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Day Five (Turned Tables)

A solo adventure in which Echo Soulstaff searches for the man she believes is her father.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

"Yeah, good point," Barlemus says. "Got any ideas?" he asks her.
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi considers the options for a few moments. Sadly, she didn't have any great ideas that could be of any use in this case. "Not really, to be honest. Pretending to be pray was really all I had, and honestly I don't see that working out too well."
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

"We'll just have to see what we're up against and plan accordingly on the spot," Arvin says.

(OOC: Anything you want to do before moving on to nighttime?)
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

(hmmm, nope, we can move on)
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

The party rests and plans strategy for the next nine hours. Finally, night falls and the trio make ready to go goblin hunting.

The moon is full again tonight, granting enough light that Tavi and Barlemus can do without her lantern. She's nearly out of oil anyway, so best to save it for an emergency.

Arvin takes the lead again, scouting ahead, while the other two warriors hang in the back.

After an hour, Arvin finds a trail and begins following it. "He was right," the elf says, pointing to Barlemus when he explains his findings. "The tracks suggest there are about twice as many of them."

Not long after finding the trail, Arvin returns to them again. "Up ahead, there's a path through the woods. The goblins are following it. If we hurry ahead of them, we can set up an ambush for them as they pass by. What say you?" he asks.


Everyone regains 1 HP. It is now 10:00 PM.
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Sounds like a good idea," Tavi says. "Let's hurry," she says, motioning for Arvin to lead the way.
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

Hurrying, the two humans followed after the elf toward what he felt was a good place to ambush the goblins.

Once they were there, they looked around. "The goblins will be coming from the south," Arvin says. "We have maybe five minutes to make preparations before they arrive. Any ideas?"
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Barlemus, you know how to set traps. How long will it take you to set up a few simple traps between that rock over there," Tavi says, pointing to the large rock to the east. "And that log off to the left?" she asks curiously. "I figure that will take a few of them out while Arvin and I take them on from a distance. Arvin, you are a better shot than I am, so it will probably be a good idea for you to be in a tree off to the east picking them off. I'll take the west side," she explains. "Barlemus can jump in when he feels like he is able to handle them. How does that sound?" she asks.
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

"In five minutes?" Barlemus asks incredulously. "Not much. I'll see what I can do," he says.

Barlemus headed toward the rock in question, while Arvin climbed a tree to the east. Tavi, likewise, climbed one in the west. In the moonlight, she couldn't see the elf anymore, nor could she see Barlemus once he took cover.

After squatting in the tree's boughs for a few minutes, she heard them approaching. Looking to the south, in the moonlight, she could see four rows of goblins, each row with five goblins, marching in a sloppy formation. They seemed alert, and kept glancing about nervously, as if expecting something to jump out at them. Unbeknownst to them, they were completely right.


Surprise Roll (1d10): 5; no surprise round

(Go ahead and state Tavi's actions for Round 1.)
Note the following:<br />Blue dot - Barlemus<br />Purple dot - Tavi<br />Green dot - Arvin<br />Red dots - Goblins
Note the following:
Blue dot - Barlemus
Purple dot - Tavi
Green dot - Arvin
Red dots - Goblins
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi loads up her crossbow as she watches twenty of those goblins march forward. ~It is going to be more difficult each night,~ she thinks to herself as she lets the bolt fly towards one of the goblins in the middle row.

Hit Roll(7, miss)
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

As Tavi lines up her shot, Arvin hurls a flask of oil as hard as he can toward the middle of the goblin party. He fails to hit a goblin, but it hardly matters. The flask still bursts in their midst, claiming at least four goblins with its flames.

On the bright side, the flames allowed Tavi to see better. However, she still missed and her bolt sank into the ground near one of the charred goblins.

Barlemus then throws a large net forward, entangling at least two of the goblins.

The goblins begin shouting at this sudden assault. A couple in the back begin shouting out orders, trying to bring the group together to better defend against this assault.


Round 1!

Initiative Order
Arvin - 2+3-1 = 4
Tavi - 9+7-1 = 15
Barlemus - 9+10 = 19

Arvin hurls a burning flask of oil at the center of the goblin party (1d20-5+3): 3, miss. Flask breaks and splatters in a three foot diameter. Goblins 08, 09, 13, and 14 take (2d6): 6 damage. Goblins 08, 09, 13 and 14 fall.
Tavi fires her crossbow at Goblin 06 (8, miss).
Barlemus throws a net at Goblins 04 and 05 (1d20+2): 13, success. Goblins 04 and 05 are tangled in the net.

(OOC: Because of the fire started by Arvin, penalties for shooting in the dark don't apply unless the goblins get too far away from the fire.)

