ft
-Party Tactics: +1 bonus on damage rolls against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. This bonus increases to +2 at level 9 and +3 at level 18.
-Sunlight Sensitivity: Disadvantage on attack and perception (sight only) when target is in direct sunlight
-Gutless: When at 1/2 hps or below can disengage as a bonus action
-Darkvision 60’: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
-Hoarder: starts with 2 trinkets Pik 2 trinkets [1d100]= 18, [1d100]= 46: A 1 lb egg with bright red shell, Rank insignia from a lost legionnaire
-Language: Common and Draconic (Simplified Dialect called Yipyak). Need int 8 to read and write, int 11 to speak non-native languages fluently

Rogue (Theif Archetype)
HP: 8/8

Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: Thieves’ tools (including trap making/disarming as Kobold)
Saving Throws: Dexterity. Intelligence
Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception. Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance. Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
[Chose: Acrobatics, Deception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth]

-Expertise: Double bonus on 2 skills [Chose: Theive’s tools, Stealth]
-Sneak Attack: Sneak attack extra 1d6 dmg if you have advantage (finesse or ranged wep) or if target has an enemy w/in 5’ and you don’t have disadvantage
-Thieves’ Cant

Equipment: (Per class choices)
(a) a rapier [Finesse wep: (use dex mod instead of str for hit and dmg). 1d8 dmg. P. 2 lbs]
(a) a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows [1d6 dmg. P. 2 lbs. (80/320)]
(b) a dungeoneer’s pack, {Pack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days rations, waterskin, 50’ of rope on side.}
Leather armor (AC 11) 10 lbs, two daggers [Finesse, light, thrown, 1d4, 1lb (20/60)], and thieves’ tools

Background: Custom
“To customize a background, you can replace one feature with any other one, choose any two skills, and choose a total of two tool proficiencies or languages from the sample backgrounds.”

Proficiencies (if you would gain the same prof from 2 sources choose a different prof of the same kind (skill or tool) instead

2 personality traits: Trickster (love practical jokes even semi-harmful ones), “Sticks and Stones” (I love a good insult, even one directed at me)
Ideals: People (loyal to friends, everyone else can take a trip down the Styx)
Bonds: “Tribe” (fiercely loyal to the friends and no secret about it. Won’t conspire against them or even pretend to. Will put himself in harm’s way to save/help them)
Flaws: “No Filter” (no respect for ‘royalty’ or social position. Everyone is fair game. He’d as soon prank/insult a king as a peasant… maybe more likely to pester those in a position of authority)

Custom Background: “Tunnel Rat”
2 skills: Investigation, Perception
2 tool or language skills: Thieves tools, 1 language [Already get tools from class, substituting musical instrument (Pan flute) for thieves tools, Choosing Gnomish language]
Equipment: thieves tools, dark clothes, pouch with 15 gp [Already have thieves tools from race and class so trading it in for Musical Instrument “pan flute’]

Pik was very young when his tribe was wiped out by adventurers. He was just a little whelp, a child by human standards, and was actually not quite sure what was going on at the time. A party of demihumans, hired by the locals, was tasked with ridding the area of the “Kobold Menace”. The group did their duty, exterminating every last member of the tribe… that is until they came to a young adolescent kobold digging alone in a dead-end tunnel. The party ranger had scouted ahead, and spotted the un-armed little guy. A skilled animal trainer and a bit of a softie, the ranger knew he could leave the miserable little thing there to die or give it a mercy killing. Before he could decide, the party cleric arrived and stayed his hand. After a long conversation she convinced him to keep it. What better way to deal with evil than to teach it the ways of good and make it a force for righteousness? The ranger knew some training would be possible, and so eventually agreed. The party bard had heard a tale told long ago of a particularly skilled Kobold who had been raised in a similar manner. He had survived untold dangers and been an ally to the forces of good… a Kobold named Pik. The decision to name the new addition was unanimous; and thus Pik G’nrok the second was ‘born’ that day.

Kobolds grow fast, coming of age around 6 or 7 years old, and it wasn’t long before young Pik grew into adulthood. At first the party struggled with how to make him useful. He showed a fair amount of strength for one so small, probably due to the warrior using him as a little swag-hauler at every opportunity. The cleric assumed he wouldn’t have much aptitude for magic, and that such a little guy would have trouble in a fight. She thought and thought, but was at a loss for what to do.

