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CH. 12: Testing Grounds

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by spyguy1503 »

"Let's just kill them." And so he does.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Chris1234 »

"Ok, let's go see if they're still there," replies Shima. "And you've still got (on you) the 10 torches you bought in the market?"
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Well, there is a little bit of a rivalry between them," Kendra explains. "From my understanding, the church follows the Dragon Queen directly and the military kind of follows her indirectly through the emperor. I guess you could say that the church feels like the military isn't pulling their weight when it comes to worship and the like, and the army feels they aren't getting the respect they deserve from the church because they are the ones winning the war. You aren't going to get any information on the army by going through the church, and you aren't going to get any information on the church by going through the army."

Kendra looks in the direction of the mansion that she now works in, and sighs softly. "Your father is actually being treated okay from what I can see. The problem is that there isn't any evidence to prove that they are innocent. Tulbas and Haahqae were both at the meeting where the letter was drafted, so they know that they weren't planning a rebellion. Though, it seems like they aren't going to come forward." She seems angry about that little fact.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by spyguy1503 »

"Yeah, right here." He lights one, and barring further interruption, proceeds to the gully colony.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

"I'm glad to hear that Father is well, but I'd be happier if he were released," Arulia says. "Maybe there is no evidence that he is innocent, but there is also no evidence that he is guilty. How long must the prefect hold him before he realizes this?" She shakes her head angrily.

After a moment, Arulia says, "I know that this isn't your fault. If you could have freed him, you'd have done so weeks ago." She shrugs her shoulders, uncomfortable at the thought that she might have insulted her friend. "So, then...uh, what do you plan to do today?" she asks awkwardly.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Chris1234 »

Having picked up his weapons, Shima follows Ne-Chanz into the underground complex.
"So, do you want to go straight to the Gulles? Or possibly sweep the rest of the complex first? Maybe if we could drive any monsters into the Gullies they'd be more amenable to evacuating. But I'm not actually sure where we'd move them to. What do you think?" probes the dwarf.

{OOC: Assumed that NE-Chanz has also similarly armed himself.}
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by spyguy1503 »

"I think we have skirted the issue too long, and need to kill them." Ne-Chanz says.

(OOC: he did arm himself.)
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Old Keep, Courtyard)
Haahqae focuses on a window over the gate, on the second story. Cantrips only have a range of 10 feet, so that's as high as he can go. A tin knife appears and lands near one of the guards, bouncing off the pavement with a 'clink' sound near the baaz's feet. The baaz, who had been focused on a possible incoming attack, jumps a bit and waves his spear around. He sees the knife then looks up, puzzled.

Haahqae then uses a second cantrip to create the sound of a window closing. "What the?" the Baaz asks, scratching his head. "Did some idjit just drop a dagger on me?"

"What?" asks the second one, who hadn't been paying attention.

The first one picks up the tin dagger and then frowns. "This nearly hit me. From upstairs, I think."

"Someone dropped it?" asks the second one.

"From the second floor. I oughta to find 'em and give 'em a piece of my mind."

"Second floor is the commander's offices. You gonna abandon your post to yell at a superior?"

The first baaz looks a bit abashed. "Yeah, good point. Still...they should be more careful." He tucks the knife in his belt and occasionally glances upward, just in case.

Felran (?), Ne-Chanz and Shima (North Haven Sewers)
Lighting another torch, Ne-Chanz leads the way back to the chamber where the gully dwarves dwell. Sure enough, they are all still there. They seem surprised to see the party return, and again they cower together in the northwest corner, pleading for their lives, screaming in terror, and openly weeping for mercy.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by TristenC »

Wishing he had prayed to Sirrion today for the ability to detect traps, the goblin makes his way cautiously down the stairs. He goes as slow as he needs to in order to keep from making a lot of noise.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks at the others, "Well... the world is not populated by Dragons and Gods but by our races and eventually in history people made the difference. It also let you put your knowledge to actual practice."

HorizonDream wrote:She seems angry about that little fact.
Why do you think we won't help? Tulbas directly said he would. He even came by his own initiative to search for ways to help Gregeddin and agreed to testify.)
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Sadly, I kind of see the prefect's point of view," Kendra admits. "I mean, say you were in a position in power. The trade guild sends a messenger to deliver a letter asking for something, and that messenger decides to attack you. Wouldn't you think that the trade guild had something to do with that attack as well?" she asked. "Of course, after finding a lack of evidence to support that theory, you would think that they would let them go. Though, with everything that has happened after they were arrested, that kind of builds a convincing argument that there was some conspiracy." Clearly, Kendra was stuck on what to do on the matter.

