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Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Here I will post general but significant things the party learns about the area during their travels. Such things may include Maps of the Region, Cities, Calendars, etc.

Individual character knowledge will be kept in their private thread until shared with the group.

If you have any questions about something that appears here, please ask in the OOC thread.
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »


The Land:
Kartakass is a heavily forested domain with very few settlements in the rugged foothills of the Balinoks. The hills are riddled with caverns, both small and large. Fog is common in low areas, rising from the soil as the afternoon sun begins to wane. In many cases, the mists last throughout the night and are not even fully dispersed by the coming of the day. The brush is dense, the ground is rocky, and the way through the trees is twisted. When straying from a road or clearing, riders on horseback barely move faster than a man on foot. When fog sets in, riding off-trail becomes impossible; riders must lead their mounts, while clearing the branches aside with an outstretched hand. The wolves in Kartakass are unusually bold

Kartakans clear the land around each settlement for farming. Vegetables with bulbous roots thrive in the black Kartakan soil; beets grow to be ten pounds or more apiece. These dark red bulbs and their green leafy tops are staples in the local cuisine. Berries called meekulbern grow in wild, thorny thickets in the Kartakan hills. Natives distill the berries into meekulbrau. Reputedly, the bitter brew relaxes the throat and sweetens the voice. This acquired taste is despised by most foreigners.

The People:
Most Kartakans have fair hair, blue-violet eyes, and pale complexions. Occasionally, a raven-haired child is born, with the same ivory skin and startling gaze. They are a lean, graceful breed.

Kartakans have rich, melodious voices - the kind granted to angels or sirens. The people have a melody for every labor, a song for every occasion. Their music drifts through the forests and echoes across the hills. Many tunes seem filled with sorrow, but in general Kartakans are content with life and fear only marauding wolf packs.

The language spoken in Kartakass is similar to that spoken in Hazlan, yet oddly enough, it shares many elements with elvish; foreigners who know either of those languages have a 5% chance of understanding any conversation, with an additional 1% added to that chance for each day spent among the populace where at least half of the conversation is in ‘Harmonian’. (Bards get 2%/day due to their aptitude with the musical intonations of the language)

The Law:
Kartakass has no central government. Each village has a Meistersinger - a kind of singing mayor - who sets rules and arbitrates any and all disputes in that village and its surroundings.

The Meistersinger also instructs the children in music. Kartakans believe that the gods handed down many of their songs. These divine songs, called mora, teach lessons about morality, goodness, and happiness. The Meistersinger nurtures order and harmony in the village by passing on these moral lessons. Knowledge of mora, and the ability to interpret and sing them well, determine his stature in Kartakass. Each village holds an annual singing and storytelling contest to determine who will be Meistersinger, but incumbents usually retain their positions for many years.
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

The village of Harmonia, in the south, shelters about fifteen hundred people. They claim to have the finest singing voices anywhere, and only the people of Skald dispute this. Harmonian architecture The houses are almost all one story, with wooden frames and steep, densely thatched roofs. The homes have many small, arched windows, each with heavy, blue or green shutters that can be locked and barred from inside. Villagers must labor continuously to maintain the thatched roofs because night birds pick mercilessly at the straw. To avoid the problem, a few wealthy men have capped their homes with imported red tile.

Many of the folk from nearby regions, including the well-to-do of Skald, the only other major village of Kartakass, flock to Harmonia to listen to its songs and partake of its drink. Once each week, the masters and apprentices of Harmonic Hall present a grand performance at their great cliff-side amphitheater.

The only well-traveled road into Harmonia enters from the north from Skald. It is called The Road to Harmony, for here it ends. Within the town, there is a single main street. Because it encircles the Meistersinger's mansion, it is colloquially termed The Loop. The farmland to the south of Harmonia is used to grow feed for the sheep kept by local ranchers as well as vegetables for the townspeople. The black soil is especially suited to bulbous roots and beets are the staple food in Harmonia with some growing to 10 lbs. or more. Villagers harbor livestock under their own roofs, in separate quarters at the rear of the house. Despite such precautions, their animals still fall prey to foxes and wolves.

A sparkling river, swift and deep, borders the community to the north and flows powerfully westward. The low foothills of the Balinoks rise to steep cliffs better than 40' high framing the city to the east, and a long moat separates the 15' stone walls to the south from the farm and pastureland.
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

1) The Amphitheater:
A huge amphitheater has been carved from the rock of the cliff face along the northwest end of Harmonia. It has five concentric levels each leading downwards. The first four outer platforms are each 5’ higher than the next, and spread some 25’ deep. Stone seats line each of the landings and a shallow pit separates the innermost ring from a stage that stands 10’ above the lowest seats.

There is no visible way to access the stage itself. A massive clam-shaped overhang of natural rock shelters the platform, and ramps down the center and sides of the seating areas have been worn down by the passage of years and patronage of hundreds if not thousands of people. A scent of raw earth and stone lingers in the air along with a sense of presence… it may be nothing more than the rich culture and heritage of this place…

2) The Crystal Club:
A cavern full of natural clear crystal formations dotted with rubies, emeralds and sapphires rests naturally in the cliff wall just south of the Amphitheater. Cool humid air carries the scent of perfume and fine wines here, and footsteps echo softly back from the gleaming walls. 15’ in from the mouth of the cave a 4’high rock wall carved from the native rock diverts the flow of patronage, flanked by two full-sets of plate mail on display.

