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Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Spike's homebrew 1st edition AD&D world.

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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

Karlane repeats to Zyn what she saw and heard the jailer doing when he opened Sun's cell and shares the names on the piece of paper, "Might be passwords to bypass traps or alarms. Can you work on releasing the other pair? I need to do some stuff."

After telling Idrys what she's doing, and adding "If Zyn goes the next prisoner out successfully, get that one kitted up and Zyn can work on the next. Find out what the both the other two can do, would you? And keep a watch over me, please. Will be about 15 minutes," Karlane settles down in one corner of the equipment room to pray for a spell, CLW.

"Got your back," replies Idrys, who settles back into the shadows to keep watch but ready to supervise if required.
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

Karlene regains her spell after sufficiently praying for power.

When she stirs, Zyn returned with the human fighter and the big bellied elf. The elf it turned out has a lowly runt Goblin porter he refers to as Turd.

The elf says 'my thanks, Lorian priestess you have the gratitude of mighty Valtor, at your service. And such a lovely creature I might add' he added.

The human fighter said 'Aye, my thanks. Fitting it would be a Lorian cleric. I am Garosh Graycloak. My liege lord pays homage to Lor, as do I. He's answered my prayer for freedom. You did good to end this foul scum's life, he was a wily little bastard, and much more than he seemed. Not just a jailer as I thought him to be but an artist of evil works' then he paused and says 'this one sure was a greedy piece of dung! My heart is rejoicing at his demise'
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

"Right. Let's sort some things out," replies Karlane, letting the compliment slide. ~Time enough for vanity later,~ she thinks.

Facing Valtor and Garosh the Lorian says, "You're welcome. I'm Karlane. Are either of you damaged? I will be expecting you to help me. For what and how long Lor has not yet made clear to me but I know the first steps. Also, I expect you to never lie to me. I understand secrets but would expect to be told why. Good with that?"

She pauses for their replies. If both are positive, "So, tell me your skill sets and then get your equipment. Just yours." She points at the remaining equipment. "By the way, what is ‘Thyriz'?"

While they're kitting up, Karlane turns to Zyn, "Let me clear up a detail. I know Ash. We have shared battles. While circumstances since have led to this point, he did not send me to rescue you. That was my choice. Sorry for the misdirection, but timing was of the essence. Are we good?"

When the other two are equipped, she nods to the shadow in the corner, "My brother. I trust him with my life."

Idrys takes a pace forward and looks round the three, "I am Idrys. Help and protect her and you shall have my thanks." He leaves the consequences of the opposite to inferred.
"Are any of you skilled with a trident?"
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

Zyn nodded, 'Matter's not, Ash has saved my hide before, it's gotten to be a curious habit of his. And now I am indebted to you, for surely this man had ill intentions toward us all. He threatened us to explore and do some things in the deepearth below'

Garosh grinned, 'I'll try to keep my lying tongue from spewing any major lies but I have a penchant for telling pretty lies now and again, though ones that hardly matter, like which hand is my real swordhand, do I prefer blondes or brunettes, that sort of thing. Oh I'm a fighter, a rather gorgeous and wounded one, the wounds here my sweet' he points to his heart with a disarming smirk.

The one named Valtor seemed so sneer at this, then said 'come come, surely you must have heart of the mighty Valtor, Master alchemist Heh heh. Well, I'm an illusionist, as well I am skilled in stealth, but that is all I will say of it. My profession is manifold, a counselor and a prophet, a spy and a retriever of stolen artifacts'

Garosh was now clad in a suit of black chainmail, cloak, hood, leather gloves, and a beautiful ornate helm made of gleaming black metal and had a noseguard instead of a visor. He bore a two handed sword and a pair of shortswords, a crossbow, and at least ten throwing daggers (one at the nape of his neck, one in each boot, one at each wrist and elbow, etc).

