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CH. 3: Mages, Mages Everywhere

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Trench Residence, 12 River Way
"Whoa there," Kynaston says, moving to block Kendra's way before she gets outside. "You might have forgotten, but this isn't exactly the nicest part of town. If you walk around carrying stuff like that visibly, well, you'll attract a lot of attention. I've already been robbed once, let's not take any risks." He takes the items from Kendra and places them in the chest with the others. He then closes the chest and hefts it up on his shoulder again. "Better to transport them in this old thing."

When Haahqae and Gregeddin agree to come, Kynaston nods. "By all means. Maybe you can make sure I get a good deal." He looks to Darga. "You can come, too, if you like. But if you have something else to do, we'll be meeting back here later." He looks around. "I'll...hopefully have this place cleaned up soon."

Turning to Kendra, he says, "Guess you should lead the way, since you know where this place is."

Erogundali Mageware Shop, 253 Herbalist Street
"Thank you, nephew," Raetmal says. "You, too, are the only family I've had contact with in a long time. And you are an excellent student. You remind me of your mother--my dear sister--in that way. She, too, could absorb new spells like a cloth in water. While I was still struggling with cantrips, she was already casting advanced spells. Granted, everyone in House Mystic is expected to become a great mage...but your mother had a talent I had never seen before, or seen since, until I took you in."

He finishes his tea and sets the cup down on the saucer gently. Then he pulls something from a pouch on his belt and places it on the table. It's a beautiful silver ring with a white gemstone carved to resemble a crescent moon. "This is the Ring of Erogund. It has been passed down from generation to generation in our family. Rightfully, it belonged to your mother. When I was exiled, she slipped it to me before they took me away. It served me well in exile. I was a young mage, thrust out into a world that hated me for my race and my profession. Without this ring, I might not have made it. By rights, it belongs to you now. It bolsters the power of the wearer, allowing them to cast more spells than they normally could in a day."


(OOC: The Ring of Erogund is a minor Ring of Wizardry. It will double your first level spell slots when worn.)
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks at the ring for a time without touching it. 'A reminder of my family. My mother...' his eyes sting. He looks back at his uncle eyes. "I... I... Thank you uncle. It means a lot to me. This ring will become the symbol of our strong family connections. I really miss Mother and Father. I hope they would have been proud of whom have I become."
Tulbas reaches to the ring and wears it with his eyes close. The warmth swirl in his guts contradicts the cold touch of the ring on his finger. He feels his mind expanding, his understanding of the arcane path deepening and his abilities improved. He opens his eyes, looks at his uncle and thanks him again.
Finishing his tea he says to Raetmal, "Well, I'd better get some rest before tomorrow. Unknowningly I put Daxia in a situation it will be very difficult to get her out of. One last thing, the black mage we met this morning... I'm a little bit concerned. He seemed so confident. I never saw a black mage going so boldly out in the streets with his robes exposed. Try to keep safe, cast some defenses and don't hesitate to look for me if you need any help. I can't shake the feeling that we will meet him again, soon, and not on good terms. I couldn't bare if something happens to you, especially while I'm not here."
With that Tulbas goes to his room for some rest.

Tulbas considers the task before them and learns Sleep and Charm Person spells assuming if there will be fight with the cult followers it will be in two days, while tomorrow they will try to get information and convince Nora to help Daxia.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by HorizonsDream »

~Great. Everyone gets to meet him,~ Kendra thinks to herself as she leads the group towards Norris' shop.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Greylock's Gorgeous Gems, 2527 Market Street
The group steps outside. Kynaston removes the lockpick from his lock and tosses it aside, then re-locks his home...for all the good that might do. "Well, if someone else breaks in, at least all they'll get is a big mess," he laments.

Kendra leads them south, out of the harbor district and toward the merchant square. They take Blade Street until they reach Market Street, and from there it's just a short walk to the jeweler shop. The building is marked with a large gemstone sigil and under it are written the words (for those of you who can read) "Greylock's Gorgeous Gems."

The shop looks like it's recently been damaged. The store window has been smashed and now boarded up. The door, although still standing, has taken some fire damage and is blackened in some areas. Other shops along the street have suffered similar damage in areas, some worse than others.

Stepping inside, they find the interior of the shop is in better shape than the exterior. The display case is empty now, and indeed, there is nothing on display at all.

