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The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread I)

A group of 'Unlikely Heroes.'
Based in the world of Krynn.

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The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread I)

Post by JadedDM »

The year is 375 AC, a good eighteen years after the Blue Lady's War. Peace has reigned on Ansalon since then, as its people banded together to focus on recovering from the wounds of two wars in a relatively short time.

It is spring time in the month we would call April, but the Solamics would know as 'Yurthgreen' and the Kender would dub 'Raindrum.' The weather is not rainy today, though. It is a fair, clear day with a bright and warm sun and barely a cloud in the sky.

However, things are not always what they appear to be on the surface. In the small Abanansinian village of Buho, there was an unseen darkness creeping over the land. Villagers and cattle have gone missing; woodcutters have disappeared; misshapen beings have been seen shuffling through the forests. What could be behind these phenomenon?

Word has gotten around in this town and neighboring villages that the local cleric in town, a priestess of Paladine named Hilda Montajay, is searching for adventurers who can investigate these disappearances and hopefully restore peace to the town. It was hearing about this very task that has attracted you to town. Perhaps you are seeking glory or treasure, or just want to help people in need--or maybe you're just looking for a new adventure to partake in. Whatever the case, you now find yourself in this small one-horse town of little consequence.

There is only one inn, a humble little place called the Last Pony. A balding plump man with a jolly smile mans the bar. He is discussing something with an older woman wearing the vestments of Paladine. She has grey hair tied up in a severe bun. A young man with a mop of red hair sweeps up around some tables, a look of boredom on his face. The only other people within are a pack of fishermen and farmers eating lunch at one of the larger tables.

(OOC: And...go!)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

Locky steps into Town, her Hoopak swinging above her head, her cheerful face smiling below her bouncing blonde hair. The Journey from Palanthus had been interesting, no-one lost that much in the Temple, humans.... strange creatures.

She never quite understood why Elder Delbion asked her to leave the Temple, there was so much commotion, and then, here she was, on the Road. Her first mission for the Church, it was so exciting (she never heard the laughing behind her back).

Entering the Village smiling she entered the Inn cheerfully, bravely (or foolishly) announcing her presence to the Lady she assumes is Hilda Montajay "Hello, my Name is Locky, Elder Delbion sent me, I'm here on a Mission" She looks rather pleased with herself.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by JadedDM »

The young man sweeping up stopped and gawked at Locky with a mix of astonishment and fear. "Pop! It''s a..," he stuttered, looking like he was about to flee in terror.

"A kender," the barkeep finished. "Yes, I see her, son. Get back to work." Nevertheless, the barkeep watched Locky closely, like he expected her to suddenly sprout wings and fly around the room. Which would be pretty neat, if she could do that.

The old woman turned to face Locky, and immediately frowned. However, she looked pretty frowny to begin with. She had the stern, no-nonsense look of a woman who rarely smiled or joked around. "Elder Delbion did send me a letter, telling me he was sending one of his clerics to help. Somehow, he neglected to mention you were...a kender." Under her breath, she muttered, "I'll have to have a word with him next time I see him..."

The old woman shook her head in annoyance. "No matter. I suppose we are not in a position to turn down any help offered. Did Elder Delbion tell you why you were sent here, or do I need to fill you in on the details?" she asked, gesturing to a nearby table for the kender to sit. She sat down herself, and then suddenly remembered she had not introduced herself yet. "I am Hilda Montajay, Revered Daughter of Paladine, by the way."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"You know its funny, people always react that way, I mean its very strange... " Her eyes wander to whatever happens to be on the bar thats small enough to fit in her pocket.

"I was quiet surprised too you know, I'm actually the first of my kind to reach this level.." She sits crosslegged on the chair, her hair bouncing as she talks, "The Elder did say you were having some trouble, although the details were quite vague, you would have thought he was trying to get rid of me.."

"Ohh, Locky Lightfoot, Reverend Daughter of Fizban, oopps Paladine" She offers her hand to the Elder Cleric, her eyes slipping unconsciously to whatever is on the womans fingers.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by JadedDM »

Sitting on the bar is an empty glass mug and a clean white rag, a small bowl full of salted nuts, and a snoozing white cat curled up comfortably. Noticing the kender was eying the bar, the bartender nervously grabbed the mug and rag and started wiping it down while watching Locky. The glass looked pretty clean all ready, though.

The elder cleric, out of habit, held her hand out to Locky but then her eyes widened and she immediately retracted it--as if she suspected there was a poisonous viper hiding in Locky's sleeve. Straightening her vestments instead, Hilda locked her fingers and set her elbows on the table.

"The problem began about a month ago," she explained. "At first, a few cattle here or there vanished. It was no cause for alarm, and many people suspected wolves were responsible. However, as time passed, the disappearances became more frequent...and they weren't limited to mere cattle. Woodcutters, travelers, hunters, and trappers started vanishing, too. Anyone who wanders into the wilderness risks never returning."

Shifting her weight in her chair, she continued, "It wasn't long after that the first sightings were reported. People claimed to have seen strange, misshapen creatures roaming the forests. The villagers became more and more frightened. A few of them banded together and tracked a group of stolen oxen as far as the rocky banks of a small river in the hills. The trail disappeared down into a fissure in the ground where a fast-running stream plunges into some kind of underground caverns. The villagers dared not go any further than that, but they did mark it on a map that I can provide to you. We believe that whatever is in that cave may be responsible for the kidnappings."

