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Borderlands II - This is the OLD game thread

Second Edition AD&D

A gritty "low-fantasy" game in which the line between right and wrong may occasionally blur, set in a non-canon Greyhawk-based world.

Moderator: Stik

Forum rules
Players should expect to post two to three times per week. 

Players should have a working knowledge of Second Edition AD&D

Experienced adult/mature players are preferred.

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Core rulebooks and "Complete" series books will be used.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by BishGada »

"Well, thank you young master." Galanis says as he gets the desert and immediately starts eating. "That's gre..." He starts to say but stops as his eyes fall on the newcomers. "Hello friends... you arrived just in time for desert. And a great one at that." he smiles.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Jenara »

(Does the half elven singer look familar to Angel?)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Hordeling »

Calah quietly shifts her attention to the newcomers, quietly sizing them up from her seat.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Stik »

[OOC] Yes, Angel and Liri have met the pair before, in Paulding Depot. [/OOC]


In sizing up the newcomer, Calah immediately notices a few details that a casual observer would not. First, her buckskins are worn from long use. This is a woman who makes her living outdoors, and has been doing so for awhile from the look of it. She wears a long knife her right hip, but the straps on the left side of her belt are meant to hold a sword.
The marks on her face were obvious to all, but Calah notices something odd about her eyes as well – one is green, the other blue.

The man is remarkable mostly for his size – slightly taller than seven feet, broad shouldered and heavily muscled, although showing a little bit of fat around the waist.
His hair and beard are red, with a bit of white-gold here and there, and his beard is neatly trimmed, but a bit thin, as if he’d never figured out how to grow one properly. His features have the cast of a northern barbarian.
He, too, is armed, but only with a hatchet and a small knife.


When the song eventually ends, the singer flashes a warm grin around the room.
As the children and the two local women applaud the big man thumps his hand on the table with one hand while whistling between two fingers of the other hand.

The half-elf turns to Liri and says: “I didn’t know you could sing. It's been years since I heard that song. I haven't heard it since before I left home.
"But you sing different words. He got it closer to the ones I know," she says, indicating Galanis.

The big man bows slightly, but even then he is still taller than most of the people in the room. “Our quest continues. There have been…developments,” the man says. Ordinarily such a statement would carry great solemnity, and be followed up by a huge iron key, a tattered map, and perhaps a rusty sword with mystic runes on it. But his tone is jovial and light.

“ ‘Developments,’ ” she says, mockingly. “Actually, we did hear of a viatori caravan headed this way, and thought we might catch them up and ask them to spread the word for us. About the friends we are looking for.”
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Breila »

Liri laughs slightly and says with a beaminig smile: "I was doing a vocalise. I was not using words, just sounds to make the song sound nice with my voice. Elven lives are long enough to develop quite a number of skills."

[OOC]Why not use singing for my vacant proficiency slot?
Can you point us to the page where Angel and Liri encoutenere the newcomers before?[/OOC]
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Jenara »

Angel sits quietly, hiding her deep embrassment under her hair, frankly she didn't think she would see the Bard again, and to have another reminder was.. Hard. After a few moments she stands and walks over to the table, holding her hands behind her back she tries to halt the shaking.

"Well met." She utters offering the woman a hand in greeting. "We had one of the Viatori with is for a short while."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Stik »

[OOC]@Breila: Halfway down this page [/OOC]
[OOC]@Jenara: Not a bard per se, but a warrior who likes to sing. There was a notable encounter with a bard, way back, in another town. She was traveling with a pair of identical twin fighters (with whom she shared some family resemblance).
When you met Scoot and Kira they said they were looking for the trio. [/OOC]


"Ha! And I thought it was a dialect of the Firstborn tongue. What a fool, me." Kira laughs sweetly before saying: "You do sing well. I just pretend to be a singer, to keep myself entertained. My friend, and her mother, though, they are amazing."

Troya speaks up at mention of viatori: "They were here four days ago, and stayed the night in our fallow field. They headed east from here. But I doubt you'll catch them up. My brother tried, once. He had his cap set on one of their girls who he'd met the night before. He never caught up, and never found a trace of them either, though they only had a few hours head-start on him."

"We'll try anyway." the big man says. "Last we heard, the three we are looking for are east of here, so we need to head east regardless."
Kira looks at Scoot and says: "You want to eat quick and move on? We can pick up the trail that much sooner."
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Jenara »

"They are rumoured to disappear into the night, I have never tried to track a caravan but I know those who have." She says with a more confident tone. "Do you think they are looking for stories from the Viatori?" Her eyes fall on the rusty blade with interest.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Stik »

[OOC] Just to clarify: there's no rusty blade. I was trying to say that a rusty blade was one of the things that would usually accompany talk of a quest, but that's not the sort of quest Scoot and Kira are on. :) [/OOC]

"I'm not convinced they can actually vanish," Kira says, "but they are very hard to track, even for me, and I'm pretty good at my job. But it's like the grass is not hurt by their passing."

While Kira chats with the group, Scoot orders dinner for three, and while he is waiting for it to arrive begins regaling the children with a tale of fighting a minotaur, axe to axe and fist to fist.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by BishGada »

Gala is joins the table where Scoot tells the tale. After it is done he asks, "Suppose you catch up with them, what's next?"
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Jenara »

"That is no doubt true, although and I hasten to.say, but.. It would not be the first time something has vanished into the night. Deserters from the Legions aside." Angel turns her attention to Liri for a fraction of a second. "My mothers people are said to move with such grace."

"So do you think you will find them with the Viatori, or another clue?"

" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Stik »

"Your mother, my father both," Kira smiles.
"It is our hope that the viatori may spread the word about our friends - they travel faster than farther than we can ever do. And if they do find them, we ask that they be given a message - that they are forgiven and wanted back home. Ah - food." She digs into her meal immediately, and for one raised among elves, her table manners are a bit more relaxed than expected.

Around a mouthful of smoked pork rib, the ranger says: "If you see them again, you can give them the same message - they are forgiven and wanted back home."
"No matter where you go, there you are."
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Breila »

"It sounds like there was an iteresting story, there, too" Liri observes.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by Stik »

Scoot interrupts before Kira can answer: "Family stuff, that's all. Youth not knowing its limitations. Parents being protective. That soft of thing. Not much to tell." There may be more to the story, but Scoot clearly doesn't want it discussed.

Kira is more subdued for the rest of the meal, and when the food is gone, she gives her compliments to Troya and bows politely while Scoot stacks more than enough silver on the table than is necessary to pay for the meal, drains his mug, and rises. "Off to chase ghosts," he says, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Have a safe journey. And you," he faces Suja. "have a healthy child."

The pair depart, Kira beginning to sing quietly under her breath as they go.

[OOC] If anyone has any particular business in the tap room or trading post, please speak up. Otherwise, we'll move on to morning.[/OOC]
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the game thread

Post by BishGada »

Galanis drinks up the content of the mug in front of him. He already lost count of the mugs he drank and prepares to go to sleep. He looks around to see if any woman will join him, for a moment his eyes rests on Angel, but seeing her cold eyes pierce him, he quickly turns them towards the local females.