A large iron gate provides entry into the restaurant with two lovely young attendants at hand to collect the steep cover charge of 1 pp. Visible beyond the gate is a series of passages and side rooms filled with tables, intricate waterfalls and other intriguing oddities. Near the back of the main chamber is a large crystal column, around which a magnificent bar has been constructed. Goblets and glasses of pure crystal hang from an overhead false roof. The bar top and underside of the roof are lined with mirrors. Everything looks clean and gleams with a soft crisp light. Music drifts from within, resonating within the many chambers.

3) Harmonic Hall:
A stately mansion with spires mimicking a small castle stands proudly here just off of the Loop. Before it to the East is a grassy park area spreads, where often can be seen musicians at practice and locals taking their ease.

A large fountain stands between the hall and the Amphitheater depicting a bearded man playing a lute and singing. He sits along a bench and two huge, apparently napping, dogs lie at his feet. The figure is most handsome, yet the sculptor carved him in such a manner as to convey a sense of power and mystery.

[This is a Bardic college per Complete bard standards. For a fee, PCs can take almost any musically related NWP training here, as well as Dancing or (from complete bard): Acting, Chanting, Craft Instrument, Crowd Working (bard or rogue only) Poetry, Whistling/Humming

‘Members’ of the college (bard only pending application) get a discount on such purchases.]

4) South Hill:
While the Harmonia is relatively level, the Southeast corner remains the exception. A steep sided flat-topped hill stands here, often just called ‘The Hill’. It is buttressed by an old and crumbling 15’ tall city wall. The eastern side is a sheer 45’ high cliff, but a cobblestone road leads up the northwest slope. The rich and powerful dwell here in an elaborate array of expensive homes and small mansions with meticulously manicured gardens.

5) Meistersinger’s Mansion:
The only significant rise in Harmonia, aside from South Hill, supports the Meistersinger’s mansion. This estate is well fortified by an octagonal wall some 12' high that rests atop a 15' mound of earth. The matte below the structure is clearly manmade and intended to give those within the walls an advantage over any who might attack the Meistersinger. Delicate carvings cover the upper quarter of the wall, paying tribute to the singers and musicians who have made Harmonia the jewel of Kartakass.
Behind the wall, a lone tower of ornate stone can be seen as it just peeks its top over the wall. The rest of the mansion is hidden from view by the stone wall. Although mysterious sounds are sometimes heard from within and the wind often carries the scent of exotic herbs into the streets of Harmonia, none can say for certain what goes on inside the mansion.

6) City Gates:
These gates are always shut and a well-worn 20’ drawbridge raised against the wall. The only exceptions are when expelling or receiving or flocks of sheep in the morning and evening, or when the guards on the city wall are hailed by travelers.

7) City Moat:
A stinking 20’ wide ribbon of stagnant water lined on each side by rows of sharpened stakes guards Harmonia to the south. It is scattered with rainbow-hued oily patches and litter from the city. Flocks of biting and stinging insects swarm here constantly during the day. .

8) Whirling Bride of Harmonia:
A solid square tower of moss-covered stone stands here set atop a somewhat larger rock base. The top of the tower is decorated with ornate carvings of gargoyles and monsters, many of them so lifelike that it seems they have but to wait for the sunset to spring to life and terrorize the countryside. A closer look, however, shows that there is a tunnel running through the center of the tower that would easily accommodate the largest of wagons. Further, a pair of worn, but sturdy, wooden bridges run from both sides of the river to the entrances to this tunnel. At several points along their lengths, ring pins have been set into the bridges. Well oiled chains stretch from these points to vanish into the mouths of the gargoyles atop of the tower. When the bridge is open travelers to Harmonia walk across the bridge, enter the tunnel, and exit from the far side of the tower to complete their passage over the river. They seem to be delayed for some time, perhaps a minute, within the dark tunnel before they exit, but there is no sign of what happens within. A secondary tunnel runs through the rock base, but it's purpose cannot be readily guessed as only about 2' of it's height is above the water line.

9) Guard Tower:
Two of these slender 35’ stone towers flank the river to the north, guarding access to the town of Harmonia. A third stands on the lower bank below the cliffs just north of town and west of the road, casting its watchful gaze out across that vital waterway. Parapets ring the top of the tower, making it impossible to see what manner of deadly weapons are hidden there. Not much else can be seen without getting closer.

10) The Cliff Lift:
A 20' x 10' wooden platform with several large rocks on it rests on the ground here. The wood is worn smooth, as are the rocks. The entire area is carefully watched by eight strong-looking guards. A solid iron chain stretches from each corner of the wooden platform to meet with a single great, large chain. This, in turn, ascends the cliff until it loops around a spiked wheel high atop the cliff top. From here, the chain loops back down until it splits into four lesser chains that support a second wooden platform that now hangs near the top of the cliff. Although the contraption looks safe, the winds through this area are brisk. As they pass through the heavy chain, it is not uncommon for a low moaning sound to be heard. It sounds almost as if this were the moaning of a tortured spirit.

11) The Great Catapult:
A huge catapult perches on the very edge of the cliff here. It looks down upon the main drawbridge and docks north of town like a great bird of prey seeking some hapless victim. It is ornately fashioned and covered to resemble a giant hawk. A pair of glass eyes set in the finely detailed face catch the light and flash a warning to all who approach Harmonia from the North.

