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** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Spike's homebrew 1st edition AD&D world.

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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

Idrys waits to see if his sister is in danger..
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

Whisper remained frozen for many more long moments, shocked by what he saw upon exiting the interior of the ship. Oddly after the initial shock wore off the young mage felt no fear of the beast towering over him and the ship. "Curious." Whisper said out loud, more to himself then anyone in particular as he studied the large blue creature, the water that surrounded some of its form, and the water currents that passed by both the ship and the beast that his eyes told him was right there in front of him ....

[OoC] So there is no fear what so ever for the PC in the presence of this big thing? I'd like to have the PC make an INT check or some sort of thing to determine if the creature is an illusion or real. If he deems it to be real and it threatens him with more harm insert additional groveling and wetting of himself if necessary. Almost all of the things he has he is willing to part with to have his life spared by the big blue beast. Does the PC have any idea of what the heck the big critter is?
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

Idrys says, "The dragon is talking to you, Whisper. You'd better reply before it gets hungry."

{OOC: Sanity check: The nice pic shows a dragon that looks huge enough to sink the ship. Does the dragon that we're talking to actually appear small enough to fit on the front of the ship without sinking it?}
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

ooc: yeah it's not that big, my bad only image I could find with an actual blue dragon in water with an actual ship lol. This blue isn't that big its a young adult, not fully grown adult. So it's perched on the deck currently

Yes it is real, no illusion. It seemed satisfied by Whisper's initial look of fear and trembling, then said 'you'd do well to compose yourself with dignity and humility, little spellweaver. You are not that important yet that I should deign even sullying my beautiful talons with your sweet flesh.' While Karlene was unaffected by its dragon fear Whisper felt his body wracked by it, yet after some time it passed. It turned its focus back on Karlene, and the dhampir realized the wrym was female. It said 'good, it is settled, consider yourselves blessed this day' and it flew off, turning its head back to say 'months end, cleric!'
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

Karlane smiles ironically at Araugauthos' retreating form, amused that her attempt to extend the time period from "month's end" to "a month from now" was so transparent to the blue reptile.

When it's clear that the dragon has departed, Karlane asks, "How long until we arrive? I need to go and re-position the doorway to where I next need to be. I think that will take me about half an hour."

Assuming the remaining sailing time is about (or more than) half an hour, and that Drusilla has nothing significant to urgently impart, Karlane says to Idrys, "Catch up with you later," and smiles warmly at him. She then goes through the portal to the statue (from where Drusilla and Idrys joined the ship). This is in full stealth mode (so mace out, no light, moving slowly, thus maximising the effectiveness of her Elven boots/cloak) just in case there are any lurkers on the other end. If nothing untoward, the dhampir then collapses the portal at the statue and Wind Walks to the road where some of them are to meet the blind seer today.

If nothing untoward, Karlane sets up the portal out of sight just off the "blind seer's road", silently changes the password, and then returns through it to the ship. She then silently changes the password at the ship end to avoid nasty surprises from anyone eavesdropping through the portal. The position of the portal on the ship will be away from gathering areas so that it will be less effective for others to eavesdrop.

{OOC: What day of the month is it? And how many days in the month? And what time of day is it? Thanks.---- I wasn't intending to criticise on the pic, [it is a great pic!] I was just checking if the ship was about to sink or whether the size should cause the ship to sink and didn't (as might be the case if it was an illusion or Projected Image.) ---- Does Karlane feel any different, i.e. was the 'blessing' a magical effect, or just a way of saying "be thankful that you haven't been eaten"?}
Last edited by Chris1234 on Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

Whisper wiped the dripping sweat from his brow and took a deep breath upon the beast leaving. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves and calm his shakes the young mage returned to his studies and some much needed rest.

[OoC] I take it that I will need to sleep/rest for 4+ hours to regain spells? Is the amulet 35% repaired at this time after providing the scarab with a diamond and a pearl? What components are needed next? Where are we headed?
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

@t Matt: you'll need to find an arcane blacksmith to fully restore the amulet, plus 5 diamonds worth a total of 10,000 gp.

The party is bound for Longhallow to deliver the appropriated weaponry in the name of the Elven empress.

THE WRAITH CONTINUED along without further delays, and soon the party discovers it does not really require water all that much it seemed to traverse through solid matter without obstruction. After some time Valtor steered the vessel across land and then through the air, but you discover it mattered little of which element it went through. The vessel bore you past trees, large rocky outcroppings, animals and birds.

Valtor 'clamber aboard' he instructed Whisper and Karlene beckoning to a lengthy scouting vessel at the aft of the ship with a sail. It began advancing, not requiring any wind for thrust. It was wrought from the same insubstantial material as the wraith. The rotund elf said 'Leave blondey and the black cloak aboard to guard my ship, we'll take the blackey (indicating Zym) and Elsmyrian with us. Idrys, Drusilla remain behind, we need you in reserve as a wild card just in case. Four of us is more than sufficient'

The schooner eerily bore the four of you through the thick forest when ten minutes later, and perhaps 2 miles distant you arrive at the outskirts of Longhallow.

A giant stone statue of a two headed troll is here. Four tree's are downed and charred black marks where the splintering brought them down. At least a thousand arrows lie embedded on trees and on the ground. 20 dead drow elves lie littering the vicinity. Nearby you see between a cluster of towering trees a large burning pyre and black greasey smoke billows out of it. You can hear some men talking from the directon of the pyre.

Right then, a sparrow flew down and landed on a low branch, enveped in pure white energy it transformed into a short petite human female with a beautiful visage and amber eyes, full lips and clad in leather armor. She had a scimitar at her hip and a wooden staff she leaned upon had some animated vines sprouting out of it and snaking around its shaft.

'What brings you to Longhallow, adventurer's!?' she queries in the common tongue, neither hostile nor overly friendly. Then 'nevermind, go on ahead' she said this as she noticed Azonia, 'One of my sisters is with you, that is sufficient for me'

The two men are quickly throwing in troll remains into the pyre. As you approach them, they notice you but fiercely continue their work since it is time sensitive.

Whisper noticed something stirring in the bushes near him and sees two troll digits moving like worms along the base of the tree, trying to climb upward.

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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

"Missed a few bits fella's! No worries I got them." Whisper kicked the two troll remnants together and cast an acid blob cantrip on them. Afterwards he looked about on the ground and in the trees on the off chance that they were trying to return to a larger part of a carcass.

Thanks for the updates DM & Chris1234. Whisper would like to ask around for a Mage by the name of Hedge if possible while here.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

"Hush, Whisper." says Karlane. "We're going to see him later. Good work with the troll meat by the way."

{OOC: @ Spike - Am I correct to assume that the portal is now moved from the statue to the road on which they are predicted to meet the blind fellow. I think it was west, but might have been north.}
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

Yes, and it is north by northeast.

The party proceeds deeper into Longhallow, it is mostly populated with badly wounded men and women, some halflings and half-elves can be seen here and there. Thatch roofed huts, small cottages and log cabins comprise the village. You pass several fire pits where people are cooking large cauldrons of venison stew or another group engrossed in a dutiful task pause to give you notice then resume their work.

You approach what appears to be an important looking hut, and finally arrive in the center of the village where six men are standing atop stools with nooses wrapped around their heads. The men look smug and defiant, despite their obvious fate as if this were all a bad dream. A man emerged from the impressive hut and he looked like a leader, clad as a ranger complete with longsword, dagger, and a yew longbow on his back. He called out: 'You men have been sentenced to death by hanging, your heinous activities are deemed as vile and unnatural. May whatever God's you call on have mercy on your cheap souls' he makes a gesture and all the men hang and die within seconds apart from each other.

The man's eyes turned to regard the party with a brief nod, he has dark blonde hair and a scar coils the length of his neck on the left side. He had two braids in the back and was clad in chain mail, 'Well, adventurer's, let me guess you're attempting to brave the dark elf lands to establish a name for yourselves? And you brought a drow along how quaint. Let me surmise a guess he's a 'different' drow elf, isn't like all the others eh? Heard that one far too many times. It's a drow trick! Anyway, if you are looking to do this suicide mission you might as well hang yourselves. Tell whoever sent you I need capable fighters not capable idiots ready and willing to throw their lives away for the sake of glories!"
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

"I'm Karlane and will answer you: 'Yes, Adventurers. No, not attempting that. He's with me so hands off.' Your assumptions are wrong but you didn't make them questions," says Karlane. "Now, my turn: what's your name and are you always a knob? Or shall we start again?"
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

The fighter waved his hand dismissively, 'Knob? Well, pardon me but a band of adventurer's I do not even know come into Longhallow without word are either here for two things, to prove themselves or to kill somebody. If you're not here to help us out or to do something of actual benefit, then no I do not wish to 'start again'. You can leave your city senses back whence they came, out here on the frontier there's only sword work and magic that's worth any salt' he wagged a finger at Nym 'and you, you'd best keep under your handler's shadow, you so much as break wind in my general vicinity and you might just get into a world of trouble there, white hair' he sneered, flipping a dagger between his fingers. Then he noticed Whisper and said 'well, at least you had half a wit to bring along a mage. Not too certain what good a bookworm priestess would do besides bore us all to death!' he said 'wizard, walk with me, I'd have some things to discuss that bears a magic-user's brains, bring your lovely Elsmyrian bodyguard with you if you would be so kind'.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by SARRMATT »

"As you request." Whisper did his best to catch up to the quick moving fighter. The nameless man's longer strides forced the young mage to walk briskly just to keep pace. "How may we be of service?"
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by Chris1234 »

Karlane reponds to the ranger, "Fine, your forest, your rules. Know that I decided we should come here to bring you arms and siege weapons for no reason other than to help."

She cuts across Whisper, "You may offer your services, but not mine." Turning back to the party, Karlane says, "Garoth, if you can got on better with him," nodding towards the ranger, "then fine and good luck. I'm leaving. Unless, Mr Nameless Ranger, I'm a prisoner?"

At the mention of the word 'prisoner', Idrys moves closer to Karlane on the off chance anything should kick off, giving Drusilla a nudge as he does so and a knowing stare at Nym.
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Re: ** Part I: Fire and Ash **

Post by spike »

'You're free to leave' he said, then stormed off.

The fighter turned to Whisper 'That my good man is a most excellent question, what CAN you indeed?!' he said, when he arrived at his hut, he invites Whisper in and pours him some wine and offers cheese, grapes, and hot tea with biscuits.

'Well, I take it you're looking for the ruins of Draxcon, eh?' he looked at Whisper with a suspicious eye, wagging his finger in the magic-user's face 'don't lie to me, just be blunt. Look young one, you're not ready for Draxcon. And we do not require the gifts you brought us, as appreciated as is. We need capable adventurer's who fit a common mold'