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Chapter 3: Scene of the Crime

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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

"Well you heard the man, step outside and we will talk." Navi smiles at Olban and tilts her head, "This is important, lives are at stake." Her light hearted tone vanishes for a moment, "Please." Throwing back her hair she gives him a slightly pleading look. "And I promise I'll find you some good beer."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Namenlos »

Olban accedes with a nod and steps out the door, and begins to poke around the general area to see what he can find.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

Arnora watches him go, breathing a sigh of relief, the big man scared her.. Her mind running overtime she tried not to imagine what one like him might do to her.

"Lives really are at stake, innocent lives. Cards on the table this could prove bad for us all." She explains sitting down and patting the seat next to her, motioning to the young half elf. "It's simple, when someone realises they are missing it's going to bring people looking for them, people that will manage to get every member of the watch and the guard looking in places no one wants them looking. Your trading business will be ruined, every cutpurse, basher, and street walker is going to be locked up." Rapping her fingers on the table she continues.

"It doesn't matter who you work for, or who you don't, this is a matter of.. Survival. Do you want the Damn Lords looking everywhere you are?" Frowning deeply she pauses to squeeze Arnora's leg. "I certainly don't, so if you have any piece of information you might be able to share without.. Compromising your position I would appreciate it."

"What can I do for you? Other than obviously what's on your mind right now." She winks ever so slightly, once again becoming light and relaxed, her whole posture changing as she sits back in the chair.

Arnora stays silent, a small smile appearing on her face, her Mistress wasn't crazy, she knew exactly what she wanted to say, did this Alek know what she was trying to do? He looked smart enough, he probably did. Holding Navi's hand tightly she simply sends back a single thought: Thank you.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Nuke »

spot check. (1d20 =18)

Mortimer flashes a look of realization and one can almost see a light go off behind his eyes.

"Vrunar, I would like to know just what you are up to besides looking for a party."

The elf continues this line of questioning." It sounds as if we just might be trying to find the same quarry."

The elf leans in close before continuing, "Like that white fellow talking to Hambone there at the bar."
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by BishGada »

Vrunar realizes Mortimer had also identified the Albino as Jason Sanguis from Arnora story. He let the waitress leave the table, especially when she didn't seem to know much about the kidnap then he speaks to Mortimer in low voice, "It's Jason! He has the Z scar on his arm. According to the lady, he is a chatter and arrogant one, so probably he wasn't hired for anything but leading the Dancian's to the trap and hence I'd rule out following him. Why don't we invite him for drinks and chat that could later be followed up in the Temple?" Vrunar suggests barely keeping his anger at bay.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by mltillis »

Mortimer and Vrunar

As Mortimer and Vrunar watch and wait, other patrons descend the ladder to the privy and after relieving themselves return to the barroom. However, Jason does not.

Navi and Arnora

Alek listens to Navi's words uneasily. Now hold on there gorgeous. We've had the guard crack down from time to time. No big deal. Everyone just lies low for a while and prices go up in the meantime. Why would this occasion be any different? Travelers disappear on the road and sea all the time. Even if they were grabbed here in the city right after arriving, what proof would there be that they ever reached Waterdeep?
Jenara wrote:"What can I do for you? Other than obviously what's on your mind right now." She winks ever so slightly, once again becoming light and relaxed, her whole posture changing as she sits back in the chair.
That's not the part of me I want it to be upon.. But listen here. I don't wants it bad enough to do something stupid that could cause me trouble down the road. And definitely not for free. Now I was thinking. There is something you can do for me. Being a respectful business man and all, I wouldn't mind a little respect and recognition around the city. Now what better way to get that, than by attending the Cynosure Ball with one of the loveliest dames around? I know your family always gets invites and never uses them. This year you're going to that ball on my arm for all the city to see. Now in return, I may be able give you some information that picks up the trail outside and aways from the city. Far enough away as to not concern any of my other associates and definitely not concern the city guard... Who knows if things work out nice enough, I may even be willing to alter my standard practices. You know I try to keep things even. All my associates get an equal amount of referrals good and poor. Depending on how things go, I may be willing to make your organization my primary associate. You wouldn't get everything mind you, but you would get the cream of the crop. Well? What do you say?