BB) Blue Bolt:
Marie is a talented seamstress with a flair for design. She can make practically anything for the right price and keeps regular clothing items in-stock. She and her husband Monard live in the back of the shop.

BH) Boar's Hide:
Lambrey Dreyfus runs a leathergoods business out of his home here. The man and building are both rather unkempt and he is often quite rude.

BJ) Broken Jug:
A dive bar with a rough reputation for violence and strong spirits.

BK) The Bank of Harmonia:
The town bank. Money can be deposited, loaned, and coin exchanged for a modest fee. Built next to the Meistersinger’s Mansion itself, there are always a few guards on duty when open.

BS) Blacksmith:
A simple but functional smithy stands here, though no sign describes it as such. John Sledge and his apprentice work here, neither of the two have the eye or hair coloring of the locals. Weapons, armor and general ironworks can be purchased or made to order here.

DM) Drop of the Moon:
Jeweler’s shop run by the astonishingly beautiful Mademoiselle Argent Chevalier. She and her sons operate the place. They can work with all precious metals plus cut, polish and set gemstones. Jewelry can be purchased, sold and made to order.

DP) Dirty Plow:
A ramshackle bar with cheap booze in the poorest area of town.

EL) The Enchanting Lute:
A triangular building rests on this bend of The Loop not far from the ‘Harmonic Hall’ itself. The sign bears an elaborately stylized version of the Kartakan device; a golden lute on a sable backdrop. Windowed storefronts make up two of the street-sides of the shop, displaying various instruments and performing supplies.

A lean, foppish man named Ailos Verninac runs the place along with three shopkeeps and a master luthier for repairs. Instruments can be repaired, purchased or made to order here, but prices are a little steep. The place is often filled, with many people there simply to admire the craftsmanship and day-dream about some of the fine wares. Here and there are items of a more magical nature such as spell components or the occasional scroll.

Pens) Sheep Pens:
Large sheep pens stand open here. The lingering scent of wool and offal hovers here, though it is not so bad in the colder months. These are used by local shepherds for corralling sheep when they need to be tended or sheared.

TS) Songstress Inn:
A decent sized two-story Inn makes up the western side of the intersection between The Loop and the main road leading north out of town. The building has been constructed so that it has a flat-faced view to the east towards the Amphitheater. A large suite with French doors and a tiny but ornate balcony perhaps three feet wide form this side of the second story. A large delicately carved and painted sign above the door shows a woman in red singing with hands folded at her waist. The rooms are clean and well-kept, if a bit smaller and more expensive than usual.

There is almost always a singer entertaining in the evenings, sometimes accompanied by another musician. A beautifully made piano stands against the wall of the common room by the stage. Rooms are usually booked-up on the weekends due to the festivals at the Amphitheater.

SS) The Silver Scale:
A small but neatly kept shop rests on the busy street. Few patrons seem to be interested in it. A silver triangular device, similar to a dragon’s scale, decorates the sign above the door. It turns out to be a magic shop run by Serath Allanision.

S) The Smithy:
An impressive stone-walled building stands here, with a sign bearing a large black anvil. Enris Schaeffer and his two apprentices work as smithies here. The shop is always busy. Weapons, armor and general ironworks can be purchased or made to order here.

TT) The Toad’s Toe:
Off the beaten path a long, almost ramshackle shop with a narrow front and dingy windows hides. The sign, which is in need of re-painting, depicts a craggly toad with one vastly over-sized toe sticking out from the rest. It is anybody’s guess as to what goes on within. It turns out to be a shop run by Rataunt DuBuisson, who deals in all manner of concoctions as well as spells and other objects of a magical or mysterious nature...

WH) The Warehouse:
An old storage barn converted into a seedy bar. Known for gambling, frequent fights and illegal activities.

WR) The Wayfarer’s Rest:
A two-story Inn of moderate size for the city stands on the southwest corner of ‘The Loop’ where it crosses the south-road out of town. A large suite forms the corner of the second floor, windowed on both sides to provide a no-doubt breathtaking view of the city. Prices are reasonable and the rooms are clean and slightly more spacious than others in town. It is owned and run by Guilliam Sartre.

As with most inns in town, there is almost always musical entertainment of some kind. Rooms are usually booked-up on the weekends due to the festivals at the Amphitheater.
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

The current year is 736.

Months and days:
January, February, March, etc as normal. Each month has 30 days except October which has 31. Days of the week are Monday through Sunday as normal.

While this may seem lazy, it is the actual established Barovian calendar and widely used by the lands of The Core in Ravenloft.

Lunar cycle:
The next full moon is Jan 27th, but the moon appears full both the day before and after. The full lunar-cycle is 29 days.

Wed Jan 23rd: Mira arrives in Ravenloft

Sat Jan 26th: Mira's first full-day in Harmonia. Weekly festival/performance at the Amphitheatre, starts at noon and lasts late into the night.

Fri Feb 17th: Mira performs at the Amphitheater.

Wed Feb 21st: Pyros, Elsa and Yasir arrive in Ravenloft.

Thur Feb 22nd: The bulk of the party assembles. Cal arrives in Ravenloft.

Fri Feb 23rd: Cross and Artanis arrive in Ravenloft.

Sat Feb 24th: The group enjoys the weekly festival in the park.

