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Searching the ship

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:19 pm
by Breila
With professional efficiency, Geraldine ensures that the ship is brought into harbor. She asks everybody to disembark, taking the prisoners with them and securing them in the town jail. Then she orders a few sailor militiamen (who had not been with the group) to take the ship into the middle of the harbor basin and be anchored there. "Keep your ears open in case someone jumps overboard" she tells them. She gathers everyone around her and announces: "Good work, everyone. Now go get some sleep. We meet again here at noon to search the ship in daylight."

The group goes back to their house, with Searos making a detour to some place where he thinks he can find "something to celebrate this with". He and Gunter stay up when everyone else retires. Kim had invited Reller to stay at the house with them, since his way home takes more than an hour.

Late in the morning, Vee, Reller, Martin and Kim find each other downstairs for breakfast. Brax joins them with a concerned face. "I can't get Searos and Gunter to wake up" she tells the group. "Something must have been in what they brought to celebrate. I'd better watch over them" she declares. "We've secured the ship, I don't think anyone is going to be injured today."

If anyone wants to run an errand before we meet at the pier, let me know.

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:09 pm
by Stik
"Lightweights," grunts Martin. "You know, I do still have several jars of my Patented Hangover Remedy here..." begins Martin, reaching for his bag and flashing a winning grin, which evaporates under Brax's glare, "or not, as it please you.
"Any road, I shall leave some tea on the hearth. Without the Remedy, Radiance, or other admixtures, well, perhaps with a bit of honey. Please do tell those two when they awaken to drink the tea and plenty of water, and to eat some fruit. Oh, no fruit here. I shall pass by the barrow and have some sent over. I have perched with the spinning pallet and prayed to Ralf O'Roarrk a few times in my youth, I know the proper cures."

That said, Martin asks for help changing the bandage on his ribs, then dons a clean shirt and his waistcoat, and rams his big hat on his head. As he struggles into his swordbelt, he says to the others: "Best we be going, friends, before Constable Geraldine and the militia begin to search our ship without us. Things might get a big fuzzy with regard to salvage rights should we not be there to press our case. And I have a friend I would like to collect on the way to the harbor."

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:28 pm
by Kafen
"We should get there before they start the search, I agree." Reller muses. "I am not sure who we can trust among the workers and wealthy people when it comes down to it." Standing, Reller suggests. "I can search the dock front for rumors, later."

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:32 am
by Breila
Kim looks up from studying the spellbook. "A new friend, Drake? Now who would that be?"

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:31 am
by Stik
"That would be Kolup, whom I met a few nights ago in the pub. I am somewhat concerned that the smuggler's vessel might contain any number of small compartments, hid from plain sight. 'tis my thought that he might be particularly well-qualified to search small places hid from sight. You shall see why when you meet him.

"And if I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion: in our dealings with the constabulary and the local authorities, it behooves us to take the specific stance in word and deed that the vessel, having been 'taken as a prize' is now, pending the appropriate formalities, ours, in a very real and legally-binding sense. Such a stance can only strengthen our claim to whatever valuables are recovered. Capisce?"

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 2:43 pm
by LittleLuna
"scho woell," Vee swallows a mouthfull of her breakfast "we go to the ship and get what is ours"

"Might be fun and making money as well, so I like the idea. But let us finish breakfast first."
and she chews from her bread again.

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 8:07 am
by Breila
When the group of adventurers arrive at the ship, she is tied to the quai again. An impatient Geraldine is waiting for them.
"It's good you are here!" she exclaims. Pointing to the man standing next to her, she introduces him. "This is Gustas of the militia. He will search the ship with you. I need to go. This moring, there was a huge commotion on the town square when the gnolls scared one of Councilman soulstaff's servants when they tried to get entry. Apparently, they wanted to see young Amon, who is out of town. And Councilman Soulstaff was unavailable for quite a while before he came down and could resolve the commotion. Now there is a council meeting. What it is about, i don't realy know, since the gnolls only wanted to talk to someone who could understand them and tell the city they will be moving out of the Manor and into the hills to the South, because they like goblin-flesh better than deer and they've hunted out the woods around here anyway..." she turns away even as she speaks the last words. which were probably intended to herself rather than the group.

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:56 pm
by Stik
"You know, it would have been worth getting up early to see something like that," says Martin, wistfully. "And I had hoped those two would stick around for awhile, at least until the conclusion of our triumphal fete. I really wanted to drink with them.
"But to business. I have brought along an associate of mine, whose assistance I suspect will be most welcome in the task of searching our little prize here. Kolup, where are you? Kolup, meet Geraldine, my best friend in local constabulary."

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 11:35 pm
by BishGada
Kolup appraises Geraldine, then looks at the other people around, and with some suspicion at Gustas, then returns his look to Geraldine and smiles.
"I'm Kulop Dargor. Glad to be at your assistance." Then he looks at the ship. "So here is the lovely one you said might need my gentle touch..." his look moves only for a second back to Geraldine his bright teeth shining through a half smile.
His eyes back on the ship and following Martin advice regarding how to reference the ship he asks, "Are we looking for something in particular, or whatever there is to find in your ship?"

(OOC: Can you please remind me where the ship came from and who was it's previous owner? The smugglers? Thanks.)

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:47 am
by Stik
(OOC) This is the smugglers' ship, captured by the PC's last night. (OOC)

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:11 pm
by mgbevan
Gustas dusts off his hands and nods in time with Geraldine's introduction.

What the hell is this stood before me Gustas thought, the sight of such haphazard colours combined with the glare of the sun was bringing his headache back.

Once Geraldine has walked away Gustas sputters with a chuckle "You've not a chance there. Right then, deck, mast, this way to come below." He mutters "where it's less bright" lowly and then asks "Names?" while starting to walk.

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:49 am
by Stik
"I know the way, Gustas. I know ships. Front's the bow, tail's the stern, port's left, and starboard's right. Topsail, mainsail, mizzen, jib," he says, pointing to each in turn, then calls out to the others, in an outrageously gruff stage-voice: "The rest of you, try to keep your terminology straight, or I'll toss you out one of those funny little round windows."
"You may call me Drake, if it pleases you. If it pleases you not, figure something else out."

To Kulop, Martin says: "What are we looking for? Well, we fought lizard men last night. Actually, we killed lizard men. They didn't put up much of a fight once I sent them snoozy-bye. But I'd be on the lookout for eggs - who knows what those scaly beasts may have been up to below decks. Although I suppose that would have required lizard women, eh?
"Just look for anything interesting."
Martin then leans in closer to the halfling, and says, very quietly: "You and I do understand each other, yes?"

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 12:47 pm
by BishGada
Kulop quickly comes after Gustas and Martin, "Sure thing Drake, lizard eggs, no sweat." he says adding a wink at the end of the sentence.

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 12:57 am
by Breila
[OOC:] Post to come Sunday evening. I need to go away for the weekend. [/OOC:]

Re: Searching the ship

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:02 pm
by mgbevan
"Kulop and Drake, fine."

"killed in their sleep eh?... Where's the fun of the fight?"