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Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:50 pm
by HorizonsDream
"You know," Jasmine says. She obviously doesn't seem to care too much about what Ishan and the smaller orc are talking about. "I don't have a problem with people's odd fetishes until they start interfering or interrupting the group's plans."

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:02 am
by Vrindlevine
Ishan continues to discuss manticore mortality rates with the surgeon before switching to common, "Yes they are like women hahaha!" Returning to orc he asks if the doc would be willing to part with some wormgrass, he'd also like to borrow a book on orc medicine (such as it is) He promises to return it as soon as possible.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:35 am
by HorizonsDream
Jasmine purses her lips together and walks closer to Ishan and the surgeon. She taps Ishan on the shoulder. "Um, excuse me?"

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:09 pm
by Haahque
Gaheris an Hihim (Town hall)
The smaller orc whispers a few words to the Mayor in orc dialect, then turns back to reply without even waiting for a response.

“Two passes to go north?” The orc seems to have a sort of a grin on his face. “So you're looking for some sort of task you can complete without losing your heads? I’m sorry, but we don’t have much use for toilet cleaners right now. Perhaps I could arrange a deal where you wash dishes for the tavern for two weeks. Maybe that could free up a girl with some muscle on her to do some real tasks. Or are you better suited to tacking down books for the library? Sometimes we orcs forget about books, so I’m sure you’d be able to do something useful in the next couple of weeks.”

The Mayor says nothing, but attentively observes the conversation with a weather eye.

Gaheris and Hihim attempt to look strong (intimidate roll + str modifier): 6 and 13 respectively, not all that impressive.
Hihim attempts to hear the whispered wors: 8, failure, he can’t make out what was said between the two orcs.

Ishan (Doctor’s room in the Barracks)
While the topic of Manticore mortality rates seems to engage the orc intellectually, he looks rather lost when Ishan switches to common for a sentence. However, when the conversation goes back to orc, He’s ready enough to reply in a helpful manner.

“Wormgrass? I think I have some of that spare, let me look.” And he dives into a drawer rooting around in it until he withdraws a package of the herb Ishan had mentioned. “Given how hard it is to procure this these days, I could part with a dose of it for perhaps 3 gold each.” Judging by the package at hand, he has 4 such doses available for purchase (each dose is enough to be the ingredient for 1 potion).

“Books on medicine are something of a rarity, and I really shouldn’t be lending them out to someone I don’t know very well. Some of these are irreplaceable. Maybe if we’ve had time to have a few ales together I could consider lending you a book.”

While Ishan got nearly no reaction from the orc about his phrase in common, Jasmine appears to have had a more noticeable reaction, and she attempts to get Ishan’s attention.

Jasmine (Doctor’s room in the Barracks)
After Ishan’s words, the orc dives into one of the lower drawers at his desk, eventually withdrawing some sort of dried plant, carefully packaged. To what purpose this package is produced she has no idea, but it appears that Ishan is interested in it, and still conversing with the orc in their language.
Jasmine makes a knowledge (alchemy) check: 3. Yep, not her forte it appears. Perhaps she’d be better at it after some experience with it or with some experimentation, but she doesn’t know anything about it right now.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:16 am
by Vrindlevine
Ishan isn't impressed with the price offered and without the medical text he doesn't really want to pay that much.

"That price is a little steep for me let me think it over, while I talk to my associate."

He turns to Jasmine, "What's up?"

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:16 pm
by HorizonsDream
"I was sent here to figure out what you are doing," Jasmine says. "So, what are you doing?"

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:56 am
by Chris1234
Hihim remains quiet: the silent partner, choosing to avoid making faux pas and let the obviously more experienced and worldly Gaheris lead the conversation.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:45 am
by Vrindlevine
Ishan gives the eye roll that only men understand to the doctor before turning to Jasmine.

"I'm looking to purchase some ingredients that might save someones life if we are actually going to commit to this fools errand manticore hunt, that and a medical text in case I have to pull any spikes out of you."

"Is that all?"

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:12 pm
by JadedDM
"Four passes, actually," Gaheris responds. "My other companions are exploring the village. And you are, good sir?" he asks.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:06 pm
by HorizonsDream
"No," Jasmine says. "But it would have been nice if you told everyone what you planned on doing," she adds. "You looked a little suspicious. Either way, carry on," she says with a shrug. She turns to leave to rejoin Gaheris , as his reasoning behind why he is here isn't something to be worried about.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:55 am
by Vrindlevine
"Right so as I was saying I only need the text for a few days at most I would certainly be willing to trade for it but I' am rather short of funds at the moment."

Ishan rummages around in his satchel and produces a battered diary, "This is all my notes for the last few years, my entire life since I left the army and some from before that as well how about an exchange of knowledge your book on medical information for my journal think of it as collateral if I don't return the book you can keep that AND use it to send bounty hunters after me they shouldn't have any trouble finding me with all my habits laid bare."

"I understand its an odd things to request but I feel this knowledge will be useful to me in the future."

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:23 pm
by Haahque
Gaheris, Hihim (Town Hall)
“Four passes is it? Who are these other two? Are they as whimpy as you are?” The orc asks, then, as if thinking of something new, holds a short whispered conversation with the orc leader.

“With four you might be enough to help with a construction project. Depending on how fast you work, three to five days, unless you’re much more pathetic then you look.”

As he finishes these words, Jasmine enters the building.

Hihim attempts to hear whispered words: 15, success, sent by PM.

Ishan (Doctor’s room in the Barracks)
The doctor patiently waits for Ishan to finish speaking with Jasmine. A conversation that concludes with Jasmine leaving.

When she’s gone the Ishan presses some questions, to which the orc replies “A diary from an Imperial soldier? Really, not interested. I’m sure that there are some orcs who would love inside information in the Imperial army, but I really, don’t care. I seek knowledge about alchemy, not about spies.”

“Now did you decide if you wanted the wormgrass? It would be a bother having to go out and collect more, but your gold could keep my family fed while I went to do it.”

Jasmine (Glash)
Her conversation with Ishan finished, Jasmine steps back out into the streets of Glash. She doesn’t know exactly where her companions went, but she does know where they were headed. After a bit of searching she manages to find her friends without anything untoward happening on the streets.

She walks in to notice Gaheris and Hihim talking to a large orc in common, with a smaller orc sitting on a fancy chair behind the large one.

“… five days, unless you’re much more pathetic then you look.” The orc finishes his sentence before turning his gaze to the newcomer.

Jasmine tries to find city hall (knowledge local): 13, success.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:23 pm
by Chris1234
Hihim turns to face Gaheris and says quietly, "They think we're too weak to kill some goblins that are giving them trouble. Going to offer 5 days repairing some wall."

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:43 pm
by Vrindlevine
"Your right you could go find some wormgrass but so can I and it will be free, assuming I don't get spiked by a manticore which I then die of since I lack specific knowledge of the wounds but I'm sure it will be fine."

Ishan heads out of the barracks and begins to search for the towns library perhaps the knowledge he seeks will be there and perhaps more available for borrowing.

Re: The Quest of the Missing Quill

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:00 pm
by JadedDM
Gaheris tries to size up the mouthy orc. Does he look like Jasmine could take him in a one-on-one. Maybe a challenge to his honor would shut him up.