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Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

[OOC: Since it's a "Pixie" potion its just perfect really. I see it as no fireball but more like a magic missile with a chance to ignite(from a human perspective)? It will be in the book as an alchemy recipe, so it's a chemical instead of magical one, sound good?]

The glass shatters on impact, exposing its contents to the air which quickly burst into flame at the sudden contact of Oxygen. Her last glimpse of the room is with streamers of fiery liquid arcing across the room, dark smoke moving swiftly to obscure the last glimpse of her friends.

The desecrated runes holding up Snowberrys home finally falter completely, the heat from the flames warping them beyond recognition. They explode in unison, each tearing a sizable chunk from the tree home, flinging the materials about in a deadly shower of splinters.

Her natural protections shield her from any potential damage caused by the wooden missiles but their impact pounds her towards the ground, assisted by bursts of wind and rain that have yet to yield.

(OOC: I thought this might be a good time for some random determination. By which I mean, how about a dex. roll to see if she is forced to land or nimbly remains aloft? Balance or Tumble would be appropriate I think. I'll try not to ask for too many of these :D)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

(Ooc: And now we have her craft and profession skills.. Craft: Alchemy, profession: Fletcher..)

Tumble [1d20+6] = 15+6 = 21

Feeling the projectiles rain down on her she almost gives in, it would be easy to let the darkness take her... But Snowberry and Heather would go unavenged... Forgotten.

Rolling with the wind and the blast she tucks her wings in behind her and tumbles backwards in the sodden ground, her natural dexterity allowing her to jump to her feet..

She had to leave, the blast would attract predators, and she suspected the glade was no longer protected now the fairy magic was gone...

Scanning the glade she searches for anything of use.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Her feet slide backward slightly as the elements continue their press against her. The impromptu landing had left her slightly off guard, or maybe that was just the constant darkness lit up with only brief flashes of lightning, but as she glances about the clearing she spots a large shadowy figure moving in her direction.

The next burst of lightning reveals the Dryad, Nettala, cautiously approaching Stardusts location and pausing a short distance away. Nettalas face is a mix of curiosity and fear in the brief glimpse Stardust is given.

Stardust has landed between the Stones Circle and the pond. The Dryad is approaching from just south of the pond. Little else can be seen about the area, mostly due to the weather.

OOC: Those both seem like good choices.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"Nettala run! Something bad has happened, something terrible, you must get to safety!" She shouts, her little voice fighting the storm.
She stands motionless for a moment, unable to move, the gravity of what had happened, and what she had done filling her with utter dread and sorrow.

Raising her small body from the ground she flies low towards the approaching Dryad, tears streaming down her face. "Nettala, you have to get to safety, please... tell the others, the circle is broken, Snowberry is gone.." She sobs her flight erratic as she rises to the Feys eye level.

(While she isnt a warrior, her sense of self preservation would mean that she would probably go invisible if anyone attempted an attack on her.. she is too scared and way to paniced to do anything else...Agreed? And I updated her inventory, taking off the potion she threw and adding the box that i meant her to take..)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

The Dryads cracked features are cast in full relief as the lightning crashes onward. Her gorgeous face is framed by lush green hair as she peers at Stardust, relief giving way to confusion followed by fear as she takes in Stardusts bloody clothing and features.

"Stardust! What is going on? Was that Snowberrys home? The magics binding this home feel weaker!" Nettalas throaty voice is clipped as her questions fall out in a rush. Stardusts answers seem to only add to Nettalas confusion who attempts to keep a distance between herself and Stardust. "What happened to Snowberry? Did you... did you do this?"

A shrill voice cries out from the shadows of Nettalas legs "What've-you-done-Stardust!?-Why-do-you-look-like-that!? What-was-that-explosion!?" The voice comes out in a rush, tripping over itself in its haste. It definitely belongs to one of her Pixie "friends", though she can't be sure which.

(OOC: Perhaps the initiative roll would go at the very beginning to determine if she reacts swift enough to do just that. We've been having her run decloaked for now, but she can enact it at anytime.)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Init [1d20+6] = 9+6 = 15

Ooc: she's CG right now on the verge of turning CN.. So this will be in Character.

Stardust turns to face the incoming Pixie, her face burning from the accusation she knew was true, she had done this, everything that had happened was her fault, no matter her motives.

"There was an explosion, Snowberrys home was destroyed.. She's.. She's dead.. I. Feel the magic failing too, Heather is gone too.. I saw her body ripped to shreds. And you think I did this?" Her voice raises in volume over the storm, "We HAVE to get away from here! Otherwise we will die.. Whatever attacked will get us too."

Making her hands into fists she grits her teeth, anger welling up in her body, what was happening to her?
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Is the initiative roll because you're expecting an attack or making an attack?)

