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CH. 13: Resident Evil

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by JadedDM »

Granite silently moves back, trying to get away from the action.

Ouragana moves forward, getting very close and tries to use a cantrip to cause one of the horrors to stumble. However, it has previously been established that the golems do not walk, but hover. They can function normally without legs, can swing weapons without arms and even see without their helmets. Therefore, it cannot be tripped.

While Jocelyn draws her hammer and moves closer, Thaddeus looks at Ouragana with surprise. "My spells...don't work?" he repeats. Something inside him seems to trigger, and apparently taking her comment as a challenge, the mage moves past Ouragana into melee range and begins to chant. An arc of flame leaps from his fingertips, melting some parts of the closest armor. He looks upon his work with a certain pride.

Gallath moves closer, nocks an arrow and fires at the closest horror. The shot is too wide, however, and sails past the armor and sinks into the wall at the end of the hallway.

Baeros and Brock both start hurrying toward the fight, but neither gets there in time to attack.

Drav's intention is to block the armors from getting to the others, but this proves unnecessary. Perhaps because he was the one who stepped on the trap, both armors turn their full attention to him alone. He dodges a swing of a mace and the slash of an axe, thankfully taking no damage. However, the horrors block his own attacks, as well.

Val unslings her bow, nocks an arrow and fires. The arrow flies wide and joins Gallath's on the back wall. Nocking a second arrow, she fires again...this time the arrow hits true, knocking the closest armor's helm off.

At this point, the shield spell Ouragana cast 20 minutes ago ends and fades away.


Jocelyn (1d10): 8
Ouragana (1d10+2): 5+2 = 7
Val (1d10+8): 8+8 = 16
Baeros (1d10+5): 5+5 = 10
Gallath (1d10+7): 2+7 = 9
Granite (1d10): 4
Drav (1d10+5): 5+5 = 10
Brock (1d10+7): 3+7 = 10
Thaddeus (1d10+1): 7+1 = 8
Helmed Horror 05 (1d10+5): 4+5 = 9
Helmed Horror 06 (1d10+7): 6+7 = 13

Round 1!

Granite moves 20 feet to the east.
Ouragana moves 35 feet to the west and uses a cantrip on Helmed Horror 06. It has no effect.
Jocelyn moves 40 feet to the west.
Thaddeus moves 35 feet to the west and casts Burning Hands, dealing (1d3+8): 1+8 = 9 damage to all within a 120' arc within 5 feet of him.
----Helmed Horror 06 saves vs. spell [TN 16] (1d20): 3, fail. It takes 9 damage. Helmed Horror 06 is now seriously damaged.
Helmed Horror 05 moves 5 feet to the northwest and swings its mace at Drav [TN 09] (1d20): 6, miss.
Gallath moves 40 feet to the west and then fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+1): 8+1 = 9, miss.
Baeros moves 40 feet to the west.
Drav swings his flame tongue (+1 hit/dmg) long sword with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 15] (1d20+2): 3+2 = 5, miss. He then swings his mundane long sword with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 15] (1d20+1): 13+1 = 14, bare miss.
Brock moves 30 feet to the west.
Helmed Horror 06 moves 5 feet to the north and swings its axe at Drav in studded leather (-2 hit) [TN 09] (1d20-2): 7-2 = 5, miss.
Val fires a sheaf arrow from her long bow at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 14] (1d20): 8, miss.
Val fires a sheaf arrow from her long bow at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 14] (1d20): 14, bare hit for (1d8): 6 damage. Helmed Horror 06 is now critically damaged.
Ouragana's Shield spell ends.

(OOC: Horizon, Spyguy, make sure you specify how much you want your character to move, otherwise I'm forced to guess.

Because Baeros is lightly encumbered, he doesn't have enough movement to reach the enemy and attack.

Nuke, you didn't name your target again. I had to guess.