(State actions for Round 2!)
Note the following:<br />Blue dot - Barlemus<br />Purple dot - Tavi<br />Green dot - Arvin<br />Red dots - Goblins<br />Grey dots - Unconscious/Dead Goblins<br />Brown circle - net
Note the following:
Blue dot - Barlemus
Purple dot - Tavi
Green dot - Arvin
Red dots - Goblins
Grey dots - Unconscious/Dead Goblins
Brown circle - net
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

~Going good all ready,~ Tavi thinks sarcastically to herself. She was going to have to be more useful than this! Loading up another bolt, she lets it fly towards one of the goblins on the end.

Roll to Hit (19, hit)
Damage Roll (3)
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

Tavi's bolt soars through the air and pierces right through her target's armor, knocking it down on its back. It stirs slightly, but does not get back up.

Two of the goblins begin shouting out commands, getting the goblins back into a tight formation and calling for an orderly retreat. They realize they are outmatched and are hoping to escape.

Arvin picks off two more with his bow, hitting them from twenty five feet away as if they were close enough to spit on. Barlemus then leaps out of cover, drawing his sword. One of the goblins stares at him dumbly, shouting "Night Stalker!" in common before he is cut down.


Round 2!

Initiative Order
Tavi - 3+7-1 = 9
Goblins - 5+6 = 11
Arvin - 5+8 = 13
Barlemus - 10+5 = 15

Tavi fires her crossbow at Goblin 01 (22, hit) for 3 damage. Goblin 01 falls.
Goblins make a morale check (1d10): 15, fail. The goblins begin to organize a retreat.
Arvin fires his long bow at Goblin 03 (1d20+5): 24, hit for (1d8): 2 damage. Goblin 03 falls.
Barlemus leaps out of cover and attacks Goblin 10 with his long sword (1d20+3): 11, hit for (1d8+6): 11 damage. Goblin 10 falls.
Arvin fires his long bow at Goblin 02 (1d20+5): 24, hit for (1d8): 7 damage. Goblin 02 falls.

State actions for Round 3!
Blue dot - Barlemus<br />Purple dot - Tavi<br />Green dot - Arvin<br />Red dots - Goblins<br />Grey dots - Unconscious/Dead Goblins<br />Brown circle - net
Blue dot - Barlemus
Purple dot - Tavi
Green dot - Arvin
Red dots - Goblins
Grey dots - Unconscious/Dead Goblins
Brown circle - net
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Re: Day Five

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi lets another bolt fly through the air towards the retreating goblins. They couldn't let them escape!

Hit Roll(17,hit)
Damage Roll (2)
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Re: Day Five

Post by JadedDM »

With a fierce battle cry, Barlemus cuts down another goblin with ease. Three goblins cover the retreat of the others, or at least try to. Tavi manages to shoot one in the chest, bringing it down. Arvin hits two of the fleeing ones even from such a long distance. Barlemus cuts down another one of the three covering their retreat, leaving only one behind.


Round 3!

Initiative Order
Barlemus - 3+5 = 8
Goblins - 5+6 = 11
Tavi - 8+7-1 = 14
Arvin - 10+8-1 = 17

Barlemus attacks Goblin 07 with his long sword (1d20+3): 14, hit for (1d8+6): 11 damage. Goblin 07 falls.
Goblins 06, 11, and 12 withdraw 20 feet. They leave the map but are still in short range. All remaining goblins flee 60 feet. They also leave the map but are still in short range.
Tavi fires her crossbow at Goblin 06 (17, hit) for 2 damage. Goblin 06 falls.
Arvin fires his long bow at Goblin 16 (1d20+5): 18, hit for (1d8): 1 damage. Goblin 16 falls.
Barlemus attacks Goblin 12 with his long sword (1d20+3): 15, hit for (1d8+6): 11 damage. Goblin 12 falls.
Arvin fires his long bow at Goblin 17 (1d20+5): 21, hit for (1d8): 5 damage. Goblin 17 falls.

The goblins (save the two in the net) and Barlemus have moved off the map. Barlemus is fighting with one more goblin. The rest have moved off further, and are close to escaping.

Tavi can fire at the one fighting Barlemus, or aim at the fleeing ones. Or she can climb down the tree and chase the fleeing ones on foot.

Actions for Round 4?
Note the following:<br />Blue dot - Barlemus<br />Purple dot - Tavi<br />Green dot - Arvin<br />Red dots - Goblins<br />Grey dots - Unconscious/Dead Goblins<br />Brown circle - net
Note the following:
Blue dot - Barlemus
Purple dot - Tavi
Green dot - Arvin
Red dots - Goblins
Grey dots - Unconscious/Dead Goblins
Brown circle - net
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