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CH. 9: Winter is Coming

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, Common Room)
On the morning of Autumn Twilight the 1st, Haahqae wakes up shivering. The temperature has dropped considerably since yesterday and despite the fact winter has not arrived yet, he can see it's snowing outside through his poorly sealed window. From the way it's coming down, he'd guess they're in for a couple of inches at least. He quickly gets dressed in his cotton jacket, which helps considerably. After studying his spells, he descends into the much warmer common area. A blazing fire is helping to keep the biting cold at bay.

It's around First Watch, so there aren't too many people about. Most are probably content to stay in their beds on a day like this, especially when the taxes are making it impossible for most people to work anyway.

Sitting by the fire is a somewhat overweight man with a farmer's tan and short, fiery red hair. He rubs his hands by the fire, sometimes blowing into them to keep warm.

At a table by himself is a dark-skinned man engrossed in a thick book. At the table next to him is a handsome fellow with olive skin trying to fix a very broken lute. It looks fairly hopeless.

In the corner sits a young girl, perhaps around 13 years of age, by herself. She is dressed like a peasant and nurses a drink.

Up at the bar are two blonde woman, sitting side by side but not interacting with each other at all. One is wearing leathers and has short hair, while the other is covered in a heavy cloak, but some of her long hair spills out of the hood anyway.

At a table in the darkest corner sit four Baaz, drinking and carousing. A single kapak leans against the wall near the door, keeping an eye on things.

One of the barmaids sits on the other end of the bar, apparently on break. The barkeeper, whatever his name, is behind the counter as usual. "Morning," he says to the gnome. "Hope you coming in late like that ain't gonna become the norm. Staying another night? It'll be five more silver, of course."

(OOC: Haahqae regains 1 HP. His condition improves from Near Death to Critically Wounded. He may choose new spells for the day.)

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Kendra wakes up in her bed, alone, around First Watch. She can hear the clinking of cutlery downstairs, and the good smells wafting from down there suggest Norris has breakfast well under way. Looking outside the window, she can see it's snowing. It appears they'll get a couple of inches today, at least, if it sticks. It's only the first day of Autumn Twilight, and it's already snowing? This is a poor omen; it means this year's winter will probably be particularly harsh. Good thing Norris got her that fur cloak, but would it be enough to keep her warm?

On the bright side, at least she gets paid today. Oh, and she won't have to march on her former lover's homeland.

(OOC: Kendra regains 1 HP. Also, I don't know how much Kendra told Norris about what happened to her yesterday; let me know as that will affect how he interacts with her today.)

Tulbas Erogund (Mageware shop)
Tulbas awakens in his own bed for a change, up in the attic of the mageware shop on the first of Autumn Twilight at First Watch. His body is still racked with pain, but some of his energy has returned. Getting up, he takes a look in the mirror. He still looks awful. One of his eyes is nearly swelled shut and blackened. His left ear has been cut off. He won't be winning any beauty contests for awhile, to say the least.

Glancing out the little porthole that serves as a window, he can see it's snowing out. This does little to lift his spirits, though. He still must face Magnus downstairs. One thing is for sure, he'll need to acquire some warmer clothing. His simple green robes and torn cloak won't keep that cold at bay.

(OOC: Tulbas regains 1 HP. He may choose new spells for the day.)

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Arulia wakes up in her cramped bedroom shared by her sisters to their excited chattering. They are all three looking out the window as the snow comes down that Autumn Twilight morning. A pity she tore up her cloak the day before, but if it's cold enough out to snow, it probably wouldn't have helped much today anyway.

The excitement passed, the girls head to the kitchen for breakfast, granting Arulia some time alone to do her morning prayers before joining them.

(OOC: Arulia regains 1 HP. She may pick new spells for the day.)

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common room)
At First Watch, Grubnick wakes up in his room at the High Hand. It's the morning of Autumn Twilight the 1st and he can see it's snowing outside. Good thing he wears so much insulating leather. Feeling a little better today, he does his morning prayers and heads downstairs to the common area. He spots the white minotaur and fiery haired half-elf he met yesterday, as well as several other people.

