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NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Kata Amblecrown : Exalted Healer of Sharess

20 year old human female: 5'6" 115 lbs: blue eyes and short black hair

Having taken both a vow of poverty and non violence, the attractive Kata wears only a simple robe and hat over a modest loincloth and top. She has a habit of early morning swims, when near a suitable body of water. As a follower of Sharess, she generally disregards most social standards and norms, though not ignorant of them.

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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Vestele Ealoeth: Priestess of Sharess

137 year old female sun elf

Golden blond hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and the chiseled features of a sun elf


In the year 1344 DR, one of the first caravans of the “Elven Retreat” was set upon by brigands. Many were slaughtered and the rest were taken prisoner. Reinforcements pursued and overtook the raiders, freeing the hostages after a swift battle. But the rescue did not come in time to prevent the rape of a young follower of Hanali Celanil. The young priestess, Vestele Ealoeth conceived a half-human child from leader of the raiders. Word quickly spread and the maiden was denied access to Evermeet while carrying a half-human child. Dejected she returned to Everska to await the birth of the child. A year later she gave birth to a male half-human child.

Sinis Ealoeth was seldom called his real name, even by his mother. The common reference for him was Sinis Stradlow. “Stradlow” was a nickname which referred to being a “fallen leaf” or of “lowly birth”. Eventually the name contracted to “Sinistrad”.

His childhood was unpleasant, as he was shunned by the elvish children and most adults. The only elves to spare him time were the more open-minded wizards of the community. Even his mother Vestele shunned the lad. Sinis was a constantly reminder of her violation, and the subsequent ostracizing within the church. Not only was Evermeet denied her until she was rid of the half-breed as only true Ar-tel-quessir are allowed entry, but she came to realize that the position she had hoped for within the church would forever be denied to one who had born the child of a “N-Tel-Quess” or human. Vestele was young for an elf and the apparent collapse of her life played hard on her psyche. As she became more disillusioned with her life, she further shunned Sinis and desperately tried to regain the favor of the elven men who now considered her despoiled. Her shameless actions further distanced her from the Church of Hanali Celanil.

Vestele’s conduct had an adverse affect on Sinis’ personality as he grew up without a nurturing mother and was shunned by anyone else who might have filled the role. A quick and devoted learner of wild magic, Sinistrad as he now called himself, set out on his own at the age of sixteen in the year 1361 DR and never looked back.

Vestele was now completely ostracized from the Church of Hanali Celanil due to her behavior, and had in fact taken up the worship of Sharess. Still, Sinis’ departure had an unexpected effect on her. He had been the one constant in her life for the last sixteen years. With his departure, she truly began to feel alone. During her solitude, Vestele began to feel the guilt for her treatment of her son. She hoped that one day he would return so that she could make amends, but was too fearful of rejection to go to him. Over the years she kept tabs on his activities, until he disappeared in 1367 DR.

It has taken much time, but Vestele has finally put almost all of the grief of her past beyond her. Her guilt over Sinis forced her to face the angers she had been directing towards the boy. Her hatred for the human who fathered Sinis; the anger at the church for shunning her; and the resentment of the elves who had journeyed to Evermeet were all finally recognized for what they were. Her emotions for Sinis’ father were easily dealt with as he had been slain the very night of her rape. She spent sometime contemplating joining the Church of Sune, where she could easily obtain a similar position to the one she had always desired. But she came to realize that Sune was in many ways too similar to Hanali Celanil and decide to further her worship of the non-discriminating Sharess. Finally aware that it was the haughty society of the sun elves which had forced her to choose between them and her son, Vestele turned her back on Everska and set out to find her child.

