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John Hunter

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:35 pm
by Rivi
John Hunter still a work in progress @spike if you see something im doing wrong just let me know

Male Dwemer fighter
XP: 0/0 (2,000/1,500 TNL) +10% to Fighter xp for high Str

Str 17 (wt allow +500, + 1 to hit, +1 to dmg, OD 3, Bb/Lg: 13%);
Dex 15 (-1 ac)
Con 15 (+1 hp,91% system shock,94% rev)
Int 17
Wis 15
Cha 11

ht: 4.5
wt: 215 lbs,
Current Hp: 10/10


WP:Sword, short daggar (i couldent find anything for sheald and one hand wepons but thats somthing i want)
NWP: Inventingx2
Bonus: craftsmanship engineering smithing
Languages: dwarf com
Racial Abilities:
typically gain +50% higher gold for items they create
can create and invent new devices, ideas, technologies that don't exist yet (such as gunpowder for instance)
ability to create automatons and mechanical seige weaponry at higher levels (6+)
Class bonuses/abilities:
Background skills:

gold roll [5d4] = 13
130 gold
Sword, short & scabbard 8 gp
Dagger and scabbard 2 gp
Belt 2 sp
Boots, high, hard 3 gp
Shield, small 10 gp
Helmet, great 15 gp
Scale 45 gp
Cloak 5 sp
Girdle, broad 2 gp
Backpack, leather 2 gp
Case, bone, map or scroll 5 gp
Pouch, belt, large 1gp
Rope, 50' 4sp
Tinder Box, with flint & steel 1gp
Torch 1cp
Beer, small, pint 5cp
Rations, iron, 2 weeks 10 gp

looks like ... =697&w=564

but the pile bunker looks like ... mrc&uact=8

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:03 am
by spike
@Rivi: can't start out with pile-bunker as a weapon proficiency. It hasn't been invented, which isn't to say it won't, can't, or what not. You have to either invent it or find in game someone who has/started a prototype to such a weapon. Even then it would be considered nearly a magic item of some significant power.

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:51 am
by Rivi
sounds good

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:23 am
by spike
John Hunter, a human name, was given you by the men who found you as an infant in the middle of a cabin of pure ash. Somehow you had survived the log cabins incineration, and left for dead.

A ranger gave you over to the Dwarves of the Gate Mountains, this ranger was a venerable retiree, a veteran of many wars. The Dwarves took you in and discovered you were more adept, gifted, and skilled with metalwork, with craftsmanship and building things. At only seventeen you won the apprenticeship to Thane Beltynn, one of the more esteemed masters of inventing things.

Due to the drow and troll infestation and the 'tunnel wars' below ground, more resources were required. Dwarven babies were less frequently now, and something insidious was afflicting Dwarven power, something within. A week after completing your apprenticeship, Ironholme was assaulted by an impressive host of drow, trolls, and undead. Someone in-house had sabotaged the cities defenses, deactivated traps and siege defenses, and the mechanical automatons used to destroy large enemy forces.

The Emperor's right hand, Kron Durauk Armour, assembled a team of his brightest most talented men,including yourself. A secret weapon was commanded by the Emperor himself to be created, one which hadn't been until thought of, built, or made before. It was decided Dwemer technology would need to be unearthed and collected, in due time. For the now the imperium would continue hiring mercs and hirelings to quell the enemies that threaten. Yet this secret weapon was the long term goal, and something you are appointed to research, discovery and create within two years time.

Kron: 'These skirmishers are nothing more than a preliminary threat, to test our resolve and our defensive capabilities. Yet we need this weapon to strike fear in our foes, and to teach them the full extent of Dwarven wrath. Go and find others who would aid us, and extend the emperor's friendship unto them. His friendship is not something to be taken lightly, and you have full authority to grant it or strip it from any"

Five days later, you journeyed west along the banks of the Snake River and gain a ride by a river pilot named Skank, aptly named for his rather pungeant breath and body odor. Despite this, he was quite jovial and friendly, and didn't charge you anything for the ride. He simply says 'Yer a Dwarf, I know you folk hate the water, and I could easily charge ou a fortune but I would feel ill about such deviousness. The Dwarves have always done right by me, one saved my life once against some vicious scum who tried to rob me. I'll never forget that!' he explained. He stops his barge and parks at a small dock. He says 'here's as far as I can take you my friend, there's safe roads nearby that you can hitch a ride to nearby towns and settlements. Not sure where you're headed, but do be careful. People in these parts aren't always used to Dwarves and Elves, and when they see one they get a little bit intimidated. Higkor is the next big city west of here, and thats when you know you're nearing the Sea of Planes"

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:43 pm
by Rivi
john thanks him in his gruff grave voice "i thanks ye for the ride shes a fine vessel if me road brings me back this way maybe ill build you something to make the ride easier" then he starts his walk

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:27 pm
by spike

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:31 am
by Rivi
i have somthing like 30 gp left can i spend all but 3 on like inventing tools and equipment like a tinkerers kit

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:35 pm
by spike
You can buy one in game, e.g. you're in a city and in a market and find one that's selling such an item. You might even find one on some upcoming adventure.

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:18 pm
by Rivi
OCC: ok i am on vacation so if im not posting just drag my characters along or you can take control for a while i am trying to post but kids and vacation making it hard to keep up

Re: John Hunter

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:39 pm
by spike
sure thing no sweat. Vacation! cool. Have fun.