The plainswoman innkeeper stands behind the counter. There are three dwarves about. Two, a male and female, sit and chat with other by the roaring fire keeping the place warm. The third looks rather shady, especially in his jet black leathers. There are also five humans about. Three sit at a table together, eating breakfast. A fourth sits alone, wearing black robes. Everyone gives her a wide berth. The last wears a heavy cloak and sits at the bar, speaking with the innkeeper.

Two kapaks stand on the balcony above, looking down on everyone and quietly whispering to each other. Three baaz sit away from the others, drinking and carousing.

If Grubnick wants to stay another night here, he'll need to pay another 5 silver to the innkeeper.

(OOC: Grubnick regains 1 HP. He can choose new spells for the day.)

Felran and Ne-Chanz (High Hand Inn, Common room)
At First Watch, the unlikely duo of Felran and Ne-Chanz wake up in their room at the High Hand. It's the morning of Autumn Twilight the 1st and they can see it's snowing outside. It's a good thing Felran invested in that coat. As for Ne-Chanz, well, the cold never bothered him anyway. Feeling a little better today, they head downstairs to the common area. They spot the strange goblin they met yesterday, Gobax Redbug, as well as several other people.

The plainswoman innkeeper stands behind the counter. There are three dwarves about. Two, a male and female, sit and chat with other by the roaring fire keeping the place warm. The third looks rather shady, especially in his jet black leathers. There are also five humans about. Three sit at a table together, eating breakfast. A fourth sits alone, wearing black robes. Everyone gives her a wide berth. The last wears a heavy cloak and sits at the bar, speaking with the innkeeper.

Two kapaks stand on the balcony above, looking down on everyone and quietly whispering to each other. Three baaz sit away from the others, drinking and carousing.

If Felran and Ne-Chanz want to stay another night here, they'll need to pay another 5 silver to the innkeeper.

(OOC: Felran and Ne-Chanz both regain 1 HP each.)

Shima Longfoot (High Hand Inn, Common Room)
At First Watch, Shima wakes up in his room at the High Hand. It's the morning of Autumn Twilight the 1st and he can see it's snowing outside. Good thing he wears so much insulating leather. Feeling a little better today, he heads downstairs to the common area.

The plainswoman innkeeper stands behind the counter. There are two other dwarves about, a male and female, that sit and chat with other by the roaring fire keeping the place warm. Neither is Raena, though. There are also five humans about. Three sit at a table together, eating breakfast. A fourth sits alone, wearing black robes. Everyone gives her a wide berth. The last wears a heavy cloak and sits at the bar, speaking with the innkeeper.

There is also a goblin wearing a lot of leather (even his cloak looks leather), a red-haired half-elf in a thick winter coat, and a snow white minotaur of all things.

Two kapaks stand on the balcony above, looking down on everyone and quietly whispering to each other. Three baaz sit away from the others, drinking and carousing.

If Shima wants to stay another night here, he'll need to pay another 5 silver to the innkeeper.
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima wanders over to the dwarves and says, "Oi! Is it always this cold here?"
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: As for Ne-Chanz, well, the cold never bothered him anyway. < Priceless. Ne-Chanz has the cash.)

"Well, looks like buying that suit was a good idea," Felran says. He looks to Ne-Chanz, "You want to give the Inn-keeper the money we owe him for the room?"
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra manages to pull herself out of her warm bed. She stretches a bit in hopes of working out some of the stiffness in her body from her wounds. Once she feels a little more awake, Kendra walks downstairs. "Apparently, its all ready snowing," she says to her husband once she is downstairs.
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by djhyland »

Arulia tries to block out the sounds of her sisters' excitement by pulling her pillow over her head, but it's too late: she's awake and no matter how she tries, sleep won't return. It's probably for the best anyway--after her late return last night, she probably shouldn't draw more attention to herself by laying in bed until noon.

