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Chapter 4: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

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Chapter 4: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by mltillis »

The Safe Haven Inn

This relatively new three-story stone and timber structure is one of the tallest large buildings in this part of the city. Large
wooden plank signs swing in the breezes at the inn’s second story; their faces are carved with five runes: The elder runes
of Lammath (“safety and shelter”) and Retniw (“camping place”), a Harper’s mark of Safe Haven, and the elvish and dwarvish runes for Safe Refuge. Above the heavy ash-wood double doors on Slop Street, golden letters are set in the stones of the arch, proclaiming the inn “The Safehaven.” (There is a small service entrance off Kerrigan’s Court usable only by the staff.)

Inside, the entryway has two stairways leading up to an open balcony overlooking the taproom. A halfling-sized
desk is set by the left stairwell for guests to be checked in and other taproom patrons to be tended. The large building’s main floor is surrounded on the north side with a massive oak bar and barstools, the wall behind dominated by three large tuns of beer and smaller casks of wine. The floor contains fifteen round tables (seating for six at each) amply dispersed around the room, and four large support pillars hold up the third floor, smaller booths lining the walls and supporting the balcony. The fireplace hearth in the western wall is huge, and its six-foot depth opens through to the kitchen; food is cooked over the same fire, and inviting flames are rarely obscured by boiling pots or spits (though the delicious odors of the kitchen permeate the taproom constantly!).

The second floor is little more than an encircling balcony over the taproom with 12 spacious rooms for 3 gp per
night each; rates are 25 gp for a tenday stay, and no one (unless known and befriended by the owners) is allowed to room for more than two tendays’ stretch. The lockable rooms provide a large bed, table, washbasin, mirror, and small chest for storage; room fees also include a free dinner each day. Each room has a window looking out onto the streets, but there are no window ledges, thus making it a little more difficult for thieves to enter. The first door after the right-hand stairwell opens up to a small staircase to the third floor and the converted suites of the inn’s owners. Inn patrons are not allowed up to the suites or into the kitchen, and little is known about any cellars in the inn. The Safehaven is one of the most popular inns in the ward, its tables always filled by early evening with diners and bar patrons and its rooms quickly filled after that.

Through the diligence of the headwaiter and the unspoken threat of the bouncers, few troublemakers ever disturb the peace here. Many nobles flock to this inn for the sumptuous meals and easygoing company, as well as the nightly musical entertainment by Arkiem Arren. The inn is built upon the site of a former warehouse of Lhorar Gildeggh, the exiled Guildmaster of Waterdeep; many whisper that the bones of many of his opponents rest beneath the inn still.


Late in the afternoon the Safe Haven Inn already bustles with activity. A vivacious raven-haired beauty skips around from table to table flirting with the male customers while taking orders, while a blonde haired waitress does the same without the flirting. A young barrel chested man stands behind the bar paying more attention to the raven-haired waitress than the counter before him. A solitary patron eyes the blonde haired waitress intently.

At one table an exceptionally attractive elven lass sits with a young half-elf girl, having a conversation while drinking wine and nibbling fondue. The elf lass casts an occasional eye at the raven-haired girl waitress as well.

At a separate table a man dressed in the garb of an entertainer sits alone partaking of wine and roasted pheasant.
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by TristenC »

Mercair enters the common room and takes it all in, filing away each tidbit methodically... until his eyes land on the elven beauty. He freezes, involuntarily, for a moment before completing his scan of the room. His eye immediately leaps back to the two ladies seated together. Recognizing the elf from the information he gathered earlier, he motions to the nearest waitress before heading over to their table.

Striding up in his green-enameled banded mail chased with silver vines and his engraved shield strapped across his pack, he stops just a pace short of them. His face breaks into a broad, genuine grin. My dear ladies, the angels themselves hold no claim above your beauty, he says with a formal but inelaborate bow from the waist. But grace me with your names and I should count this life well-lived, he stares deep into the full elf's eyes, recognizing the half-elf as just shy of adult years. Whose presence should I say I have the pleasure of standing in? He keeps his eyes respectfully on her stunning face, but watches her expressions closely for any hint of what she is thinking.

[She has 18 Cha, right. sense motive check meeting party [1d20+4] = 14+4 = 18
Physical description under 'first glance' in second post here]
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by Jenara »

Before Mercair speaks:

"I think the wine will last for a little longer." The elf turns to Edrianna licking the desert from her lips, "This truly is excellent, I wonder what you have planned for tomorrow?" She asks with a wink. "I might have to come and find out." Ushering the girl closer she slips some coins into the girls hand, whispering softly. (Pm to be sent)

And back to the present.

"Pardon?" Snapping her head round she faces the newcomer with a curious look, "You can call me Navi, Naldarívë Tirrel." She responds with a quick glance at Edrianna, which is followed by laughter that sounds almost musical. "Let me guess, either Vrundar or Turic sent you?" Leaning back in her chair she let's her blonde hair fall around her shoulders. "I suggest you get a chair."

"My name is Arnora." The young Half elf responds as she eyes the man with a troubled look, grabbing Navi tightly she puts down her spoon.

(Indeed, she does have 18chr)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by TristenC »

Naldarívë... my name is Mercair His mouth quirks up at the corner at her comment about Turic. Clever as well... Turic, actually. Does this sort of thing happen to you often? At her rather strong invitation to join them, he gives a smirk and drags a chair over and sits.

