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Re: Characters

Post by LadyWinterWolf »

IL, the character looks good, so jump on into the game.

Did you remember to include one magic item?
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Re: Characters

Post by Ismaels-Legacy »

Yep, I have a +1 Club!
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Re: Characters

Post by biggbrad »

Human Fighter 6'9" 270 lbs Male Age: 20 Align: CG
Lvl: 4 XP: 8000
Strength 18/54 Hit: +2 Dmg: +3 Wgt: 160 Max: 305 Doors: 13 Bb/Lg: 25%
Dexterity 11 Reac. Adj: 0 Missile Adj: 0 Def. (AC) Adj: 0
Con 16 HP Adj: +2 SS: 95 % Res. Sur: 96 %
Int 5 #Lang: 1
Wisdom 14 Mag. Def: 0 Sp. Level: % Fail: 0 Bonus: 1st
Charisma 9 Max Henchmen: 4 Loyalty: 0 Reac. Adj. 0

AC 5 Chain mail
HP 33
Non weapon pros:
Blind Fighting NA
Fire Building WIS -1
Rope Use DEX 0
Direction Sense WIS +1

Weapons: Specialist in 2 handed sword, 2 handed fighting
Melee Weapons Thac0 Type Speed Size #Attacks Dmg vs. S-M Dmg vs. Lg
2H Sword +1 13 s 10 L 3/2 1d10+2 3d6+2

Ayagnox is the lone survivor of a raid on his hometown village by a local tribe of minotaurs. He defended until he was the last one standing, then managed to escape into a nearby cave that he knew quite well. After returning to his village later that evening, all he found was charred remains amongst the still burning buildings. He quickly found his family heirlooms, the sword and chain that he wears to this day. With nothing left of his home, he set out to find a way to become strong enough to avenge his loved ones. Someday he plans to eradicate all of the minotaurs from this world, and will attack on site any minotaur that he finds. He also will sever the horn of any he kills, and add them to his waist chain. His chain currently has 2 of such horns.

He is an exceptionally tall man, and was always a spectacle to those who visited or passed through his town. He was also quite the active and physical youth, sporting with his friends in mock gladiator battles. He was never defeated in these games, and even had dreams of becoming a world renowned gladiator. He claims to be afraid of nothing, but in fact he is afraid to get too close to others for fear of losing them and feeling the same heartache he did that fateful day. For this reason he has fallen into a mercenary lifestyle, only taking jobs that paid well, then not working until he ran out of money. He also has quite the appetite for ale, and has won quite a few drinking contests to supplement his income. He is a fierce warrior and defender of those who he deems are weaker than he (which he believes includes almost everybody). He also will not stop until he either kills his enemies or until he realizes that there would be no escape.

He is also quite unintelligent (not retarded though), but has a high wisdom due to his having to survive on his own for a few years. He was never the fastest guy in town, but always had been the strongest and sturdiest.

Let me know if there is anything I am missing, and again thank you for letting me join.
Edited to spell his name correctly.
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Re: Characters

Post by Kaber »

Looks good here Brad. LWW will let you know soon.
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Re: Characters

Post by LadyWinterWolf »

Kaber wrote:Looks good here Brad. LWW will let you know soon.

Yeah, what he said. Ok Brad, start posting and get yourself included in the party, cause the party is going to start up once again.
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Re: Characters

Post by Nuke »

Name: Roggie
Race: High Elf
Class: Mage / Thief
Level: 3 / 4
ExPts: 5000 / 4000
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 5'-0"
Weight: 83 lbs
Age: 118 yrs
Gender: Male

Ability Scores
STR: 10
Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0, Open Doors: 9
Weight Allowance: 40 lbs, Max. Press: 115 lbs, Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 2%

DEX: 17
Missile Adjustment: +2, Reaction Adjustment: +2, Armor Class: -3
Pick Pockets: +5% Open Locks: +10% Move Silently: +5% Hide in Shadows: +5% Climb Walls: +15%

CON: 11
System Shock: 75% Poison Save: +0
Hit Point Adjustment: +0 Resurrection Chance: 80%