Moaning at the ache of her tired muscles and the pain of her wounded shoulder, Arulia stands at the side of her bed and tries not to cringe at the cold of the floor. Pulling her blanket from the bed for warmth, she kneels on the floor and centers herself. Once she finds her calm, she prays to Paladine, thanking him for his protection and asking him how best she can serve his will.

Arulia rises and dresses hurriedly, then follows her sisters down to the kitchen. As casually as she can, she greets her family. "Good morning," she says, trying to supress a nervous twitch. "How is everyone today?"

(OOC: Arulia learned her lesson yesterday, and wishes to memorize cure light wounds three times and cure moderate wounds today.)
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by TristenC »

As Grubnick awakes he reflects on the success and failures of the day before... Kneeling, he prays to Sirrion for guidance and wisdom. That done he memorizes his new spells and heads downstairs leaving his weapons in his room but keeping the pass in one pouch.

Grubnick makes eye contact with Felarn as he descends the stairs, then looks to the bar in a significant way. He then heads to the bar to pay for his room another night and speak with the inkeep. He gives her time and a little distance since she is in conversation with the cloaked man. If Felarn approaches he will speak very quietly so only he can hear but without looking his way. We need to meet away from prying eyes... not in our rooms either...

[OoC: spells:
1st: cure lt 4x, Light
2nd: Cure Mod, Hold Person 2x, Find Traps]
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by spyguy1503 »

Ne-Chanz pays for the next night. To Felran "Where were we supposed to meet that Haaque Character?"
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: We are at the bar now. The payment was given to the Innkeeper who is probably behind the bar anyways.)

Felran approaches the goblin, looking at the Innkeeeper and returns his whisper. "Indeed, any thoughts?" he says, but after saying it he speaks normally, "I'm glad I bought this suit, it's going to be cold out today."

(OOC: Playing it off so hard. Also, red would be fitting for this character.)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
The Dragon
The Phoenix
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Felran - War of teh Lance
Phaethon - Fighter

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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by TristenC »

Market or the inn called Steel Tankard. he whispers back before speaking normally as well. Indeed. I had to buy this cloak yesterday to keep from freezing.

Once Green Tears is available he will pay her for another night and ask her quietly, What's the news? There are a lot of new faces about today... before continuing in a normal tone, Some coffee please, and a light breakfast.

[Ooc: if coffee isn't normal here, black tea]
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: You better get my meaning. )

Felran pulls a steel piece out of his small belt pouch, placing it on the bar's surface. "How much Steel did the cloak cost?" he says before also asks for a breakfast.

(OOC: Ne-Chanz has the money, so I need to be a bit careful.)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae has to praise his forsight to buy the winter coat, but he can't help think that he should get some warmer pajamas as well. By the looks of it it's going to be rather hard to leave town with all this snow, which means he might be trapped here for weeks. Months even! He shivers at the thought, then shivers again because it's cold. This is not the carefree wandering Haahqae who never stays more then two weeks in any one place that he knows and loves. He should probably just up and leave this place, but Ismene's here, and those thieves are probably here too. Well if he's trapped here, then they probably are too, that gives him all winter to hunt them down and make them distribute the loot fairly like they promised.

Once he's down in the common room Haahqae replies to the innkeep's question. "You and me both. I don't know how long I can survive nights like last night. But that's besides the point." Haahqae hands over the required money, fortunately he's still got some left over from the giant to cover his costs. "The point is those two thieves I was talking to yesterday, the girls, went and robbed me and my friends of a fairly hefty sum in steel. Don't happen to have any idea where they came from or where they went do you?"

(Haahqae will memorize Greese, Spider Climb and Change Self)
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, Common Room)
Haahqae hands over a steel piece and the innkeeper gives him 5 silver in change. "Hmm, oh, yeah," he says. "I remember now. Those two really pretty ladies. They robbed you? Huh. That's odd, they were asking lots of questions about you last night. Like how long you been here, how much money you got and stuff. I thought they were into you." He scratches his head. "Not sure who they were, though. Had never seen 'em before then. Don't get too many girls that pretty anymore in here, especially not since..," he looks over to the draconians and then finishes, "...since things changed."