Garosh strode up and kissed your hand tenderly then said 'I must confide mi'lady priestess that I was actually captured quite on purpose, on a mission of deep infiltration by the Lord Duke commander of the city-state of Lor, Lord Daynar Succundus. I was tracking the slave trade that was smuggling slaves through black bay in Lor, and this is how I ended up here. The duke has a soft heart for orphans and the oppressed. This jailer was about to reveal his employer to me, but alas you ended him before I got the chance to learn who his handler was. I believe a man called the architect who I've been at my wits end to root out into the open'
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

Karlane nods, "Thank you, gentlemen. So, do any of you know, what is ‘Thyriz'?"

Idrys echoes, "So none of you are skilled with a trident," and puts the complicated net-shooting trident in the storeroom.

{OOC: Does Karlane think Lord Daynar Succundus is the vampire causing her and Idrys all the grief?}
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

Valtor said 'Thyriz is of Dwemer origin, it is a spherical object used to power Dwemer artiface. Extremely rare, you'll never find such in the known world. Even adventurer's with sufficient audacity have never gained such rare treasures. Only the forbidden archives of your order would hold the key to such secrets'

Lord Daynar is not a vampire, he's a known fighter-lord in Lor and a staunch ally of the watchers and the order of Lor. He is also secretly loved by the young queen. You know that he regularly employs adventurer's and his house soldiers are the best fighters in the kingdom.

Your sister is the identified culprit who has been trying to have you and Idrys eliminated, to avoid scandal at having two dhampir as sibblings. Also to ensure that there are no contenders to the wealth, prestige, and power of the Telemvor estates, throne, and forces. Estates which include castle trinity and elemental mountain fortress.
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

"Thank you, Valtor. You're the first to have spoken of it. What do you make of this?" she replies, getting one vial of (of the 12) out for his inspection.
When I found this it was with a piece of paper that described it as 'Thyriz '."

After listening to any reply, she changes subject, "So how did each of you physically get here? And what forces do the previous owners of this place have nearby?"

{OOC: Approx how far does Karlane think this safe house is from Harby? (And in what direction from Harby?)}
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

Garosh: "Some thugs in an alley, one got a lucky hit from behind with a blackjack and it was lights out. Woke up in a huge crate aboard a frigate that was docking in Stoink's docks'

Zyn: 'I approach camp, they ambush me when I enjoying fire and having stew. Then I wake up in cell'

Valtor: 'They needed my skills to create black powder, then when I demanded payment they locked me in here instead, simple as that, little understanding who the mighty Valtor truly is otherwise they would be trembling in terror'

Stoink is approximately 3 days north by northeast of Harby by land (horse), 1.5 days by river. Better yet, you can use the air spells in the stargem to make your horses fly for 1/2 day travel (the spell is powerful enough to bore several horses/people).
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

"I see. I'd understood that this place was supposed to be unguarded by full of unpleasant traps. I'm wondering if the letter that I intercepted was deliberately planted," comments Karlane. "Not sure if I'd be wasting a 'Find Traps' spell on this place. Thoughts?"

"So then, Valtor, what do you make of this?" she says, holding up the vial of liquid (one of 12) that was previously cited to be 'Thyriz'. And 'I don't know' is an acceptable answer. As is, 'I know, but I don't want to tell you'."
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

Valtor took the vial, sniffed its contents and examined it then laughed 'I know it's not 'Thyriz' whatever idiot told you did it to mislead you, why I've no clue. It's like calling a potion of heal a sphere of annihilation he crooned. Then after some thought said 'This place was certainly rigged with traps, however the jailer you killed had a professional thief dismantle all of them. They were installed by some mysterious adventurer's called Watchers. But this fellow decided to take over things and quickly subdued the other few guards, giving them bribes and letting them rape or torture some previous prisoners for sport. Fortunately I was able to convince them not to molest any of us on threat of my vast power' he said flatly.