The search from the Heartlands to Chult and on to Waterdeep has been fruitless so far, but she continues to hope. The trail is now cold, so she lets the winds of fate guide her from place to place on various adventures. One day she will find a clue to Sinis’ fate. Until then she follows the ways of Sharess and gives what aid she may to those she encounters.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Ag: Monk/ Priest of Torm

30 year old stocky human male with receding red hair

5'10" 200 lbs.

more to come
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Hammer Lord Hykros: Paladin of Tyr

large robust middle aged human male with graying dark hair

more to come
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Born in the Far Sea Marshes, Silifrey Hornraven is one of the Marsh Rovers, descendent from the fallen City of Anauria and a full-blooded Netherese. If she still lived among them, she would realize that she is considered tall and slender by their standards. Though her Netherese heritage is not known to her, she does know the language of the Marsh Rovers, which is merely a dialect of Netherese that has evolved since the fall of the fabled cities and still uses Draconic for its alphabet. To this day she still has pleasant memories of the rich, green expanse, full of bogs, shallow ponds, stands of swamp-growing trees, and occasional islands and causeways of solid earth. When not playing in the “village on stilts”, she would be out amongst the ferns and rushes, or petting the domesticated catoblepas when the herders were not looking.

As the society is matriarchal in nature, it did not seem strange when her mother, Cefrey decide to go on a trade mission to the south and bring Silifrey (now 5) with her, while leaving her husband, Taman behind at the Drover village of Coldhaven. What Silifrey did not know was that undead activity had recently flared in the swamps and rumors of a black dragon (“Shift”?) also abounded. So the decision was made to send a small group with their “Death Cheese” and recovered artifacts south to find a trading center, instead of through the marshes to Eagle Peak. Perhaps the idea was to remove the children from a perceived danger that loomed on the village, who really knows. But their plans went awry.

As they were journeying south of the region a caravan from Calisham fell upon them. The few guards were quickly overwhelmed and group was taken prisoner. Realizing the value of their prize, the caravan returned to Calimport promptly with the Netherese items from the swamps and the exotic and strong-willed women as slaves.

With her fair-skin, raven-black hair, and tall, slender frame, Cefrey was quickly auctioned a high price to merchant-noble of some means. Bardeid-Pashar Ralan placed Cefrey in his harem as a jhasina. Seeing the child had promise of likewise maturing into a beautiful and exotic (by Calisham standards) lady, he bid on Silifrey as well. She was introduced into the harem for training, learning the art, song, music, and dance, recitation of great literature, the art of massage and other duties of the harem. Bardeid-Pashar Ralan wisely believed he would easily be able to profit on such an investment when the girl matured, either at auction or as a gift to gain favor from those more powerful. Silifrey saw little of Cefrey from this point on, as she was kept separate to reduce the chances of her developing the disobedient traits displayed by her mother. Older members of the harem cared and raised the girl teaching her the languages and alphabet of Calisham; Alzhedo, the Calant dialect of common, and the Thorass alphabet, as well as Chondathan that is commonly spoken by many travelers. Silifrey quickly learned all that was taught her, and only awaited maturity to begin practice of her final lessons. But she still remembered the ways of her youth and secretly did not accept her subservient fate. At night she would pray to Mystryl and Chauntea to be spared her fate.

As it was, Bardeid-Pashar Ralan had business in the Moonshae Isles. He decided to send a small portion of his harem ahead to set-up for his extended visit. Silifrey’s caretakers were among this group, so she was sent with them. Unfortunately their vessel did not have the guard that it would have had if he had accompanied them. The ship carrying Silifrey (now 13) was set upon by pirates (perhaps Luskan under the Arcane Brotherhood or affiliated with a group active in Skullport) who took the vessel without much resistance. They quickly realized that the vessel did not contain the type of cargo that they had hoped for. The captain decided to make what profit he could. Realizing that the normal ports to auction slaves would not be wise to use, he headed for the Waterdeep region and smuggled the women into Skullport. Once there, they were auctioned off to the pleasure-houses and as private slaves.

