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Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:35 am
by Breila
"I'm pretty sure attacking the helmed horrors activates them as well as stepping on the plate" Ouragana says to Drav's idea. "At least that is how I would mak them. but you have a point. Maybe we can plan a joint attack that gives us better chances.
However, I suggest we sneak around all the traps and try the door that is open on the South side."
She carefully walks between the trap and the North door, then turns around and stops close to the easternmost helmed horror. Can she pass it and the trigger, maybe with a little jump?

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:29 pm
by JadedDM
From what Ouragana can tell, one could try jumping from one wall to the other, hopping over ten feet to land on the other side of the trap.
(OOC: This would require a successful jumping proficiency. If successful, one could jump xd6 feet forward, where 'x' is half of the character's level. So 2d6 for Drav or Granite and 3d6 for Gallath. If you don't have the jumping proficiency, you can only clear 1d6 feet at best. For each level of encumbrance, a -1 is added to the score. Failure to complete the jump means you'd land on the panel and trigger the trap.)

Another possibility is to try jumping between the statue and the trap, going diagonal for only five feet.
(OOC: In this case, it's the same as above, but you only need to clear 5 feet. However, you also need to make a DEX check or you will accidentally bump the statue in the process.)

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:22 pm
by xelphyn
Dahn notices Ouragana pondering the trap, "Hold on." He says. "Let me try to deal with this."
Dahn attempts to disable the trap.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:55 pm
by Nuke
Val tags along.....

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:49 am
by BishGada
"Back off grandma." Baeros says to Brock in a bored tone. "That was unintentional, although..." he lifts his eyes to look at Jocelyn again, ignoring Brock threatening posture and never ends the sentence. "Besides, she can decide for herself, don;t you think paps?" Baeros smiles at Brock but before the dwarf can answer he adds very seriously, "I'm glad she has you to guard her. Your loyalty is unquestioned." and he turns aways and goes with the rest, but when he sees Jocelyn face again when she takes control over the group he smiles at her awkwardly.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:35 pm
by JadedDM
Granite follows Ouragana and checks out the pressure plate trap at the end of the hall. Cutting off small pieces of the carpet with his dagger, he then crams those pieces into the cracks between the plate and the floor, essentially jamming it into place. It is now safe to walk over without worry.

Brock shakes his head at Baeros. "Problem is, I don't think you're bright enough to know if she's made a choice or not," he mutters to the oblivious ranger.


Granite attempts to disarm the trap on the end of the hall [TN 40%] (1d100): 34, pass.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:24 pm
by HorizonsDream
To avoid the conversation about making choices and the like, Jocelyn makes her way around the first trap to join the others at the south door. "Avoid touching the armors if you can when you go in."

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:26 pm
by spyguy1503
"Nice job!" Gallath attempts to disable the other trap.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:47 pm
by JadedDM
Following Granite's lead, Gallath uses the same procedure on the pressure plate in front of the club door and manages to jam it, making it safe to walk over.


Gallath attempts to disarm the trap in front of the club door [TN 65%] (1d100): 59, pass.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:57 pm
by Nuke
"Nice, I never woulda thought to do that." Val tries to walk very lightly across the pressure plate,

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:40 pm
by HorizonsDream
"Do you guys want to spilit up into two groups? One can search the club door, and the other group can search this door?" she says, motioning to the opened door.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:52 am
by BishGada
"It will be better if we stay together." Baeros looks at Jocelyn, somewhat aware of the double meaning. "In case we are ambushed or surprise a monster..."

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:45 am
by Breila
"Yes, we were barely able to handle the dangers as a group" Ourangana nods at Bearos's remark. "Let's start with the door that's already open." She squints, can she see anything from where she stands? at least what kind of room it is?

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:08 pm
by JadedDM
Looking through the door, Ouragana finds a large room that appears to have once been a prison of some kind. There are numerous cages, all rusted now, and each one large enough to hold a creature of nine or ten feet in height. There are also manacles on the walls, all rusted beyond use. Both the cages and manacles are empty. Unlike the study or the bedroom, it is clear nobody has been maintaining this room at all. A thick layer of dust covers the floor and everything else.

It appears there was once some kind of battle here. Some of the cages have been knocked over or broken. There are pieces of armor lying about, but no bodies with them. The only corpses are blackened troll skeletons, covered in ash. Ouragana could deduce that this is where the trolls the Wyvern was experimenting on were kept before they broke out and started populating the island.

Re: CH. 14: Beyond the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:15 pm
by xelphyn
"Be careful guys this place looks dangerous." Dahn says.
Dahn searches through the room for traps and other things of interest.