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WotL OOC Thread III

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by JadedDM »

Oh, good question. It would depend on whether he took the Domain of Flame or not. (I haven't statted him out, since I haven't used him in a battle yet.)

So, off the top of my head, I'll say yes. Makes sense that Grubnick would follow in his footsteps, so yeah, he'll be immune to regular fire and take half damage from magical fire.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by djhyland »

I'm sorry, everyone, but I'm out. I realize that struggling for survival is probably realistic given the context of the Dragon Army's occupation, but it's no longer the kind of game I can have fun playing. It's been a pleasure playing with all of you, and I wish you all the best.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by TristenC »

:( sorry to see you go. I was enjoying the new Arulia-Grubnick dynamic. He may not be around much longer anyway, depending on how his half-baked plan goes :lol:
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by Haahque »

Sorry to see you go as well. I've also been struggling to have fun at points, but I'm planning on sticking around because I like Haahqae and the world/events are interesting, if frustrating at times.
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Re: CH. 13: Consequences

Post by spyguy1503 »

Is Shima Charging? That would give us more time until they reach us.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: CH. 13: Consequences

Post by Chris1234 »

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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by JadedDM »

I don't know...he quit my other game, too, which is nothing like this one. So I feel like there's more going on here, but I don't know what.

To be honest, I've been really down the past few months and this has hit me harder than it likely would have otherwise. Plus, BishGada has been missing for a month and I'm starting to think he's not coming back, either. And this is right after losing chese

A game about struggling under the occupation of evil seemed a lot more interesting when I thought it up three and a half years ago. Maybe it's a little too real now, though.

I don't know. It feels like nobody's enjoying this game anymore. Is that the case or is that just my depression talking? Is it even worth it to continue? Can we bring this game to its conclusion or will it just continue to hemorrhage players until there's nobody left?
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by TristenC »

I've been enjoying it. I came in expecting for it to be difficult (partly because I had read a few of the older chapters before beginning), so I was prepared I suppose. I realize I've been a little lax in this game, but it's mostly from overcommitting myself in other games: running 3 (one of which I'm still getting off the ground), playing 5, and a couple others on different sites... sleep is overrated... :D

I lost quite a few players in Ravenloft as well (at least 5 or more over the course of a year). Granted most of them were new to the site. Bish has disappeared from the Labyrinth game also, which was a bummer because technically now 3/6 characters are npcs :lol:

Long-winded way of saying I'm enjoying the game. I also appreciate the work I know you put into all of this. I can sympathize when everyone is off in their own directions. Tracking and planning ahead for 6 plot-lines is way more time consuming than DMing for one unified party. I understand this game in particular has a lot of solid reasons for that to be the case, though. Don't take Grubnick's next near-suicidal actions as any effort to step out of the game. I put a lot of thought into it and it's just what I feel his character must do.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by Haahque »

I'll echo my above post: I want to continue playing because I like Haahqae's character and I think the world is interesting/well portrayed etc.

It is possible I approached this game in the wrong mindset: it was just another D&D game recommended to me by a friend, so I decided to join to check it out. I particularly liked the first few chapters (pretty much everything before the occupation), my struggles were since then when it turned darker. The frustrating part was exhausting all of my plans and ideas on a solution to a problem ahead of us and having none of them work, then asking all the other players to think up plans and either getting no useful suggestions or having none of those plans work either. This would have been fine once or twice, I don't mind losing occasionally. I was fine with being beaten down and tossed out of the belzorite lair, I was fine with being stolen from by Xleena and Yvette, I would have been fine with Ismene being locked up, I would have been happy to have my show attacked, but... Those pretty much happened all in a row and every time I started to think things were starting to go better, things just got worse for Haahqae, I understand there are solid reasons for each, but it feels like I have to meticulously plan every step he takes on a character where that isn't in character, and even if I do plan every step, there will always be something I overlook that makes things worse. As if there's nothing I could do about it. It just sort of feels like I'm perpetually stuck in act 2 where things get progressively worse for the heroes, and at the pace a play-by-post game goes, it feels like it will be years before act 3 ever comes along if I manage to survive the struggles.

Perhaps many of these failures were caused because I'm not a very good player and I left all those holes in his plans that could have been laid better by a better player. Perhaps many of his problems are because Haahqae has some morals in an immoral city and I as a player want to work together with my fellow players and don't want to throw other players under the bus.

I would like to continue, I would love to see Haahqae accomplish any and all of the goals I set out for him, or fail gloriously in the attempt. I'm not a huge fan of putting down books during act 2 or walking away from movies in the middle of it. Ending the game now would feel like giving up and admitting that I failed as a player. And I have had a lot of fun in this game. Everything leading up to and including the first excursion into the Belzorite lair was a ton of fun, the second trip in had a few good parts and raiding the army's treasury was a blast. This is probably the best play-by-post game I've every played in, I just wish I had a little more guidance, help and forgiveness sometimes.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by spyguy1503 »

Personally, everything feels fine to me, but Ne-Chanz is rather successful right now.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by JadedDM »

TristenC wrote:...mostly from overcommitting myself in other games: running 3 (one of which I'm still getting off the ground), playing 5, and a couple others on different sites... sleep is overrated... :D
You are doing the same thing I did when I first got started here. At one point I realized I was running 4 games at once (over 50% of the active games at the time) and I burned myself out pretty badly. Was forced to cut back to just a couple of games at a time. Try not to over-extend yourself, especially in games where the players like to split up a lot.
TristenC wrote: Don't take Grubnick's next near-suicidal actions as any effort to step out of the game. I put a lot of thought into it and it's just what I feel his character must do.
I don't know what you're planning, but I can guess. My real concern is how much thought you've put into what you'll do if you actually succeed, though.
Haahque wrote:This is probably the best play-by-post game I've every played in, I just wish I had a little more guidance, help and forgiveness sometimes.
Thanks, that means a lot.
spyguy1503 wrote:Personally, everything feels fine to me, but Ne-Chanz is rather successful right now.
That's good to hear.

Okay, we'll push on. We should probably have a discussion, though, on what we all want out of this game; try to make sure we're all on the same page--well, those of us left, anyway.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by Haahque »

In the latest update it appears that part of Shima/Ne-Chanz's reply got stuck into Grubnick's section for some reason.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by JadedDM »

That was weird. I must have got my wires crossed somehow. It's fixed now, though.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick hasn't thought a lot about what to do afterwards aside from trying to lose any pursuers in the bar and maybe trying to make his way to the old belzorite lair as a hideout. I realize there are possibly off-duty soldiers there, but he's running out of places and time to attempt anything, and if they get Delarn to the chirch itself I don't have amy idea what could be done.
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Re: WotL OOC Thread III

Post by TristenC »

[How is the group near Delarn arranged?]