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Character Descriptions

Second Edition AD&D

A gritty "low-fantasy" game in which the line between right and wrong may occasionally blur, set in a non-canon Greyhawk-based world.

Moderator: Stik

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Players should expect to post two to three times per week. 

Players should have a working knowledge of Second Edition AD&D

Experienced adult/mature players are preferred.

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Core rulebooks and "Complete" series books will be used.
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Character Descriptions

Post by Stik »

Please post a brief description of your PC here - just what someone meeting the PC for the first time would know, or what you want the other players to know about your character.

Character sheets will be kept private between the various players and the DM.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

"Angel" (Lena Gallius), Female Half Elf Mercenary


Angel has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, typically elvish ears, her frame is slim and agile, she is just over 6 feet tall. She is always roughly dressed in an old tattered brown cloak covering the shiny armor below, armor that displays some Imperial Symbols. She is never seen without her sword and shield.

At the age of 22, Angel (Real name Lena) has been Mercenary for almost 4 years, she doesn't talk about her life before she became a Mercenary, now she fights for whatever cause most suits her ends.

She met Brusen about a year ago, the two rather mis matched warriors have travelled together ever since, neither speaking of the situations that brought them here. Except when they are drunk.
Angel respects the dwarf for his honesty.

She was between jobs until she she met Luvitius Fraso.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by BryantTheSwordsman »

Brusen Stoneshield from the ancient line of the Stoneshield, Exiled by his Thane for retreating from a critical battle, and sent to live amongst the humans. Master of Mace and Shield, Slayer of Wolf Jaw Orc Clan. Cast down the shackles of his ancient people to rise and create a legend and kingdom that will last thousands of generations. I am Brusen Stoneshield, Son Bruen Stoneshield, Master of Mace and Shield.

(Wanted my character to give his background)

Brusen Stoneshield was a dwarf of the mountains.(the ones you said hate humans and pretended not speak common). He was in charge a squad of men during a raid on a trade caravan. Brusen and his men were ambushed first though and his men were killed and he fell into another tunnel. He blacked out from the fall and when he awoke, Brusen returned to his city. He was proclaimed a coward by the Caravan's merchant and he was exiled by his Thane. Brusen was sent into the underdark with only his clothes and his weapons, told never to return. Brusen decided that he would go to the surface where he might be able to create his own kingdom. Along his journey, he encountered an orc clan by the name Wolf Jaw, who had just same from a raid on the surface. Using cunning and wisdom he slew most of them and their leader. When he returned to the surface, the toubled town learned of his victory and proclaimed him a hero of their town. Brusen accepted their hospitality and gained his suit of chainmail and his shield (with the town's crest). He met a group of travellers soon after, which Angel was a part of, and began his adventuring career in the surface realm which he still knows little about.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Frivolous »


This mercenary of about 26 years of age is known mainly by his cognomen, Quadratus. He is a solid and muscular man with olive skin, dark brown eyes, and short black hair. He regularly takes a razor to his cheeks and jaw but still looks unshaven. He walks with a slight limp due to an old injury to his right leg that shattered the knee and almost killed him.

Though he is a cleric of Cronus, Quadratus does not talk about his personal history. He has been known to strike down the nosy when he can get away with it. He sometimes stops and stares at women with young children, a sadness in his eyes.

As a mercenary and former legionnaire, Quadratus is terse, resourceful, efficient, and brutal. History, he says, is something that either happens to you or that you make happen to others. The natural way he wears his armor and wields his weapons testify to his willingness to make an end of those who stand in his way.

In his off-time, Quadratus regularly hires the company of young women. When he cannot, he becomes hostile and erratic. He can also be seen recording the day's events in a bound journal. Like his speaking style, his writing is brief and unornamented.

His "war name" is Papa.
Last edited by Frivolous on Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Ismaels-Legacy »


The average looking man before you is dressed in a modified tabard with the symbol of Liquinus (Three stalks of wheat bound in a circle) embroidered on the front in ochre thread. He wears his dark hair short and unruly. He bears a small patch of a beard on the very end of his chin and his eyes sparkle with a constant hint of mischief. Slung across his shoulder, dangling from his belt, and likely hidden within his clothing are a myriad of bottles, jacks, and wineskins, each filled with a different type of alcohol.

"They are for ritual purposes only" he says with a wink. As a priest of the brewing god, they likely are used for specific purposes, though there is certainly a bottle hidden on his person that is for personal use.

He walks with a staff with a bronze cap decorated to resemble the top of a stem of wheat. His only other visible means of self defense is a small knife, though that is more of a tool than a weapon.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Tempest »


Odd looking for an elf, Elias is often mistaken for a tall human. Though thin like many of his kind, Elias is broad in the shoulders and has rather round features. His coal black hair is also strange considering it tends towards curliness when worn long. Elias dresses in dyed leathers and furs, the leather colored in blacks and dark greens. At his hip Elias carries a heavy sword and dagger, and on his back rest a quiver and a massive bow. Various map cases and tools dangle from his backpack.

Elias is familiar to many who know him as a guide and pathfinder, often leading groups into the wilds. When not acting as a guide he is seen in taverns, smoking his pipe and poring over old maps, or creating new ones, his fingers perpetually stained with ink.

