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A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

Passing a table of Dwarves on his left and a group of humans on his right Dirth settles up to the bar, a rough tired looking man is on his left. The bartenders are two Dwarven men that bare a fair bit of family resemblance and one approaches Dirth with a friendly smile, behind a red bushy beard, on his face.

"Hoe there Lad, How's the day. He remarks as greeting and responds to Dirths Question. "Five silver a night is the current rate, you aren't here on company business are you?

(OOC: No worries, It's just you and Jenara at the moment, and two friends of mine though I don't know if i'd have you meet just for time constraints etc. Ravenloft is the important one now anyway! >.> But definitely, getting it going is the rough part.)
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Well enough, and you two? in response to the pleasantries. Five silver is fine. Not company business exactly... though a friend of mine coming tomorrow is looking for work... Who should he speak to to find out what is available?
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

"Oh, You'll be wanting to see Ivan "Parchmenthammer if that's your business." Remarks the nearest barkeep with a smirk. As he continues speaking he holds out a hand in expectation of the coins for a room. If he ain't here yet, he'll be here round dark for when the show starts and to grab a meal. You could check with one of the tables, he usually hangs around with one of them." The man keeps a friendly grin on his face as he rambles, and sweeps an arm to encompass the nearby tables as he mentions them.

When the name "Parchmenthammer" is mentioned the second barkeep lets out a short laugh, some sort of running joke apparently, as he goes about his work.

The Underground Tavern is loud and Dirth has trouble hearing any conversations not directly in front of him. Several dozen people lounge about the room at various tables, while servers march about their work like soldiers at war.
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Dirth pays for the room, but something about the bartender's demeanor makes him suspicious. Parchmenthammer, huh? Anything in particular I should know about him? he says, cutting his eyes to the other barkeep. Just so we're clear, my friend wants mining work. What kind of show do you have going on here tonight?
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

"Ha! nothing untoward my friend, he just runs most of the paperwork side of the mines." Replies the nearest bartender though his companion laughs and nods along with him, commenting at the end. "Aye, he's as likely to chuck a roll of parchment at yer head as he is to chuck a hammer."

Dirths skepticism and his clarification of his reason for asking gets the barkeeps attention who responds. "No no, he is the one you want if your friend is looking for work at the mine or anything to do with it mostly. The question of the show brings a smile to the mans face, though as he takes in the instrument case strapped to Dirths back it falters slightly. "Music most nights of the week here, the miners love it... I'd welcome you to try your hand but, well, it's mostly Dwarven music you see? Music for Dwarves, about Dwarves sung by Dwarves...
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Hmm, I'll have to check out the show myself then. I enjoy all kinds of music and I haven't had much chance to hear authentic dwarven song. he says with a grin. Where can I find my room, I want to unload some of my gear.
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

"Yes sir, it should be a good one. Stick around long enough or show up when the suns headin down and you'll get a chance to hear some song." Replies the Man returning the grin. He reaches to a key ring at his belt and brings it in front of himself to read the markings on their handles. "You want a dirt up or dirt down room? Seasons slow for the moment so you get yer pick. If'n you want Dirt up just head out the hallway and take the first passage on your left. If you want dirt down same instructions but after you take the left take the next stairs on your left" Asks the Barkeep before handing him the key for his room of choice. "You wantin a room for your friend as well?"

OOC: The hallway he directs Dirth to is the northern passage on the map, if you're cool with it I'll reference all maps as if they had the cardinal directions on them with the top being north. This is just to make it easy and is no way accurate to the actual map(indoor maps, It's easier to make outdoor maps, erm... cardinally correct?), I can also not do this if you prefer. Oh, and Dirth is in the red circle :D
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Namenlos wrote: "You want a dirt up or dirt down room?
Good question, what's the difference? I'm not exactly familiar with that term.
Namenlos wrote: "You wantin a room for your friend as well?"
He'll make the arrangement when he shows up. He expected it to be tomorrow, but he had something to take care of so it may take him longer.

