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CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:31 pm
by JadedDM
The one and only suite of the Paragon Inn is very quiet. The window is shattered, and a cool sea breeze blows in unhindered. Broken glass covers the bed, as do the remains of a spider made of iron, bleeding a black substance on the bedspread. A second spider lies on the floor nearby, next to a large dent in the wall, also leaking the black fluid.

"The abyss happened here?" Brock asks again, stepping inside. He nudges the spider on the bed with his club. "Well, whatever they sure smashed them to hell. I saw some crazy things in my adventuring days, but naught like this!" He looks around at the four women. "Are you all okay?"

The waiter remains at the doorway, gawking at the damage to the room. A few others appear behind him, other patrons trying to sneak a peak and see what all of the fuss is about. Among them are Pearl, Grey and Oren. There's no sign of Noah, though.

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:55 pm
by Jenara
"Surviving.." Arei says with a worried glance at the window before retrieving Telsa.

"Who would have the skill to make such creatures? Or dare I ask..." She says looking straight at Brock, "Someone who knows about clockworks..."

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:11 pm
by Nuke
"Yeah, we're good." Val responds.

"Get dressed, we are not done this night." She lays her trident on the bed and begins to put her armor on. "Quickly now, before he begins to suspect."

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:49 am
by Breila
Ouragana nods and puts her dagger in her sash. Strangely, this scene seemed to have invigored her, not weakened. "Yes, we need to move quikly. That's too bad, it would have been good to be able to study a bit, I feel like I could handle more magic now than I used to."

new hit points: 3, for a total of 7

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:24 am
by JadedDM
Brock blinks at Areilon's comment. "I don't know nothing about clockworks," he says, baffled. "I don't know what any of you are talking about," he admits. "Does this have something to do with my daughter's killer?"

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:29 pm
by Jenara
"You misunderstand me." Arei says softly, "I looked your way because its likely one or more of these things killed her... There are a number of signs or clues at the Windmill that lead to it."

"As for Clockworks... That will need some more looking into, will it not?" She adds with a wink to the other women.

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:24 pm
by Nuke
Val continues to prepare, strapping on the pieces or her gear. "Brock, this does indeed involve you daughters killer. First the clocksmith's, then the jeweler's, then the windmill, now." As she walks from the room, Val turns to Brock again, "Get the Watch."

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:04 pm
by JadedDM
"I see," Brock says. "I wish I could go with you, but with my bum knee, I'd just get in your way. But maybe I can help another way. I have some old things from my adventuring days. Meet me downstairs, I'll get them out," he says, turning to leave.

The waiter stops him. "Hold on, what if more of those things show up?"

"Board up the window for now," Brock tells him. "That's about all we can do at the moment." He hobbles off to the stairs.

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:02 am
by Breila
From her pack, Ouragana grabs her spellbook and follows Brock downstairs. Maybe she would be able to memorize a spell while the dwarf was looking for his things.

(memorising Grease if there is time)

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:50 am
by Jenara
"Thank you." Arei says with a wide smile, collecting the Crossbow, bolts and her belt pouch along with both daggers. "I'll meet you downstairs." Moving quickly she stumbles slightly, the drink still in her system.

"My head." She mumbles to herself, trying to squeeze the drunkenness from her head.

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:33 am
by JadedDM
Ouragana brings her spellbook downstairs and spends the next 10 minutes memorizing the Grease spell.

Meanwhile, Brock carries out a chest from his room into the common area and sets it on a table. After fiddling with the lock, he gets it open and starts digging around in it. He pulls out a full suit of dwarven chain mail. "Probably won't fit any of you," he admits, setting it aside.

He pulls out a set of lockpicks and hands them to the elf. "Belonged to an adventuring buddy of mine once. He fell into a spike pit, 'cause he wasn't looking where he was going. Hopefully they serve you better," he says.

To Val he hands a small potion. "My last healing potion," he says. "Not much, but it might make all the difference."

To Ouragana he hands a simple wooden wand. "Took this off the bastard what killed my wife. Meant to destroy it long ago...but worried it might blow up or something. Can never tell with magic," he says. "It shoots arrows made of magic. Not sure how much power it's got left; but you might be able to get off a few shots with it."

Finally, to Jocelyn, he hands her a silver ring with a small blue gemstone in it. "Here, lass. This is for you," he says. "Found it long ago, in some old ruins. Put it on, and never died once. Sort of my lucky charm. A Pharise once told me it had a protection spell on it. Not sure if that's true or not, but it's kept me safe all these years so far."


It is now 12:15 AM.

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:52 am
by Breila
Ouragana accepts the wand with a little bow. "Thank you very much. In the past weeks, I have realised I need to be able to defend myself. Hopefully, I will learn to shoot arrows of magic by myself soon, before this gives out."

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:04 pm
by Jenara
"Thank you." She says taking the picks with a sly smile, "How did you know these are suited for me?"

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:10 pm
by HorizonsDream
Jocelyn takes the ring, and puts it on her right ring finger. "Thank you," she says with a very slight smile to Brock. "I need to tell Noah what is going on, especially if we plan on going out there. It won't take but a second," she says to the others.

Re: CH. 6: Clockwork Horrors

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:43 pm
by Nuke
"Thanks You Brock, we will do our best to end this saga." Val stows the potion away. Pausing, then going back to the room, she returns with a spider. "We need to bring this with us. Brock, can you fetch the watch for us and explain things?"