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CH. 5: Vying Factions

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae and Gregeddin (City Gates)
Miriam silently considered the bard's words as the party pressed on toward the city. They push themselves hard, not stopping to rest at all. Eventually the dawn arrives, and they still move forward. They don't pause to eat or learn new spells--not that their sleep deprived minds could have anyway. Haahqae manages to find a bit of dried fruit in his pack to eat for a brief breakfast on the go, but that was it.

Haahqae and Ismene, having shorter legs (and therefore shorter strides) have to practically job to keep up with the others. They find themselves sore and covered in sweat from the exhaustion, despite the cold morning air. Miriam helps Zoya, letting her lean against the big warrior for support. Zoya manages in spite of her injury, although she looks nearly as pale as her fair skinned companions.

When they reach the city, all looks normal. The gates are wide open. There is no sign of major activity, of troops being organized or archers lining the walls. When they reach the gates, the guard stops them. "Hold," he says in a monotone of boredom. "Nobody may enter without presenting citizenship tokens."

Tulbas Erogund (Graveyard)
Tulbas awakens in his own bed, in his room in the attic. And at first, everything is pleasant. There are a few brief moments before he remembers what happened last night. But then it comes back to him, and as much as he hopes it had all been a fervent nightmare, his uncle's dead body downstairs help confirm that it all really happened.

After a brief breakfast--he ate fast in case Magnus decided to come chat with him--he then manages to borrow a small cart from a neighbor and take his uncle's body to the graveyard, near the council hall. It takes a couple of hours, but he manages to dig a deep enough grave and place Raetmal within. After refilling it, he stands over the grave, trying to think of something to say.

Arulia Seroth (Market Street)
Arulia wakes early that morning and after some breakfast with her family ("Today can't possibly be more exciting than yesterday was, eh?" her father teases), she heads out toward the jeweler's place to look over Kendra as promised. On the way, she passes through the market square and sees it is relatively empty for a change. Soon, it would fill up with cultists again, no doubt. But at least for now, there weren't many about.


It is now Autumn Harvest 21 (Summer's End), Night's Eye at Third Watch.

Kendra regains 1 HP. She is now at -5 HP.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae digs through his various bags to find his citizenship token, eventually drawing it forth and presenting it. "We did it, we slew the giant, now the refugees are safe. Oh, and by the way there's a red army coming this way, it should be here today. We saw the campfires from the giant's cave."

The message delivered, Haahqae turns his attention to the next issue at hand. He needs to get back to the Steel Tankard and collect the book he left there. He should also arrange a meeting spot with Ismene. And probably Gregeddin too.

"So I'm going to pick up my things from the Steel Tankard, where should we meet afterwards to decide how to live through today?" The question, of course was aimed at the bard and the gnome.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks upon the modest grave he was able to assemble.
"Uncle! You were everything to me." He says with a broken voice, "And yet, I failed you. You taught me not to trust the humans and keep to my own business and I didn't listen."
The vision of the missiles striking Raetmal comes back to his mind, vividly and repeatedly. Horrified Tulbas falls to his knees and sobs again.
"Uncle, I'm so sorry. I never thought you will get hurt. You had so much to do and achieve in your life and now it is all over."
Then his lips continue moving but no voice comes out.
After a while he speaks again, "This grave is the least I could do to honor your memory. You saved me from my captors. You took me under your guard while I had no hope to survive and then you became my mentor and all your actions were always kind and good. I'll try to follow your path. I wish and pray the old gods will spare your spirit and you will be blessed in the afterlife."
Tulbas anger at the scum Magnus flares for a moment, but Raetmal would probably advise to let it go as no good would come out fo it. Tulbas wishes he was strong enough to save his uncle but now nothing will bring him back to life. Such divine powers were long gone. Nothing more than fairy tales. His need for closure screams in his mind for revenge, but he struggles with many internal conflicts regarding the matter.
Eventually he stands up, "Farewell beloved uncle." Tulbas says and turns back to the shop.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by djhyland »

Arulia smiles at her father's joke but makes none of her own. Even though yesterday's events brought her a certainty that she'd been looking for for most of her life, she does not wish to relive its events or tempt the gods that she now believes to be true. "It would show bad faith to mock them," she thinks. Instead, she hurries back upstairs to gather what bandages, needles and thread, and ointments she can find.

(OOC: Assuming she has such things already. If not, I guess she'll have to go to the market first--disregard the following if that's the case.)

