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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:01 pm
by Jenara
"Make him appear from behind the building, and walk between the trees." Mira agress, web spell on her lips.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:12 pm
by Rivi
cross complies casting the spell

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:02 pm
by kerap
Artanis scans the areas where Pyros directed him to look, notching an arrow in the process.

OOC: Any of these critters in short bow range - short to medium range. Long might be a stretch just yet.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:12 pm
by Chris1234
OOC: Does the kitchen window open?

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:48 pm
by Nocturno
Seeing Artanis ready an arrow, Pyros stretches his arms and gets his hoopak ready with normal stones.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:53 pm
by TristenC
[Chris: Yes, the windows all are able to unlatch in the center and swing open outwards.]
[Kerap: shortbow short range is 50-yards. All visible targets are within short range for him.]
[Range on cantrip nwp is 10 feet]

Cross pulls out a bot of fleece and chants his illusory magic. The figure of Ontash steps around beside the house and begins to walk into the fenced-in front yard... The others prepare their weapons and magic. The only wolf visible from inside freezes and crouches. Slowly it begins to creep forward, using its natural stealth.

Cross casts Phantasmal Force and creates an illusion of Ontash.

Map added: 1 square is 10 feet
The wolves are normal size and circled in red to make them easier to spot on the map
Only Artanis and Pyros are depicted on the map.
The bright blue dots indicate the windows on the ground floor. Only one wolf can currently be seen by those inside, and that one only through the window in the den.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:16 am
by Jenara
"Steady, we wait for more." Mira warns, one hand on the crossbow the other preparing her spell.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:16 am
by Chris1234
Jerry slips open the window and then waits until either a viable target presents itself or else she's summoned elsewhere.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:13 pm
by kerap
Artanis likes the vantage point he and Pyros have on the roof, and he selects his target - the wolf closest to the chicken house. He pulls up the bow, sights in his target, quietly draws the bow string, pauses to hold his breath and lets the first arrow fly. And it flies very wide of the mark.
He calmly and quietly notches another arrow, pulls up the bow, sights in his target, pulls back on the string, pauses to hold his breath and lets the second arrow fly. This arrow also flies wide of the mark.

Game Mechanics:
Attack #1: Attack with bow: [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4, Damage [1d6] = 4
Attack #2: Attack with bow: [1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7, Damage [1d6] = 5
OOC: Of course. But when I need an NWP check I'll roll all 19's and 20's.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:09 pm
by Nocturno
"Normal stones?" Pyros will whisper while firing his stones when he sees Artanis loose his first arrow.

Ini, Hit(Thac0:16), Hit, Dmg Dmg: [1d10] = 10 [1d20] = 4 [1d20] = 4 [1d4+2] = 1+2 = 3 [1d4+2] = 2+2 = 4

[OoC: So my Thac0 takes in my full dex already I think, so those 4s are a super miss... I think.]

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:00 pm
by kerap
Artanis whispers in reply: "Yes."

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:00 pm
by Jenara
Mira holds her crossbow, waiting.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:23 pm
by TristenC
The pair on the roof take careful aim and let their missiles fly! The first arrow clatters noisily against the side of the chicken house, while the second thunks harmlessly into the ground. Pyros slings his stones as well, but in the fog and moonlight it is difficult to aim appropriately. The unusual elevation plays a part as well, and the two stones tumble to the ground far from their mark.

The wolves, however, seem to realize they're under fire. The one near the ditch backs into the depression, looking curiously around for the source of the attack. The two nearest the chicken house quickly sprint to the trees nearby for cover. The last wolf takes a tenative step towards the front yard, but stops abruptly when...


The eerie howl of Artanis' target foe rings through the night like the mournful wail of a spirit; haunting in its clean, even tone.


The two other wolves to the east pick up the call, and the northernmost creature retreats to the safety of the trees behind before adding a fourth howl. The sounds are almost identical in tone with just the barest change in pitch between each, creating a ringing harmonic wail...

A solitary figure appears at the corner of the chicken house. The scale is difficult to tell from the rooftop, but the creature looms dark and large in the night. It walks on two legs like the creature Jaconos...

[Everyone heard the howling very clearly]
The picture shows them together, but the wolces are spread out as shown on the map.
The fleshy circle is Cross' Ontash illusion

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:49 pm
by Chris1234
Jerry waits until either a viable target presents itself or else she's summoned elsewhere.

Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Out of Harmony" (Game Thread)

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:16 am
by Jenara
Can Mira see the wolves in the trees?