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Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

Moderator: TristenC

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Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by TristenC »

Post your character descriptions here. Pictures are welcomed, not required.

Character Stats will be posted by me in each characters private thread.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by thefallenson »

Tall and broad shouldered for a half-elf. At 5'6" and 152 lbs he can even look down on some humans. He has long flame colored hair and piercing green eyes, which he got from his human side. He has a dark tan, and weather burned cheeks, covered in a bushy beard the same color as hot iron. His skin is covered in a mish-mash of scars and crude tattoos, the marks of ritual and advancement within his circle, the Shadoweirs.

He is normally found in his uniform of station, a suit of unique studded leather armor, an ancient artifact from fallen Myth Drannor. He carries a minalmalist amount of gear for survival in the wild, and is armored with a matching long and Shortsword. Finally he carries his fathers warbow, a family heirloom from Cormanthyr.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Jenara »

Mira Rhelarwen- Krynnish Bard


Mira stands just under six feet tall and reasonably slim with curves in the right places.
Her red hair sits just below her shoulders and is usually loose, or held back with a simple silver comb (her only jewellery). Intelligence is obvious in her jade green eyes, which are framed with dark lashes.

She is usually found dressed in simple white blouses worn under a black leather bodice, with brown leather trousers and a leather jacket. She wears Brown leather boots with a sheaved dagger strapped to her left leg, and a plain knife in her right boot. (She does possess a suit of simple worn brown leather armour but is only rarely seen wearing it.) Mira has been known to wear dresses and possesses a few plain functional items buried in the bottom of her pack (or currently her room).

Her plain lute is a permanent fixture always strapped to her back (a gift from her mentor who taught her to play). She carries her weapons with practiced ease, carrying her short sword on her left hip, and a dagger on her right, she also carries a light crossbow and bolts.


Mira comes across as quite confident, and often a little "Ballsy", she can be quite shy acround louder or more confident people, but if she is the loudest people in the room. If she is there, you know it.

She prefers to sing, in fact many of her spells that have a spoken component have a little rhyme or couplet, and can often be heard doing vocalises and other practices, most of her Cantrips (such as cleaning spells) are sung rather than spoken.

" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Nocturno »

Pyros Litehand

Kender as a Kender can be.

Curious to the max, with no apologies. Loves to see new things, even if it means climbing up the walls.

Loves to live the good life, baths, wine, soft beds, which some how he always has money for.

He is no stranger to violence, and has been known to incite some of the larger folk to discarding their weapons, so they can "crush that little skull".

While timid, and not one to go out on his own. If his friends are in peril, Pyros has taken a risk or 6, even if he was not the one who started the trouble.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Rivi »

Cross the Dagger Mage
Alignment: chaotic good
Height/weight: 64 inch/110 pound
Age: 120 years old
Race: Grey Elf

Cross is slender and willowy. clearly not made of muscle but when you look at him you can tell he's fast and nimble. He has spiky shoulder-length white hair and violet orbs for his eyes, an uncommon but not unheard of combination for his race - the Grey Elves - of which he knows little. His face is all angles and cut lines which makes him seem harsher than he really is. As for personality, Cross is somewhat of an oddity. Raised by humans in the Circus of Blades, he doesn't have the outlook of an elf but neither is he like a human. The Daggers (teachers of the circus) taught him nothing of a culture to follow, only how to be a thief. He was not a good student (in fact, he has only ever stolen one thing, and from someone not in the circus). This lead to him developing his own sense of honour. He talks in a frank manner but seems to have an odd sense of humor from time to time once he's comfortable with people. There is a burden he carries with him, a fear that one day "Loraina" will come for him to take back what is hers. His only companion for the last 7 long years is his dagger named Gar. It has on a few occasions talked to him and he's often talks to it, although in a way that could be construed as thinking out loud. The driving factor in his life is his love of magic. Illusions are some of his favourite spells and he occasionally adorns himself in odd phantasms for fun or is seen playing with simple cantrips.
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Nocturno »

Close as I could find. Just much darker hair.

