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CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

Tulbas Erogund (Alley behind the deserted building, Harbor District)
Tulbas repositions himself and quickly spins on his heel, unleashing a cone of flame from his fingers at his assailants. All three are engulfed and are left pretty badly burned, but not enough to put them out of commission. Despite their injuries, they are quite determined and counterattack with their daggers.

One stabs at the elf, but the blade is deflected by Tulbas' protection spell again. The second one has better luck, and cuts Tulbas across the chest, slicing into his robe and leaving a trail of blood across his skin. It's a shallow cut--nothing serious. But something is wrong. Tulbas suddenly feels very cold and numb. This numbness spreads over his body slowly, until he collapses onto the ground, unable to move at all.

"Finally," says one. "Wake the others, and let's get out of here before the guard arrives. This one put up more of a fight than I thought."

A second one walks over to Tulbas and kneels down beside his prone form. "It's fine. He's strong and he can use magic. The high priest will be pleased." Her voice is distinctly feminine. She looks down at Tulbas and since he is on the ground, he can see straight up into her hood, at her face. She has snake-like eyes that are yellow in color with long, black vertical slits for irises. A thin, forked tongue sticks out of her mouth for a second before retracting. "He will make a fine convert," she says just before Tulbas loses consciousness.


Tulbas (1d10+1): 6+1 = 7
Assailant 01 (N/A)
Assailant 02 (1d10+2): 8+2 = 10
Assailant 03 (N/A)
Assailant 04 (1d10+2): 7+2 = 9
Assailant 05 (1d10+2): 8+2 = 10

Round 2!

Tulbas moves northeast and then turns to cast Burning Hands for (1d3+6): 9 damage.
----Assailant 02 resists magic [20%] (1d100): 72, fail. Assailant 02 saves vs. magic (1d20): 14, fail. They take 9 damage. They are near death.
----Assailant 04 resists magic [20%] (1d100): 34, fail. Assailant 04 saves vs. magic (1d20): 15, pass. They take 4 damage. They are seriously wounded.
----Assailant 05 resists magic [20%] (1d100): 23, fail. Assailant 05 saves vs. magic (1d20): 6, fail. They take 9 damage. They are near death.
Assailant 04 moves toward Tulbas and attacks with a dagger (1d20): 12, miss.
Assailant 02 attacks Tulbas with a dagger (1d20): 16, hit for (1d4): 2 damage. Tulbas is now moderately wounded.
----Tulbas saves vs. poison [14] (1d20): 6, fail. He becomes completely paralyzed.

End melee.

(OOC: End scene.)

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common room)
The man takes the 20 coppers, which he adds with the two steel pieces he was given by Grubnick earlier. "I will probably have to just buy a new one," he admits. "They don't come cheap, though. I suppose this really is indicative of my luck."

He takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "The only thing injured is my pride." He holds up the smashed lute. "And my only source of income. I'm called Harrin. I'm not from here originally. I was in the city when the occupation happened, and I've been stuck here ever since."

Harrin listens to Grubnick speak for a bit before responding. "Yeah, I don't know what those draconian things are, but they look like monsters to me. Anyway, great sob story, but I still want to know...why did you help me? Nobody does anything without expecting something in return, so I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop here. Out with it then."
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick watches the man for a quiet moment.

I don’t have much in common with most of my kind, but we goblins are social creatures who tend to band together against more powerful enemies. I had some sympathy for your predicament, after what happened to Znot. Those dragon-men and the forces behind them are stripping this city to the bone, and rotting its soul. I’m just trying to do a little prevention and repair work. He pauses to scratch at the large scar on his face.

Don’t forget that I helped you without any reason to think I’d ever see you again, anyway. Don’t read too much into it. If you still aren’t satisfied, then I can’t help you with that. Hopefully now you have enough to get a replacement instrument; though probably not one so fine as that lute was.

It might be wise to move to a different inn if that particular draconian was a regular… and to wear your next lute on a strap so you don’t accidentally drop it again. If you do decide to move or perform elsewhere in the city, you might let Green Tears know where. I’d still like to hear you play, but don’t feel obligated to leave word on my account.

Standing, from his place against the wall, he finishes with; I’m going to bed. It was nice to meet you Harrin, he says, extending his arm for a handshake.

If Harrin does not take his hand he says nothing more, and lets it drop after a few moments.
If Harrin takes his hand he catches the man’s gaze with his own quiet, somber eyes; The old gods live, Harin… more than just the dark one who has settled here. From her side there is no mercy or free will… Releasing the man’s gaze as well as hand, Grubnick watches him leave.

After the man is gone, he locks his door and puts out the candles. Opening the window slightly again, he watches the patrols with his infravision; silently making mental note of the number and type of draconians as well as the frequency of patrol. He also keeps an eye on the sky to see if he can spot another dragon. He will stay up to watch three or four patrols go by, or for another half bell; whichever comes first.

Closing the window, Grubnick settles himself on top of the covers and still in his armor. His pack and his belt on the floor at the head of the bed by the window. Only time will tell, he thought to himself, whether the seed will grow and bear fruit… and whether that fruit will be sweet or bitter, he added after a moment.

Grubnick will intend to sleep long enough to gain a full eight hours of rest.
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Re: CH. 6: Nobody Expects the Occupation

Post by JadedDM »

XP is as follows:

Haahqae (Illusionist 2/Thief 3)
Casting Change Self - 50 XP
Calming down the Baaz drunk - 100 XP
Casting Spider Climb to leave the brothel - 50 XP
Bonus 10% (Thief only)
TOTAL: 100 XP/111 XP

Kendra Greylock (Fighter 3)
Chatting with Arulia about future work - 100 XP
Seeking to aid the elves - 100 XP
Chatting with Arulia about plans - 100 XP
Chatting with Norris about finances - 50 XP
Turning down Sadron - 100 XP
Bonus 10%

Gregeddin (Bard 4)
Chat with Karn about taxes and Zoya - 50 XP
Agreeing to aid Magnus - 100 XP
Agreeing to aid the Trade Guild - 100 XP
Bonus 5%

Tulbas Erogund (Mage 3)
Silent rage at companions - 100 XP
Casting Sleep at assailants - 50 XP
Casting Burning Hands at assailants - 50 XP
Bonus 10%

Arulia Seroth (Fighter 2/Cleric 2)
Chat with Kendra about future work - 100 XP
Seeking to aid the elves - 100 XP
Chatting with Kendra about plans - 100 XP
Chatting with family about finances - 50 XP
Chatting with parents about old gods - 50 XP
Becoming true cleric of Paladine - 100 XP
TOTAL: 250 XP/250 XP

Grubnick (Cleric 3)
Chat with mage-in-training - 50 XP
Helping Harrin - 100 XP
Chat with Harrin - 50 XP
Bonus 10%