Despite her desire to do the day's shopping before the crowds of cultists descend, she hurries past the market and goes directly to the jeweler's shop. After knocking smartly on the door, she waits patiently for the jeweler to come and let her in.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by mgbevan »

"I've got some duties to fulfil," Gregeddin being to say, "Making sure Zoya gets home and meeting Mateo's family. If we wanted to meet somewhere quieter now that we know Darewind is out for us, the steel tankard may not be the best place. My folks house however is on a quieter side street you should be able to find." Gregeddin offers, giving address and directions as appropriate.
"BBut at any rate we should inform the others of the pending army. I wonder what happened to Tulbas too, and Darga and Kendra? I might nip by their places to see if they're home on my way back from Mateo's."

Gregeddin has one more thing to say, but is clearly hesitant to do so. "In terms of spreading the word of the army, the cult is a pretty good vehicle to do so. I'm just a little tentative about going in there and... Well we all know the rest..." he looks up at the others for suggestions.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by Haahque »

"Ok, I'll meet you there soon. Oh and don't worry about the army, I've already warned the city guard. He should take the necessary precautions."

Haahqae plans to go to his room at the Steel Tankard and pick up the items he left in his room (the spellbook and the rations), then head over to Gregeddin's place. He will pay the innkeeper if he asks for money (since he didn't have a chance to perform yesterday), and he will confirm any questions he overhears about an army coming.

If he gets to Gregeddin's and the bard isn't there, there's a fair chance that he'll doze off while waiting.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by mgbevan »

Trying to be sensitive to Haahqae's judgement, Gregeddin suggests, "Indeed you did inform him, however given the lack of efficiency displayed by the Holy Guard as of late, it wouldn't hurt for us to help the word along it's way." Addressing Miriam he asks, "Just thinking aloud here, would you be able to return to the cult and inform the people and Darewind of the approaching army, and of how Tulbas, Haahqae and I were slain in battle, please?. It might just give us a little peace if Darewind believes we are dead." Gregeddin looks over to Haahqae to gauge his approval.

"I'll do a loop around and meet back at my place later then," Gregeddin says as he pulls out his winter blanket and stows his armour and sword as best as possible. He bundles himself up in the blanket using his days of dress up and mucking around as a young boy to attempt to disguise himself as a commoner. He looked tired and haggard enough in the face to pass at any rate. "Zoya, Mateo, Darga, Kendra, Myplace and discuss our next move. Quite the bit of walking, good job we've practised lots." He adds with flat humour
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae and Gregeddin (City Gates)
The guard accepts their tokens and chuckles. "An army, right. Whatever you say, little guy."

"He's telling the truth, though!" insists Ismene. "I saw the army myself, they're right behind us! They'll be here any minute!"

The guard opens his mouth to reply, but he's interrupted by a loud horn from directly above them. One of the guards on the wall is blowing it, and it can be heard throughout the city.

The guard stares forward blankly, as if unsure how to respond. He seems to snap out of it and gestures for them to hurry up and get inside. "We're shutting the gate, come in now!" Once the party is inside, the gate is completely shut with a resounding slam.

"We're too late," Zoya laments.

A massive roar fills the air all around them; they can feel it all the way into their bones. Then a second, and a third. Before long, the skies are suddenly filled with massive creatures that were believed to be extinct...if they ever existed at all. Dragons! Dragons as red as flame and larger than most buildings. Waves of fear run throughout the city at the sight of them as they circle over the city like vultures.

"The marketplace!" Miriam suddenly shouts. "The people there are completely exposed!" Without another word, she rushes off in that direction.

"They...they're real," is all Ismene can say, staring up at the sky.

Tulbas Erogund (Marketsquare)
Having completed his eulogy, Tulbas departs from the graveyard and starts to head back to the mageware shop. On his way there, he passes through the marketplace, and his thoughts are interrupted by the resounding slam of the city's gates shutting. It occurs to him that the siege must be about to begin, but before he can really process this, his entire body vibrates at the sound of a deafening roar overhead.

Looking skyward, he sees dragons! Dragons as red as Lunitari herself, at least 15 or 20 feet long each from head to tail. They look just like the ones that invaded Silvanesti, that destroyed his first home. Now they have come to destroy his second.

The people all around him begin to panic, scream and flail about. Some look ready to run away, but there is no place to run. The gates and walls of the city are useless to repel these monsters.