Netalla peers at Stardust intently as she explains, glancing to the small smoldering fire that is fighting to burn about mid way up the tree that had held Snowberrys home. Netalla glances about the area at Stardusts mention of leaving, fear written across her face. "Leave? We can't leave, this is our home, my tree is here. That is... ridiculous..." Her voice trails off as her bark lined brow creases in worry and thought.

The voice at the Dryads feet remains quiet throughout Stardusts explanation, its intentions unknown and unknowable. As Stardust finishes her quick recount of events a third voice cries out and the accusing voice finally makes itself known again to try and shush it down.

revealing herself from invisibility and from behind Nettalas leg appears Sway Cometfall, her face anxious with worry. Sway moves swiftly towards Stardust her arms outstretched in a move to embrace her friend and a cry on her lips."Stardust! Thank goodness your safe, are you okay? that is... terrible news you've brought... You think we should leave?... I didn't even recognize you before... why do you look like that?" Her voice comes out in a rush as she appraoches, her voice thick with care. Sway pulls up an arms length away, har hands falling to her side as she takes in Stardust appearance, though she finally does step closer reaching out her right hand towards stardusts own.

The invisibly accusing voice only cries out again as Stardust becomes visibly angry. "Get back, Sway! Look at her, she did this... Don't get too close!" Netalla attempts to quiet the voice, scolding whomever is there just as Stardust starts to think she can recognize the voice, though it is hard to tell still
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

(Shes scared and getting paranoid, its to go invisible when the shit goes down.)

"I did this? People keep saying I did this.. I'm scared, don't you sense the darkness? Something bad is coming and you area standing around accusing me?" Voice breaking she flies backwards trying to distance herself.

"Show yoursef, whoever you are!" She shouts in the darkness, "Snowberry is dead, you all know she wanted me to take her place one day.. I'm not going to do that, but if Snowberrys trust means something... Please trust me."

"You trust me don't you Sway?" She gives her a hopeful glance.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Roger that!)

A look of confusion crosses Sways face as she approaches and Stardust retreats from her, though that confusion changes swiftly to concern as she stops in her approach. Her light voice is toned with care as she seeks to calm her friend. "Star! Wait come back, come with me to help the others. Of course I trust you... but a darkness? I don't understand. If there is Danger we can't just go, we need to warn and help the others!" Though her face turns once more to confusion as she tries to untangle what Stardust is saying it passes swiftly once more, replaced with a steely resolve. Sway turns halfway back as she finishes talking and beckons for Stardust to join her; she stands a little taller and straighter as she stops, the rain has soaked her hair through sticking it to her head and combined with her new hardened expression she appears as a tiny, fragile avatar of war her gossamer wings swept back behind her.

Nettala watches and listens to the exchange in obvious fear, her eyes darting back in the direction of her beloved Tree each time Stardust or Sway mentions danger or darkness. She remains silent throughout until Sway is finished talking, the Pixies words stirring her to action, though probably not in the way Sway hoped. Nettala turns away from the Pixies without warning and begins a light jog through the rain and into the fog, Stardusts last glimpse of her is is green hair waving in the wind a final hurried shout is almost completely lost to the raging storm. "... ... you must, ... ...stay.. ...Tree(?)!"

The accusing voice coming from near Netallas legs has remained strangely quiet, made the more strange when Stardust finally places the voice to Robin Warbler. Robin spent most of her days with birds and the hurried clipped speech should have given her away sooner... if not for all the ... events that had happened today. Though why Robin would be so cruel to Stardust was a mystery, they had never been best friends but there was no bad blood, or animosity or anything between them. Her voice had been thick with fear, so perhaps that was all it was, a reaction out of fear.

OOC: Edit- The "map" is just for your bearings mostly, with Stardust being the smaller circle on the left, Sway is the Smaller one on the right and Nettals is the larger red circle. approx. 100 ft from Snowberrys home btw.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"Sway.." Star flies up to her friend embracing her tightly, "Look at the circle, you know magic... Reach out and sense the evil... The circle is broken." Feeling the stone in her pouch she shudders, "We have to get everyone together, find safety."

"Robin..." She starts unsure how to begin. "Please, go up to the trees, keep watch. The magic protects the glade, without it... The big ones can come in, the monsters we see in the world can enter.. Whatever happened it set a target on our heads."

Keeping Sway close she moves closer to the circle.. "Call everyone. Get them here."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Sway moves to meet Stardust and accepts her hug gracefully, though she cuts it short and turns to the circle of stones at Stardusts prompting. "I... It's changed... but I don't know." Her eyes lose focus for a moment before taking on a silvery sheen; she lets out a slight gasp as her eyes glance over the ritual circle once more. "Evil! It's been corrupted." she spits the words out as if they were a bad taste in her mouth.

"Robin, come out. You could help as welll" Cries Sway as she glances. "At least do as Star says." There is no reply to either of the two Pixies calls, so perhaps Robin left with Netalla.

