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CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:11 am
by JadedDM
Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, Room 15)
Haahqae awoke that day in his private room at the Steel Tankard, shivering despite the blankets piled on him. It had been chilly throughout the last week, and the crooked window of his room let in too much cold air during the night. Between that, the moth-eaten curtains, the weird red stain on the wall that may or may not be ketchup and the funny smelling linens, it was almost insulting to think he was now being forced to pay for this room.

On the bright side, the last of the injuries he took from Raena seem to have finished healing. All that remains are the scars left behind by her vicious axes.

As he gets up and prepares for his day, it occurs to him he hasn't made much headway in yet in his lifequest the past two weeks. Then again, he has been pretty busy--having defeated a time-traveling mage, rescued a noblewoman, slew a giant and survived a dragon invasion. Perhaps now that the refugees and cultists are gone, things will be more quiet around here. He starts to consider what he should do with today, now that he was healthy enough to become active again.

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Gorgeous Greylock's Gems)
Kendra wakes up in her warm, soft bed as she had every day since she returned to the land of the living. Norris was gone, having likely gone to open his store for the day downstairs. A tray of hot breakfast sat on the nearby nightstand--fried eggs, bacon and juice.

Norris has waited on her hand and foot since she first woke up four days ago. He even hired her a nurse to fuss over her when he wasn't able to. Arulia, an old comrade from the Holy Guard. The two had become somewhat closer in the past few days, as Arulia was Kendra's only contact to the outside world. Norris would not let anyone else to see her, besides family, and insisted she remain in bed until she was fully recovered.

Kendra was not, however, fully recovered yet. She still bore the bites of the horaxes that killed Darga and nearly killed her, including a nasty wound still on her neck. However, she was beginning to go stir crazy while locked up in here. Especially after learning from her family and Arulia what was going on in the city--the occupation, namely. She and her family were doing alright, so far, at least. But the idea that the Seekers and Holy Guard were just gone, that the Council Hall now housed clerics of this Takhisis, the streets are patrolled by dragonarmy soldiers and there are at least three red dragons hanging about were still too alien of ideas for Kendra to fully grasp.

Arulia would be stopping by later, most likely. Kendra decided what she would do today.

Gregeddin (300 Market Street, Gregeddin's House)
Gregeddin awakens in his own bed, in his own house, which he purchased only a few days ago. As such, he hasn't fully filled it with furniture or had the proper time to decorate it yet. Still, it was quite the contrast to living at his parents house. The bard did not regret the decision to move out, but it did drain his coffers quite a bit. He would need to find some new income if he intended to keep it. And not playing at inns for coppers like his parent did--he needed a big influx of good coin.

While the others had been distracted the past week with recovering or mourning, Gregeddin had been very busy. He had quite a few irons in the fire, making connections and contacts, searching out information, and trying to get a good sense to how the occupation has changed things. Change always brings new opportunity, and there have been some very big changes lately. It up was to him to decide which opportunities to exploit.

Tulbas Erogund (Mageware shop)
Tulbas awoke in his little room in the converted attic of his uncle's shop. No, he meant Magus' shop. It was his uncle's no longer. It stung that this was always his first thought each morning when he woke up.

Life had been something of a daze for Tulbas the past week. It had been like he was sleepwalking through life, and his memories were fragmented and blurred, like that of a dream. But it had all been real. His uncle was dead, his home was occupied by the same army that destroyed his last home and killed his parents, and now he was forced to live with and serve the man who killed his uncle.

Magnus had been a very strict teacher. He insisted Tulbas study every day. The young elf couldn't help but feel Magnus was trying to prepare Tulbas for something specific--some kind of deadline. Raetmal had never pushed him so hard in the past. The results couldn't be argued with--Tulbas had grown in power, even learned a powerful new spell. But the tradeoff somehow didn't seem worth it.

Tulbas prepared to start his day. He would need to make breakfast first, or Magnus would be angry.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Arulia wakes up in her room, which she shared with her three sisters. The past week, she had gotten up early each morning, cleaned up, had breakfast then gone to Norris' place to check on Kendra, change her bandages, apply new poultices and so forth. She hadn't known Kendra very well when the two worked together in the Holy Guard. But they had become much closer in the past week. Perhaps both of them felt a little guilty for abandoning the Holy Guard. Would it had made any difference had they not? Or maybe both of them just enjoyed having another woman their own age to talk with.

In any case, she would be expected to come by today, as well. Norris paid her well for her services, which helped the family immensely. Beyond her visits with Kendra, life hadn't been very notable, despite the occupation. She had suffered no more nightmares and never encountered that strange old man again, Fizban. She held on to the medallion he gave her, but she never figured out what to do with it.