Sun Feb 25th: The party assists Kharus the Jailor in dealing with a dangerous prisoner.
-Yasir was injured in the process and remained quarantined in the jail.
-The Party witnesses an argument in the alley behind the jail and rushes to the aid of a young woman named Akriel. She asks them to find the Crown of Soldiers and to meet her in Skald in 7 days [Sunday March 2nd]
-Jerry arrives in Ravenloft, meets Merrick and the pair help the rest of the party defeat a pack of massive wolves in the street after dark.

Mon Feb 26th: Mira visits the jail and secures a reward for the group's work the night before. Artanis is visited by the ghostly figure of a murdered girl from his past. The spirit touches him and he immediately hears a terrible scream from the opposite edge of town.

Tues Feb 27th: Adran arrives in Ravenloft. The party returns to the Jail to find Yasir gone and the guards killed by a powerful beast. The party sets out for Skald and encounters Maria and Ontash along the way and offers to help. That evening they defend the Farm from a pack of wolves led by a powerful wolf-man who attacks the group with a magical song! A fight ensues on the rooftop, and the creature is forced off. Badly damaged by the fight and fall, it flees into the night.

Wed Feb 28th: In the morning the party sets off to track down the wolf-creature, leaving Cal and Adran to guard the farmhouse in case anything menacing returns. Artanis follows its trail through the woods to another farm. The party organizes a stealthy approach and breaks in to find the two surviving wolves. As they are dispatched, the wolf-man appears and a short but brutal battle ensues. Magic brings the beast down, but not before Artanis is gravely injured and nearly killed! The healers quickly restore him and the group investigates the farmhouse. Shortly after they find a side room with 4 wolf-pups at a very impressionable age. They also find money, foodstuffs, a trail map leading to a mysterious place in the foothills marked with a skull, and a list of names (including Akriel, who they are to meet in Skald) with some of the names marked out. They further discover a wall-safe hidden in the pantry, but are unable to open it.

Mira and Elsa return to Ontash's farm to report the findings, but Cal and Adran have gone missing! The creature killed is revealed to be a man named Jackques, a loner and neighbor to Ontash and Maria. Mira and Elsa move into the woods briefly to look for them, but turn back to avoid becoming lost themselves. They stay with the family until daybreak.

Thurs Feb 29th: Mira and Elsa bid the farmers farewell and travel North to Jackques' farm to meet up with the rest of the party. Merrick has a spell prepared and opens the safe to reveal a collection of Iron, Silver and Gold weapons! The group divides up the loot based on who can use what most effectively, then leaves the rest in the barn in case Ontash comes back along with a note and some coin. Rather than keeping the wolf-pups and bringing them into town (which they decide would likely cause trouble) the party continues North to Skald. Arriving in Skald, they seek out the Broken Wheel, an inn run by Erris, wife of Guilliam who runs the Wayfarer's Rest in Harmonia. While having lunch there, they meet a dark, mysterious warrior woman who claims to be Hunting something... The group invites her to join them and she agrees, for now...
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

People of Note and NPCs

John Sledge
A hairy, swarthy man of not-quite middle years built like a blacksmith, but with a small pot-belly, stands before you. A thick crop of shaggy brown hair and a full unkempt beard frame his tan face from which deep green eyes regard you. His garb is simple, well-worn leathers, and he carries a heavy hammer in one burly arm. His quiet, methodical manner speaks of an inner calm that seems likely to out-last the mountains themselves.

John sledge owns and operates a smithy in Harmonia along 'The Loop', and can usually be found there during daylight hours.
blacksmith.jpg (43.94 KiB) Viewed 36632 times

Elsa Tallfellow
You see a young girl about 4' tall armed with a mace and shield. Her gold and blue trimmed white robes under silvery chainmail shines brilliantly. Her face is quite beautiful, as is her short cropped blonde hair and deep brown eyes. One look at her face reveals that this is no young girl, but a woman... perhaps a halfling, but slender and graceful rather than stout. Her ready smile and quick wit endear her to most folk.

Merrik Ellosian
A quiet young man with shoulder-length black hair and angular features regards you with rich violet eyes possessing a wisdom that belies his youthful appearance. He is slender, graceful, somewhat attractive, and a little shorter than average but walks with a confidence that makes up for any lack. There seems to be a general feel of apathy about him, which only dissipates when beautiful song is heard nearby. For a brief moment something seems familiar, and an odd point emerges from his hair near the ear but is quickly covered.
A tall, graceful looking woman stands nearby. Her skin is of a dusky hue as of one who has spent many long days in the sun. She wears a billowy white blouse held in place by a black corset, a pair of snug leather pants and boots, and a rapier which rests easily at her hip like an extension of herself. Long black hair cascades past her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes seem to be weighing you. She carries herself with a proud, almost defiant air; left hand resting near the basket hilt of her sword, a hand axe tucked behind her belt on the opposite side. To those that recognize such things, she wears a Vistani sash about her waist of a somber hue. She claims to be hunting something…
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Keep in mind, much of this is very theoretical to the PCs, and only generally known by those who formally studied magic (Cross, Cal, Mira has very basics of it)

Planes info:
The planes are different areas of existence, each separate from the others, each bound by its own physical laws. The planes exist outside our normal understanding of space and dimensions. Each has properties and qualities unique to itself. While more complete information can be found in other AD&D rule books, the brief overview given here outlines the basic structure of the planes.

Since they are without form or dimension, it is not possible to draw a road-map of the planes and their relationships to each other. However, there is a structure and organization to them which can best be visualized as a series of spheres, one inside the other.