Actions and Initiative for Round 2?)
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by spyguy1503 »

Gallath Fires two arrows at #6 (One at #5 if 6 is destroyed.)
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by Nuke »

Val fires again and again, happy with her recent success.

init, hit and damage (1d10=6, 1d20=1, 1d6=5)
hit and damage (1d20,1d6=[19], [3])
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Thaddeus, careful!" Jocelyn calls out as she moves as close to the armor as she can, which means she ends up right behind Oura.
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by BishGada »

Baeros storms at the closest armor and roars to the others to back off. "I do my best to keep you safe and you throw your life away! Ouragana, stand behind me! Jocelyn, you too!"

(OOC: Init / Hit long / Hit short (6,7,4) with amazing speed Baeros accomplishes nothing :x )
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by chese780 »

"You know, I've lived on this island with trolls for years, do you think I'm just going to throw my life away in this mansion?" Drav yells while dodging the armor, "I don't plan to die here, and neither should you!"

*Drav procedes to swing his longswords at armor 5*
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by Breila »

Noticing that her shield no longer exists, Ouragna retreats sideways, out of harm's range, and to offer the others an opening.
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by JadedDM »

Thaddeus withdraws back toward where Granite is standing, before the horrors turn upon him. Jocelyn moves forward, warhammer in hand, but does not quite enter melee range.

Baeros moves in, attacking the horror with the axe, but fails to actually do any damage to it. Drav continues fighting the other horror--the one with the mace--but aside from a slight scratch, doesn't have much better luck than the ranger.

Gallath and Val both shoot at the horror carrying the axe. Both of Gallath's arrows miss. Val's first arrow accidentally sinks into Ouragana's exposed backside, but the second one manages to knock one of the horror's legs off which clatters to the ground. With a cry of pain, Ouragana moves northward to avoid any further wayward shots.

Brock, meanwhile, continues to limp forward at a snail's pace.

The two horrors continue their assault on Drav. He takes a light hit from the mace and avoids the axe entirely. Luck has been with him so far, but it might not hold out much longer if the party doesnt' dismantle these devious devices!


Jocelyn (1d10): 5
Ouragana (N/A)
Val (1d10+8): 6+8 = 14
Baeros (1d10+5): 1+5 = 6
Gallath (1d10+7): 4+7 = 11
Granite (N/A)
Drav (1d10+5): 3+5 = 8
Brock (1d10+7): 7+7 = 14
Thaddeus (1d10): 3
Helmed Horror 05 (1d10+5): 10+5 = 15
Helmed Horror 06 (1d10+7): 10+7 = 17

Round 2!

Granite does nothing.
Thaddeus withdraws 10 feet northeast and 15 feet eastward.
Jocelyn moves 35 feet westward.
Baeros moves 35 feet westward and swings his long sword at Helmed Horror 06 with great strength (+1 hit/dmg) [TN 14] (1d20+1): 6+1 = 7, miss. He then stabs with his short sword at Helmed Horror 06 with great strength (+1 hit/dmg) [TN 14] (1d20+1): 3+1 = 4, miss.
Drav swings his flame tongue (+1 hit/dmg) long sword with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 15] (1d20+2): 9+2 = 11, miss. He then swings his mundane long sword with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 15] (1d20+1): 17+1 = 18, hit for (1d8): 1 damage.
Gallath fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+1): 3+1 = 4, miss.
Val fires a sheaf arrow from her long bow at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 14] (1d20): 1, critical fumble! She hits Ouragana by accident for (1d8): 5 damage. Ouragana is now seriously wounded (50% HP).
Brock moves 30 feet to the west.
Helmed Horror 05 swings its mace at Drav [TN 09] (1d20): 17, hit for (1d6+1): 1+1 = 2 damage. Drav is now lightly wounded.
Helmed Horror 06 swings its axe at Drav in studded leather (-2 hit) [TN 09] (1d20-2): 8-2 = 6, miss.
Gallath fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+1): 13+1 = 14, miss.
Val fires a sheaf arrow from her long bow at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 14] (1d20): 19, hit for (1d8): 3 damage. Helmed Horror 06 is now near destruction.
Ouragana moves 10 feet to the north.

(OOC: Actions and Initiative for Round 3?)
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by HorizonsDream »

With the armor's attention on Baeros, Jocelyn moves in behind it to attack with her warhammer.

