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Notes for New Game

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:39 pm
by JadedDM
I decided I would start a new thread here so we can discuss the new game. As I work on things, I'll add more notes here, and we can see how your new character will fit in with things. Plus, this way, after you leave for your trip, I can keep updating and you can just catch up later on. Easier then trying to fill you in on everything in the hour or so I see you a day.

Note: I still need a digital version of your character sheet to add to my notes officially.

Anyway, let's start with the Dulag family. They are a family of half-orcs that live in the village--in fact, they are the only half-orcs in the village. They're not shunned, per se, but kind of kept at arm's length. They live on the edge of town and tend to keep to themselves for the most part. They own a provision shop and sell the kind of stuff that's really useful to adventurers like iron rations, bedrolls, rope, torches and what have you. So most of the business they do is with travelers, not the locals. As the village is on the borderlands, it's the last sign of civilization before entering the wilds; so consequently, they manage to make a decent profit on people going adventuring.

There are three members of this family. The first is Bula, a young woman of nineteen years. She deals with the customers directly, but her salesmanship is pretty rough (she essentially intimidates customers into buying stuff). She has some training with an axe and is part of the militia (meaning if the village is ever in danger, she helps in protecting it). Bula is very ambitious and driven, always thinking of ways to make more money to provide for her family.

Next is Grat, Bula's husband. He's older than her, in his 30s. He's sort of the brains of the operation. He deals with the accounting and such. He's something of a bookworm, but his sarcastic tongue is rather sharp. He's quite intelligent, which tends to surprise most people (he dislikes the stereotype of 'dumb half-orcs.')

Last is their son, a young boy of 2 years named Groo. He's a bit of a terror, as you might imagine a half-orc in his terrible twos might be.

Anyway, all three are indifferent toward Solana. So I leave it up to you how she feels about them. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:30 pm
by JadedDM
Now for the other 'weird' family.

After the last goblin raid, about 10 years ago, several villagers died. This included the local blacksmith. Shortly after, a stranger arrived in town and asked for the job.

This stranger was no human, elf, dwarf or even half-orc, though. He was something else entirely. 'Earth-touched' they called him. Blessed--or some say cursed--by Gonto with elemental blood. He is over six feet tall, bald, with eyes as white as pearls (no pupils or irises at all--just white; he seems able to see just fine, though), and an almost iron-like grey skin. He is always rather...slow; the way he walks, the way he talks. Except when he's working the forge, then he seems like a machine. His voice is gravelly, like there are stones in his gullet that slide together when he speaks. When asked for a name, he just said he was called 'Ingot.'

So, yeah. Strange.

People were pretty fearful of him, or at least suspicious. But he seemed to be harmless. The village lord checked him out and confirmed he was not a being of evil; just different.

Over the last decade, he has more or less become accepted by the villagers. Nobody is particularly social with him (consequently, very little is known about him or his past), but everyone does business with him. He's honest and his workmanship is excellent.

He knows how to fight and is part of the militia, but doesn't seem to like it.

A year ago, he even took a wife. A farmer's daughter in her thirties named Dawn with dark hair and skin. The rumor is, she was getting on in years and getting desperate to marry, which is why she agreed to marry Ingot. She seems rather worried how their children might turn out; although so far, they've yet to have any success in having one.

Both are indifferent toward Solana.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:06 pm
by JadedDM
Today, a little bit of the history of Buho.

The village itself was first settled about 60 years ago, right during the Rhodok insurrection. This was unfortunate timing. While the village was far and away from any of the fighting, because everyone was so busy with that war, there was not much left in the way of protection against other threats.

It was during the war that there was a massive goblin attack on the village. The locals sometimes call it the 'goblin war' although the event is largely unknown anywhere else. The village was devastated and nearly wiped out. Those who survived hid in the inn's cellar and just waited for the destruction to peter out.

Since then, there have been goblin raids on a much smaller scale every 10-20 years. Now that the village has a militia and some basic defenses, they can usually defend themselves to a better degree.

The last raid was 11 years ago; the one where Solana lost her parents. Several other people died, too, including the blacksmith. Since that time, the village has known peace.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:14 pm
by JadedDM
I've made a crude map of the area around the village. I won't post it here, just remind me later and I'll show it to you.

The basic gist, though, is that the village (surrounded by farmland) also has a river running by it (west to east) and a road heading east toward the next town (called Tennic; bigger than Buho, but still not too big). The river is known as the Turquoise.

To the northeast and southeast are forests. The northeast forest is called Henna's Woods. The southeast forest is known as Dimshadow Forest.

To the west are the Darshee Mountains. No road there, as it's a pretty dangerous area.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:10 pm
by JadedDM
Okay, now I have a map of the village itself. Again, I won't suck up bandwidth posting it, I'll just show it to you later. It's just a map of the village proper itself, not the surrounding farmland.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:59 pm
by JadedDM
Currently, Buho is home to about 500 souls. There are only three stone buildings in the town: the church, the barracks, and the lord’s manor house. All other buildings are wood frame, wattle-and-daub affairs with thatched roofs.

The village is under the authority of Lord Eric Delerson, a minor noble that was assigned the village by Baroness Alana Blackstone. There is also a small village council that takes care of matters too small for the lord to bother with; they include the militia captain, the leathermaker, the village cleric, a farmer, the tavernkeeper, and a druid.

For matters of defense and safety, the lord has established a village watch composed of eight men and women. Their full-time job is to patrol the village and its perimeter, keeping things safe. There are also about 50 militia members who can take up arms in an emergency, but otherwise go about their normal day. The lord also employs four bodyguards that protect his manor, but can also be employed to protect the village if necessary.

In addition, a protective hedge of thorn bushes, roughly five feet in height and thickness, has been cultivated around the town; the only openings in the hedge are located where roads exit the village. The openings can be quickly blocked with wagons in the event of a raid.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:19 pm
by JadedDM
Just outside the village to the north, across the river and on a small hill, lies the village's cemetery. This is where Solana's parents are buried. The place is usually deserted. Upkeep of the place is the default responsibility of the local shrine. The village cleric will often send her acolytes there once a week (usually Darkday) to perform ground-keeping duties.

How often Solana goes there to visit her family, if ever, is up to you. It's not too dangerous a trip, just a short walk from the village's north gate.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:36 pm
by JadedDM
Every week on Lightday, a market is held in the town square. The farmers, local artisans and any visiting merchants sell or barter for goods and services under the watchful eye of a 15' tall statue of the queen (commissioned and built five years ago). Holidays and important birthdays (like that of the lord) will often have free entertainment provided here, as well.

Lastly, town justice is dispensed in the square; a pillory has been constructed next to the statue for those who commit less serious crimes.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:48 pm
by JadedDM
Can you go ahead and type up your character sheet and post it here? Then I can just copy and paste it for my digital copy. Thanks.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:58 am
by JadedDM
Actually, you may as well do likewise with Kendra once she's done, as well, so I can make a digital copy of her, too.

Re: Notes for New Game

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:14 pm
by JadedDM
I went ahead and added you to the new forum. I can't really think of any reason why you'd need to post there anytime soon, but if for some reason you need to, you can.