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The Story so far.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:35 pm
by Jenara
Stik asked for a brief outline of the story for Ruff Hi, and here it is..

If anyone has anything further to add, let me know.

This is really brief, but you can get some of it as you go along.

Luvitius Fraso (a Necromancer) employed the group (which has changed a few members since it started) to guard him on a trip to a village called Orrs Bay.

A body was found in the sea by a bunch of fishermen, this body was claimed to be an elven Lich (which is impossible).

The group started out as Angel (Half elf Merc) real name Lena Gallius (me).
Papa (Human Cleric), (now NPC)
Bastian (Human Cleric, drinker, funny) – Ishmels Legacy.
Brusen the dwarf (who left)
Elias (Elf Ranger) – Tempest.

The group set out in the morning with Salia and Hiric, Fraso’s servants, who came with him in the wagon, heading to orrs bay.

They stopped off at a roadhouse, where they met the usual people, some strange some normal, before heading off on the road once more, they encountered some mercs guarding sheep before entering a small fortified town.

Typically we were held to ransom entering the town, having to pay a “toll” then we went to an inn called the “Titan” the inn was full of adventurers, including a half elven bard, the group was joined by a Daos Soulstaff (who has now decided to leave the game, shame) he turned out to be a friend of Fraso, a fellow mage, and was accepted into the group. Daos spent the evening talking with Fraso.

Papa found a girl and did what he had to, strange one, kept going off with girls in the middle of the night.

Bastian got drunk, and quite loud, he used his skill to make a truth spell and used it on Angel, who got rather silly and did silly things (strangely this was at the same time as Larisse was getting drunk it BL one)

Bastian gets too close to the stage, angel joins him and makes a fool of herself, Bastian takes her away and that’s the end of that.

In the morning they set off again, and travel to Orrs Bay, on the way Elias acts as a scout with the others discussing the road ahead, they ride on through the night with Bastian shining the way using a magic coin. Two hours after sundown, they find a small settlement and a pub, they stay the night eating roasted meat and oatmeal and sleeping in the common room.

In the morning they hear more of the Elven Lich and Fraso again explains it is impossible.

Leaving they travel for a day before they are “attacked” at night by a fjellfras a giant Wolverine, Elias manages to calm it down and then they go on once more, the creature haunting them for the next day.

Upon arriving at Orrs Bay the group Especially the elves are attacked with old fruit and vegetables, under Angels orders, no one responds, instead they ride on to the Town.

On reaching the town Fraso announces them to the guards, who let them in reluctantly, they go to a tavern called the “Pond” inside are two groups of fishermen, who take offence to the group and Angel in particular, they demand the group leave but Bastian manages to help. They are asked “How many ropes are there on a ship” Missing the answer by one (there is one, the rest are called lines) Bastian eats an old fish from the chum bucket and promptly throws up.

The Fishermen do allow them to stay however. Captain Filaris, and Jon. They discuss the “Elf” finding that Filaris’s crew pulled him from the water, the figure was mostly eaten, with very fancy armor, all scroll and fretwork. After some conversation about the body and the state it was in, the one of the gaurds arrived and escorted them to the Mayors Mansion.

Sertulius Culla the Mayor invited them to view the body, which is stored in the Ice House, Angel, Daos and Fraso go, checking the body as they do. ... 373#p29373 Important post here.

The body does not appear to be Elven, they are not sure what it is. ... 390#p29390 Strange things start to happen, there is something about this line, but I can’t put my finger on it.

Angel escorts an obviously drunken Bastian back to the Pond Inn where she asks Fliaris to take her and the Cleric out to the spot where the body was found, and to sober Bastian up.

Back in the ice house, Fraso is getting distracted, coming out with things like:

"It's like one of those tavern puzzles, where you try to pull apart the two horseshoes and get the ring out, and you spend all night on it, and some hotshot comes in and folds it one way and turns it half a turn and suddenly he's everyone's hero and you look like an idiot and the waitress starts giving him free drinks even though you brought her a flower..."