Inti Roll, Hit Roll (9, 6)
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by Breila »

Ouragana stays close to the wall, trying to reach her back to feel what damage has been done. She trembles and cries silently.
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by chese780 »

*Continue to deal with 5*

"These things just don't want to stop, do they?" Drav says.
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by Nuke »

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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by spyguy1503 »

"Watch it Val!" Gallath says, firing again at the armor.
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by BishGada »

Seeing Drav cornered Baeros tries to squeeze in between the horrors to interfere with their concentrated attacks.

(OOC: Init/Hit Long/Hit short (7,9,3) at this rate the horrors can take leisure at hitting us one HP at a round and still win! :x )
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Re: CH. 13: Resident Evil

Post by JadedDM »

Baeros moves in, trying to distract the horrors away from Drav. But they ignore him, seemingly locked on to the one who triggered the trap. Nothing can seem to make them disengage from their selected target. One swings its mace at Drav, hitting him in the chin and causing the elf to stumble back. Drav tastes blood in his mouth as a result. The other swings its axe at him, but luckily he's able to duck in time.

Drav does his best to defend himself, but to little avail. Jocelyn comes up behind the armor with the axe, but her blow is too weak to even leave a dent.

If Val recognizes at all what she just did to Ouragana, she doesn't show it. She acts like nothing happened at all, but just keeps nocking arrow after arrow and firing. None of them hit. Worse yet, she realizes that she only has 3 arrows left in her quiver.

Brock finally arrives on the scene and swings his axe at the axe-wielding armor, but it just scrapes the plate mail slightly.

Gallath is the only one to do any real damage. His first arrow goes wide, but his second hits the axe-wielding armor dead center. It collapses to the ground in pieces. Now only one horror still remains.


Jocelyn (1d10+4): 9+4 = 13
Ouragana (N/A)
Val (1d10+8): 7+8 = 15
Baeros (1d10+5): 2+5 = 7
Gallath (1d10+7): 1+7 = 8
Granite (N/A)
Drav (1d10+5): 7+5 = 12
Brock (1d10+7): 10+7 = 17
Thaddeus (N/A)
Helmed Horror 05 (1d10+5): 4+5 = 9
Helmed Horror 06 (1d10+7): 2+7 = 9

Round 3!

Ouragana does nothing.
Thaddeus does nothing.
Baeros moves 5 feet southwest and then 5 feet northwest. He then swings his long sword at Helmed Horror 06 with great strength (+1 hit/dmg) [TN 14] (1d20+1): 8+1 = 9, miss. He then stabs with his short sword at Helmed Horror 06 with great strength (+1 hit/dmg) [TN 14] (1d20+1): 2+1 = 3, miss.
Gallath fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+1): 2+1 = 3, miss.
Helmed Horror 05 swings its mace at Drav [TN 09] (1d20): 14, hit for (1d6+1): 5+1 = 6 damage. Drav is now moderately wounded (75% HP).
Helmed Horror 06 swings its axe at Drav in studded leather (-2 hit) [TN 09] (1d20-2): 9-2 = 7, miss.
Drav swings his flame tongue (+1 hit/dmg) long sword with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 15] (1d20+2): 3+2 = 5, miss. He then swings his mundane long sword with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 15] (1d20+1): 3+1 = 4, miss.
Jocelyn moves 10 feet to the west and 5 feet to the south. She swings her hammer at the back (+2 hit) of Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+2): 6+2 = 8, miss.
Val fires a sheaf arrow from her long bow at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 14] (1d20): 4, miss.
Brock moves 15 feet westward and swings his axe with great strength (+1 dmg) and skill (+1 hit/+2 dmg) at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+1): 14+1 = 15, bare miss.
Gallath fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow with elven grace (+1 hit) at Helmed Horror 06 [TN 16] (1d20+1): 18+1 = 19, hit for (1d8): 2 damage. Helmed Horror 06 is destroyed.
Val fires a sheaf arrow from her long bow at Helmed Horror 05 [TN 14] (1d20): 13, bare miss.

(OOC: You guys are missing a lot this round. Oh, well. Actions and Initiative for Round 4?)
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