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Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:50 pm
by JadedDM
After blocking her attacks, the goblin grins evilly upon spotting an opening in her defense. With all of his might, he slams his mace across her pretty face. Tavi staggers back, tremendous pain shooting through her whole face.

Laughing manically to himself, the goblin presses his advantage, encouraged by his luck. He strike at Tavi's right knee, causing her to drop down to his height so he can finish her off.


Tavi attacks Goblin 01 with her long sword (6, miss) and (10, miss).
Goblin 01 attacks Tavi with his mace (1d20): 20 (Critical hit!) for (2d6): 8 damage.

Party's Initiative (1d10): 3
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 2

Round 3!

Goblin 01 attacks Tavi with his mace (1d20): 19, hit for (1d6): 2 damage.

.X.f.f ._._._._._._.X.

O - Octavia
1 - Goblin 01
2 - Goblin 02
cc - Couch
b – Bookcase
f – Fireplace
d – Door
X – Wall

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:04 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi seems slight dazed after taking the hits, but she continues attacking because there really isn't anything else she can do. She can't run away like some coward! Sadly though, due to her injuries and the pain she is feeling, the goblin easily evades her clumsy attack.

Attack Roll (12, miss)

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:10 pm
by JadedDM
The goblin sidesteps the attack and laughs again. Crudely, it taunts her in Common. "Pretty girl not so pretty no more, eh? Smash up face good? Is okay. Good face not needed. Clan have plenty fun with you anyway, eh?" he says smugly. "Will have fun with other pretty girls, too. Good day for Shadowbite clan!"


Tavi attacks Goblin 01 with her long sword (12, miss).

Party's Initiative (1d10): 3
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 9

(Party wins!)

Round 4!

.X.f.f ._._._._._._.X.

O - Octavia
1 - Goblin 01
2 - Goblin 02
cc - Couch
b – Bookcase
f – Fireplace
d – Door
X – Wall

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:16 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi glares at the goblin hatefully. With all of her might, she swings her sword at the goblin in hopes of scoring a hit this time around. "Still prettier than you," she mutters through her broken jaw as her sword slices into him. Sadly, her sword goes flying from her hand as he moves in for the kill.

Attack Roll (17, 3, hit, miss)
Damage Roll (5)

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:19 pm
by JadedDM
The goblin's smug smile quickly turns to pained surprise as the point of Tavi's blade slips in between his ribs. The goblin jerks backward, taking the blade with him, then falls to the ground. After a couple of brief spasms, he goes still, the blade still sticking out of his chest.


Tavi attacks Goblin 01 with her long sword (17, hit) for 5 damage. Goblin 01 dies.

Combat ends.

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:23 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi takes a moment to pull her sword from the goblin with a grunt. She looks about ready to pass out from the pain, but she soldiers on. "I'm coming," she says softly, barely even able to get the words out as she places her sword back on her hip. She takes out her crossbow, deciding to attack from a distance considering her injuries, and limps towards her bedroom.

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:42 pm
by JadedDM
Tavi enters her bedroom to find things just as wrecked as the living room. She spots her grandmother, Lillian, lying face down on the floor by Hallie's bed, a pool of blood forming beneath her. Her frying pan lies beside her, a simple makeshift weapon that apparently did not do her much good.

On the other side of the room, Sparrow's legs, tied together, hang out of the window. A goblin is pushing her through with the aid of another goblin outside, pulling on her. Sparrow's mouth has been gagged, but she does her best to try and scream and struggle against her bonds as the goblins attempt to shove her outside.

The goblin, distracted by Sparrow wiggling about, has not noticed Tavi's presence yet.



O – Octavia
L - Lilian
w - Window
d - Door
1 - Goblin 01
2 - Goblin 02
b - bed

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:53 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi let's out a small gasp as she takes in the sight of her grandmother. More than ever she just wants to sit in a corner and cry, but that wasn't going to save her sister. Pointing her crossbow at the goblin's back, she lets a bolt fly.

Attack Roll (10, miss)

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:10 pm
by JadedDM
The crossbow bolt strikes the goblin right in the buttocks. He leaps up at least a foot, yelping and letting go of Sparrow in the process. Whirling around, he glares at Tavi with blood red eyes. Not even bothering to yank out the quarrel, he grabs his spear and charges her.

Too weak to avoid the blow, Tavi feels a sharp pain in her chest as the spear pierces right through her armor. She tastes blood as her knees go weak. Suddenly, the world around her seems to slowly spin about, as if all gravity had failed. As she collapsed, and darkness started to swarm around her buzzing head, she caught a final glimpse of her grandmother.

Then the darkness took her.


Surprise Roll (1d10): 6, fail. Goblin is not surprised.

Party's Initiative (1d10): 2
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 7

Round 1!

(OOC: You forgot your modifiers. Attacking from behind gives a +2 to hit. Also, piercing weapons, like a crossbow bolt, gain a +2 to hit against leather armor. That's a +4 to hit.)

Tavi attacks Goblin Raider 01 with her light crossbow (10+4=14, hit) for (1d4): 3 damage.
Goblin Raider 01 attacks Tavi with his spear (1d20-1): 17, hit for (1d6): 5 damage.

Tavi falls unconscious.

Re: Day One

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:26 pm
by JadedDM
XP is as follows:

Roleplaying: 200 XP
Combat: 125 XP

TOTAL: 325 XP (+10%) = 358 XP