Sitting up and looking around, she notes that Niniva and Cassilda are still asleep. The youngest, Camilla, is awake, though. She is crouching by the door to their room, the door open just a tad, and she is trying to listen to something on the other side. Should Arulia focus on her elven senses, she will hear her parents in the next room speaking about something.


Haahqae regains 1 HP and is now fully healed.
Kendra regains 2 HP and is now moderately wounded.

It is now one week later, Autumn Harvest 28, Night's Eye at Third Watch (9 AM).

Casters may choose new spells. Post at will.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 9:08 pm
by HorizonsDream
Kendra ate the breakfast that was provided for her before she nearly threw her blankets off of her so she could get out of bed. It was driving her mad just laying in bed all day. She wanted to go check on her family. She wanted to see how things really were now that the dragon army had taken over. She was tired of the stories she kept hearing. It was time that she experienced it herself. Even looking out the window wasn't enough.

With a sigh, she puts on a robe and walks downstairs to see what Norris is up to.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:34 pm
by BishGada
Tulbas goes downstairs to prepare breakfast. He boils some eggs, cut some vegetables and intently tries to make the food as dull as possible. During breakfast he doesn't speak at all and if asked for something he answers shortly without looking at Magnus eyes, but in his mind he speaks a lot. Words of hate and disgust. 'I wonder where did he left his cheek. I hope one day I'll have the chance to corrupt his other cheek. That cursed traitor. Murderer.' Suddenly he understand Magnus caught him staring and he quickly stands up to bring something else from the kitchen.
Although he does everything reluctantly, his fascination with the Art still controls him. When practicing, even with Magnus, he can't stop his excitement with his own actions, and the appreciation of Magnus performances. Every now and then he needs to take a step back and remind himself he hates the man.
Raetmal death starts to sink in, although while dreaming Raetmal is still there, alive, teaching and advising. Tulbas would never have such a mentor who didn't only teach him technique, but also thought him values, morale and how to expend his way of thinking above the obvious. Who thought him patience and restrain. And he is gone.
Hatred washes over Tulbas again, and it can be shown. Sometime while talking to people in the market, they notice a cloud pass over his face and recoil from him, while he looks at them living, having family, and envy and anger feels him again.
This new life style pushes Tulbas toward investing all his time practicing and avoiding socializing as much as possible, except some visits to people he knew. Tulbas pays visit to old Marvin, only to tell him what had happened in details, and to tell him that for his own good they had better go on separate ways.
Hearing about Gregeddin house purchase, Gregedding gets the same angry reaction. Not exposed, but lurking behind Tulbas polite smile. 'How can he go on, enjoying his life, when Raetmal, who started teaching him was murdered? Here, in the room we are standing in! How can he show his face here and work with Magnus?' But these thoughts are mixed with the memories of working together, of helping each other during fights. Still confused, Tulbas keeps his thoughts to himself and also try to avoid staying long near his old friends.

(OOC: Did Tulbas get a share of the giant treasure?
Invisible castle is still down can you please roll for his attempts to copy spells to his spellbook? I hope I'm not over exploiting his high INT If so, please tell me. I think Tulbas will have 'Chill touch' and 'Spectral Hand' learned. Do you see how he tips towards evil, choosing Necromancy spells :satan: . I wonder what Magnus will think about it. Also 'Bruning Hands, Wall of Fog' and 'Blindness, Melf's Acid Arrow' and 'Mirror Image'. Thanks.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:27 am
by mgbevan
Gregeddin rose and felt quite pleased with himself and his surroundings. There was some serenity in his own home amongst the turmoil of the city, peace in a time of war. He mused about his new home, still becoming familiar with it's personality and little cracks and features, but no one could deny its was a nice cozy structure amidst this winter. Going through his possessions and taking an inventory of the belonging he owns, he scowls at the pile of coppers compared to steel. The bard knows this lifestyle in not sustainable on what he already has but instead needs to find more, forever more.

He shoots a glance over to the helm, pick and his old sword. Supporting the army, oppression and a war was not what he had in mind, but takers on the underground markets - if at all there were any - were being slow to surface. In any case, the army could be a last resort if he could not make tax by the month's end.