A man in his early thirties stands behind the counter. He has medium length black hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion. His chin is covered in course stubble and there's a nasty cut across the left side of his face, which is now bandaged. His left hand is also badly burned and covered in bandages, as well. He puts his right hand on the hilt of a rapier at his belt, tensing when the party enters. He immediately drops his guard when he sees Kendra, however.

"Kendra! Thank the Seeker gods!" he says, rushing to her side. He gives her a hug, then places his hands on her shoulders and looks her up and down. "You're wounded! What happened? There was a riot and they tried to break in here. Afterward I looked all over the city for you. None of the Holy Guard had any idea where you were. I was...starting to think you might have fallen or been captured during the riot. Your family said something about a mine, but they had no details and none of us knew what to think."

Erogundali Mageware Shop, 253 Herbalist Street
Removing his gloves, Tulbas places the ring on his finger and can instantly feel his spell power double.

"I will keep an eye out for him," Raetmal says, referring to the Black Robed Wizard. "He was rather suspicious and I have been on edge since the riot, and so my defenses are already up. It may have been awhile since my Test, but anyone trying to force their way in here will find more than they bargained for, I assure you."


It is currently Tenth Watch (4 PM).

(OOC: I was just looking at the map of Haven that is posted over in the Places and People thread and only just now realized it's upside down. South is 'up' and north is 'down' which means throughout this entire game so far, I've been giving the wrong directions when describing things. The docks and the Haven river, for instance, are on the north side of the city, not the south. When the party went to the mines, they left through the fair gate, not the main gate. Well, that's embarrassing. I'll be posting the right directions from now on.)
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra winces a little bit as she is hugged, but manages to return to hug. "I'm fine, Norris. I didn't get caught in the riots. I was out of the town when it happened, helping a man clean out his mine that was overrun with...demons," she explains. "But I'm not the only one that is wounded," she points out. "Are you all right?" she asks.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by BishGada »

"Uncle, do you have some written information about Fistandantilus handy? I better learn as much as possible on him in order to prepare to rescue Daxia and maybe in the longer term understand whether Darewind is fraud or Fistandantilus actually became a god." Tulbas asks before climbing to the attic.

(OOC: If there is some information Tulbas can have, I'd be happy to know it. I guess I won't post until the party thread comes tomorrow morning to match the timelines.)
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin waits politely for Kendra's conversion to conclude before going to introduce himself
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by Haahque »

"Bliming long legged people and moving so quickly." Haahqae trots in, as usual, energetic and grinning. "Oh hi! You must be the jeweler that we've heard... actually fairly little about. Who are you? Are you Greylock? I'm Haahqae by the way, pleased to make your acquaintance. I see you like jewels, that's very nice. Are you kind? How do you know Kendra?"
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Greylock's Gorgeous Gems, 2527 Market Street
Kendra wrote:"I'm fine, Norris. I didn't get caught in the riots. I was out of the town when it happened, helping a man clean out his mine that was overrun with...demons. But I'm not the only one that is wounded. Are you all right?"
"Demons?" Norris blinks at her. "Oh, I'll live. Damn refugees tried to break in here. One of them set fire to my shop, and another one cut me with a broken bottle. I managed to fight them off before things got too rough, though, and the riot guard helped."
Haahqae wrote:Who are you? Are you Greylock? I'm Haahqae by the way, pleased to make your acquaintance. I see you like jewels, that's very nice. Are you kind? How do you know Kendra?"
Only now does Norris seem to take notice of the others now in his shop. He frowns at the gnome. "Yes, I am Norris Greylock, the owner of this store. Who are all of you people?" he asks, noting that they are all armed and some of them wounded like Kendra is.

Erogundali Mageware Shop, 253 Herbalist Street
Raetmal considers Tulbas' question. "I do have a book on famous mages of the past. If I remember correctly, there is an entry on Fistandantilus in there. It's in my office, on my bookshelf."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra frowns upon learning more about the riot, but she decides not to comment on it. "I'm glad you're all right," she says before she turns towards the men that followed her here. "Oh, uh, sorry," she says a bit sheepishly. "Norris, these men came with me to the mines and helped clean it out," she explains. "We have Kynaston, Gregeddin, and Haahqae," she adds, motioning to each man in turn. "And they are here to sell you a few items that we found in the mines."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by BishGada »

"Well, with your permission I'll retire to my room and read in the book." Tulbas says politely to his uncle then clears the table. "Good night." Tulbas gets the book from the library and goes to his room. Since he already packed most of his stuff this morning, there is not much to prepare for tomorrow, so he just puts Daxia's spellbook with his own, sits by the little table in his room and shuffles through the book, stopping here and there at interesting entries. When he reach the entry about Fistandantilus he reads it very carefully trying to memorize as much as possible.