Arulia Seroth (Marketsquare)
Arulia hurries through the marketplace as fast as she can, but before she can leave it entirely, she hears the resounding slam of the city gates shutting. It takes a moment for her to process this; she had never known the city to shut its gates during the day time. Was something happening?

The ground rumbles and at first she thinks it might be an earthquake, but then she realizes the sensation of vibrating is coming from above and all around her. Looking up, she sees creatures of myth and legend flying around the city--dragons! Not the five-headed kind like in her dream, but just as terrifying. These ones are blood red, and large enough to crush buildings by sitting on them. All around her, people begin to panic and scream.
Dragons Attack.JPG
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by Haahque »

"Woah nice, they have dragons! Do you know what this means? This means that the gods are not only real, but that they can come back. Unless they died, in which case we can create new gods. I'm also fairly sure it means these dragons are in alignment with that army we saw today. Maybe even a part of it. Which means they would be great to talk to about how dragons came back into the world. But it doesn't stop the fact that I need a drink and some rest first."
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks around for shelter, "Quick, get into the houses. Take cover." He commands the people nearby and pushes those who freeze in panic. Then he follows his own advise and quickly runs to the shop, trying to hide near houses walls.
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by djhyland »

With terror pouring through her soul, Arulia runs from the marketplace. Although her thoughts are with her family--she desperately wishes that she had stayed home for a little while longer so that she could protect them!--she knows that she's much closer to the jeweler's house than her own. Desperate for the dubious safety of a house, any house, she arrives panting at the jeweler's doorway and urgently pounds on the door. With panic rising in her voice, she calls, "Mr. Greylock! Mr. Greylock! Open the door!"[/i]

(OOC: Well, Arulia probably would have gone home even with a farther distance to cover, but that wouldn't have gotten her closer to any of the other characters...)
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by JadedDM »

One of the red dragons--the largest by far--swoops over the city with a roar. Haahqae and Gregeddin notice that this one has a rider--a man in black armor. The dragon flies high into the air, then turns back toward the city and dives. With little difficulty, it crashes into the city's gate, destroying it completely and leaving the way open for the incoming army. The people nearby begin to panic at the huge dragon, as it roars again in triumph and then laughs manically.

The party is caught up in the mob of people rushing to get away from the gate. They are forced to be swept up with them as they head to the marketplace--the one place where there are no buildings to topple over and crush people--or risk being trampled to death by the crowd.

In the chaos, Zoya and Ismene vanish in the crowd and Gregeddin and Haahqae lose sight of them entirely. When they reach the marketsquare, the crowds have room to spread out more and so they are granted some elbow room. They can hear Tulbas shouting nearby for people to take cover.

He and Arulia both prepare to flee themselves, although one wonders where they could go that would be any safer in this madness. It's like the Abyss itself has opened up and swallowed the city, and none of it even seems real--like a horrible nightmare they cannot wake up from.

Before anyone can act, the dragon with the rider leaps into the air and lands right in the middle of the marketsquare, destroying several vendor stands and knocking a number of people down. The rider slides off the dragon's back and approaches the crowd. At once, all the screaming and shouting ceases as they watch in terror. The dragons stop roaring, as well, as if anticipating this.
Verminaard.jpg (60.53 KiB) Viewed 12412 times
The man is tall, standing at 6'2" and is wearing black armor of some kind that somewhat resembles the dragon he rides, including the helmet with large spikes that completely covers his face. A cloak with fur trim billows behind him and he carries a massive, wicked looking mace with him. He then speaks, and he must be employing some kind of magic, because everyone in the marketsquare can easily hear him.

"Attention, citizens of Haven!" he says, raising his arms. His voice has a metallic echo to it, due to his helmet. "I am Lord Verminaard, Dragon Highlord of the Red Dragon Army...and loyal servant to the true goddess, Takhisis. I have come to claim this city in Her name. Who here would oppose me? Who speaks for the city?" he demands.

"We do!" The Highseekers--a few of them anyway--enter the marketsquare from the east. They are led by Elistan, Master of the Highseekers, who does his best to maintain a calm composure. However, his head is beaded with sweat. He does better than the other Highseekers, however, who look ready to piss themselves in fear.

"L-Lord Verminaard!" calls Locar, the deputy master of the Highseekers. "What is the meaning of this? W-We had a treaty!"