The coppers catch his mind again, almost 200. Disgusting, time to change them for steel and silver as the first errand of the day. He scoops them up and heads out to fetch groceries from the market, an even shorter walk than it used to be from his Parents'. On the wander down he thinks of those around him. He hadn't seen Kendra for days, Norris the gate keeper turned him away, perhaps one of the others may have better luck. Darga was very sad news, Gregeddin wondered how it happened, it must have been a just cause for Darga to support it. Approaching the market, the Blacksmith - Khan - pops into the bard's mind. "I wonder how his trade is doing in these times, and if Zoya is recovered yet, I hope she would be interested in adventuring again and not put off by her injuries. I should pay the man a visit" Gregeddin says to himself softly.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:30 am
by djhyland
Arulia slips out of bed, making just enough noise to let Camilla know that she's awake but not enough for her parents to hear her through the door. Catching her sister's eye, she holds a finger to her lips and pads silently across the floor to join her at the door. Leaning an ear against the crack, she listens to hear what her parents are speaking about.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:38 pm
by JadedDM
Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Gorgeous Greylock's Gems)
Kendra consumes her breakfast then puts on some clothes and gingerly walks downstairs. As she reaches the bottom, she can overhear Norris speaking to someone. He sounds distressed.

"You don't understand," Norris objects. "Sales are way down. Nobody is buying. In fact, all anyone wants to do is sell!"

"These are hard times on us all," replies a woman's voice, tinged with a foreign accent Kendra does not recognize. "Can I be held responsible that you didn't choose a career that can withstand hard times? Everyone must pay taxes, and you are no exception."

"But why raise them? Aren't they high enough?" asks Norris.

"War is expensive. We have a lot of men and women to feed and arm, after all." She chuckles. "Really, you should be thanking us. The city was slipping into chaos. We saved you from that. Surely a few extra coins a month is worth the price of not living in anarchy, yes?"

Gregeddin (Marketsquare)
Gregeddin steps outside and his eyes immediately water at the sudden temperature change. It had been so warm in his home, but it is quite chilly outside. His nose is at once greeted with the smell of freshly baked bread. This was another perk of his new home--it was very close to the Blackrock Bakery. Consequently, the area around his home always smelled quite pleasant.

He steps out onto Market Street and walks toward the marktersquare. He is stopped by a checkpoint on the way. A handful of Baaz soldiers stop everyone who tries to enter or leave the square to check their papers. They find Gregeddin's papers in order, so let him pass.

First, he seeks out a moneychanger. He trades in most of his copper coins for some silver and a steel piece. However, these coins are newly minted and quite different from the old currency he turned in. The coins have a five headed dragon stamped on them, the same icon used by the clerics of Takhisis.

Gregeddin then begins shopping around for groceries in the rather despondent marketplace. He overhears a number of people talking about some new tax code that Tethys released today, and it apparently hits shopkeepers and merchants quite hard. There is much hand-wringing over how to survive when winter comes with such harsh taxes, but more than that, there is massive fear on what will become of the merchants if they fail to pay up.

Tulbas Erogund (Mageware shop)
During breakfast, Magnus complains of the blandness, but seems to assume that it is a trait of elven cooking than anything deliberate on Tulbas' part. He consumes the breakfast nonetheless.

Once he has begun studying under Magnus, he began learning new spells at a rate he never did under his uncle. Within less than a week, he had filled another 22 pages of his spellbook. That's nearly a quarter of the whole thing! Magnus seemed very impressed by how quickly Tulbas was learning. "The next Night of the Eye is in about two weeks," Magnus had told him. "You should be ready for your Test by then." The Night of the Eye, of course, was the aligning of the three moons. They appeared to form a giant eye in the sky, with the white moon serving as the white of the eye, the red moon as the iris and the black moon as the pupil. It was said magic was very potent on this day. It was also when the Tower usually administered the Test.

By the time Tulbas had returned from the kitchen cleanup, Magnus had already opened the mageware shop and was preparing for any customers who might visit today. Business had picked up recently; an influx of Black Robed Mages had began arriving in the city shortly after the expedition, and many of them liked to frequent the place. "Why don't you go prepare your spells for the day," Magnus says to Tulbas. "If your friend comes by today and accepts my job offer, I may send you with him."

(OOC: Tulbas did receive a share of the giant's treasure, yes. It's in his backpack.)

Tulbas attempts to learn Chill Touch [95] (1d100): 78, pass.
Tulbas attempts to learn Spectral Hand [95] (1d100): 10, pass.
Tulbas attempts to learn Burning Hands [95] (1d100): 70, pass.
Tulbas attempts to learn Wall of Fog [95] (1d100): 54, pass.
Tulbas attempts to learn Blindness [95] (1d100): 54, pass.
Tulbas attempts to learn Acid Arrow [95] (1d100): 38, pass.
Tulbas attempts to learn Mirror Image [95] (1d100): 84, pass.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Camilla appears annoyed with the interruption, but says nothing and makes no effort to stop Arulia. Together, the two eavesdrop on their parents.