Sway returns her attention to Stardust. "The others then! Will you come to help me gather them?... If not... If not then stay near here and I'll gather you once I have found the others." Her face takes on a fierce demeanor once more as she makes to leave, a few quick flutters of her wings to shake off the damp and she is off.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"Its different, Its evil." Star says as she follows close behind Sway, fluttering in the rain she fights to keep up. "I found something..." She comments fingering the stone. "What happened... Our lives, our people." Cursing in every language she knew Star keeps an eye out, searching for the chaos that surrounded her people.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Sway almost leaves Stardust behind in her haste but slows quickly when she realizes this and matches the slightly slower pace.

Fighting the storm Stardust realizes how long the day had been and how tired she really was. Her time of blackout had hardly refreshed her, if at all, and her long flight earlier had taken its toll on her wing muscles.

Conversation is hard as they fly and most of their talking is done as they stop to walk and search specific areas. Sway does her best to comfort Stardust as she shares her fears, the normally flighty and happy go lucky Sway seeming possessed of a new indomitable spirit and optimism. " Don't give up hope yet Star! I sensed it as well, but what's done can be undone."

They speed along and arrive at the home Sway shared with her friend Lark Moondance as their first stop. Sway stop before entering and turns to question Star about what she had found. "What did you find? Never mind, wait until we gather the others so we can tell everyone at once."

The two Pixies are able to gather five others and hustle them along to the hidden cave behind the waterfall. Entering the cave they also find Juniper and the Nymph, Daeira, already there taking shelter from the storm. Sway steps to the center of the cave as the others find a place to sit in comfort, she takes hold of Stars hand and brings her forward as she moves to take the "main stage". The group is wild with animated chatter, Robin specifically moves from each Pixie holding whispered conversations. Sway puts a stop to this with a short bit of casting, projecting an image of herself large enough to touch the top of the cave roof that emits a single shout "QUIET!

Once quiet is mostly established sway begins to address those present, giving Stardust a short introduction. Listen everyone, most of you know that something strange is going on in our home." she pauses slightly to give Robin a sharp glare before continuing. "What you don't know is exactly what IS happening. That's why we are all here, Stardust has important information too share... and news of a great tragedy that has befallen our community." Sway stops talking and gives the floor to Stardust, giving her an encouraging nod.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"You.." She starts to say before breaking down to, her chest wracking with little sobs. "You all know me. You know what Snowberry meant to me." She eyes Robin with wild eyes. "She was hurt, badly.. Heather tried.. But she was gone. I tried to help, I went to find someone... Anyone." Lifting he head she watches the assembled Fey.

"I came back.. And I was tired, I remember passing out, I woke up in the rain." Reaching into her pouch she fiddles with the stone. "Snows house was a wreck, there was a huge hole in her body, heather a mess.. Something destroyed them. I could sense the evil..the danger. It would have consumed us all."

"So." Her voice fighting to be heard over her own tears. "I destroyed the tree. I feared... I thought that.. I imagined the darkness would consume us. I did what I thought was right."

"Our home is a mess, the darkness is coming..." She glances at each of them. "We need to protect ourselves. I'm leaving.. Perhaps there is a new home somewhere."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(I'm not a fan of arguing/confrontation but I'm hoping that doesn't show in the following :D )

Her breath mists in the cold of the cave as Stardust addresses the others, her words interrupted by an occasional blast of thunder. Those assembled glance between themselves nervously as her story is completed, indecision clearly marking each face. Sway stands apart, her face resolute and her squared stance almost challenging. She drapes an arm across Stardusts shoulders in an attempt to comfort her and speaks to the gathering as Star finishes.

"There's no need to worry so yet, Star. Once day is upon us we may be able to view this tragedy in new light. Patience and sharp minds will see us through this and... and the decision to leave our homes should not be chosen rashly..." She pauses slightly as she glances around at those assembled to gauge their reactions thus far. " I propose we settle in here for the night, in company, with someone standing at the cave mouth... and I will go out to search for those we could not find. Star please don't leave, we need to stand toget..."

As Sway turns to Stardust to urge her to remain Robins voice pipes up from the group.

"No way! You heard her, it's her fault. She brought this on us and now Heather and Snowberry are dead. There's no ones word but her own, how do we know what happened? I say she SHOULD leave and good riddance!"

Robins voice is filled with uncommon venom as she practically spits the words out... Her voice tinged with... Jealousy? But why.

Several in the crowd quietly voice their agreement with Robin while others silently nod along. Looking at those gathered she had lived with for these past years, who had become like a family after so long, she is pressed to find a friendly face among them.

The normally quiet Spiderspinner even speaking up softly, barely heard over the ambient noise. Her voice mournful and already full of longing for better days.

"What evil have you brought upon us Prettywhisk? And why?"