Eventually the warrior began to use Pik for other things… He sent Pik ahead when scouting (unbeknownst to the cleric), saying “Your vision in the dark is much better than mine. Go see what is ahead and tell me.” The party at that time had no rogue but the bard, and so thought to use Pik to ‘discover’ any traps. The (relatively) innocent young Kobold dutifully scouted ahead and reported the way clear each time. One time, however, the warrior took him at his word and promptly fell into a pit trap! Furious the fighter clambered out and raised his sword to strike young Pik down. The cleric stepped between and demanded to know why young Pik had done such a thing. The kobold’s simple response was, “Dat trap so easy anybody could see it!”. After convincing the warrior not to kill Pik, the cleric informed the Kobold that he was the new party rogue.

Pik knew a lot about traps for one so young, having been an apprentice trap-maker as a whelp. His duties in the tribe had been mostly digging and making simple parts to assist the trap-layers, but he was always curious about how they worked and as a youngling studied them every chance he got. He knew how to handle scorpions without being stung, where to look out for the ‘bad slime’ and the best way to hide from predators. He took to the job as party rogue like a duck to water. Eventually the group picked up another rogue who taught him some of the more standardized basics of the craft. After a couple of years Pik was fully trained. One morning when Pik was out scouting a group of drow crept up on the party and wiped them out. When Pik returned everyone was dead and their valuables looted. Not really wanting to go back to life in the caves, poor Pik was faced with the prospect of finding a new group to travel with…

Tall for a Kobold, Pik stands a full 2'5"; though the added tail length makes him seem a little larger. An easy-going demeanor, surprisingly well-groomed green-and-violet flecked scales, polished horns and half-smile make him much less sinister looking than most of his brethren. A suit of grey leather armor and a brown cloak with a deep hood cover all but the clawed feet and hands when the hood is drawn. A rapier and quiver bristling with arrows hang from opposite hips, with a shortbow slung across his back.

A curious encounter:
The lilting song of a pan flute skips through the air behind you. A small, previously unnoticed hooded figure hops and dances about with a carefree air. A rapier, shortbow and bristling quiver adorn the diminutive creature. The not-quite two-and-a-half-foot stature, the odd shape under the hood and a strange tail-like fold in the back of the cloak prove this no common 'small folk'. Suddenly the hood slips back to reveal a tiny pair of white ivory horns. The long, decidedly reptilian snout is covered with tawny brown hide flecked with green and violet.

The orange-red eyes squint a little in the harsh sunlight, but it doesn't deter the dancing Kobold any more than that. Those eyes catch you watching, but a wink and a smile are the only acknowledgement you receive as he skips off behind a nearby stone and vanishes! Thinking it's a trap, you move to see where he might be hiding but something snags your foot. Looking down you find the laces of your boots tied together in a neat bow.

Edit: added Aug 30th
Finished shopping, purchased the following additional items with my 15 gp from the “Background equipment”

*Grappling hook 2gp 4lb
*Arrows 20x 1gp 1lb
*Mirror steel 5gp 1/2 lb
*Fishing tackle 1gp 4lbs
*Caltrops 1gp 2lbs
*Ball bearings 1gp 2lbs
*Sack 1cp 1/2 lb
*Pouch 5 sp 1lb
15 gp from background
-2 -1 -5 -1 -1 -1 -0.01 -0.5 => 11.51 gold spent
15 -11.51 => 3.49 gp left

Funds remaining: 3gp, 4sp, 9cp
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Got bored at work for a few minutes...

Pik II backstage enjoying his ale..,
Pik II backstage resized.jpg
Pik II backstage resized.jpg (160.07 KiB) Viewed 10429 times
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nova Lunis »

Trying to quickly glance through all your char sheets, do kobolds have natural resistance to anything like elves do?
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

No resistance like that, no. I listed a "Kobold" section on the sheet with the relevant info
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nova Lunis »


I'll update when I've got his sheet in front of me after work tonight, possibly tomorrow morning :D
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Lol. Thanks. When you wrote First Blood I automatically heard my favorite fps game make the announcement in my head :lol:

By the way, I'll respond as quickly as I can to help keep the other players from waiting too long. If you want/need to Deus Ex Machina us past this scene I'm ok with that too.

Sorry to hear about your family stuff. I went through some of that kind of thing recently myself and my wife is going throigh it right now with her grandmother. Do what you need to do, we'll be here when you're ready.
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nova Lunis »

Super appreciate the understanding.
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

I guess of he absolutely had to choose it would be the shortbow
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nova Lunis »

Got you marked for a shortbow if you change your mind let me know there's still some time
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Thanks. He has not looked into his bag yet, but plans to after the impending 'grand entrance' of whatever is coming up the stairs. How many arrows did he find with the bow?
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Re: TristenC-(Private Thread)

Post by Nova Lunis »

Well if you read the whole thread you'd know it doesn't really matter yet lol.
It doesn't seem to have arrows. But you know it's magical. Something is up with it.