Namenlos wrote: OOC: if you're cool with it I'll reference all maps as if they had the cardinal directions on them with the top being north. This is just to make it easy and is no way accurate to the actual map(indoor maps, It's easier to make outdoor maps, erm... cardinally correct?),
That's basically what I do too ;) king ratslayer
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

"Haha, love you outlanders! Wondering if you want dirt above your head, dirt up, or the dirt beneath your feat, dirt down. Aye, well I'll keep an eye open for them if you'd like? Names Hardrak, and me friend over there is Krake(he says while pointing to the other bartender). How about your? and your friends name? Want to leave a message for them?" Replies the Innkeep now identified as Hardrak, he seems eager to please and friendly enough as he engages with Dirth.
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Call me Argus, good to meet you Hardrak, Krake he says, nodding to them in turn. Guess I haven't been fortunate enough to spend much time in Dwarven towns. Dirt up sounds good. Ahriah will find me when he gets in, but you'll probably notice a new face right off. Redhead, half-dwarf (if that's going to be a thing :p. if not Mountain dwarf), he'll be asking about work so it won't be difficult to find him. Dirth laughs. Thanks, taking the key he heads to his quarters to stash the gear, taking in the surroundings and construction, looking for possible dead-ends and blind pockets in the layout.
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: I WAS trying to get a map going for you here but this one may take a moment. I'll try to get it across in the game post but just so YOU know this is a HUGE underground complex. As for the Half-Dwarf, I see no reason not to; I don't know why they aren't normally incorporated really though I'm sure someone has done it before. I see them as having maybe a +1 con bonus, being slightly shorter than a "normal" human, and maybe a few fort. bonuses. Thoughts?)

"Well looks like fortunes smiling on you now!" Replies Krake from the middle of the bar.

Hardrak hands Dirth an odd key, marked in Dwarven with the number 15, as he chooses "dirt up"; the "main" shaft of the key looks like any normal key Dirth has handled before, the oddness comes from below where there are three more prongs attached. "Keep that safe, lad. An' if you break one of the prongs off come on back to me and switch it out or you'll be in for a nasty surprise tryin to get into yer own room." Hardraks face is serious as he describes the importance of the prongs attached to the key.

"The mysterious bugger means our doors are trapped." Explains Krake with an annoyed look at Hardrak. ""Why can't you ever just come out and say that the doors are trapped?"

The two begin to fall into an argument with each other as Dirth is leaving though they take the time to say "You're welcome" after his thanks.

Stepping through the north door leads into a hallway of carved stone blocks that goes for a good distance(thirty five feet) before forming a T intersection with a passage to the left. Dirth moves down the left hand passage way that stretches off farther than Dirth can see, its end lost in the torchlight. He passes another break on his right(thirty-feet down) and a closed door further on(twenty feet further) another twenty feet brings him to the left turn that Hardrak had directed him to. The hall breaks to the right after a short distance(fifteen feet) and Dirth sees the stairs on his left almost right after that. Stepping past the stairs Dirth conveniently finds a door marked with the same Rune as the key that he bears.

The door has a well crafted handle set into a metal plate, a key hole below the handle looks like it will fit his key easily and there are openings for the prongs around the normal key slot. Inserting the key and turning it will release a series of four relieving clicks in quick succession.

(OOC: Once I've got this map I'm working on it should make more sense, sorry! Hope you don't mind the door being "conveniently" right there but It's possible I could keep you running around this place for awhile if not O.O )
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

[OOC: No worries. I can handle it without maps fairly well (I used to do a lot of reading Fantasy books for pleasure… not much time these days) so don’t sweat it too much ;)
I dunno much about 3.5 really, but I’d suggest checking out the bonuses and such given to half-elves as compared to full elves, then reading dwarves immediately after and going with what feels right. I can dig into it if you like. Maybe darkvision and some half-sie bonuses to poision/fort stuff… I’d say no ability score adjustments though, since the half-elf doesn’t get any either… Since he’s only going to be imitating/shifting into one, it won’t really matter stat-wise will it?]

[out of the bar, N 35’ to T-intersection, W 30’ to pass hall + 20’ to pass door + 20’ to turn Left (S), 15’ to take the hall on Right (W), see/pass stairs on L (S) find door 15. Das ist gut, ja?]