Verminaard snorts. "One that has not served me well. You promised to find me the Blue Crystal Staff, and you have failed. You promised to give us intel on the Qualinesti, and you have turned over nothing. Therefore, effective immediately, I am seizing control of this city."

"Enough!" Now Darewind is entering the marketsquare, from the south. Nora, Biggs and Wedge follow him, along with half a score of grey-cloaked followers. Many of them appear nervous, as well, but not Darewind. He seems completely confident as he walks right up to the Dragon Highlord. "The Seekers have no authority here any longer. This city belongs to me now. Now take your dragons and your army and begone. I serve the one true god, the Master, and will not tolerate this heresy you speak." So focused on Verminaard, neither Darewind or his escort notice Tulbas, Gregeddin and Haahqae among the crowd. But there are so many people here, they might not notice even if they were looking.

Verminaard turns to Darewind and chuckles slowly. "Oh, really? Perhaps you would like to challenge my god with your own?" He opens his arms out, leaving himself wide open. "Come then, strike me down. I would see the power of your so-called god."

Darewind grins smugly. "So be it." He takes hold of his blood stone amulet in one hand and points at Verminaard in the other. However, nothing happens. Darewind's face falls as he tries again, then a third time. But still, there is no effect. Verminaard does not wither and die like the Holy Guard did that Tulbas witnessed. Darewind's cool exterior cracks quickly, and his face becomes a mask of panic.

"It would seem your god has abandoned you," Verminaard notes wryly, crossing his arms. "I cannot say I blame him. I am protected by a true god, after all. I suspect your little so-called god realizes that." Darewind stares blankly at Verminaard, as if unsure how to proceed. His companions look equally uncertain--this was not expected at all. Verminaard pushes back his cloak and holds one hand aloft. "Now it is my turn. Takhisis! I call upon your power to smite those who would challenge you! Show these people the fate that awaits those who defy your followers!"

High in the sky, dark clouds appear and begin to swirl about. Suddenly, a column of pure flame erupts from them, dropping down directly on Darewind and his entourage. Their screams of pain are heard even above the roar of the flame. Heat washes over the entire marketsquare, causing many to shield themselves.

When the flame and smoke dissipates, there is a large black circle on the ground, containing the charred remains of Darewind and his people. None stir, save for one--Nora. Her body is blackened, her hair is gone, her eyes have melted away. She struggles to move, but it's clear that she is in intense agony.

Verminaard looks down upon her. "It would seem the Queen of Dragons has spared you. Ah, yes. I understand now." He now addresses the crowd again. "You have seen the power of Takhisis. This is what happens to all who dare challenge her. Now allow me to show you the fate of those who serve her." He kneels down and grasps Nora's arm. He lifts her up, off the ground, so that she is at near eye level with him. "Swear to serve Takhisis and you will be spared," he tells her. Barely able to breathe, she tries to speak, but nothing comes out but ragged breaths. "Swear it!" Verminaard demands, shaking her. Nora hisses something too soft to be heard by anyone, but Verminaard seems to hear it, and nods.

"Takhisis! I call upon your power once again. Restore this woman, so that she may dedicate her life and soul to serving you!" A strange, dark blue glow envelops Verminaard's free hand. He touches it to Nora's body, and the glow moves from his hand to her, enveloping her. Her burns instantly heal, her hair grows back, and her eyes regenerate. Within seconds, she has gone from death's door to completely fine, although her clothes are still charred and blackened. Verminaard drops Nora to her feet, but her knees give way under her and she falls on her bottom. She stares at her hands, taking big gulps of air. Once the shock has worn off, she drops to a bowing position before Verminaard.

Now Verminaard turns back to the Highseekers. "Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted? Ah, yes. You were about to hand over the city to me. Bend the knee before me, or suffer a most painful death! What shall it be?"

Almost at once, the Highseekers drop to their knees save for Elistan. He looks around with surprise, then sighs deeply. "The city is yours," he says in defeat, lowering his head.

"Yes," Verminaard agrees, crossing his arms again. "It is."

And so the city of Haven fell to the Red Dragon Army in a matter of minutes with no resistance...


