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A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Bands not bracers, yeah? )

Dirth eyes the bands on the merchants table and identifies them as metallic(steel) circlets that can be opened in-half and then closed over the wrist, or whatever you want to place them on. They appear to be decorative, rather than useful, maybe he could catch a blow on them if he was lucky.

The lady Dwarf has stepped forward slightly to pick up a belt from the table and eye the craftsmanship, specifically focusing on the buckle that is shaped into the shape of an angry dragon*. At Dirths reply she speaks over her shoulder to him without concern.
"Barak mak thum**. Works not the problem, tensions have always been high with the Long-ears, our borders too close. This, this is nothing new, same words, different person." She spits at an open space on the ground as she finishes speaking, apparently a common sign of unhappiness, or anger, disquiet?"How do you not know anyway, this has been going on for... centuries, it seems."

*Generic dragon. could be a wyvern, or anything with a dragon-like face, maybe an angry snake.
**Not German, lol, this would be one of those untranslatable phrases but it essentially amounts to "May an Axe NOT fall on your neck", It's "you're welcome" to a stranger.
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Dirth shrugs and looks over some of the other bits idly. Never lived with knife-ears, and I'm new in town. I prefer the company of humans and Dwarves, really... less uppity, more practical, and don't have to hold an hour-long ceremony to use the latrine.

[Ooc what about the rings and buckles? Anything with a fox on it?]
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Direct answer about the foxes while I write up a post. 10% chance(91-100) of a fox head, 5% for a fox-like critter(86-90), [1d100] = 54. No foxes or fox-like heads :( the fox is not really a creature "these" Dwarves would normally craft onto a buckle, considering it to have mean cunning and cowardly.Edit: damn realized I coped the roll and not the forum code, I can do it again if you want another chance with proof :p )

She chuckles at his reply, especially the latrine part, apparently when their not being riled up most Dwarves are pretty friendly, so far.

Checking the belts, rings and even the necklaces for a specific design(A foxes head) proves fruitless, unfortunately for Dirth, though there is probably more than one merchant in the world, so all hope is not lost.

The ranting Dwarf has continued though its hard to tell if he's actually saying anything worthwhile or just repeating the same thing over and over in a different way. Those grouped and listening are stirred up, but not particularly incensed over his words. The people here have all heard it before, it would require more than the normal rabble rousing to move them to action, an event to focus their anger most likely.

The Merchant of the bauble stand approaches Dirth ,noticing his interst, with a timid smile and sidelong glances at the angry crowd. "Welcome, Welcome, all are welcome. My friend, the finest gems and stones for a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand miles! You like the belts, the rings, or necklaces? Crafted from the finest metals by the most skillful of craftsmen. Look no further my friend, for I have what YOU need." As he gets into his "sellers speech" some of the worry he had obviously been showing slips away and he becomes more engaging..
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

Dirth gives the girl his favorite smile when she chuckles, but turns to the vendor. Quite a fine array, my good merchant. Dirth says, caught up in the man’s patter. Actually those armbands caught my eye, but I might in the market for a good signet ring if I stumbled across one. I suppose such a well-connected person such as yourself would be able to arrange for custom-work?

[ooc: what sort of patterns? Sorry if I’m making more work for you, but he might be interested ;) ]
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Nah man, I love it. The more you want to question the world the more I need to have answers. "Hard work is it's own reward", lol, now that sounds Dwarven! Did you mean just the designs on the rings? or everything?)


The merchant has a fairly decent array of rings(21 in total) and once Dirth has indicated interest the merchant grabs hold of the box the rings rest in and moves it right in front of him. He picks up certain pieces that he thinks would interest him and holds them out for Dirth to inspect.The merchant seems to be well informed on the history of each ring, or he is completely making it up.

"This, this my friend, is an excellent piece crafted right here by our most excellent of jewelers! See, see the crossed axes my friend? A clear sign to any Dwarf that you are a friend! Vichard Bermbelt can tell that you are a friend indeed, I would not offer this to just anyone!

The Dwarf Dirth had been speaking with has moved to the far end of the merchants stall and appears to be ready to leave, without a purchase. A couple has moved up to stand next to Dirth and examine the wares with him.

The "preacher" Dwarf seems to have reached an important phase to his tirade, a quick glance in that direction shows a small force of heavily armed and armored Dwarves moving into the Bazaar in military formation. The newly arrived force begins to make a direct line towards the ranting Dwarf and his crowd. Spotting the troops heading towards him the speaker drops his chin to his chest and starts a slow hum, joined by those gathered, building in volume and then breaking into a short song.

"Oh, I'm a good old Dwarf
Now that's just what I am.
And for these Elven Nations,
I do not give a damn.
I'd gladly fight agin em'
and when we've swiftly won
I won't ask any pardon for anything I've done

I hates the Elven Nation and everything they do,
I hates the declaration of armistices too
I hates their whole damn union, T'is drippin with our blood
I hates the knife ears and fit' em if I could"

OOC: I can go into more "merchant speak" if you'd like, I was just trying to give an impression with the above :D
Twisted a confederate song to make that, hope that works alright for you.
The Rings:
Five of the rings are marked with the Dwarven numerical runes for 1,3,5,6, and 8.
Animal head design: A bear and a Goat
Clan designs: twin axes, shield with crossed swords, an old bearded face, a mountain with a tiny diamond set in its center.
Only gems: A ruby, two separate rings with an emerald , a gigantic diamond, one with a "swarm" of tiny diamonds in a swirling pattern.("only" has a gem inset on the ring, it also has a band, lol.)
just a Band: three gold bands, one silver band, one dark black band with streaks of red running through it.(plain circular band, no embellishment)
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Re: A Mining Operation{[Clansedge]Dirthxanous}

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: sorry for delays]

Oh my, yes. Fine craftsmanship indeed. Such a... Dirth gets a bit distracted by the singing. Umm.. such fine detail and... He pointedly avoids looking towards the musical chanting as the intent of the song escalates. Ignorant savage... he thinks to himself. A couple of holes in his liver... It seems to be getting overly crowded with the guard bearing down... he murmurs. I'll come back some time when there is less... agitation... He bows to the vendor and moves along down the northeast passage, neither hurrying nor moving slowly, but blending with the crowd as much as possible.