-The Prime Material Plane(s)
At the very center of this series of spheres are the Prime Material planes.The prime material planes include the many 'normal' alternate worlds and campaigns that operate from the more or less the same basic realities. There may be variations from prime to prime, but most features remain the same. The inhabitants of each prime always refer to their plane as the Prime Material Plane.

-The Ethereal Planes
Surrounding each Prime Material plane is a separate Ethereal plane. The Ethereal planes are misty realms of proto-matter. Nothing is solid on these planes.

In the Ethereal planes, there may be small pockets or islands of matter known as demi-planes. These demi-planes are sometimes the creations of extremely powerful wizards, technologists, or demi-gods.

-The Inner Planes
Using the sphere analogy, outside of the Primes and the Ethereal planes are the inner planes, the primary building forces of the multiverse. The inner planes consist of the elemental, para-elemental, and quasi-elemental planes, and the planes of energy. The elemental planes are the building blocks of matter—Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. Where the elemental planes touch each other there arise the para-elemental planes—Smoke, Ice, Ooze, and Magma. The Energy planes are the Positive Energy plane (also called the Plane of Life) and the Negative Energy plane (the source of entropy). The quasi-elemental planes exist where the elemental planes touch the Energy planes—Lightning, Steam, Minerals, and Radiance around the Positive Energy plane, and Salt, Vacuum, Ash, and Dust around the Negative Energy plane. Many of the planes have their own creatures and rulers who are sometimes summoned to one of the primes through spells or magical items.

-The Astral Plane
Beyond the inner planes (continuing with the spheres) is the Astral plane. Like the Ethereal planes, this plane serves as a connector between the different realities. It links the various Primes to each other (one travels from one Prime to another by crossing the Astral plane, not the Ethereals) and connects each Prime to the outer planes.

The Astral plane is a barren place with only rare bits of solid matter. Indeed, the most common feature is the silver cords of travelers in the plane. These cords are the lifelines that keep travelers of the Plane from becoming lost, stretching all the way back to the traveler's point of origin.

-The Outer Planes

Finally, outside all else are the Outer Planes, also called the Planes of Power. There are 17 known Outer Planes—there may be more. These planes can be reached only by powerful spells or by crossing the Astral plane.

Each outer plane is unique. Some seem quite similar to the primes; others have terrain and physical laws wildly different from that to which the characters may be accustomed. Magic functions differently on each plane as do many other common assumptions of reality.

Powerful beings (self-proclaimed gods, goddesses, and demi-gods) inhabit these planes along with a full range of other life forms. The outer planes are the final resting place of the spirits of intelligent life forms of the Prime Material planes.

The known outer planes have been named by humans. Some of these names are:

Mechanus, Arcadia, Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, Beastlands, Olympus, Ysgard, Limbo, Pandemonium, The Abyss, etc. etc

These names are not necessarily consistent from world to world or Prime Material Plane to Prime Material Plane. Indeed, since the planes are without dimension and form, it is possible for different lands in the same campaign world to have entirely different pictures of planar structure and order.

For example, an oriental-type world might see the Outer Planes not as a series of separate regions, but as a single mass throughout which are scattered different agencies of the Celestial Bureaucracy. The Celestial Emperor might reside on one plane, while his Minister of State operated from another.

A Nordic land would see the plane of Ysgard as dominant over all others, in accordance with the importance they ascribe the powers there. These things are left to DM discretion,
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Book of Legend

The Golden Sun Sank Down – Grown Red in his Anger
He Turned his Face Away – And Darkness Settled in
Then Silver Sister Moon – Drew Back her Ebon Veil
Revealing her Pale Face – Full to the World Below.
The Twisted Children Now – Of the Earth Mother Stir,
They Hunt and Feed and Bray! – Oh, Wretched Beasts of sin!
And for their Hunger, Soon - The Land ‘gan Weep and Wail,
And Bear the Bloody Trace - Of their Dark Deeds to Show.
Yet they Roam. Yes they Roam - Go Hide in some Dark Hole.
Still they Hunt, Endless Hunt - They only Want your Soul.
Rend the Flesh, Tender Flesh - And cry out to the Moon
To Ravage, Slay and Feed - And all the world to Doom

Excerpt 1:
With Silent Steps the beasts crept out, Hunting man as their prey
Both Far and wide they ranged about, No purpose but to slay.
Beast slew man and Beast slew Beast, spilling a crimson flood.
They gorged upon their rampant feast, and wallowed in the blood.
All manner of the wicked things, fed ‘til the break of day.
Wrought by forbidden couplings, Sprang creatures fell and fey.
Then Sun returned and spread his light,
Exposing the revels of night.
When Sky saw that, as he had Slept,
Such Blood had Flowed; Sky Paled and Wept.
He Bid it be Covered,
By Mist his Pale Daughter.

Mira reads on, horrified as the theme repeats in greater detail. Eventually, the ‘savage beasts’ form groups to survive against each other. One group in particular emerges as the dominant power, led by something only named as the “Cunning Lord of Beasts”… Humans are slaughtered nearly to extinction, and again the creatures set out for ‘one final hunt’.

Excerpt 2:
The hunt soon found them on the plain, their pain and death to bring,
And those few men that still remain, Surrounded with a Ring.
Yet as the Lord ‘gan strike, he paused. There growing in the mud
Symbolic of their hopeless cause, A purple flower bud!
And then the men, there in the rain; Lo, they began to Sing!
A Dirge-some, Doleful, Dark Refrain; the sound, a wond’rous thing!
And slow lowered the waiting claws, Still stained with human blood.
He called retreat with Savage jaws, And fled the falling flood.
“It’s best we wait, these men we’ll keep
And harvest them like grazing sheep.”
The Cunning Lord composed his plan
To make livestock of humble man.
Man built an earthen wall,
And raised it fast and tall.

