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Baldurs Gates

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:35 am
by Namenlos
I'll start by saying I am a huge Baldurs Gate fan, still playing it today and only recently purchased the enhanced editions(the game has stayed interesting to me even over all the years). The new Baldurs gates(at least the ones I have through steam) have a great multiplayer platform and was wondering if anyone else has any or all of them and would like to start a playthrough. There's room for six so whoever wants in is welcome.

I thought it might be interesting to create a character on here, roll stats, etc. and then make them to avoid characters with abilities of 18,18,18,18,18,18 (lol).

Anyway, let me know here or through PM if you'd like to play. If you do not own the games(enhanced Edition) but are still interested let me know as well.

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:57 am
by JadedDM
I have the original ones, but not the enhanced ones. I still play them from time to time, as well.

So sayeth the wise Alondo...

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:04 pm
by Namenlos
There's like 7 people on at the moment so this needs to be bumped into the main view! lol. no reason other than my wants and desires for this, sorry :D

er... ahem... cough...awkward silence.....
I had the 6 disc set from when i was younger and then I have the 3 or 4 set for the second one, no throne of bhaal on disc sadly.

but then I saw a complete edition on and was like "what? 1.00 or w/e I can't not buy it!" So I do have the complete edition for both 1 & 2(an option if you'd like? I may have to see if it has a MP platform though...)

oh yeah, and then I saw the EE(enhanced edition) held off for a long time... but then there was a sale :( plus someone told me that they're using the money from the EE to make a new one and at that point I was willing to believe anything(pretty sure there is a third one on the way actually, just don't really know the truth of the statement).

I'll look into the complete edition tonight or tomorrow to let you know, just uninstalled them finally today(ROFL) since I'm only playing the EE. So I'll get em back and check.

It may be wise of me to mention that I've done rush throughs of the game many times and that is not my intent this time. would like to kinda play out the story, through all 3(1,2,ToB) with someone(s) that would also enjoy the same.

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:13 pm
by JadedDM
Yeah, I have the original 6 disc set. I got a copy on GOG, too, and it was worth it to not have to constantly swap discs anymore. I also have BG2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2, Planescape Torment, Temple of Elemental Evil and Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 on GOG, as well.

They are making a third BG game, called Siege of Dragonspear. It's not BG III, though, more of an interquel that takes place between BG1 and BG2. It's supposed to be released this year, but as there are only a couple of weeks left in the year, I'm assuming it will be pushed to 2016.

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:26 pm
by Namenlos
You sir, have won this round! but only by 2, I lack neverwinter nights 2 and temple of elemental evil... come to think of it not sure where my neverwinter 1 is, and actually I have number 2 I just don't know the cd key /sigh lol.

there is no planescape multiplayer is there? that one might be good. But I would also be interested in trying a multiplayer icewind dale. it was more of a second choice just because its more hack and slash and less open world exploration/RP.

I believe I had read something along what you wrote regarding the BG3(you don't mind if I reference it as such still do you?) game, I'm super excited to play it possibly my number one thing to look forward to(though, I should check out some in game footage/gameplay to really see). I dunno about you, or if you even care :D, but i think an interquel is a great idea, I did wonder what happened during the time inbetween BG and athkatla. Sadly you start at the same level you left BG in BG2 so if it were to be the same character level progression would in my mind be very restrictive, unless of course I lost all those levels while being tortured by Irenicus...

This may be a topic I enjoy... It's one of those I have trouble stopping myself talking about, It's hard for me too feel very bad about it though >.>

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:49 pm
by JadedDM
Yeah, there was a big winter sale in 2011 and...well, now I have almost every D&D game you can find on GOG. (Plus the first two Fallouts!) :lol:

I don't think there's multiplayer in Planescape Torment. Since you play a specific character, The Nameless One, instead of making up your own PC like in BG or IWD or NWN. Not a 100% sure, though.

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:18 am
by temnix
No multiplayer in Planescape: Torment, but I don't know about the "spiritual sequel," Torment: Tides of Numenara. Coming out in 2016... if they don't postpone the release again...

Re: Baldurs Gates

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:02 am
by Namenlos
Just the cleverly named New Life- New Game, Resume Life- Load Game, The Abyss- Exit Game :D

I picked up all of those as well, was great the IWD and BG series are some of my all time favorites and I think I will be able to pick them up and play them randomly for many years to come. And I've thoroughly enjoyed Brian Fargos work, I liked Wasteland 2 a lot. The play style suited me(which is more Fallout: Tactics but still like the originals) more than the Bethesda work I just wish it had been more open world.