"My plans for today?" she asks. "Well, I'm going to work. With Norris out of the picture, I have to support my family. I'm not really sure what the prefect has planned for me today. I think I was suppose to meet your sister afterwards as well."
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by Haahque »

Well that was an unfortunate oversight. Of course Haahqae KNEW that the second floor was the officer’s quarters, but with all the conversations and things he’s seen today, he overlooked what happened to be an important detail. He should have had them drop it from a third floor window instead… although he might have some difficulty casting the cantrip at that range.

So that leaves Haahqae with a knife that he probably should retrieve before it gets tracked down as a mystery, (Having the Baaz trying to explain the dropping knife without evidence would be incredibly entertaining to watch, but it’s unlikely Haahqae would be there.) And a gate which he can still open at the cost of making noise. There’s probably a lever inside and if he pulled the one out here they’d likely think that it was someone inside opening it to come out… until no one came out. Critical problem in that plan spotted a mile ahead.

So, as Haahqae comes up with a new plan, he decides to do some damage control on his previous plan by reacquiring the knife he dropped. He’s confident in his skills in being silent and unseen, but he’s never done anything like this before. He’s never needed to before. It is scary, what if the Baaz realizes someone’s stealing from him? Or reacquiring, it IS Haahqae’s knife after all. Well, the best case scenario is he thinks it’s the other baaz, that would be likely to cause a distraction large enough open the gate without being noticed. That would be good yes. So either he gets his knife back safely or he starts a fight between the baaz? It’s win win!

(Haahqae will try to pick pockets to steal the tin knife. If I have the math right, his chance of success is 25%, while his chance of being discovered is 1% + 3% per level of the baaz, and I’m guessing it’s not higher then level 3, so 10% or less. I am unsure what the consequences of being discovered are here, but if Haahqae is neither successful nor discovered, he’ll try again, twice, before coming up with another plan).
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by djhyland »

Arulia nods in understanding. "I suppose we all have the same concerns," she says. "Thank you again for looking after Camilla."

Unless Kendra wishes to continue the conversation or otherwise keep Arulia around, she'll take her leave and take a circuitous route to investigate the brothel.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Old Keep, Courtyard)
Haahqae moves in, still invisible. He was never particularly great at picking pockets, but he decides to try and retrieve the knife anyway. He reaches out for the knife, but the guard suddenly changes position and nearly whacks Haahqae with his tail. The gnome manages to back away in time to avoid getting hit. After catching his breath, he moves in for a second try.

However, this time, the guard sneezes suddenly, startling Haahqae and making him lose his concentration. He tries a third time, but then the baaz suddenly changes position again, once again messing him up. This wasn't going to be as easy as it looks...

(Haahqae attempts to pick pocket the tin knife from the Baaz [TN 25%] (1d100): 69, fail. He is not detected.
Haahqae attempts to pick pocket the tin knife from the Baaz a second time [TN 25%] (1d100): 80, fail. He is not detected.
Haahqae attempts to pick pocket the tin knife from the Baaz a third time [TN 25%] (1d100): 76, fail. He is not detected.)

Tulbas Erogund (Tower of Wayreth, Lounge)
"Is that what you intend to do if you pass?" asks the half-elf. "To go out into the world and bring peace somehow?"

The older man shrugs. "Unlike you elf-folk, I've actually been out in the world, all over Ansalon. The gods and dragons can have it. Let the whole damn thing burn, if you ask me. Corruption, plague, hate, war, suffering...that's our world. Maybe that's why the gods are back--to finally finish the job they started with the Cataclysm."

Grubnick (Burned Building, Basement)
Slowly, Grubnick descends the stairs warily. When he reaches the bottom, he notes the place seems to have been cleaned up a bit. There's still some dried blood on the walls and floor and he can still see the burn marks from his oil. But the furniture that had been overturned or knocked aside is back in place. The door to the pantry hangs open, and the door beyond that does as well. He can hear voices coming from the dining hall. They sound joyous; it almost sounds like a boisterous tavern within with carousing and joke-telling.
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Re: CH. 12: Testing Grounds

Post by TristenC »

He moves cautiously nearer the open door but staying out of view. He listens carefully to see if he can hear what is being said, and for some clue to identify the speakers in so e minor way/

[ooc: he is trying to determine if they are human, goblin, baaz. Soldiers hiding out? Rogues? The homeless? I realize it might be long-odds to even get a little of this info, but he's going for it.]