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OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:21 pm
by JadedDM
This thread is dedicated to talking about the game out of character (ooc).

Right off the bat, something important I want to ask everyone involved here is, "How much do you know about Dragonlance and specifically, Chronicles?"

I know Breila is pretty new to the whole thing, but what of the rest of you? I've been immersed in the lore of Dragonlance for so many years now (I have 48 of the novels), I sometimes take it for granted that not everyone knows as much as me. I don't want to accidentally leave anything out that will be important for you to know to play, but at the same time, I'd rather not overburden you with knowledge you all ready possess.

So have you played or run these modules before (in any edition)? Have you read the books or even seen the movie based on them? Do you know anything about Dragonlance at all?

I intend to send you all PMs with more detailed information regarding your characters soon. But it can save me (and you) a lot of time if I have a better idea of how much you know. For instance, if Talyn all ready knows what happened during Raistlin's Test, there's no need for me to go into it. But if Talyn doesn't know, it's vitally important I include that information in the PM.

So basically, I need to know, "Have you played/read Chronicles before?" and if not, "Have you had any experience with Dragonlance at all, either in games or novels?" Essentially, I'm asking for your credentials as a Dragonlance fan, if any.

Thanks in advance.

(P.S. Please avoid posting any spoilers, for the sake of those who are inexperienced.)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:44 pm
by Talyn
I have read Dragon's of Autumn Twilight... well listened to an audio book version if it. I also started on Dragons of Winter Night... but the sound quality on the version I got was pretty bad, so I haven't finished it yet. As for what happened to Rastlin in the tower... I have nothing but hints and pieces from the books to give me insight into it.

No spoilers in the post, but a detailed description from you, Jaded, would not be frowned upon. Just to make sure it lines up with what I think it is.

I have never played D&D set in the Dragonlance modules though, so I am flying blind in that department.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:21 pm
by SightblinderX
I have read (though its been a few years) the chronicles, and twins series. I own and have watched the movie several times, I own DLA (even had Weiss sign it at an Origins). I own the 25th anniversary 2E/Saga chronicles adventure compiled thingy.

I have never played in, run, or read the actual DL modules, except parts of DL8 (Dragons of war), whose map of the High Cleris Tower i have cannibalized for many other homespun adventures.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:26 pm
by Breila
"Pretty new" is a huge understatement.

I know nothing except what Jaded has written. That's why I'll step aside if someone else comes and wants to play Goldmoon. I'd just be a fan reader of the adventure then.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:54 pm
by Jenara
Let me see....
I read the Chronicles in the late 80's, have the Collectors Edition, I wrote about the Books for my English Exam...
I have read every book they made up till Summer Flame, but now only retain the Legends and the Chronicles.

I played Laurana at Ice Wall, Tanis from the Start (where we are starting now) my first and longest standing Campaign was based on Krynn (Jenara is a Silvanesti Fighter Mage).

Basically I know the books by heart, I really love the Characters, which is why I am rounding up suitable candidates to do this!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:29 pm
by JadedDM
Okay, sounds like Jenara and SightblinderX are set then.

I'll be sending a PM soon to Breila which will include some information on the Que-Shu for background purposes, and stats for the Blue Crystal Staff, and one to Talyn including some information on what happened on Raistlin's Test and stats for the Staff of Magius.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:48 pm
by Jenara
We may have a Caramon too, he is just reading up on the PC. ;-)

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:25 pm
by themattjon
I own all the modules, as well as Dragonlance Adventures (1st ed.), but have only skimmed them. The only media I've seen recently is the animated movie (with my GF). It at least gave me the basics, I'd be interested in playing withOUT too much knowledge though, although I'm not sure how that'll go, given the "railroad" style of the adventures...

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:46 pm
by JadedDM
If you've seen the movie, that should be enough. I might still need to send you a PM on what happened during Raistlin's Test, though, as that's pretty important background information. Other than that, you should be all set.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:37 pm
by Talyn
Yeah, I am going to have to sit down and force myself to listen to Dragons of Winter Night. Even though the audio quality is terrible...

The series is good, and playing it in an actual game will be a lot different than listening to the books.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:28 pm
by Breila
I'm going to ride a Pegasus? Wow! I've alway been dreaming of doing that! Ever since I was a little girl!

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:39 pm
by JadedDM
Well, maybe. It kind of depends on what the party does and where they go. It's entirely possible to skip that part. Despite what people say, these old modules aren't quite as railroaded as many believe.

But I've said too much! *throws down a smoke bomb, runs away*

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:48 pm
by JadedDM
Oh, Jenara, in the forum's description (where it currently reads [need text here to go here]) could you just put:

The original Dragonlance modules (DL1-DL14), updated to 2E.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:35 pm
by JadedDM
Thanks, Jenara.

Oh, Talyn, you can go ahead and tell me what spells you want to have memorized at the start. Because Lunitari is in high sanction, Raistlin can memorize four 1st level spells and three second level spells.

Re: OOC Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:52 pm
by Talyn
Alright Jaded, here are my choice of spells to start with for Rastlin:

Magic Missile
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages

Darkness 15'

Should give me some good flexibility there, I thankfully have a meat shield to hide behind. Those 8 hit points are not going to last very long.