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Tulbas' Vignette

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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His uncle listens carefully to Tulbas' tale. "I'm not sure how you can protect the woman, but I might have a solution to the second problem," he states. He gets up and goes into the backroom, where he keeps his more valuable merchandise. After a few moments, he returns holding a simple looking wand. "This is a wand of magical detection," he explains. "It's quite old, but it should still have a dozen or so charges, maybe more, remaining." He hands the wand to his nephew.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas appriciates the great value of the object. "Thank you uncle. I'll do my best to use it wisely and hope I can return the favore in the future." Tulbas accepts the wand, holding it with awe. After a moment he looks up at Raetmal, "Thanks again. I'd better get some sleep, and I will consider some more my future actions."
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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"You may as well have some dinner first," Raetmal says, getting up. "I have some stew cooking in the back."


Tulbas receives a Wand of Magic Detection.

When used, this wand will pulse and point to the strongest source of any magic within a 30' radius. Operation requires one round and successive rounds will point out successively less powerful magical radiations. The school of magi can be determined if one round is spent concentrating on the subject emanation. One charge is expended each turn of use. Starting with the second round of continuous use, there is a 2% cumulative chance per round that the wand will temporarily malfunction and indicate nonmagical items as magical, or vice-verse.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

As Raetmal never before so insisted on their common meals, even though they usually did eat together, Tulbas feels that this is his uncle restrained way of saying he wants to spend time with him. Moved by the gesture, he feels some difficulty to speak. "Err... sure... I was somewhat preoccupied. I'll go and set the table." he says, carefully putting the wand in one of his robe's many pockets.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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After Tulbas sets the table, Raetmal brings the stew pot out and pours some in two bowls--one for each of them. It's a simple vegetable stew, but probably more than most people in the city get to eat.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

As they eat their stew, Tulbas brings up memories of their first meeting few years ago, and then of the craft mentoring he received from Raetmal. They chuckle together remembering some of the explosions and strange affects after some of Tulbas failures with the magical ingredients in the laboratory.
As the conversation assumes a more serious atmosphere Tulbas concludes, "Well, I'd better get some rest. I'm not sure if I'll return here every day. In case I won't, I'll be in touch whenever possible, who knows, in might be less than a few days in all." Then he clears the table, wash the dishes and goes up to his room where he packs his equipment. His spell book in a special bag that can be hidden in his robes, some cloth, some papers and bottled ink for his notes. Not much, but the things he holds dearly. Near the backpack he places his quarterstaff still debating whether to take it with him since his mission is still inside the city, boots and the rest of his money he had left earlier this evening behind. Then he thinks of the last things to pack tomorrow but there is not much, maybe just some food for the day.
He looks around, gives a heavy sigh and gets to bed.

Tulbas will learn in the morning Detect Magic and four Cantrips.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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Tulbas awakens the following morning after a restless night of bad dreams; mostly of running through the Silvanesti forests, trying to find his family.

Looking out his window, he notes the weather is overcast and it looks cold out. Winter will soon be upon the city, and one can only imagine how much more difficult that will make things for many people.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tired, troubled and gloomy, Tulbas looks out the windows and thinks to himself, 'so much for the good omens'. He grabs some food remnants he had at his desk, clears his mind and spends time meditating and memorizing his spells, and then carefully packs his spellbook. Later on he recalls in his mind all the events of the previous day, tries to look at things from different angles, to remember Nora's and her bodyguards reactions along the conversation.
As he doesn't find any new realization, he sighs shortly, shakes himself back to reality, and with a little bit forced good mood, packs his belongings, makes sure the Detect Magic wand is well secured in his robe's pockets, get downstairs, pack some food for the day, and eats breakfast.

Tulbas memorizes Detect Magic and four Cantrips
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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While Tulbas eats breakfast, his uncle tends the shop. Currently, he's speaking with a customer wearing black robes. Few men are bold enough to wear the colors of the High Orders in public, but to walk around in the black robes of Nuitari is particularly courageous. The man is either a reckless fool or so powerful to no longer be concerned about peasants with pitchforks.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas curiosity is triggered. He puts down the chunk of bread in his hand, brushes himself clean and finds a place near his uncle, "May I be of assistance?" he asks his uncle while looking at the mage.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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The man in black turns toward Tulbas, revealing a hideous disfiguration upon his face. It is as if a part of his cheek had been torn away, but never healed. Tulbas had heard of wizards who, upon taking their Test at the High Tower of Sorcery, were left with some kind of maiming.

"Tulbas!" Raetmal objects. "You are interrupting. Pardon me, sir. This is my nephew."

The man looks at Tulbas with a cold, calculating appraisal. After a moment, he says, "I'm sure the lad meant no harm."
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas, at first stares at the mage's cheek, then startled by his uncle exclamation turns his look to his uncle and says, "Sorry, just thought I might help. I'll leave at once." He faces the mage and says with a small bow, "My deepest apologizes if I interrupted in any way." and truns to leave back to the kitchen. At the kitchen he checks again his packages and wait for the mage to leave so he can give his farewells to his uncle and go to meet Nora again.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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As Tulbas returns to the kitchen, he can feel the piercing eyes of the black robed man on his back.

After a few minutes, the two seem to conclude their business together. The black robed man departs, and Tulbas is free to speak to his uncle again before leaving.
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas carries his packs from the kitchen back to the shop and puts them on the desk as he stands near Raetmal. "Rare sight, this mage." Tulbas says. "What did he want?"
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Re: Tulbas' Vignette

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"Components, mostly," Raetmal states. "He also had a lot of questions about the city, too. He said he was new in town."