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CH. 16: Homecoming

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Chris1234 »

Naras call out in Merman, "Hello there! I'm Naras! How are you all today? Anyone hurt or need healing?"
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by BishGada »

Baeros brings the shackles. Before handing them to Sierra he rattle with them a little to get Jocelyn attention, slightly holds up the shackles, winks at her and then gives them to Sierra as if nothing happened.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (The Hold)
Taking the manacles from Baeros, Sierra proceeds to chain up Penta. "I take it those spells won't last forever," she says. "What are we going to do about her? And Naishe, for that matter?"

Naras Stonebreaker (Quarter Deck)
"You can speak our language, surfacer?" asks one of the men. "Yes, we have wounded down here. Jump down and we'll take you to them."
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Chris1234 »

Naras continues in the merman tongue, "Yes. How were they wounded? And would you have it that I should drown?" probing for insincerity.

{OOC: What Does Naras know (or heard) of Mermen? Are these Mermen? And would Gonto's sense of community extend to them?}
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Breila »

"I guess we might need more than those to secure her" Ouragana says, pointing at Penta. "We have about ten minutes before the spells wear off."
"Gallath, you know Naishe and some of the situation. Could you please tell us what you know?" she then asks the elf.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (The Hold)
"I'm open to suggestions, but I still like my idea of tossing them both into the drink and being done with it," Sierra says.

Naras Stonebreaker (Quarter Deck)
"Do not fear, we won't let you drown, dwarf," replies the male. "We have ways to let you breathe. Just hop in, the water's great."

(OOC: I'm not sure. Naras grew up in a small community of 60 people in the middle of nowhere; she's so sheltered she had never even met an Octhanian, so it's hard to imagine she's ever seen one of the merfolk before, much less interacted with them. And yet, she can somehow speak their language? I can't say for sure how much she knows until I know how she learned to speak such an exotic language despite her sheltered upbringing.)
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by HorizonsDream »

"No, the prayer and spell won't last forever," Jocelyn says as she glances to Baeros. As she is a little unsure if she is suppose to say something to him or not for doing what she asked, she returns her attention back to Sierra. "It is probably best to keep them separate at the moment, so do you have another place where we can put Naishe?" she asks. "I just have a hard time believing that this woman, no matter how fanatical she might seem to be, is just randomly attacking this woman without some cause."
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Chris1234 »

"I need to tell the crew. How were your people wounded?" Naras continued in Merman.
Assuming she hears nothing that makes her think the mermen is uncharacteristically wanting to do her in, she tells Terra what's going on and what she plans to do, and, unless persuaded not to do so, after leaving her backpack and scroll of Clairvoyance behind securely behind but taking the Robes of Illusion in a large sack, jumps over the side.

Even if Terra advises to take off her armour, Naras will be hesitant to do that, intending to rely on Water Walking to pull her back to the surface, if required.

{OOC: Whilst still an adolescent with only 30 odd years to her name, and before being able to spellcast, Naras discovered a young wounded mermaid washed up on the beach. Naras tended to her and brought her back to health, clearing a fever and setting bones and fighting infection. Over the summer the pair became friends and learned each others' languages. Over the next seven years the mermaid, "Silverfrond", came back to visit (and play) for a period during the summer. When she stopped coming Naras was upset and missed her dearly. If there's anything in here that you want to rewrite, I'm fine with it. Just my attempt at filling in some blanks in the character's background..}
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by BishGada »

"Well... Penta showed her true form while she was angry. Maybe that will work with Naishe too. Do you know someone that can piss people off?" Baeros asks.

(OOC: Aiming for irony :))
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Nuke »

Val finally replies to Javos. "No, I just needed to let it out. Things are starting to work themselves out and it makes me feel weird. Outside of my comfort zone."

She moves to climb down. "We will see what happens"
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by HorizonsDream »

"If she is a demon, I'm really not looking to make her mad," Jocelyn says. "Though, she seems to have Gallath's trust, so perhaps we should leave it up to him to learn if she really is part demon or not. Even if she is part demon, that isn't reason enough to kill her."
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Breila »

"Yes, Gallath, we do need you to tell us what you know" Ouragana secunds Jocelyn.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (The Hold)
All eyes turn to Gallath, waiting his response.

(OOC: So, spyguy has been logging and even posting regularly at the site, but not in this game. His last post was a week ago. And we're all waiting on him. So if he hasn't posted by tomorrow at this time, I'll have to invoke the Three Day Rule and just NPC his response.)

Val Urgan (Quarter Deck)
"Oh, uh...okay then," Javos says as Val starts climbing down. "Uh, good talk," he adds, still a bit baffled by her behavior.

Val descends to the quarter deck, where Naras is speaking with Terra.

Naras Stonebreaker (Quarter Deck)
"Wait, you want to what?" asks Terra. "I know you're a land-lubber and all, but I can assure you from my years of experience on the sea that jumping into the drink in metal armor isn't the best idea. have some kind of magic to keep your armor from rusting and stop you from sinking like a stone and drowning?" She shrugs. "I mean, you aren't part of this crew, so I can't order you to stay. If that's the choice you want to make, so be it. What should I tell the others?"
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Nuke »

Hitting the quarterdeck, Val overhears the conversation. "Just tell 'em she's at the bottom" she says off hand
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Chris1234 »

Naras nods, "Fair point, Terra, don't want it rusting," and starts to take the armour off, ready to secure it somewhere on the ship, just so that it doesn't go overboard if the weather turns rough.
Hearing Val's interjection she adds, "Apparently the merfolk have wounded amongst them and I'm planning on going to heal them. I'll be casting Underwater Breathing, but I can split that with you if you want to come with me?"

{OOC: What Does Naras know (or heard) of Mermen? Are these Mermen? Are they known for luring land-folk to their doom? And would Gonto's sense of community extend to them?}