(OOC: Haahqae spends 5 silver on his room.)

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
"So I saw," Norris replies, putting their breakfast on the table and gesturing for Kendra to have a seat. "It's beautiful, but it bodes ill. Winter is going to be harsh this year if it's snowing already."

He sits down with her to eat. "You said you had to report in today for light duty, yes?"

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
"Quite well," Thoron says. "In fact, I have news. I managed to find a potential suitor. Now he's just the first, but I hope more will follow. He's a merchant, but despite the tax issue he's doing very well and could easily provide for one of you. I've arranged for him to come by this evening for dinner. Oh, and apparently the prefect is holding some kind of party today. As the leader of the trade guild, Karn will be attending, so I'm hoping I can get him to spread the word while there. Lots of aristocrats and bigwigs will be in attendance."

Gobax, Felran and Ne-Chanz (High Hand Inn, Common room)
Gobax hands the plainswoman a steel piece, and she gives him five silver in change. He then moves toward Felran and speaks to him softly while Ne-Chanz heads up to the bar and and hands the innkeeper 5 silver so he and Felran can keep their own room tonight.

Gobax then heads back to the bar and speaks with Green Tears. "News?" she repeats. "Some of the army's marching. Rumor is, they're heading to Qualinesti. Going to burn it to the ground, with the elves in it." She gets him some coffee for a silver piece. She then takes Felran's coin and brings him something similar, returning to him 9 silver in change.

(OOC: Gobax pays 5 silver for his room tonight and another silver for his breakfast. Ne-Chanz pays 5 silver for their room tonight. Felran pays 1 silver for breakfast.)

Shima Longfoot (High Hand Inn, Common Room)
Shima walks over to the two dwarves and comments on the weather. Now up close, he can see them better and make out some details. Both dwarves are fairly old, probably creeping toward 200. Both are Neidar. The male has greying brown hair, grey eyes and deeply tanned skin. His clothes and the way his beard is braided suggests he works on the docks, perhaps as a longshoreman or sailor. The woman has black hair streaked with grey, green eyes and very dark skin. She's simply dressed, like a commoner.

"Winter's coming," the woman says simply, as if that were explanation enough.

The man, however, sneers. "Don't talk to him," he tells the woman. Looking at Shima, he adds, "Looks like an outcast. Maybe fatherless. Definitely shady looking."

(OOC: "Fatherless" means without a clan, i.e., exiled which is considered the worst punishment imaginable to a dwarf. This is that -2 reaction penalty to other dwarves at work due to his kit.)
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Please tell me you got my meaning Tristen. Also, I emphasized the word -Steel- in my speech and put the -Steel- coin down in front of me.)

Felran begins to eat his food, telling Ne-Chanz that it would be wise to do the same.
He whispers over to the Goblin one last thing, "See you there," before he moves over to Ne-Chanz.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Yeah," Kendra says as she sits down at the table. She starts in on eating her breakfast. "But I'm not really sure what light duty entails," she admits. "But I guess I'll find out once I get there, you know, providing that the ones left don't try to kill me."
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Re: CH. 9: Winter is Coming

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima Longfoot (High Hand Inn, Common Room)
Shima bows to the female dwarf, "Thank you for your graciousness, Your Ladyship," and says to her companion, "You're right, my father was an ogre," and turns away.
He should be immune by now, but the male dwarf's words still hurt.

He moves away towards the bar, and then spots a loose boot strap which he immediately starts tightening. It seems to be jammed as it takes a while.
{OOC: Detect Noise to eavesdrop on the conversation at the bar}
The dwarf steps across to the odd looking trio of goblin , elf and minotaur. "Would you know a gnome? I'm looking for a gnome. Well, a particular one, not just any gnome. I'm Shima, by the way, if anyone's interested."