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CH. 17: Poison Curse

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by BishGada »

Baeros follows the girls quietly. When both lashes at him his shoulders stiffen, his face falls and he says completely hurt, "I was worried about the girl. Obviously she is, hmm.. has problem." he faces the mage "Ouragana? Why are you saying I need to behave? I was nice to you and offered to split the expanses! Was that insulting?!?" he looks at Jocelyn completely hurt, "And why are you angry?? I didn't want them to shoot us. They come planning to rob us. I did try to come up with diplomatic solution. They refused and in the end I saved the group almost sacrificing myself to save the others. Did you think letting them shooting us in our backs is a good idea? Would you prefer coming out of the warehouse seeing Brock body faced down with bullet in his back? You probably would like to see MY body that way but you care for the old dwarf, don't you?" His eyes are wide as his emotions tearing him apart.

(OOC: Baeros said anything impolite to Ouragana even if he had thought so (in game only of course).
Baeros is as diplomatic as his 6 CHA is and as smart as his 5 INT is... Baeros doesn't avoid combat when there is injustice. He acts. (And he was wise enough to avoid interaction with the Quatel))
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Nuke »

Val agrees, "Move on"
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn stops and turns to look to Baeros. "Of course I don't want to see any of us dead," she says hotly. "But I have seen your definition of diplomatic, and it is drastically different from my definition of diplomatic."
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, and Baeros (The Bullring's cargo hold/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
"That isn't what I was referring to," Ouragana replies to the ranger. "Of course I'm grateful for any help you and the others offer in helping free the girl. But remember why we are here. Pirates are trying to kill Jocelyn and we are trying to find a way to make peace with them. What good is that if you are intent on making new enemies to take their place? If you're not able to avoid picking a fight with every ruffian you see, then it might be better if you wait here on the ship."

(OOC: What are the 'Quatel?')

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
As the party is making their way back to where they came from, Cye speaks up to Naras. "You said before that you knew our mother when she was young. But you look around our age now. How is that possible?" he asks with curiosity.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Chris1234 »

"Well, Cye, either it's coincidentally someone with the same name, or a difference in racial lifespan or else something has happened to accelerate her aging, either magically or perhaps the malevolent effects of such as a ghost," replies Naras. "But in any event, I have committed to help and so I shall to the best of my ability. If it's not considered rude, what ages are the three of you? And approximately what age would you think that your mother is? "
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn nods almost enthusiastically at Oura's words, and even motions to the mage. "What she said. She said it much more...elegantly than I ever could."
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by BishGada »

"I'm not trying to kill anyone. I also rather have it peacefully. I WAS PEACEFUL with them until they become real and immediate danger!" He says frustrated. "Fine have it your way! You can pick on me and be angry at me as much as you like. But I'll stick to you like a glue to protect you even if you don't like it. I promise I won't draw my sword first, until the enemy does so, but I would put my shield in front of you when the enemy will indeed attack first, and since I don't literally have shield, that will be my body." He grunts. "Now let's move on please."

(OOC: Hmm.. guess I misspelled it. In the jungle Baeros was hunting for food and saw huge flying intelligent snake sniffing the flowers... I think Lawful good? Was described as the spirit of the lost and engraved on milestones?)
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (The Bullring's upper deck/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
"As long as you agree to behave, we won't have any further issues," Ouragana agrees. The three head back up to the top deck and rejoin the others.

"Are we ready to return to the orphanage?" asks Naishe.

"Yes, but I was hoping to buy this young woman from him when we get there," Ouragana replies. "Anyone who wishes to help me in freeing her can donate some of their own coin, as well."

Naishe chuckles. "Well, good luck with that."

(OOC: Ah, the 'Couatl.' Okay, I didn't realize you were referencing something that far back.)

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
"We're around the same age as you," Cye replies. "Serenna is 23, Shin is 21 and I'm 19. "Our mother is 45. You said before you knew her in adolescence, but that would have been before you were even born, would it not?"

Naras first encountered Silverfrond 30 years ago. So Silverfrond would have been 15 and Naras would have been 35--little more than a child by dwarven standards, but older than the three undine nonetheless.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Chris1234 »

"No, Cye, my race, dwarvenknd, are longer lived than most, albeit less so than the elves," replies Naras. "Should I live into old age, I may have seen 300 summers or more. But offspring are rare for us, so the life of each dwarf is, if possible, valued all the more so. But we are steadfast with our friends and that is why I am here. Your mother is my friend."
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

"After I pay off my debt, I'll see how much I have left," Jocelyn says. "Let's head back." She takes the lead, heading back to Raven's orphanage. The closer she gets to the poison curse, the more nervous she seems to be.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Raven's Orphanage/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
The party boards the row boat again, and once more paddles it to the docks under the light of the moons and stars. After tying it off again, they head back to the orphanage.

Things are a little different this time. The children are not training, but most have gone up to their rooms to sleep for the night. Raven is still up, though, and eagerly waiting. "Ah, you retrieved her," he says. He starts examining the girl, even looking in her mouth as if she were a horse. The girl makes no effort to resist. "I take it the Bloody Chains weren't too much trouble for you?" he asks.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
"Wow, three hundred years?" repeats Cye. "I could never imagine such a thing."

Serenna snorts. "Your people live for three hundred years...but you never learned to swim?"

"Living for three hundred years sounds nice to me," Shin adds. "I could study much magic in that time."

Cye frowns. "It sounds kind of sad to me, actually. You'd outlive so many of your friends. I mean, it's entirely possible you'll outlive not only mother, but the three of us, as well."
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by HorizonsDream »

"They weren't a problem," Jocelyn says. "But it seems that one of my very own wants to purchase the girl that we just saved," she explains. "Also, I have the money for the debt I owe you."
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by Chris1234 »

"Yes, Cye, that is true. But that's also why true friendship is worth more than physical riches," Naras replies. "And I serve Gonto. There is more to do than I could possibly attempt even in many times that lifespan." She glances at Serenna, "My people once lived naturally underground. Large masses of water were almost unheard of and are still difficult for us. Now you have heard something of me. Perhaps enough to revise your initial opinion?"
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by BishGada »

Baeros follows quietly. Even though the kids suppose to sleep he looks around to see if they are peeking from upstairs and keeps one hand on his pouches.
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Re: CH. 17: Poison Curse

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn, Ouragana, Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Raven's Orphanage/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
"Excellent," Raven replies. "That's five hundred you owe me. wish to buy her? But I just got her. Hmm, I suppose I was going to sell her again anyway...alright, you can have her for...let's say, seven hundred."

Baeros keeps a sharp eye out around him, but doesn't see anyone spying on him. Either the coast is clear or they are really good at hiding. Nevertheless, he keeps a hand on his belt pouch at all times, to protect the precious spices within.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Serenna chuckles darkly. "My initial opinion? No. You say you are doing this because friendship is more important than riches. But you also you had no idea our mother was your friend when you agreed to this. So I would say that's not your real motive. If we rescue our mother and you don't demand a reward or try and raid our treasury when we get back, then perhaps I was wrong about you. But all I'm hearing so far is bravado. Actions mean more than words, surfacer. And we've been hurt by trusting them in the past."

Cye elaborates. "Our current home that you saw was not our original one. We once had a much larger community. Back then, a small group of Ixitxachitl would have been no real threat to us. But about fifteen years ago, we were raided by surfacers. They used magic to breathe in the water and to neutralize our defenses. Many of us died, including our father--Silverfrond's mate. They took everything of value and captured many of us to take to the surface. We never saw them again and presume they are dead. We were forced to relocate. Our community hasn't been the same since."