End of Arc 1!
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Re: CH. 5: Vying Factions

Post by JadedDM »

XP is as follows:

Haahqae (Illusionist 1/Thief 2)
Scene with party catching everyone up - 50 XP
Recruiting the cultists - 25 XP
Scene with Jaymes at the Steel Tankard - 25 XP
Chat with Kendra about girls - 50 XP
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Successful Move Silently check - 200 XP
Casting Grease - 50 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Acquisition of money - 320 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
Bonus 10% (Thief only)
TOTAL: 653 XP/718 XP

Haahqae becomes level 2 Illusionist!
+ 1d4 HP (divided by 2)
+ New 1st level spell slot
+ Summon Familiar ability
+1 Cantrip

Haahqae becomes level 3 Mouse Burglar!
+ 1d6 HP (divided by 2)
+ 30 thief skill points
+ 5 bonus thief skill points
+1 to THAC0

Kendra Greylock (Fighter 2)
Scene with party catching everyone up - 50 XP
Meeting with Tulbas - 50 XP
Audience with the High Seekers - 25 XP
Chat with Haahqae about girls - 50 XP
Defeating the horaxes - 202 XP
Bonus 10%

Kendra becomes level 3 Fighter!
+ 1d10 HP
+ 1 THAC0
+ 1 WP slot
+ 1 NWP slot
+ 1 to all saves

Gregeddin (Bard 3)
Scene with party catching everyone up - 50 XP
Hiring Mateo and Zoya - 25 XP
Recruiting the cultists - 25 XP
Scene with Jaymes at the Steel Tankard - 25 XP
Meeting with Magnus in the alley - 25 XP
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 480 XP
Casting Hypnotism - 25 XP
Acquisition of money - 160 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
Bonus 5%
TOTAL: 1,471 XP

Gregeddin becomes level 4 Bard!
+ 1d6 HP
+ 1 second level spell slot
+ 15 thief skill points
+ 10 feet range and +1 round duration to Bard Song
+ 5% Legend lore
+ 1 WP slot
+ 1 NWP slot

Tulbas Erogund (Mage 2)
Scene with party catching everyone up - 50 XP
Meeting with Darga and Kendra - 50 XP
Confrontation with Darewind - 25 XP
Meeting with Magnus in the alley - 25 XP
Casting Grease on the dire wolves - 50 XP
Casting Grease on the ogres - 50 XP
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
Bonus 10%

Tulbas becomes level 3 Mage!
+ 1d4 HP
+ 1 second level spell slot
+ 1 cantrip
+ 1 NWP slot

Arulia Seroth (Fighter 2/Cleric 2)
Telling her family some of her dream - 25 XP
Discussing future careers with Cassilda - 25 XP
Discussing cultists with Cassilda - 25 XP
Agreeing to aid Fizban - 25 XP
Discussing the old gods with Fizban - 25 XP
Aiding Kendra - 50 XP
Acquiring Medallion of Faith - 250 XP
Getting Kendra home - 50 XP
Dinner with family - 25 XP
TOTAL: 250 XP/250 XP

Mateo (Fighter 1)
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 320 XP

Zoya (Fighter 1)
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 606 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP

Raena (Fighter 3)
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 960 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
TOTAL: 1,546 XP

Burzan (Fighter 3)
Defeating dire wolves - 24 XP
Defeating the ogres - 55 XP
Defeating the giant - 207 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 960 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
Bonus 10%
TOTAL: 1,701 XP

Ismene (Illusionist 5)
Defeating dire wolves - 36 XP
Casting Spectral Force - 150 XP
Defeating the ogres - 83 XP
Defeating the giant - 310 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP

Miriam Langtree (Fighter 6)
Defeating dire wolves - 48 XP
Defeating the ogres - 110 XP
Defeating the giant - 414 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 1,920 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
Bonus 10%
TOTAL: 3,041 XP

Magnus (Wizard of the Black Robes 7)
Casting Stoneskin on himself - 200 XP
Casting Magic Missile at the dire wolves - 50 XP
Defeating dire wolves - 60 XP
Casting fireball at the ogres and giant - 150 XP
Casting Magic Missile at the giant - 50 XP
Defeating the ogres - 138 XP
Defeating the giant - 518 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
Bonus 10%
TOTAL: 1,613 XP

Jaymes Green (Ranger 5)
Defeating dire wolves - 36 XP
Defeating the ogres - 83 XP
Defeating the giant - 310 XP
Defeating 32 HD worth of enemies - 1,600 XP
Defeating a species enemy - 1,200 XP
Completion of Giant quest - 300 XP
TOTAL: 3,529 XP

Pen (Fighter 3)
Defeating the horaxes - 202 XP
Defeating 12 HD worth of enemies - 360 XP

Crystal (Thug 4)
Defeating the horaxes - 202 XP