Leaning back slightly, she asked, "Any questions?"
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"People always do that, its not My fault people loose things! You think They'd be happy I'm good at finding them... "

Locky shifts in the chair during Hilda speech, constantly moving, anyone not looking closely would think she was paying no attention, yet un-Kenderlike wisdom can be seen.

"I don't think I've been in many caverns in the ground.." She stopped, looking at Hilda, "I would like to see this map, would the Locals be willing to talk?" Seeing the obvious look of shock on her face she reaches for her Medalion. "I know many people don't trust us Kender, they see us as silly, we do try to help.
I would like to help you."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by JadedDM »

Reaching into robes, the old woman produced a simple scroll and set it on the table before Locky, intentionally avoiding handing it to her directly. Unfurling the scroll, Locky found a crude but effective map that should lead her directly to the cave Hilda spoke of.

"You may speak to the locals if you wish, but I am afraid you won't learn anything I haven't all ready told you. I've interviewed most of them myself all ready. People are becoming so afraid, they don't even like talking about it anymore. Some have even packed up and headed for safer lands," Hilda explained.

"I...thank you for agreeing to help us. I had hoped there would be more volunteers than just yourself, though. There's no telling what dangers may lie in wait in that cavern."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"hmmm... While the idea of seeing what is in this cavern, and the thought of vanishing without a trace is interesting... I am here to carry out my first Mission, and that's what I am going to do." She raises her head, the blonde hair bouncing about as she moves.

"Is there perhaps anyone who might like to join me? I mean... There must be someone who likes the idea of wandering into a deep dark hole?"

Shaking her head she looks to the bar.. "I think I'd like some food, and I'll head out, just to have a look..."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by BASSsic »

A familiar thud of the inn door. Before you know it a rather burly and dark man, face weathered and whiskered with days away from civilization, is strolling through the rather quite scene - casually going about he business as if he were at his local watering hole. He unceremoniously dumps a pack down in an alcove near the door, brushes away a hood, runs both hands through greasy hair, readjusts a belt, and then likewise his... unmentionables.

He looks up and grunts something that sounds like "G'day" or "Hail" with a wink, you couldn't be sure, towards the barkeep. Strolling across the room, he nods to a small group of similarly weathered looking workers eating lunch.

"Hey fellas what good to eat?" He says in passing, continuing on his way without waiting for an answer.

He comes across the couple peering over a map, he's already clocked Locky proclaiming loudly about her intentions when he'd come in. He peered at the map, then at Locky. He shakes his head with a sarcastic scoff and walks off towards the bar. After grabbing at a handful of the nut-based complimentary snacks, spilling a few around in the process, he swings back towards Locky and Hilda and leans up against the bar, calling over.

"I heard someone here needs something a little bit special handled. And I get to keep the little one, too? Tsch, my lucky day."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"Well, i could certainly use the help on my mission. After all we Kender are only small.." she winks at Hilda, quite aware of what this newcomer has said.
"May i ask your name?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by BASSsic »

"Name's Shay. And you're in charge of this deal?" Shay says, addressing Locky. "Well - can't be helped. If you need a hand, say the word. I'm between jobs." Then he turns around to get the attention of someone who can pour him a wine.
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by JadedDM »

The old woman looked between Shay and Locky, then said to the kender, "Well, it seems Paladine is looking after you after all. Help has arrived."

Having heard Locky's request for food and the seen the arrival of the newcomer, Shay, the bartender stepped forward. "What'll it be? Today's special is beef stew."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"I always thought that Paladine was watching over me, I've felt it ever since I was little. Its actually a funny story..." Seeing the Barkeep behind her she turns nodding her head, "Beef stew sounds fun."

"I think these happens for a reason, Cleric Ebus lost his favourite chalice, and then I get sent here. He was supposed to be here, to help me." She motions to Shay, quite unphased by his appearance or statements.

"Please join us, you'll join us for some Stew won't you?" Not waiting for the Elder Cleric to answer she pulls out a chair for Shay and continues "So my story...."

[ooc]I could tell it but you get the idea!![/ooc]
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by BASSsic »

Shay knocks on the bar and points at the empty surface in front of him, signaling to the barman the special would be fine for him.

"And wine." Then he takes a seat near Locky. He listens silently to her tale and studies the map some more. "Well kid, I can't say I believe in fate or anything like that. But, sure... Sure - if we have divine blessing on our side? Hah, what could go wrong? But listen, you came here alone? I get an uneasy feelin' about this one. I've worked around here just a bit, moved through the land. I hear everything. If it happens on the road, I hear about it. But this one's got us drawin' a blank. If it were local bandits, I'd have probably heard of them. You wanna go wandering around caverns just to prove yourself? I don't know... None of your little friends come along with you? I could've probably roped in a few guys, but just my luck, I happened to be moving alone this time."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"You know, most Kender don't often get lost, we all seem to know where we are going... So you know the area? Would you guide me? I'd like to see inside these Caverns... if only to say I have seen them."

She waits for her "special" to arrive, checking "Shay" cautiously..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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