(OOC: Tulbas will learn tomorrow Sleep and Charm Person)
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by djhyland »

Noticing that Kendra has forgotten to mention him, Darga eases back even farther from the counter towards the door and waits. He doesn't leave, just in case his skills or opinions are needed, but he knows that his kind are not usually welcome in this kind of establishment.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by Haahque »

When Kendra re-introduced Haahqae he gives a bow. Motioning towards Kynaston and Kendra he expands on her description. "They are valorous heroes of great cunning and skill. I'm a jolly juggler who came along with but a sling and a bow."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin steps forward and offers a handshake at the mention of his name. "Mr Greylock it is then? Are you still open for business?"
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Greylock's Gorgeous Gems, 2527 Market Street
Norris is clearly confused by Kendra's decided lack of details. "Items to sell...from the mines? I'm sorry, I don't buy ore. You'll need to find a smith for that."

Kynaston plops the chest down on the counter and opens it up, revealing the contents inside. "Not ore," he says.

"By the Seeker gods," he mutters, looking through it all. " this stolen?"

"No. Well, it might have been stolen by the sligs and kobolds we took it from," Kynaston admits. "They were nesting in a mine, we killed them and took this from them."

"I see. Hence 'clearing the mine,'" Norris replies, understanding now.

He nods to Gregeddin and Haahqae, then looks over the treasure. "Hmm...I can give you five hundred steel for the whole lot."

"What?! Some of these items are worth more than that by themselves!" Kynaston objects.

"What makes you say that?" asks Norris.

Kynaston draws himself up to his full height, crossing his arms. "We had them appraised."

"I see. Well, these difficult economic times are hard on us all," Norris explains. "People aren't buying items of luxury much these days, and there aren't many people I can sell these items to who could afford them in the first place."

Kynaston looks to the others, offering a shrug as a silent plea for help.

Erogundali Mageware Shop, 253 Herbalist Street
Taking the book up to his room, Tulbas pages through it. It contains entries on a number of ancient wizards, although some of the entries are fairly spotty. Records of anyone who lived prior to the Cataclysm especially, were fairly limited.

There are entries on the current three leaders of the High Orders of Sorcery--Par-Salian of the White, Ladonna of the Black, and Justarius of the Red.

Other entries included Asanta of the White (who built the Tower of Istar), Salius Ruven of the Black (who once led an army of undead on Istar), Vincil da Jevra of the Red (an Ergothian who served as Highmage in Daltigoth and was said to have created over two hundred spells) and the famous Magius who wore all three colors at one time or another (noted for aiding Huma Dragonbane in the Third Dragon War).

Finally, he finds the entry on Fistandantilus of the Black, the Dark One. It was said he was a tall, slender man with a long, iron-grey pointed beard, thin bony hands, broad shoulders, and well-built body. He always wore his plain, midnight black robes in plain sight, and was the most powerful Black Robe of his time. He always radiated cold, and when he would stand in one place for too long would actually kill the grass and other plants in the immediate area.

At the height of his power in Istar, he knew every language, custom, and lore of all known races on Krynn. He thought it beneath him to own a staff or even to have a familiar. The archmage was able to travel anywhere on Krynn in the blink of an eye, and was used as a bogeyman by parents to scare their children. However unlike most bogeyman tales, his powers were all very much real.

Almost nothing is known of his birth, including where and when. When he was young, he discovered he had a talent for magic. He took his Test and joined the Order of the Red. However, as his ambitions grew (as well as an obsession with never dying), he later turned to the Order of the Black. He must have succeeded, because he is said to have lived for centuries after the fact. Eventually he became Master of the Palanthas Tower.

Surprisingly, he became a close adviser to the last Kingpriest, Beldinas Pilofiro. He used his powers to help the Kingpriest fight heretics and read the minds of his subjects. Shortly before the Cataclysm, he disappeared and was not seen again for another 40 years.

In the year 39 AC, he resurfaced and led an army of hill dwarves and plainsmen against Thorbardin, the kingdom of the dwarves. In a huge battle at Zhaman, there was a massive explosion that turned the keep into what is now called Skullcap. Fistandantilus has not been seen since then, and it is believed he was killed in the explosion.