Here the work takes a different bent, but keeps the hopeless tone. Humans survive for a time, eking out an existence by building heavily fortified villages and using the landscape to their advantage. The creatures continue to pick some of them off at-will, but have ceased their wholesale slaughter for the most part. The civilization grows and the passage of song becomes a prime element of the culture. Suddenly, Mira’s blood chills as she reads of the appearance of the “traveling folk who tread the mist”. They seek shelter inside the walls in exchange for services… “the telling of futures and reading of dreams”. The locals, suspicious of the gypsies, appear less than hospitable…

Excerpt 3:
“You roam the rolling mist like them!” Loud, the Song-Giver calls.
“Just like the beasts!” He cries again; from safe within the walls.
Yet through the fog a mismatched band, Strange of both hair and eye;
Born far away in unknown lands, from falling dusk did ride.
Hungry Howls of Hate rang then, Outside the Hallowed Hall.
And made a Massive, Morbid Din That o’er the land did fall.
The Strangers Turned with Steady Hands, And Raised their Foreign Cry!
They Formed a Line and made their Stand, Yet Knowing they would Die.
With Swords of Shining Silver Light
And Weapons Forged of Darkest Night
They Stood and Met the Savage Wave
And Many Sent to Earthen Grave.
One by one they meet their death;
The Last, Before his final breath,
The Dying One Defeats
The Cunning Lord of Beasts.

The Golden Sun Sank Down – Grown Red in his Anger
He Turned his Face Away – And Darkness Settled in
Then Silver Sister Moon – Drew Back her Ebon Veil
Revealing her Pale Face – Full to the World Below.
From the deep forest Now - The Cunning Lord Returns!
And echoes soon Abound – A cold, Triumphant Din!
He cries out to the Moon – Never again to Fail!
As Leader of his Race – Never True Death to know.
Yet they Roam. Yes they Roam. Go Hide in some Dark Hole.
Still they Hunt, Endless Hunt - They only Want your Soul.
Rend the Flesh, Tender Flesh - And cry out to the Moon
To Ravage, Slay and Feed - And all the world to Doom
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Maria and Ontash Homestead

tmp_7161-Ontash Homestead1081447478.JPG
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tmp_7161-Ontash Home1304748190.JPG
tmp_7161-Ontash Home1304748190.JPG (210.98 KiB) Viewed 35724 times
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Jackques Homestead is a simple farm in need of some repair. Several areas of the roof and siding need patching, as well as the barn and the broken back door [courtesy of Elsa]. The barn has a cart and a few stalls but no horses. There is also an outhouse and the pantry is stocked with plenty of meat items. Four wolf pups were found here when the wolf-man was killed by the party.

A list of names (some marked out) and a trail map were also discovered.

List of names found in desk: [** indicates crossed out name]
Martotz Babin
Bertev Roche
**Simo Roux
Guilhelm Caron
Gastos Lemieux
Airand Lucroy
Rautib Forier
Jackques Homestead.JPG
Jackques Homestead.JPG (161.29 KiB) Viewed 35467 times
Jackques' Home DM.JPG
Jackques' Home DM.JPG (185.15 KiB) Viewed 35467 times
Jackques Trail Map.JPG
Jackques Trail Map.JPG (56.59 KiB) Viewed 35467 times
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

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Skald is a walled town of some 2,000 residents in the heart of Kartakass. It is the largest city in Kartakass and is home to the Old Kartakan Inn. The town is bordered on the north and east by the Sing Song, one of two major rivers in Kartakass. To the east rises a 60' high cliff topped with a rock wall and mighty fortifications.
The Sing Song tumbles over the cliff in twin waterfalls as it enters Skald. At the bottom of the falls the water is forever churning, chopping, and the area is never without a thin veil of fine mist. This place is known as The Cauldron due to its boiling appearance. In fact, it was this false impression of scalding heat that lead to the naming of the town.
The Cauldron drains through a short but rugged series of rapids and then continues on its merry way. The Old Kartakan Inn stands upon a plateau-like island in its midst (and mist) of the Cauldron.
Three roads enter Skald. The so-called "Road to Harmony" runs off to the south and ends at the town of Harmonia. The Kartakan Road runs north into Gundarak (where they call it the Gundar Road). Lastly, the Peasants' Way leaves town to the west and eventually enters The Land of Sithicus.
Most boats can travel up the Sing Song to Skald. In fact many goods and people travel from Skald to Harmonia by boat. However, the Cauldron and falls force portage at this point. From here on the river becomes more swift, narrow, and treacherous. Without the waters of Dire Creek, it also becomes more shallow. Only rafts, canoes, and other such small vessels are employed above the Cauldron. However, these boats serve a large area of Kartakass and a portage area is provided.
Skald Labeled.gif
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Places of Interest in Skald

1) The Old Kartakan Inn:
You stand before a breathtaking sight. From atop a high, stone cliff, twin waterfalls plunge downward to shatter what might otherwise be a peaceful pond. The roar is incredible, muting all other sounds, and a cloud of mist fills the air at all times.
In the center of the bubbling, churning lake (known locally as The Cauldron) stands a natural stone island. Long ago polished to a smooth, rounded form by the raging water it now supports a proud and stately structure: The Old Kartakan Inn.
The perpetual fog of The Cauldron's waters hangs heavy about the inn, giving the place an almost supernatural look. Here and there, moving bodies can be seen in the mists. The obscuring properties of this shroud, however, make it difficult to tell if they are human or some form of ghostly apparition.