Garosh: "There is a room above that is full of secret holes that emit knock out gas. His tactic was locking guests in there until they passed out, then place them in prison. Quite simple, and most effective'
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

{OOC: Approx What time is it now? 8am? Trying to figure out if there's time to do the letter swap, hijack the weapons and still got onto the road (NE?) to meet the blind seer without having to split up.}

"So what forces do the people that captured you, or that you were trying to investigate, have nearby?" queries Karlane. "I'm considering whether this is actually still a safe house for us. Or whether we need to abandon it."
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

Valtor said 'none, there were no other forces nearby. This place is yours for the taking. This jailer stole the deed from the city, somehow. Curious myself how he managed that little bit of grand larceny, but I've a feeling he used Zyn's boots and cloak to steal into Stoink's royal bank' he laughed.

Zyn said 'Ah, you would do well to hire some out of work blokes to safeguard it, just to ensure no..unwanted fools come and try to lay claim to it. It was I who dismantled the traps. There are a great many, none terribly lethal more like the kind designed to capture and divide larger forces. There are protective outer shells that cover the house completely from the outside in the event of an invasion. Reinforced titanium steel, reinforced with a powerful dweomer that makes them resistant to magic. They're also limned with lead to prevent apparitions from passing through'
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

"That's something for another day, unless you know anyone suitable. What time is it? Wondering if I've got time to pray for another spell," Karlane asks. "Maybe you'd search the rest of the basement, please?"
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by spike »

'You do, go ahead and rest' Garosh said, 'no idea what time it is'

Valtor 'it's close proximity to ninth hour if my senses serve me'

When she finished praying for power and felt Lor's blessings descend upon her, she saw visions and dreams.

of these 2 stood out:

the first was a unit of black guardsmen at an orphanage in the outskirts of a city. THey were rounding up children in caged wagons. One managed to escape and tried to flee, but a soldier fired a crossbow bolt into the fleeing boys back.

Then, you saw deeper into the orphanage and came upont he sight of four boys and three girls being lead by a monk. He ushered them past a strong metal oval shaped door which he shut tightly behind him as a volley of crossbow bolts came at him. Then he outstretched a hand and the bar behind the door, easily which would have taken ten men to move slid to a lock position.

A ripple in the door's material formed, looking like water and in came two black guard assassins who drew blades and rushed the monk. With a dual pair of rods he defeats them in a span of moments.

Then you saw a man who seemed neither familiar or strange to you, his face was concealed and he was escorted by a man and a woman whose essence appeared to be infused with shadow stuff, both were warriors. They were moving fast down a hall and came upon a large impressive chamber when he bowed before another, whose face was partially concealed by a hood. This one looked like a withered old man, with cold eyes and a permanent scowl mixed with a smug mocking smile. 'Ah, my apprentice returneth. What news?'

The man with two bodyguards knelt in reverence 'all is going in accordance to your design, and your perfect will. The Watcher's are lost in a thick, greasy cloud of obfuscation. I relish their confusion and their pathetic fanaticism. However...'

His master said 'you know how I hate howeers!'

The kneeling man said 'some minor disruptions, however scant, rogue operatives dispatched by the Lorian order. They seek to halt our finding of Dezloz's brats'

'Hah, Dezloz is a fool. Let them interfere! The whelps will soon become mine, and the party I dispatched to ensure their capture are quite formidable, relentless, and merciless! My champions will crush whatever pitiable agents the Lor clergy dare sends against us. Knight errant, a pair of she-devils who love battle, drow assassin, vampire thief and a sorcerer and priestess of Loviatar. I fear for any who cross their paths!'
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Re: Part I: Spy Games (Karlene Blackcloud intro)

Post by Chris1234 »

While waiting for the others to finish searching the basement, ~any minute now~ Karlane thinks, she silently changes the password to reach this safehouse and then tries on the spring-loaded wrist-sheath from the former jailer. She adjusts it as she practices with it until either satisfactory or it's clear that it won't work for her.
While doing so, she replays the visions in her mind to try and ascertain the likely city of the orphanage and the possible identity of either the kneeling apprentice or the apparently withered old man.
{OOC: Not sure but maybe Intelligence Gathering (18) or Obscure Knowledge (16) might be relevant?}