"This is outrageous, just outrageous," Thoron is saying. "I've heard even the more wealthy merchants are balking at this. It's too much. Even those who have squirreled away coin for the winter say it won't last under this new tax law. And we don't have anything squirreled away."

"It's the same at the cobbler's shop," Vera confirms. "Everyone is scared. What do they need so much money for anyway?"

Thoron sighs heavily. "Rumor is they are preparing for a big assault on the elflands."

"Oh, no," Vera whispers.

"Master Karn says we should ask the Trade Guild to lodge a formal complaint," Thoron continues. "He seems to think Tethys can be reasoned with, but...I'm not so sure. He's not even human. He's...I don't know what he is."

"What do you think we should do?" asks Vera.

"I don't know," Thoron admits. "But one thing is for sure, we won't be able to survive the winter on the pithy sums we bring in, even with the extra money Arulia has been making."

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 7:27 pm
by HorizonsDream
Kendra frowns as she comes up behind Norris with her arms crossed over her chest. She doubts she looks very intimidating, but the whole conversation is making her mad. "Then perhaps you'll be interested in buying something," Kendra says. "You know, as an act of good faith between merchants and the army."

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 1:38 am
by mgbevan
Gregeddin thumbs the new steel piece, feeling the new embossed symbol. "I didn't even realise they had set up a mint so quickly, anyone know where it is?" He says striking a conversation with a bunch of vendors and shoppers, "And, how much is this new tax they are 'decreeing'?" the final word spoken with a roll of the eyes and sarcastic tone to confer the bard's dissent with the situation.

After the conversation closes, the bard will make his way down to Kahn the blacksmith's to ask after Zoya and see how they are doing.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:26 am
by Haahque
Haahqae wakes up with a loud yawn. During his usual morning routine he starts thinking about his future plans.

Well I finally feel as good as new! It took me long enough, but I did have a near death experience! I lived, but of course, the heroes always win, no matter how grim it’s looking. Anyways I should probably get working on that life quest again, the giant seems to have proven a large distraction, while the cult and the seekers were both rather disappointing, hiding their knowledge from those who seek it until they go and get themselves killed to the dragon army. Oh yeah, that guy talked with some gods, I should probably talk to him about it, maybe he knows some useful information. But not today, Ismene promised me a night drinking at a pub, and I shouldn’t hesitate to collect, though I guess I should invite Tulbas and Gregeddin too.

Haahqae will be quick in going down to the common room to eat breakfast, so he can get out and search for Ismene faster.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:52 am
by djhyland
Arulia backs away from the door and pads silently back to her bed and gestures for Camilla to do the same. Once she and her sister are both well away from the door, she gets out of bed again, this time purposefully making enough noise for her parents to hear. As she dresses, she whispers to Camilla. "Don't let what mother and father were talking about worry you. I'll find a way to make the money myself if things don't get better."

Arulia gathers her bandages, salves, and other necessities in preparation to visit Kendra. The guardswoman seems to be recovering well, and she thinks that with a few more days of care, she'll be fully recovered with only a few scars--and faint ones, at that!--to show that she'd ever been so wounded.

After descending the stairs, Arulia greets her mother and father warmly. As she rummages through the kitchen for a breakfast, she calls back to them so that they know where she'll be if needed. "I'm going out to the jeweler's again this morning--Kendra's looking a lot better, but it'll be a few more days before she's fully healed. It shouldn't take too long, though, and I'll be back before too late." After grabbing a chunk of bread and some cheese, she dons her cloak* and pushes her way out the door into the cold streets.

Upon reaching the jeweler's shop (OOC: assuming she isn't accosted before then), she knocks on the door and waits for Norris to let her in.

(*OOC: I see that I neglected to purchase a cloak when I submitted Arulia's character sheet. Would it be possible to deduct the price of a cloak from her money so that she has one? Sorry!)

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 6:07 pm
by JadedDM
Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, Room 15)
Haahqae heads downstairs to the common area and finds a bit of a scene in process. A Baaz has overturned a table and some chairs and has Cassandra, the barmaid that Darga always spoke to, pinned to the wall, his claw around her neck. The barkeep is nearby, trying to calm the Baaz down with little success. The few patrons have either fled or stay far away, afraid to make any moves.

"You waterin' down my drinksh?" the Baaz demands. Although early in the morning, it's clear he's already quite intoxicated.

The woman gasps out something, but it's difficult to make out because the Baaz has his claw around her neck. "I promise, we ain't waterin' down nothin'!" the barkeeper pleads.