Arnora, that is a lovely name. Please, don't let me make you uncomfortable. He says gently. You have nothing to fear from me. Turning back to the elf, he continues quietly if the waitress has gone, I was sent by the temple of Lathander to investigate the recent issues with the temple of Torm. It seems our investigations entertwine for now, luckily. he smiles. How is the search for the missing going?
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by Jenara »

"Turic, that figures." Sticking her finger in her desert she lifts the digit to her mouth and sucks gently, making sure both he and Edrianna see. "The kidnappings.. I have a lead, right now I'm being a good girl and waiting for the owners to let me in Arnora's room, and the others." She didn't mention that she wouldn't normally wait.

"The priests sent you? They were nice to me.." Arnora wraps herself around Navi she grins, "You've been nicer."

"So, Mercair?" Shifting in seat she he gets a strong hint of roses filling his nostrils, "The others are in the sewers, chasing down a lead, Turic figured we'd need a hand did he?" Licking the desert once more she nudges Arnora, "Eat yours my dear it's lovely."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by TristenC »

The tall man's eyebrow quirks up slightly at Navi's 'dessert display'. That good, eh? I haven't eaten yet, is there anything you recommend? he asks with a smile.

Let you in the room? Pity there isn't a quicker way... Looking to Arnora, Your key is missing, then? I found one in quite an odd place in the temple... I don't suppose it could be the same one... he takes out a key and lays it casually by her glass to examine. I am glad the priests treated you well. How did you come to lose your key?

When Navi moves closer he breathes the perfume in, at odds with her remark about the sewers. Shaking his head ruefully, Pity these investigations are so often in a sewer rather than sipping wine over a fine meal with two such charming young women. He chuckles to himself. Turic actually was directed to assist my investigation. I was chosen as an impartial party by the three temples involved. He seemed to find you quite capable, and I would have pursued the lead with the other part of the group but they sealed the passage behind. To my great fortune, finding you two was the best course of action for the moment.
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by xelphyn »

Kyntroice approaches the table. "Excuse me," he begins,"but I overheard a part of your conversation. You are looking for missing people?"
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by Jenara »

"It's very good, the service isn't bad either." Shooting Edrianna a wink she continues. "How did she...?" Navi sits silent for a moment, "Arnora has close connections-" she begins as Arnora cuts her off with a cough.

"I stayed here with the Family, before they were taken.." The girl shudders, holding Navi close, "The men that took me took my key, and my things." Spying the key next to her glass, she lifts it high, does it look it familiar?

"You don't look like one who has spent too much time in the sewer to be fair." Her head snaps round and focuses her deep blue eyes on the entertainer as he approaches them.

"Missing people, yes.. You could say that." She responds his earlier questions might make sense now. "And what might your interest be? There is no connection to the Dezlentyr shipping company, before you ask." She offers a sly smile.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by TristenC »

Arnora wrote: "The men that took me took my key, and my things."
The blonde man's face becomes very serious, taking on a quite different appearance. His left hand tightens into a fist, and the creak of leather and chirp of metal grinding from his gauntlet can be heard. I swear to you, Arnora, we will bring them to account for this. All of the mirth and playfulness had fallen from his voice.

[quote=""Navi""]"You don't look like one who has spent too much time in the sewer to be fair." [/quote] I have been fortunate that it was not recent, but it seems my luck is changing. Is that who is being pursued in the sewers now?

When the newcomer approaches, he makes no comment, but takes in his unique appearance bit by bit; cataloguing everything from the gauntlet, long sleeve, even the hint of purple scarring between passes of the fabric. At Navi's comment about the shipping company, he smirks inwardly to himself. Clever indeed...
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by xelphyn »

"I've been sent here to perform investigations."
"See something you like?"
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by Jenara »

"Ummmm... Ok." Arnora looks somewhat sheepish, averting her gaze she digs into her desert, what a strange man.. He barely knew her and here he was defending her honor.. Her honor was gone, they took it. Keeping her head low she listens intently.

"I could tell, please don't be offended but you are... Shall we say new to such things?" Navi comments to the Newcomer not moving and watching his reactions. "There are many good things on the menu, I would sample some wine and the deserts are quite excellent." She knew that wasn't what he was asking, but its what he implied.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by xelphyn »

"I am indeed, and to top that off, I wasn't given much information. When you stumble around blindly, you're bound to stub a toe. And relax, I was talking to this gentleman who can't keep his eyes off of me."
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by Jenara »

"Well.." Navi begins, then sits back in her chair, "I'm giving you some free advice here, questions will arouse suspicion, and as cute as the waiting staff are I doubt they know those answers." Giving him a smile and flashing a mouthful of perfect teeth she regards Mercair and his stance.. "Perhaps a trip to the relevant guild might help with your questions?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: assuming the below was a response to Mercair's scrutiny]
Kyntroice wrote: "See something you like?"
That gauntlet's actually pretty interesting...

Shall we try the key?

[Ooc: ninja'd by both of you! The horror!]
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Re: Meeting at The Safehaven Inn

Post by xelphyn »

Jenara wrote:"Well.." Navi begins, then sits back in her chair, "I'm giving you some free advice here, questions will arouse suspicion, and as cute as the waiting staff are I doubt they know those answers." Giving him a smile and flashing a mouthful of perfect teeth she regards Mercair and his stance.. "Perhaps a trip to the relevant guild might help with your questions?"
"Like I said, blind stumbling, but, I'll take that advice to heart none the less."
I don't blow minds, I blast brains.