Silifrey was considered for the brothels, but was still young and a higher-up at the auction house noticed her ability with the pen (calligraphy) and languages. Touting those skills, he was able to fetch a suitable price from the Master of Slavers of the Xanathar’s Guild. Who loaned her into the service of the Master of Bookkeeping to translate and forge the proper shipping papers and manifests needed to fence stolen goods as legit. He hoped that she might become useful by giving him an eye into the affairs of one of the other masters of the guild, while gaining a favor owed.

As Silifrey matured to look more like her mother, They began having her dance during bardic performances in guild owned taverns and inns, to help draw a crowd and catch the notice of the Masters of Blackmailing and Information Gathering. Once Silifrey caught their eyes and they learned of the more cultured aspects of her training, they quickly made arrangements with the dwarf to utilize her within their own branches. The decision was made to slowly work her into being one of the known escorts of city. They began sending Silifrey (now 16) as an escort for minor nobles and merchants during events in Waterdeep, and anywhere a pretty girl on the arm of a gentleman was expected. Their hope being that she would gain notice of more influential types while about. With the lesser nobles and merchants vouching for her character, suspicions of her being connected to a criminal group would be averted. Then once she procured suitable clients, she would be instructed to do what was necessary to bring them under the Xanathar’s Guilds influence.

"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Character Sheet:

Physical Description:
*Name: Egewulf the Fair
*Race: Human
*Age: 24
*Height: 6'1
*Build/Weight: stalky/230 pounds
*Hair: long brown
*Eyes: blue
*Complexion: light
*Identifying Marks (if present): pot marked/scared face full but patchy beard.
*Clothing: full plate armor, spiked heavy steel shield, chained and spiked guantlet.
*Personal Items usually carried: backpack, dog sometimes.

Personal Information:
*Personality: quiet, doesn't like too much conversation, bad people skills but good hearted.
*Occupation: blacksmith, aspiring city guard.
*Skills and Abilities: crafting, riding.
*Weapons Used: longsword, shortbow.

Background Information:
Egewulf, son of Ulester, was born in Luskan. Grandson to a sailor of the far north, son of a blacksmith, he too had taken on the craft smithing iron. Like his father, he was renowned for his work. But more so, he inspired to become a city guard. Unfortunately there he was mockingly called Egewulf the Fair for his non-Luskan-like belief in fairness in dealings between all peoples. When he attempted to report corruption among what he thought were his peers in the academy, he himself was exiled from Luskan, his business burnt and his family sold as slaves to a pirate lord. The crookedness had went much higher than he could have imagined.

Egewulf's one sympathetic friend, an apprentice in the Luskan "guard" himself, helped him flee the city with his personal belongings, his father's prized armor, his dog Onyx and his horse. He made his way south, stoppping for a short time in Neverwinter but eventually made his way to sprawling city Waterdeep.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

Physical Description:
Apparent Age (if different):22
Complexion: greenish skin
*Identifying Marks (if present):wings at the shoulders and ruins carved upon her face and hands laced with gold sum in the depiction of Helms eye. She has several pieces of jewelry dangling from her ear and neck
Clothing: she wears a shiny polished suit of half-plate and a shield baring Helms ever watchful eye
Personal Items usually carried: a nice smelling soap, cleanliness is next to godliness and her hand carved emerald holy symbol

Personal Information:
*Personality:cold, relentless in every aspect
*Occupation: militia guard, healer and savior
*Skills : she can negotiate anything intimidate most individuals
Weapons used- she wields her heavy mace with grace as she smashes evil for Helm

Background Information:
Xiindor was born in Mulhorandan. She began to show signs or discipline early and her guardians enrolled her into military training . Her 1st instructor was a Paladin and steered her towards the holy side of her training.She took to it increasingly more everyday until she made the decision the join the priesthood to complete her spiritual morality . Being training in military fashion, her natural instinct was to follow (Helm). With the blessing from the monastery , she gather some items from the church " with the highest blessing " and began her journey To broden her learnings and to share her beliefs. She has travel far to reach the city of splender, if a place could truly further ones training and beliefs, a city such as this would be it.