"Sho you callin' me a liar?!" the Baaz counters angrily. "I'll have this whole plache burned to the ground! You want that? Huh?!"

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Gorgeous Greylock's Gems)
Stepping into the room, Kendra sees that the woman Norris is speaking to is a human wearing the armor of a dragonarmy commander. As her accent indicated, she is not from around here. Her skin is olive colored, like the people of Khur. She has black hair pulled back into a ponytail. She carries her helmet under her arm casually.

She chuckles at Kendra's comment. "I'm afraid I don't have much use for jewelry myself. Clashes with my armor," she jokes.

"K-Kendra," says Norris with surprise. "You shouldn't be out of bed."

"This is the little lady?" asks the commander. "I guess your jewels aren't the only pretty things in your store. Nasty neck wound, though." She holds out a hand to Kendra. "I'm Mouna, Commander of the Third Brigade of the 10th. We're running this section of the city now."

Gregeddin (Marketsquare)
Gregeddin learns the new coins are being minted up in the noble district and that the new tax is a whopping 30% of all profits made.

The bard then heads to Karn's blackshop which requires him to go through the same checkpoint again, once more showing showing his ID papers to the guards before being allowed to pass. Once through, he heads south on Blade Street. Before too long, he hears the telltale sound of a hammer against an anvil and spots the plume of smoke rising up into the sky.

Stepping inside, his eyes again water at the abrupt temperature change. It's quite warm inside, due to the heat of the forge seeping in from the backroom. A bell attached to the door rings when Gregeddin enters, and Karn calls out from the back that he'll be up there in a minute.

After a short wait, Karn steps into the main room, wiping his hands on his apron. "Welcome, what can I do for you?" he asks. Karn is a big fellow with broad shoulders, short blond hair and blue eyes. He looked to be in his early 40s or so, but was in pretty good shape for his age. "Ah, I remember you." Unable to remove the black from his hands, he gives up on his apron and finds a wet wag to start wiping them with. "You brought Zoya home. What do you need, friend?"

Karn had not been so friendly the first time they met. He was angry at Gregeddin 'nearly getting his wife killed' on some 'stupid adventure.' But the bard had a way with honeyed words and had calmed the big guy down. Karn seemed like the sort of man who could never be angry very long anyway, having a very friendly and outgoing demeanor.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Her parents say nothing of what they were just discussing to Arulia when they see her. Her mother puts on a smile, but it's clearly forced. They ask her to be careful, as always.

She steps out into the cold and heads north up Three Forks, until she reaches the big checkpoint set up there. A number of armed Baaz are there and stop her when she approaches.

"Let's see those papers," says one to her.

"Where you heading today?" asks another one. "What's in the bag?"

(OOC: I added a cloak to her inventory, at the cost of 8 SP.)

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:04 pm
by HorizonsDream
Kendra looks down at the woman's hand for a moment before she uncrosses her arms and shakes the woman's hand. "Kendra," she says. "What happens if my husband and I go out of business because we can't afford your taxes?" she asks.

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:46 pm
by Haahque
Ducking back into the hallway, Haahqae casts change self to turn himself into a Baaz. Once the transformation is complete he'll enter the common room again and address the belligerent draconian in his best Baaz impersonation he can think of. "Hey cool yer heels, none of us wantsh dis place burned ta the ground, cause then we wuldn't hava place to drink here, watered down or otherwise. I say we lernish them lesson to make sure dey never try to water down our drink again. Whatshud it be? Mebe we should punchish them? Or no wait, I got a better idea. Dey give us each a beer on the house, and make sure it's proper dis time! Now put Cassandra down so she can go feche us those beers."

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:27 pm
by BishGada
Tulbas frowns for a brief moment hearing the word friend, then he recalls Gregedding visit. He cleans the table and goes to his room to meditate.

(OOC: Tulbas learns 'Burning Hands', 'Charm Person', 'Grease', 'Sleep', 'Ray of Enfeeblement')

Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:59 am
by mgbevan
While Gregeddin waits for Karn, he has a quick look at the shop. Was this a blacksmith for your everyday items or was it developed for military purposes? And is there anything on display for trade or are contracts made to order?

Gregeddin sets his food down and greets the blacksmith before him with a big smile, "Hello again Karn! I wanted to come by and see how you were both getting on, is Zoya feeling any better now?" The bard continues warmly, "I heard in the market today that the Dragon Army have levied a massive tax on businesses and I was worried that it would impact on you. Seeing as us folk ought to look out for one another in these hard times I wanted to see if things were going to be all right for the winter and if there was anything troubling you I could help out with."