From the balcony Olban has a good view of the barroom below. Almost all of the customers appear to be the typical customers you would expect in such an establishment. Two do stand out though. Sitting at a corner table, the pair appear to be watching and plotting against a man who is descending to the privy alone.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Nuke »

"Or" Mortimer thinks out loud "We could go visit the facilities ourselves."
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Namenlos »

From his vantage point looking down Olban attempts to find any likely tankards to spit into, whilst keeping an eye upon the two suspicious men and their mysterious target. Feeling slightly self-conscious in such a commanding position he straightens his cloak and hood around himself to better hide his features, as well.

OOC: edited to correct a spelling error, it said "straightens his cloak and head" Doh!
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by BishGada »

"Let's go." Vrunar says and slowly stands. He tries his best to avoid attracting attention, but he is too out of place to manage that.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

"Thats an interesting suggestion." Navi sits quietly for a few moments, "Now you understand I am given certain liberties due to my postion, but something like that has to be discussed, I can't just go giving out tickets to everyone." She raises a hand to stop any protest, "If she knows the deal you are offering then the odds are pretty damn good."

"If she agrees, then you can come with us," She motions to Arnora, "and my family. We can dance, you can dance right?" She gives a wide smirk, "But, I need something to tell her. I know they are taking them to Skullport, thats where I'd take them." Leaning in she whispers gently, "Give me a name."

Arnora sits sliently, Navi's methods were quite unique, she obviously believed in results, and wasnt too bothered with... niceties, how she could find this.. scrawny thing attractive?

"As for the guards and the watch, what they are trying to do will bring down a level of pain you have never seen." She adds, her voice quite level, "I'm not saying this to scare you."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Nuke »

Mortimer rises as well. "What is the plan? Detain him?"
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by BishGada »

"Let's ask the bartender if there is another exit near the privy. If he pops back we would buy him a drink and let him brag again about his part in the abduction."
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Nuke »

"Don't ask, let's just go look. We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention." Mortimer replies.

With that he rises on moves to go visit the head.
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by mltillis »

Vrunar and Mortimer

The washrooms are interesting, accessed by two ladders in the floor. Men descend one ladder, and ladies descend another. Mortimer and Vrunar climb down a ladder into a little antechamber and find one room with two jakes about an arm’s stretch apart that face one another across a low 3-foot-high wall. It’s an ideal place for exchanging items on the sly. The rushing waters of the sewers are easily heard. The room is otherwise empty. Jason is nowhere to be seen.


From his vantage point Olban witnesses the pair descend to the washroom that the albino had entered earlier, as he ponders recent events.

Navi and Arnora

Like I said strumpet, the trail you want to be on leads away from Waterdeep. But I understand you wanting to have something to take back to that fine boss of yours. So, I'll give you a name. Word is that these people you are looking for, got their hands on a very valuable piece of cargo. Well valuable to them anyway. Valuable enough that they felt the need to go the extra mile moving her out of the city and contracted a wee bit of extra assistance. Now, the name don't mean much to me. But it sure had them worked up a bit... Vestele.. yeah, Vestele Ealoeth that was it. Now you go tell your boss what I want. If she agrees, I'll give you the name and address of one of those contractors who made the trip.
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: Scene of the Crime

Post by Jenara »

Yarie watches the men depart with interest, he knew the sewers, but some of those rats could clean kill him without a second thought. Sending a thought to his mistress he sits in wait.

Navi's face shows no emotion at the mention of the name, instead she just nods and offers her hand. "Interesting. Well it looks like we have a deal. I will return by midday, if that is acceptable?" With that she stands and moves away.

"Let's go, looks like our "friends" are taking a trip." She adds, her attention on the door.

~Todays password is 'Mother'~ She sends to Vrunar, ~You'll understand shortly~

Taking Arnoras hand she moves to the door and opens it slightly. "It's been fun doing business with you good sir, I hope we can continue to do so." If he doesnt stop her she will leave.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi