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Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:24 pm
by Nova Lunis
The sun sends dappled light through the leaves of oak trees circling a giant meadow. In the meadow are banners strung and lanterns hanging, not yet lit. People bustle and jostle each other and a raucous sound fills the air. The annual Woodhaerst fair has drawn a collection of humans, gnomes and dwarves together. Elves and half-elves can be spotted amongst the crowd and a small clan of Dragonkin can been seen towering above the rest moving from stall to stall. Other races are present, some covered by hoods keeping to themselves and some brazenly walking amongst the crowd. Everyone here is amicable and has come for a good time, putting their differences aside.
The northernmost stalls are dedicated to food and a variety of ales from the region. Small children scramble underfoot, collecting dropped food and coin and sneaking away with it.
Merchant stalls follow next, peddling weapons, armour, potions, and necessities - one whole booth is devoted to different lengths of rope, lanterns, and bedrolls.
To the west is a jousting tournament; Each knight gives his favour to a beautiful lady before taking his place at opposite ends of the tilt.
To the south is a concert being put on by a band of bards; their sound carries across the meadow and echoes off the nearby southern lake.
To the southeast is a petting zoo full of common animals being fed, played with and stared at by small children and adults alike.
To the east there is a hatchet throwing contest. The contestants vary in states of drunken happiness.
The central stage is currently empty but for a sign that reads ‘next show in 30 minutes’ - it appears to be enchanted, erasing itself and updating the time every five minutes or so.

How do you choose to enjoy the fair?

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:55 pm
by Nocturno
Sornin will be at the Jousting area. He will look for either a knight just starting out or a knight own on his luck. Either way it needs to be one with the largest odds against him winning. He will then talk him up to get people in betting for the chosen knight. Once he is satisfied that enough people have put their money behind that knight, he will place several bets against the knight. All on credit he manages to scam from the bookies.

[OoC: Should I make any rolls for this part?]

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:08 pm
by Nova Lunis
Nocturno wrote:Sornin will be at the Jousting area. He will look for either a knight just starting out or a knight own on his luck. Either way it needs to be one with the largest odds against him winning. He will then talk him up to get people in betting for the chosen knight. Once he is satisfied that enough people have put their money behind that knight, he will place several bets against the knight. All on credit he manages to scam from the bookies.

[OoC: Should I make any rolls for this part?]
As a bard you have the insight or history relevant to choosing a knight that's obviously new to the games. You've played many fairs and can tell that his armour is too shiny, his squire is unsure of how to secure his shoulder guards and mail. I'll take one deception or persuasion roll to cover both scamming the bookie, who is also well versed in jousting and will take some convincing as well as the crowd who will be much less difficult to convince.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:35 pm
by Rivi
rose wonders out from some woods near the fair looking from a far the darkness was a small wight on her shoulder within her hood it seemed to be sleeping she sat on the grass and surveyed the throng for a bit before heading in to find some food something with red meat

darkness test [1d20] = 3

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:46 pm
by NickKage1
Grognak is ushered in from the tree line by Woodhaerst nobles. Heads turn and Grognak shoots a brilliant smile across the crowds of people, although scanning everywhere, seeming to only gleam at the ladies for a breif passing. The children scampering about notice Grognak by his green and auburn costume skirt and fur trim tan leather boots; pause for a moment, cheer and run towards him tugging at his clothes and poking his buldging thighs. Groknak lifts one of the kids by his bi-cep and sets him down as other eager scamps are itching to have their turn. The nobles brush the children away and lead Grognak to sample the finer ales or the realm. Samle is a relative word. After a few beverages and pleasently surrounded by locals, swapping stories and continually asked to grin, Grognak hears a loud *THWACK" from a Hatchet attempting to split a wooden stump hanging from a rope. He stumbles, then heads over to the raucous crowd of men trying to prove who can throw the hardest. Grognak parts the crowd, smiles at the proprietor, gleamingly, opens his palm and prompts for a hatchet. A swift flip into his opposing hand, a heads up tilt and a throw...

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:53 pm
by Nova Lunis
Rivi wrote:rose wonders out from some woods near the fair looking from a far the darkness was a small wight on her shoulder within her hood it seemed to be sleeping she sat on the grass and surveyed the throng for a bit before heading in to find some food something with red meat

darkness test [1d20] = 3
2 identical stalls stand next to each other with 2 identical human brothers manning them, a fire with a spit of red meat behind each. One man has warm eyes, the other cold. The kinder looking brother gestures to you, 'come, sample the second best meat at the fair' The mean looking brother speaks over him, 'Never settle for second, come and eat from my table and be full for the day!'
They both look down at Rose, both with a glint in their eye. People all around seem to be eating meat from both stands and you can't tell a difference amongst them.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:55 pm
by Nova Lunis
NickKage1 wrote:Grognak is ushered in from the tree line by Woodhaerst nobles. Heads turn and Grognak shoots a brilliant smile across the crowds of people, although scanning everywhere, seeming to only gleam at the ladies for a breif passing. The children scampering about notice Grognak by his green and auburn costume skirt and fur trim tan leather boots; pause for a moment, cheer and run towards him tugging at his clothes and poking his buldging thighs. Groknak lifts one of the kids by his bi-cep and sets him down as other eager scamps are itching to have their turn. The nobles brush the children away and lead Grognak to sample the finer ales or the realm. Samle is a relative word. After a few beverages and pleasently surrounded by locals, swapping stories and continually asked to grin, Grognak hears a loud *THWACK" from a Hatchet attempting to split a wooden stump hanging from a rope. He stumbles, then heads over to the raucous crowd of men trying to prove who can throw the hardest. Grognak parts the crowd, smiles at the proprietor, gleamingly, opens his palm and prompts for a hatchet. A swift flip into his opposing hand, a heads up tilt and a throw...
You have disadvantage on your roll, having consumed the fair's ale. Please roll an athletics or performance roll.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:02 pm
by NickKage1
Grognaks Throw.

[1d20] = 4 +5(Performance)

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:11 pm
by Nova Lunis
The 2 jousters face off against each other; on one end of the tilt the crowd is screaming and stamping their feet, waving favors and flags behind the young new knight. He looks very shaken, the attention seems to be making him even more nervous that he already was. His helm sits crooked on his head and he sits crooked on his horse. The horses start their canter and Sornin slips a bag of gold into his pocket and sneaks behind the stands to the sound of a loud *CRASH* and a unanimous 'ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh' from the crowd. One woman screams "He's just a child!"

On the other end of the fair another crowd has amassed to watch Grognak the Barbarian take his throw. He looks over his shoulder, winks at a maiden and becomes distracted when she blows him a kiss. His hatchet hits the target with the blunt end and thuds to the ground. The maiden giggles and covers her mouth with her hand. Grognak flashes a half drunken smile and nobody seems to care about the hatchet at all.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:16 pm
by Nocturno
As he slinks away he will find a bar stand, he will put down 30% of his winnings and instruct the stand to supply the folks he conned with all the beverages it will buy.

The other 70% will be for him and his new luxurious bed in the inn tonight.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:24 pm
by Rivi
rose tilts her head left then right as if she is listing to something* rose huffs and talks seemingly to her self "have a good nap?" then desiring to go with what would make her life simpler she turned to the one on the left "oy you lefty ill buy from you if you answer a question. its an odd ball but just answer and you'v got your self a sale. which is better the color purple or fish?"

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:03 pm
by Chris1234
Rowan is keen to see anything new, which is virtually about everything.
He heads off to to see the animal exhibits as fast as the crowd will allow.
If anyone with a shady hood wanders past he will try to have a peer into the hood, seemingly oblivious to whether it is rude or not.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:25 am
by Nova Lunis
The kind looking brother smiles at Rose, "Why Purple Fish of course!" and he hands rose a wooden plate piled with meat. The mean brother has become distracted with a sale of his own.

Upon approaching the animal pen Rowan is crowded by baby sheep and a small blue and pink bird lands on his shoulder and chirps a song in his ear. There are ducks in a little pool, rabbits, a large netted area full of butterflies and more animals making noise hidden by the crowd.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:23 am
by CarrionStyles
Carrion makes his way through the crowd like a shadow; no one seems to notice him. He is wearing a black cloak which is hooded and he has his hood up over his head despite the heat of the day. He finds an ale vendor and tosses the man a coin, he is handed a tankard of ale which he takes to the nearest table. He drops his bag and sits heavily on a chair and starts to sip while he looks around the crowd thoughtfully, scanning everyone as if looking for something or someone.

Re: Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodhaerst

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:10 am
by Rivi
the darkness settles back around the inside of her hood seemingly satiated. rose beems up at the man "thanks muchly" and she pays and heads to a nearby empty seat and sits to enjoy the food