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Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:02 pm
by Chris1234
Sue had the opportunity to pick up some rope.
Only Sue could advise how much.

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:26 am
by Nocturno
"Let's have a look here." He will look at the map closely.

He will then head over to the nobles to see if he can make a wager with them.

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:07 pm
by Chris1234
The unscaled map indicates that the "Dungeon Level" of Undermountain sits beneath the city's sewers and that there is no connection between them.
Chris1234 wrote:======
Sue had the opportunity to pick up some rope. Only Sue could advise how much.
Sue can confirm that he has a coil of silk rope, 100'.

The four appear to be that immersed in their laughter and attempts at story telling and don't appear to pay any heed to Sue standing half a dozen feet away.

In passing, please make an Investigation skill roll, DC10.

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:33 pm
by Jenara
Throwing back her hair Alecia release's Nix's hand and steps forward allowing her legs to show, wishing for a moment she wasnt wearing armor. Bending over the shaft with deliberate slowness she fakes looking downwards while still watching the Men, her intent clear.

Investigation [1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21 (I think thats a good pass right?)

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:24 pm
by Chris1234
I'll let everyone catch up here..

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:10 pm
by counterkid
[1d20] = 8

Investigation 8 +3 = 11

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:21 pm
by Nocturno
Sue will approach and clear his throat.

"Gentles, would any of you favour a wager with my group?" Sue winces after realizing he used slang from his 'watch vocabulary.
Yet another failed investigation by the watchman...
Investigation(Int)(0): [1d20] = 6

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:09 pm
by Squirrellord

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:50 am
by Chris1234
Isaril continues looking around the Yawning Portal.

Investigation skill check for Hamlett fails(3).

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:52 am
by TristenC
Nix hangs back, watching Alecia work the setup. Her methods had changed somewhat since they last worked together years ago, but she was still sharp as a shaving razor.

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:24 am
by Chris1234
Alecia steps up and leans forward to look down the 40’ wide well. The torches lining the top of the well provide light for the first fifty feet or so before a plunge into the darkness of Undermountain. Her movement, displaying ample leg and other curves accentuated, is noticed by one of the ‘boisterous four’, a young man with a sharp moustache, fine chainmail and a bejewelled rapier. “Quite the enchanting view!” he exclaims.

In unison the other three turn or lean to see what has caught the fellow’s attention. Evenwood notices that man’s leatherwork is worn through heavy use but is nonetheless well maintained. Jim is struck by the balance and bearing of the four despite the number of empty bottles. Clearly all are well martially able!

As Sue clears his throat and offers a wager the golden haired male leaning to see past Sue straightens, turns and refocuses. “I’ve got this,” he says over his shoulder while looking Sue up and down. “New bands I see. Just registered! This better be interesting. What do you have in mind?”

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:00 am
by Nocturno
"I've heard of a 'Rooms Cleared' type of bet. I'd be willing to put 2 suns down on the right wager." Sue says as he watches what the Cleric is doing. Thinking at least I only have to deal with one of them.

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:11 am
by Chris1234
The fellow cocks an eyebrow and adds, "So, you and this group, presumably newbies all, are proposing to go 'Down the Well' when exactly?"

As he utters the phrase 'down the well' every conversation in the inn seems to stop and every head swivel to look at Sue.

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:47 am
by Nocturno
Clearly uncomfortable under the gaze of everyone Sue clears his throat again. "Yes, we are looking to make some coin, and it looks to be one of the better options."

Re: Chapter 2 - Getting to the bottom of it?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:00 pm
by Chris1234
"What do you think, boys?" he asks his inebriated companions. "Are we interested?"

There is an answering chorus, "Of course!", "Avernus welcomes all!", "By Beshaba's bulbous bosom, yeah!"

"Looks like you might make some coin," the spokeman continues, grinning, "or else make some for me!" He holds up a hand and his group come to order. "Not seen you in here before so let's do the formals. A taol for each of you that returns alive at, or just after, three bells tomorrow. That's twenty four hours. One of you returns at three bells, with a map showing us where you've been: a sambat for one, a dragon for two, taol for three and so on. Side-bets in a minute. I'm Regnet. Bleys, Morgunn, Shaban." He indicates the others vaguely who nod or bow.

"What say you?" Regnet continues and looks expectantly at Sue.
Only Bleys' attention seems elsewhere - possibly something over Sue's shoulder.

Perception skill checks, please.
Sue has advantage.
Everyone else apart from Alecia has disadvantage.