Smiling and shaking his head in amusement, Dirth/Arnos (shit, did I really just accidentally name myself after the guildmaster? Sonova8!7<#... can I change that to Argos?) downs his beer and collects his gear before heading to the room. Traps eh… hell of a way to discourage squatters… I wonder if it’s to protect against thievery, privacy or monsters… There don’t seem to be a lot of critters about, so perhaps there are some light-fingered felonious fellows a’ filchin’ the finer fripperies… Fsck.. He keeps an eye out for any other patrons or critters about. The vastness of the passage speaks to him quietly in his mind…

Down the hallowed halls of Helmsford our hero hikes,
Hanging his heavy head, he hammers at his mind.
What whims, what whimsy, what woeful weal was it
That dared to bring him here
Without an ale, a mead or shot,
Nor any drop of beer.

I wonder if I’ve brought enough supplies to make it to my room… he ponders absently as he makes the final turn. He opens his room, making certain nobody else is in the hall with him first. Moving inside he shuts and locks the door behind him, scanning the room in total darkness with his native vision before setting a light. (assuming no other occupants/interesting interactions) he lays his gear beside the bed and takes in all of the details.

[OOC: Before you ask, yes; I meant for that to be 12/12/12/break 6/12 tempo but it sounded better with a 6/8/6 ending… I dunno why…
Things he’ll note/look for especially. Number, type and position of furniture, any timekeeping pieces. Any lockboxes or things for customer use, closer look about for any hidden things (like a wall-safe or whatever)]

[P.S. I wrote this 2 full days ago and forgot to post it and didn't notice until today! Lol]
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Das ist gut!
My thought was to make it unlike the half-elf in that way. The idea being that they are more robust due to their heritage but with fewer other bonuses, basically a hearty human but no extra feats. I dunno :D . Yeah, it wouldn't matter for Dirth specifically, sorry for the tangent, just bouncing an idea off you >.> Oh, and ROFL at calling yourself Arnos not really a big deal right? Unless... He gets accused of something and that leads back to the guild master O.O Go ahead and change it if you'd like, though it does add possibilities ^.^ )

12:40 P.M.

Dirth passes a good many folk as he walks the halls to his room(I can introduce each one to you or they will remain as Background, up to you on this one. Or to be more precise up to Dirths observations :D ) mostly Dwarves with a smattering of Humans thrown into the mix, a gnome or two and potential "Half-races"(Half-Orc, Elf, Dwarf).

Entering through the doorway(where else?!) reveals a darkened room empty of occupants and light on the furnishings. There is a bed with a small table next to it, a dresser with empty drawers and a chest. There are two candles, one on the dresser and one on the small table and there are two torch scones set into the walls. The rooms walls are made of carved stone blocks set perfectly together making them smooth to the touch with no seams.

Edit: Added Image

(A little sleep deprived and feeling rusty[I was only gone for a few days wtf!] so I apologize for the shortness of this one and if I missed anything you may have wanted to know. Oh btw I thought you might find this interesting; I was watching a show called "The Expanse" and the first episode is called "Dulcinea". Small world, aye?)
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Dirth does his best to be inconspicuous in the halls. Once inside he lights a candle out of habit. Then stows his pack and gear under the bed along with his bow, quiver and violin. He keeps his melee weapons on along with his pouches (with smokesticks) and his traveler's outfit (with chain beneath). He bounces the room key on one palm and idly wonders how difficult it would be to pick that lock. Thinking of the tabs and traps he tries to commit his key design to memory (at least enough to know if a tab breaks!)
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

Lighting a candle reveals a small(foot wide, half-foot tall) metal plate set into the wall with a small knob on the right side of its surface(*). Inspecting the doors lock reveals it to be of fairly complicated design(from INT) though since all the doors at least in the Inn share the design they may be mass produced(WIS). The key and prong design itself is fairly simple, they key is individual but the prongs remain basic.

OOC: Dunno why this took SOOOO long to post but, alas, life.
*Incase I did not give a good enough idea what this is. It's a vent to allow warm air into the room by sliding it open. I've included a (poor) paint picture of the keyhole, to give an idea. Slide the key in with the prongs and turn as normal, pressing the prongs into the slot "pauses" the trap(like cocking a revolver and holding it with your finger) and turning keeps it "cocked"(hope that analogy conveyed it well enough, heh).
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