Some few have remarked that Elias will sometimes disappear for weeks at a time after riding from town dressed for war. What he does, or where he goes, none know, for few ask and none have been told.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by JadedDM »


Daos is a young man in his mid-twenties or so (he may be older, it's difficult to judge due to his elven blood). He has short light brown hair and hazel eyes. His ears have the typical elven points, but the slight patch of hair on his chin clearly reveals human blood. The wizard is of lanky build and has a very pale complexion.

Daos wears purple robes that he prefers to keep clean and mended, even on the road. He wears sandals on his feet, a belt of pouches around his waist for components, and a satchel slung over his shoulder for his spellbook. He carries a quarterstaff in his hand, which doubles as a walking stick.

There is something of an air of mystery that surrounds Daos. A vague scent of rose petals and musty old tomes seem permanently attached to his clothes and hair.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Talyn »

Cotillion Morden

A tall and well muscled man. He doesn't appear the strongest person, but he carries himself with the grace that marks him as a swordsman. He is about 6 feet tall with blue eyes and black hair. He wears a clean cut tunic and pants, reminiscent of the military uniform of the Empire. On his belt there is a short sword in a scabbard hanging on his left side, marking him as right handed. On his right side, balancing out his sword's weight, there is a small leather bag, large enough to hold a book that is held shut with a buckle.

He has a scar running across his left eye, looking like he barely survived a slash to the face from some kind of weapon. His eyes survived unharmed, surprisingly. His boots are well worn with travel but still well maintained. He has a gold ring with the mark of an Imperial family on his right hand. He also wears a brown cloak over his tunic if the weather calls for it.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Liriodendra's appearance is a symphony of browns: her long hair and eyes are exactly the same shade of hazel, her leather clothing and armor add the other tones.

Quite tall (5'9) and very slim, she moves with a grace unusual even for an elf. Her eyes eagerly take in the world around her, her face greeting most people with a friendly smile.

When I saw the picture again my daughter had painted and called "self-portait as elf", I realized I had modelled Liriodendra to this. So I include it here. The hair color is not Liri's of course, it should be the same as the eye color. And no, my daughter doesn't look exactly like this, she has "elvenized" her features, making them more ascetic. And both Liri and my daughter usually smile...
Liriodendra.jpg (50.41 KiB) Viewed 17231 times
Last edited by Breila on Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Ruff_Hi »

The name is Kutz. Please don't ask me to explain. In fact, don't ask me anything ... that way I won't have to lie and neither of us will be disappointed.

Male Human: 6 foot, about 190 pound, no distinguishing features except brown eyes, bald, chocolate skin. Picture attached to post is reasonable accurate.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jerrard »

Eldon Cortex
m62go2.jpg (17.8 KiB) Viewed 16988 times
Eldon is a medium height man, dressed in black armor and clothes, he carries two long bladed daggers to his sides, and a brace of throwing blades to his back.

He is a juggler, acrobat and entertainer by trade, having learn his skills from the Viatori (a group of traveling gypsy's ) he found out at the age of 21 he did not belong and chose to visit the world.

He has skill in magic, with he often uses for entertaining purposes.

(Posted by Jen, updated sheet mailed.)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by BishGada »

Galanis is pretty high for Half-Elven. At 5'6" and 130 lbr he can even look down on some humans. He has dark brown long hair and brown eyes, which he got from his human side. He doesn't weight much but he is quiet strong and it is shown by the way he holds himself and through his clothing. He wears tight cloth and shirt, and has some jewelry adorning his cape, neck and few rings on his fingers.
Galanis has a well trimmed beard and he keeps his looks as spotless as possible.
Galanis will never be seen without his daggers, and while sitting in a bar he likes to play with them. On a journey he has his sword clasped to his belt his village and family symbols carved on the hilt.

Galanis is somewhat a dreamy person. He is calm and confident and has a calming influence on others around him.
He tends to do good but since he was hurt in his youth it is very difficult to gain his trust. Even though he usually acts friendly and politely to others. He is very confident of himself and when his trust is gained he will risk his own life to defends his friends. Galanis appreciate art, he is very ordered and keeps clean. Galanis usually doesn't talk at length, and if he talks, most of the time he doesn't speak his mind straight forward.
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Last edited by BishGada on Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Hordeling »

Calah Cain is a human woman with relatively short, straight, black hair, fair skin, and brown eyes that are dark to the point they almost look black. She is five foot four, with a slim, lightly muscular build. She has a nick of a scar on her left cheek. As small as she is, Calah does not appear light, but carries herself with a little bit of swagger, her shoulders raised slightly, as if looking for a fight. Her presence is on the hard side, and her eyes tend to carry a cold, calculating quality.

Calah wears black leather armor, and she wears a long sword on her left hip, and a short sword on her right.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by mike_c »


Aivel is a high elf that does not show the usual joy associated with elves he dresses in all black but his weapons shine with a silver gleam he stands over 6 foot black hair and silver eyes, he travels with his lifemate Willow
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by holly_e »

Willow is 5'7 has brown hair and silver eyes wears leather and carries daggers,, shortword and longbow. her apperance makes you think she is not very capable in a fight and needs to be protected