2) The Clock Tower Mill:
Jutting out into the waters of the Cauldron is a natural length of rock, long ago worn smooth by the action of the water. Standing atop it is a circular, white tower built draped with clinging vines and creepers. A rugged looking waterwheel runs from the side of the tower into the path of the plunging waters of the Cauldron's southern waterfall.
The turbulent waters toss a curtain of thick mist around the rocky island and the base of the tower, making the area look like something out of a half-remembered dream. The action of the water keeps the wheels turning at a constant rate, but their thunderous roar obscures the sounds of any mechanisms that might be driven by them.
A swinging bridge runs from a door halfway up the side of the tower to a large building amid a cluster of docks on the river's shore. The rolling water produces a steady breeze that causes the bridge to rock ominously at all times.
At the very top of the tower stands a square clock with a face pointing toward each of the compass points. The faces of the clock are made of wood with an even coat of white paint on them. The numbers are black iron, as are the hands, and show clear signs of recent maintenance. All in all, it looks like the entire affair is maintained with pride.

4) Meistersinger’s Keep:
High atop the 60' cliff to the east of Skald is a wall connecting it with a small fortress to the southeast. This fortress, although not large, has a dark and powerful look to it. The walls are set with deadly spikes that make the battlements look most sinister. The entire building seems to loom over the town like a great beast waiting to attack.
A great tower starts at the base of the cliff and runs up to become part of the keep itself, giving the structure an unnerving look. The design seems too unusual to be the work of mortal men. The Kartakan flag, a black field with a yellow lute set on it, is fluttering from a spire set atop this mighty stone tower.

6) The Old Fortress:
The road from the south into Skald passes through the shattered body of a once mighty fortress. It is hexagonal in shape, with walls standing some 20' high. Two towers are set into the north and south corners of the keep, both standing 25' tall. An additional curtain seems to have been removed from between them. The northern walls are still a part of the city's defenses and, as such, are well maintained. The southern half of the building, however, died long ago.
As you look upon this deserted building, the shadows themselves seem to take on the form of guards standing at their posts. This place has a presence about it, a long and honorable tradition of duty and service. When the wind blows, one can almost hear the marching of troops and the orders of officers. If ever a place seemed right for ghosts, this is it.

7) Out Town:
A scattering of buildings lies to the south of the town walls. Most of them are made of scrap lumber and even those that have been built of better materials have a look of poverty about them. Despite their initial appearance, however, many of them look quite sturdy and are protected with thick doors and shutters sporting large locks or bars.
The constant drone of insects serves to distract you from the constant scurrying of rodents as the poor and wretched go about their daily labors. Now and then, one of the inhabitants stops to look you over suspiciously. Without exception, there is a look of hunger and menace that cannot be concealed by a feigned smile or polite nod of the head. Here and there are some who have a less destitute look about them, replaced by an obvious arrogance or self-importance.

8 ) Wharves:
Several river-boats and other lesser craft are docked at the wharves. The current here is fairly strong, and even the most securely anchored of boats rock and sway with the water. The smell of fish and ale is strong in the air, blending to form a distinct and penetrating odor. The buildings along the edge of the Sing Song river are stained a dirty rust color up to about 8' above the level of the river.

9) Lower Skald:
This section of town ranges from slum areas near the river and walls to a nice park surrounded by clean, well-kept shops in the very center. People are briskly going about their chores and you can hear workers singing off in the distance from several directions. Sheep are being herded along the main street that leads from the Old Fortress to the Kartakan Road.
As you move through the crowd, it soon becomes obvious that everyone is avoiding you. The crowd parts slightly, like the waters of a stream at a priest's command, to allow you to pass without physical contact. Although it is a relief, at first, to be able to move through the crowd so easily, you quickly realize that they are treating you as if you carry some vile disease.
It is also somewhat curious that you never seem to come across the source of the distant singing.

10) Saw Mill:
The fresh smell of birch and pine wood fills the air here. All vegetation vanishes as you approach the Skald Saw Mill, for wood shavings and saw dust covers the ground. Several large piles of lumber are stacked here and there and a half-dozen sheds shelter tools, equipment, and lumber. A large water wheel juts out into the narrow end of the Sing Song here and rotates lazily in the influence of the steady current.
Just up river from this point, a cluster of logs has been secured. Men hop about on them skillfully and gradually guide them toward the mill. The agility of these lumber men seems almost inhuman.

11) Lower and Upper Toll Bridges:
Two rock islands stand like defiant martyrs against the onslaught of the Sing Song here. The rapid current of the water has worn away any sharp edges that might have existed on the islands in the past, leaving them fairly featureless.
Although they are only a few hundred feet apart, each island serves as the anchor point for a bridge that runs from the city to the Old Kartakan Road. The eastern island, known as Upper Island, has a garrisoned wall with two small towers across it. The bridge that runs across the river at this point is a mighty stone affair with proud arches and ornate engravings. An elaborate portcullis stands open to allow travelers passage through the great stone wall.
On the other hand, Lower Island has only a small, sturdy rock building on it. Two lesser stone structures, obviously winch houses, stand by the drawbridges that leave this island.

