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Looking for a game

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Looking for a game

Post by BishGada »

Hi all,
It's been pretty long since I last played, but recently I've got an itch and ad to scratch.
I've been playing basic D&D and later the 2nd edition AD&D, all in home brew adventures. I played in three different companies, I've played both low levels and high levels characters. At some point I've even tried to assemble a club to host several groups of kids from poor families, on voulenteering base. Unfortunately I failed with this club and later "life" happened and distracted me from the "True" path :)

Lately I've witnessed a convergance of events that eventually lead me to write the current gaming request:
1. My wife is listenning to Dragonlance Chronicles of book on tape, and I chance to hear some of it.
2. My daughter which is one and a half years, became tall enough to reach the AD&D books on the shelf (when she stand on her toes).
3. I was asked by my parents to make some order of the boxes in the wherehouse and I found a lot of AD&D material that I have printed while I studied for my first degree.
4. I discovered the On-Line PBMB RGP role playing (wierd that it took me so many years... wis = 4 :) )

So, here I am.
Since I barely remember the rules of any system, I can play any system. (I'll just have to learn it from scratch again).
I'd prefer playing Wizard, Cleric or Fighter, and the races Human, Elf, Half-Elf, but can play any other race / class.
I can post 1-4 posts a day on Sun-Thu, and will try to post on weekends (Fri,Sat).

Hope to meet you on adventures,
May the gods be with ya.
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Re: Looking for a game

Post by Breila »

Welcome BishGada,

your situation mirrors that of several paople around here. I joined up when my daughter asked me to host a tabletop game for her 14th birthday...
Unfortunately, i don't have any open places to offer in one of my games (I'm running the Valckenburg stories, and Saltmarsh which is dormant at the moment). But I think that there might be openings either in December (if the rest of the crew wants to revvive Saltmarsh then) or in the New Year, when the Valckenburg group will set out on new adventures.
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Re: Looking for a game

Post by JadedDM »

Hi, BishGada and welcome to Planet.

Of the four games I am currently running, two are not accepting new players. Of the remaining two, however:

Lost Souls - This is a 2E game set on a homebrewed world of mine called Amtar, specifically in a series of tropical islands. The party is around level 3, and there are currently 4 PCs in the group. (Recruitment thread here.)

War of the Lance - This is a 2E game set in Dragonlance during the War of the Lance, but not centered on the Heroes of the Lance. The party is still level 1 and there are currently 6 PCs in the group. (Recruitment thread here.)

Both games are open sandboxes and lack both level limits and race restrictions on classes.

If you are interested in either, let me know.
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Re: Looking for a game

Post by Jenara »

Welcome BishGada!

I thought I'd leave it for a few of our awesome DMs to reply before I commented.
As Jaded said there are openings in two of his games, you might also want to try Stik for the Borderlands game, and NoTrammeling for the Daggerdale campaign..

We are always looking for new DMs so if you fancy trying your hand, just let me know.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi
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Re: Looking for a game

Post by NoTrammeling »

Daggerdale's getting a bit full up, but... what the heck, you're welcome to roll up a char if it suits your fancy Bish. We're on a slight break while I work on the next leg of the game so it's a great time to hop in.
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Re: Looking for a game

Post by BishGada »

Jenara wrote:Welcome BishGada!

I thought I'd leave it for a few of our awesome DMs to reply before I commented.
As Jaded said there are openings in two of his games, you might also want to try Stik for the Borderlands game, and NoTrammeling for the Daggerdale campaign..

We are always looking for new DMs so if you fancy trying your hand, just let me know.
I think I'll first dust off the years as a player. DMing does sounds appealling but I think I won't have enough time to do it thoroughly, and I will hate to do it otherwise.

Re: Looking for a game

Post by ScythePenguin »

Sure I will join your quest for loot

Name: Scythe the Brutal


Size: 4'2''



Charisma: 10

Dexterity: 13


Intelligence: 19
What can i say, the dice like me.
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Re: Looking for a game

Post by JadedDM »

Hello, Scythe. And welcome to Planet.

I'm not sure if you realize, but the thread you have posted in is from November of 2013. You might want to create your own thread, or post in the recruitment thread of the game you'd like to join.