INT: 15
No Languages: 4

WIS: 10

CHA: 12
Initial Reaction Adjustment:+0, Loyalty Base:+0, Maximum # of Henchmen: 5

Saving Throws
PPD: 13; RSW: 11; PP: 12; BW: 15; Spell: 12

Hit Points: 13
Base THAC0: 18-1(+1 Sword)= 17
Missile THAC0: 16

Natural armor class: 10
With Armor up: 6
DEX Defensive adj. -3
FINAL with Armor up: 3

Weapon Proficiencies (4+1/3lvls) = 5

Long Sword
Short Bow
Hand Axe

Non-Weapon Proficiencies (4+4 [for INT] + 1/3lvls) = 9
Tumbling - Dex-0
Blind Fighting
Rope Use - Dex-0
Tightrobe Walking - Dex-0
Riding-Land - Wis+3
Swimming - Str-0
Reading/Writing - Int+1
Appraising - Int-0

Native Languages
Common, Elf, Thieves Cant

Weapon, THAC0, Attacks/rd, Speed factor, Damage: S-m, Lg, Dmg Type, Wpn Size Range: Short-Medium-Long

Long Sword : 18, 1/rd, 6, 1D8+1, 1D12+1, S, M

Dagger : 18, 1/rd, 2, 1d4+1, 1d3+1, P, S,

Short Bow 16, 2/rnd, 7, 1D8+1, 1D8+1, P, M

Racial Abilities

Infravision - 60' infravision range.

Elves are 90% resistant to sleep- and charm-related spells. Even if they fail a
check, they get the save usual for such spells.

Elves gain a special bonus to find secret or concealed doors. Passing within 10
feet of a secret door, elves will detect it on a roll of 1 on a 1d6. If they search a
10-foot–square area, elves can find a secret door on a roll of 1 or 2 on a 1d6.
Elves find concealed doors on a roll of 1, 2, or 3 on a 1d6.

Elves gain a special bonus with bows, excluding crossbows. When firing a bow,
an elf gains a +1 to attack rolls. This does not apply to damage.

Elves are especially good with short and long swords. Like their abilities with
bows, they gain a +1 to attack rolls (but not on damage) when using one of these
weapons. This is in addition to any bonuses of the weapon itself.

Elves move through forests and other natural terrain silently and almost invisibly.
As long as elves are not attacking, they can only be spotted by someone who can
spy invisible objects. When elves move through the woods, if they are careful,
they will appear only as shadows of the leaves of trees, dancing in the
undergrowth. This is of immense value to elves, who can thus gather information
about their enemies—enemies who often do not even suspect an elven presence.

Finally, elves have the ability to give their enemies a –4 penalty to a surprise roll
if the elf is: 1) moving alone, 2) is 90 feet away from the rest of their party, or 3)
is with other elves or halflings and all are in nonmetal armor. If the elf must open
a door or screen to get to the enemy, the penalty is reduced to –2.

THIEF ABILITIES Base-Racial-Dex-Armor = total

Pick Pockets: 45%+5%+5%+5% = 60%
Open Locks: 37%-5%+10%+0% = 42%
Find Remove Traps: 35%+0%+0%+0% = 35%
Move Silently: 33%+5%+5%+10% = 53%
Hide in Shadows: 25%+10%+5%+5% = 45%
Detect Noise: 15%+5%+0%+0% = 20%
Climb Walls: 88%+0%+0%+10% = 98%

APPEARANCE: Roggie is a very slight elf with dark hair dressed in tight leathers wrapped
in a grey-brown cloak.


+1 Long Sword
Short Bow (30 Sheaf arrows)
2 Daggers (belt)


Belt Pouch:
Metal Mirror
Candle, Flint & Steel, Vial of lamp oil.
Scroll Case
granite stone with continual light cast on it wrapped in dark cloth

Spare clothing
Week rations, week water, mess set.
Bed roll.
Silver knife.
Rope 50' silk.
Grapple Hook
Spell Book


Change self
Color Spray
Comprehend languages
Detect Magic
Feather Fall
Read Magic
Spider Climb

Continual Light
Ray of Enfeeblement
Robe Trick