Xiindoor checked the sign once again to determine which street she was upon. What had begun as a mere walk to explore this bustling new city had become something much more. As she stood enjoying the lively sounds drift through the mourning mists, Xiindoor was overwhelmed by a vision... In the vision she was told that a serious claim had been made against the Church of Torm in Waterdeep and it's highpriest Ag. The members of the Triad had agreed upon assigning outside agents to investigate. Tyr had already dispatched a paladin of Baphamut through his clergy. Torm likewise turned to Helm for assistance. Having newly arrived to Waterdeep, Xiindoor had been chosen from among Helm's faithful. She was instructed to make haste towards the Wandering Wemic in Sea Ward.... Gaining her bearings as best that she can within the fog covered burg, she sets off upon the walkway.

Not knowing which direction to head, Xiindor makes quick pace down the walkway looking for a guard or distinguished person to ask directions, no sense in wasting time wandering around. Her orders are direct and stern, she must find the Wandering Wemic. She assumes it is a tavern or bar. she feels uncomfortable about entering such a place but if it's necessary, she will.

As she walks along she clutches her holy symbol tightly asking for guidance. Her God will not stear her astray.

Several people turn and stare as Xiindoor travels the streets of Waterdeep. Most out at this early hour are busy and quickly return to their activities. Others point and whisper to one another. But while pausing at a corner, she notices a bearded warrior watching her. His face is pot marked and scarred, and he wears heavy full plate armor....

Post response in the Temple of Torm: Temple of Terror thread.
Just put
"Outside on the Street"
at the top.
image.jpg (154.71 KiB) Viewed 8362 times
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: NPC Descriptions

Post by mltillis »

-Name: Malware the Wizard (Voytia Amcathra of the House of Amcathra.)
-Race: Tethyrian Human
-Age/Apparent Age: 35
-Height: 5'6
-Build/Weight: Slight but tough frame, 145 lbs
-Hair: Black with a tendency to gray streaks
-Eyes: Deep Green, almost Tropical Green
-Identifying Marks: Signet Ring on left hand that displays a portrayal of the ethereal Weave that permeates the world.
-Clothing: Black and White robe crossed with a spiderweb-like pattern and dotted with geometric shapes. A gold tassel belt holds the robe together.
-Personality: Malware is close to the classic wizard type. He is quiet unless spoken to, sarcastic, yet understanding of people's problems, and he tries to be as knowledgable about the world as he can be. On top of this, he tries to share a sense of humor with other people, though he himself is ni'eve of people's intentions. With a strong sense for the average man, Malware tries to help where help is needed, but he often has problems with authority figures and rarely shows an escalated respect for any mortal or deity. Accordingly, overly helpful or good individuals appear as sketchy or ill-intended and shouldn't be trusted, as if their personalities were wax or fake. (Concerning family, Malware can be a momma's boy, but he never truly shows it.)
-Occupation: Book-binding serves money for in town, but Malware always makes usual rounds to gifted children in need of magical tutoring or supervision, which often pays off from the upper class.
-History: Though born to the House of Amcartha, Voytia Amcartha is actually a mutt of the House of Amcartha and the House of Wands. When sir Mourngrym departed from the family business, he met a woman, Diana Wands. The union produced Malware, the bastard child of the two households. Though never truly accepted by his father, who left shortly after the birth in pursuit of higher powers, Malware was awarded compensation for his heritage by the House of Amcartha, which didn't truly recognize him until his later years in puberty. As a child, Diana saw magical talent in her young son, so she raised him as a member of her own House, and because of this, Malware has many ties to the House of Wands, including his close childhood friend, Damion Wand. Showing little interests in settling down, Malware set off for adventure as a young adult, leaving the service of his mother to other relatives. Traveling around for 13 years with Damion, Malware eventually settled in Waterdeep where the trade is good and The Art is protected. As of now, life lingers by slowly and restlessly, bouncing from job to job, but eventually Malware wishes to establish a school for himself or become a professor so that he can teach the magical arts and lore.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar