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Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:15 pm
by Skopa
He steps in the way of the one that throws the cask and hacks his torso from his legs.

I don't remember what my attack bonuses are.

He directs the caravan guards swarming out to "GET the bastard!" pointing at the one running. "They were going to burn us!! Drag his ass back here!!"

Rook is suddenly insanely pissed off at the presumption of these scumbags. If the lead bandit he attacks doesn't die he continues to hack at him until he yields or perishes. He has all the backup he needs.

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:04 pm
by Stik
Rook rushes forward to intercept the nearest man, and swings his greatsword as the man turns to run Init Rook (Greatsword) [1d10+10] = 8+10 = 18, Init Vandal (running away)[1d10] = 5 but a greatsword is a big, slow weapon and he is unable to bring the sword to bear before the man gets out of reach and sprints away. Rook gets control of his blade and begins pursuit, but despite his best efforts, the man manages to outdistance him after a minute or so, and disappears into a field of tall grain.
Rook shouts for the caravan sentries to aid in the pursuit, and but by the time they close on his location the fugitive is out of sight.
Discouraged, he returns to the wagon. The small barrel is no longer there, although the ground is still wet with oil.
Peiter, Manda's betrothed, stands at the wagon, axe in hand. He quietly says: "Are you trying to get us all killed? If you murder a townie in cold blood, they’ll come at us with torches and pitchforks.”
The young priestess, Gretyl, steps forward from behind another wagon, holding a stout wooden club. “I saw what they were about to do when you shouted. You were right to stop them.”

Skopa - Actions?
Everyone else - Hold for just one more round, please.

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:28 pm
by Skopa
"I think the Townies already favorably await our departure. I have work to do beforehand."
The Rook sheathes his greatsword, and leads Homer back toward the village square to have a little chat with the village headman

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:43 pm
by Stik
The commotion at the wagons has interrupted the meeting and has drawn several of the townsfolk in that direction, but at the forefront are Ferric, Navi, and the little girl that had been sitting on the fence at the meeting. The three of them, flanked by half a dozen villagers, meet Rook about thirty yards before he reaches the market square.

Okay, the rest of you can post again.

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:45 pm
by Jenara
Navi approaches them with her hand grasping the young girls, "This is Ava, she's with me now. What happened out there?" She asks with a combination of curiousity and amusement.

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:14 pm
by Garbick
Approaching with the crowd, Ferric asks Rook "Report Troop, What happened out there?"

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:16 pm
by Skopa
"The mouthy one and a cohort attempted to set fire to a portion of the caravan with a casque of lamp oil. I followed them and stopped them from being able to do it but I was not able to apprehend them. I was going to ask questions. But I'm beginning to think we might be best served simply moving on. Complete your business with the town. We're getting out of here."

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:36 pm
by Skopa
Justinian very calmly resumes the village square, and waits for the village headman or mayor in the all-but-throne to notice him, Homer still in tow this whole time.
"Our caravan will be leaving momentarily. Please pardon the intrusion. But they are my friends. So please make it known if the prick in the bandage comes near the caravan again, I'll set him on fire and roll him down a goddamn hill. Thank you for your hospitality."
Whatever the reaction, he immediately about-faces and strides back out of town to the caravan. Time to move out.

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:24 pm
by Jenara
"Whatever you were trying to achieve there, I dont think it will happen." Navi suggests to Manda, "This place is on edge, not a good situation."

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:33 am
by Stik
The locals are, quite literally, up in arms. After today's attack by imperial troops, Rook's imperial kit causes even more of a stir for them, given the commotion he was just a part of. Enough of the villagers had seen him walk in with the delegation from the caravan to confirm that he is not a straggler from the defeated legion, and they are able to calm the others down.

Manda and her uncle did not leave the village square during the commotion, but instead used that opportunity to speak more closely with the village leader. The man that Manda had cut earlier today stands across the square from them, scowling at them and at the bandage on his forearm.

As the group returns to the square, Manda shoots an angry look at Rook, and the meeting continues.

OOC: I am going to pause here, as Rook had some pretty clear feelings about bandage-man, and so Skopa might want to respond/take action. So can anyone else, if they like.
If not, I will continue to post Sunday morning./OOC

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:05 am
by Jenara
"We need eyes, and ears. And look for a Bite." Navi falls silent, still bringing Ava with her she resumes listening as she was instructed.

(Keep a lookout, and look for a Trap).

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:24 pm
by Skopa
Rook resumes his place at the caravan and has a small block of cheese and a hardboiled egg to get his strength back. He continues watching. Always.

Re: Borderlands 3 - This is the game thread

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:47 pm
by Garbick
Ferric stays with his wagon tending to his damaged donkey and other little chores