12) High Wharves:
A marvelous ebony hulled river boat rocks slowly in the water here. Secured to a private wharf with a stout rope, this craft sports a brilliant red canopy to shade the luxurious interior. Every inch of the craft is a masterpiece of artistic design. Although there are a number of other fine ships docked here, none of them compares to this excellent vessel.
The entire area is walled off with a wooden fence. The wood, although clearly old, is well maintained and shows signs of constant upkeep. A single gate, clearly designed more for privacy than to ward off attackers, stands closed with a sturdy lock on it. A small guard shack stands next to the gate with an engraved sign reading "Private docks, keep off" displayed for all to see.

13) Upper Skald:
The streets in this section of town are all cobblestone affairs. The buildings here are larger and more artistic than those in the other areas of town. Clearly, this is a place for the well-to-do. Here and there, lawns and gardens accent the neighborhoods, and the scent of flowers dances lightly in the air.
As you wander through this part of town, however, you notice that there are many more patrols than there are in other neighborhoods. Although there seems to be no outward sign of suspicion in their eyes, the guards always seem to look at your party for a few seconds longer than they do anyone else. From time to time, a whispered conversation breaks out between members of the watch as you pass them.

14) The Old Shacks:
This area is something of a shantytown. Most of the buildings have a tumbledown look about them, with many being in obvious need of some repair. Even the trees have been taken over, with many supporting shacks and other small wooden structures. The entire area seems strangely deserted and quiet.
One of the more interesting features of this area is its flora. Thin, twisting vines dominate every untraveled area (and several traveled ones), their tendrils taking hold of every piece of upright timber they can find. Each plant sprouts a few small flowers and a number of berry clusters. The flowers lend a sickly sweet, almost overwhelming odor to the already humid air.
The normal background noises of a town are lost here, for the thunderous roar of the cascades that pour into the Cauldron mute all but the sharpest of sounds. The mist from the falls makes the air thick and muggy. Dark spots on the soil look like they could be anything from spilt wine to dried blood. All in all, it is not surprising that the distinct feeling that someone is watching ones every move permeates the area.

BW) Broken Wheel:
A two-story Inn of modest size for Skald stands along a side street leading east from the Square in Upper Skald just below the hill. The L-shaped structure is positioned so the long, flat side faces the road. Prices are reasonable and the rooms are clean and modestly furnished, though slightly smaller than others on this side of town. It is owned and run by Erris Sartre, wife of Guilliam Sartre; owner of the Wayfarer’s Rest in Harmonia.

It is much less popular than the Wayfarer in Harmonia due to the number of other inns in Skald. As with most inns in town, there is usually musical entertainment of some kind on the weekends for those not able to make it to the festival in Harmonia.

GE) The Glass Eye:
The Glass Eye is a Curio Shop owned and run by Chales Cordivan; a polite, slightly balding middle aged man. His establishment is packed with various cases and stands bearing jewelry, trinkets, antiques, rare books and unusual items of nearly every sort.

GH) Grand Hall of Song and Dance:
A Bard College in Upper Skald that is fancifully constructed, bordering on opulence.
The front of the structure (facing South) is lined with redstone columns carved with depictions of men and women playing various instruments up the entire length. At the ends green malachite makes up the caps and bases, gilded in spots to resemble leaves. It is three stories high with a multi-peaked roof and tall narrow windows on the upper floors.

[This is a Bardic college per Complete bard standards. For a fee, PCs can take almost any musically related NWP training here, as well as Dancing or (from complete bard): Acting, Chanting, Craft Instrument, Crowd Working (bard or rogue only) Poetry, Whistling/Humming

‘Members’ of the college (bard only pending application) get a discount on such purchases.]

GL) Golden Lute:
A fancy Inn in Upper Skald. Expensive, but nice accommodations.

PM) Papermaker:
Paper and parchment can be made or bought in bulk here from Imer Porteau [more cheaply than at most mage shops. But they won’t sell small quantities (50 pc vellum, 25 pc paper minimums). The parchment is usually sheepskin, the paper is from wood pulp. The papermaker gets sawdust and chips from the mill and sifts (with screens) for different grades of paper. Usually the finer the more expensive.

PR) The Pilgrim’s Rose:
A modest place to find rooms in Lower Skald. Quiet. Normal prices.

T) Temple:
The only church in Skald. Merrick visited here on the Sithican New Years day (March 1st) for prayer and meditation. It is a small, wooden structure standing at the dead-end of a street just off the main square in Upper Skald.

TS) The Stone:
The Stone is a mage shop in Lower Skald just off the main road. The proprietor, a man of middle years named Germaine, conducts his business here selling magical supplies and renting volumes for research. He is an overly wary man and somewhat less than hospitable.

WM) The Wooden Mug:
A cheap place with rough accommodations. Mainly housing local common laborers.
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Old Kartakan Inn:
Old Kartakan Inn.JPG
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Re: Acquired Party Knowledge of Ravenloft

Post by TristenC »

Second List
(Found by Pyros in the Bartender Haldrake Moonbaun's personal room in Old Kartakan inn)

List of names found in desk: [** indicates crossed out name]
Martotz Babin
Bertev Roche
**Simo Roux
Guilhelm Caron
Gastos Lemieux
Airand Lucroy
Rautib Forier