"But there is something familiar here, something I can't put my finger on. It's like when you lose your keys, and you go to look for them and you find a book that you had misplaced, and you stop to read it for a moment, and you forget why you were looking for your cloak in the first place.
"Why are you looking at me like that?

Back at the Bar Angel asks what to wear to go out on the boat, which the sailors suggest would be a white shirt (yes we all know what they meant but Angel is quite innocent)

Daos inspects the corpse and is also unable to investigate it correctly getting distracted.

The group then rejoin going to a bungalow in the manor, where they spend the night and in the morning Angel and Bastian set out on the fishing vessel, where she gets quite wet, changes into her underclothes and goes for a swim, she uses a Bastians magic coin but sees nothing, nothing at all, until a huge fish almost attacks her. The pair spend the rest of the day collecting crab trabs.

Doas gets frustrated with Fraso who seems to be getting more and more distracted as time goes on, and he gets annoyed that Angel/Bastian have left.

They then meet up with Culla once more, who introduces them to the Elves, one called Liri (played by Brelia) agrees to join the group. Fraso decides to take the body to the Mage guild, and they agree to set out in the morning.

Maughus a human scout joins the party, strange fellow, talks rather funny (plus he seems to be 1 can short of a six pack).

The group place the body (after some discussion) in a sealed box, surrounded by pack ice, held with oilcloth and sawdust. Most of the cargo is left behind with Salia now riding with Angel. That done the group set out for Eastfair.

On the road, things get rather strange, Angel and Liri see someone on the road, that then vanishes. Angel starts to see things on the road, to get distracted, they all do, the group stop at an abandoned watch tower, Bastian uses his truth potion to talk to Maghus…

"You know, I thought I saw something today. A tall man, or an elf, behind us on the trail. But when I looked back, he was gone. And the more I looked for him, the more...the more I think that this place makes a really good campsite. I am really glad we pushed on to get here. Nice breeze. No mosquitos like down in the vale. Good view of the shoreline and the sea and the sky."

And Angel looking at the campsite, and Fraso

Now everytime I read these lines, I get a shiver down my back… scary stuff.

The group then set off once more, and that’s where we are now, travelling to Eastfair.

Re: The Story so far.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:10 pm
by Stik
A very good summary. It seems most of the important information has come through loud and clear.

The only details I might add at this point are the following:
On the way to Orr's Bay there were more often than not convenient places to stop on the trail, way stations or travelers inns spaced a day's travel from one another. This is in contrast to the trip so far from Orr's Bay to Eastfair, where no such accommodations have been available.

Fraso has been a bore, and a boor, and althogh he has exhibited a tendency to ramble on and on as if his was the only voice worth listening to, he has for the most part been coherent and factual, until such time as he encountered the body currently residing in your cart. At that point he seemed to have trouble focusing or concentrating on things.
Fraso seems to be more focused since leaving Orr's Bay, but now others are experiencing a similar distractedness when interacting with Fraso.

The reason the body is being carried to Eastfair is that although Fraso is certain that it is not a lich or vampyr, he has a theory as to what it might be, and wants to get it into the hands of the MageGuild ASAP.

Maughus has mentioned his military service and has frequently refered to someone he calls "Mister Dirtnap." He was more or less casual about it at first, but he appears to be getting more and more agitated as time goes on.

The group also encountered a few NPCs who may or may not appear later in the game.
A pair of dwarven merchants headed west.
Griin, the big druid with a taste for honey and beer.
Kira the bard and her two half-brothers.

Thanks, Jen. Good work.

Re: The Story so far.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:41 pm
by Jenara
Will add more very soon, its a good way to keep track of the game!

Re: The Story so far.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:21 pm
by Stik
Is it soon yet? :)

Pay no attention to the following. It's just a bunch of bookmarks, so I can find things in the thread more easily.
Fraso's tale
1275 - Squad finds Fraso's wagon