Really hard to find a kender picture that isn't pretty odd looking.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Chris1234 »

Jerry Greystar is a well-built, blonde haired half-elf, about 5.'4" tall, in her early twenties.
She has a stern aspect and her hazel eyes rarely show any sign of humour.
She's found it hard to be a woman in a man's world and even harder not fully belonging to either the human or elven worlds.
She habitually dresses is simple blue robes edged in white, adding a deep blue cloak and skull cap in colder weather.
Her neck is adorned with a single item of jewellery, an enamelled pendant of a circle of white stars on blue with a red mist flowing from the centre.
Jerry Greystar.jpg
Jerry Greystar.jpg
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Nocturno »

Uh oh competition for attractive clerics lol look out Elsa.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by thawizkid »

Adran Galanode is an Elf who stands approximately 5'2", weighs about 135, has pale skin, dark blue eyes, and dark brown hair. Further, he is always clean shaven and neat in appearance - looking professional is of the utmost importance to Adran. Being a Militant Wizard, he is well built and muscular, he wears dark a purple robe with a black belt. Attached to his belt is a short sword which has artistic inlaid patterns and a leather wrapped hilt, he also has a quiver slung over his right shoulder and a bow over the left. Finally, he wears sandals that have leather straps that wrap half way up his legs.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by mltillis »

Pytor Fulcher has the tall lanky build of one accustomed to years of hard labor. The lad tends to dress in bold colorful fashion and is often caught grooming his hair and clothes. His olive complexion matched by thick dark hair which he keeps swept back. His mustache and goatee well trimmed, though by the afternoon heavy stubble is upon his face.

Ht: 6'1" Wt: 188 lbs. Age: 20
Pytor.jpg (184.37 KiB) Viewed 24352 times
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Chris1234 »

Welcome Pytor.

(Reminds me vaguely of Van Gogh style).
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades.jpg
Human Ranger

He watches you and there is cunning in those icy blue eyes. Several prominent scars are visible on his face near his full beard and mustache. His chestnut brown hair is shaved close to the scalp on either side and worn longer on top. It is brushed back into a tightly woven thick braid which hangs to mid-shoulders. Dressed in the earthy colors of his homeland, he wears studded leather armor and you note several blades sheathed at his belt. He leans back keeping your gaze like a wary cat coming upon a stranger.
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by TristenC »

Nice! Very Travis Fimmel
especially from 'raised by wolves' !!!
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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Gregor »

Gregor Malvein, Human 6th Level Rogue (23 years old)

Gregor stands six feet tall and weighs in at one hundred and seventy pounds. His posture is slightly hunched and his aversion to excessive physical endeavor has rewarded him with a small paunch. He has dark brown hair cut shorter on the front, top and sides reaching just past his shoulders in the back. Days of thin stubble adorn a less than clean visage - personal hygiene does not appear to be his strongest trait. Heavily sunken amber eyes add years to his appearance. His garments leave little flesh exposed hiding a multitude of scars and burns, reminders of a harsh youth. He tends to speak little and then through closed lips - closer inspection would reveal a near perfect set of teeth, perhaps the only blessing received from his unknown parentage.

Gregor wears a rather well-made set of vestments which might be considered appropriate for a merchant were it not for the total absence of color or flare. He favors comfortable well-made clothing, one of a number of vices. Hidden under a full-length overcoat is a remarkable lightweight set of magic leather armor, a recent reward from his employment in the coastal cities. A number of dagger sheaths are located about his person, none of which are visible to the casual observer.

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Re: Cast of Victims (Character Descriptions)

Post by Darithe »

Iscind Aranya.jpg

Iscind Aranya

Human Ranger (5th Level)

Standing 5'5" and quite petite, it would be easy to underestimate the woman before you. Though small, she is not weak, her body lithe and her muscles lean and taut. If Esker could be thought of as a sword, one would think Iscind a dagger, and both can be equally deadly. She stands straight and still like a spear thrust into the ground. A mass of long wild blonde hair hangs to her waist framing the delicate features of her face. Pale blue eyes apprise your intent as you approach, the slim fingers gripping the horse-head hilt of the sword she forged herself. Her other hand holding a shield with a wolf's head painted on its face. She is dressed in a loose white blouse beneath tightly fittted leather armor. She has the stance of a dancer or perhaps a wolf, graceful, precise and watchful.
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