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Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 1:56 pm
by TristenC
Ruehar adds the pouches to his belt. Keep an eye out you lot. Do any of you have skill with weapons? he asks, checking the prone man's breathing.

RK1 observation check [1d100] = 17
Waiting on results of observation check for more info.
Have they all agreed to come with me?

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:17 pm
by Chris1234
The prone man does not appear to be breathing.
(Healing skill, Healer SS or a roll on any First Aid skill with a 45 bonus will tell for sure if he's dead.)
RV notices that both the chubby man and ratface are eyeing the rings as he examines them.
He also Astutely Observes that Ratty flicks a glance at Chubby with a narrowing of his eyes.

"I can use a knife for cooking and skinning," says the woman. "But what about my husband?"
"Well, I say that I've held a rapier once or twice," answers Chubby.
"I know the right end of a short sword," responds Ratty.

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:46 pm
by TristenC
[Ooc: wasn't really intending to flash the goods around, just look into the pouches.]

Ruehar gives ratface and chubs a warning look when he spots them leering at the rings. He tucks the pouches away inside his clothes where they won't be easily reached and won't fall out. He goes to check on the prone man, keeping the two shady characters in view. He puts his metal mirror by the man's mouth to see if any faint breath mists the polished surface. Now I don't know any of you or any history you might have with each other, but I'm only going to say this once. If you come with me to the settlement we're all going to work together to get there and I don't want any trouble whatsoever. After we get there we can all go our separate ways. If any of you are planning trouble, find your own way. Understand?

Should I use a charisma check for the little 'my way or the highway' speech?

I don't have any first aid skils, but would whatever the 45% bonus is from give me a chance to check if he is alive?
If so:
RK1 checking for signs of life [1d100] = 82

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:14 pm
by Chris1234
The man definitely does not appear to be breathing.

40xp for the mirror idea: Wisdom +75% bonus = 85, so success.
Speech: nearly right, :). Use d100 equal or under Presence Factor. 45% bonus to that.

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:45 am
by TristenC
I'm sorry, miss... I don't think he made it. I'm not skilled in healing or anything, so someone else may want to check to be sure... we can take him with us to lay him to rest in town...

Presence Factor cha+1d4
RK1 Presence Factor check [1d4+14] = 4+14 = 18: 18+45 bonus: 73
Do i need to add honor die and/or great honor? Does PF 1d4 penetrate?

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:47 am
by Chris1234
Yes to both.

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:03 am
by TristenC
If the lady agrees, he will secure the man respectfully to the pack animal. Ruehar carefully watches the group's reaction to his little speech.

I want to gague the group's reaction to the speech before determining marching order and all that. Do I use observation for that or something else?

73 Speech +1 great honor =74%
RK1 PF Factor check honor die 1, penetration+honor die 2 [1d4] = 3,[1d4-1] = 1-1 = 0[1d4-1] = 4-1 = 3: 3+0+3 (+1 to each die for GH?) = 9
74+9 =>83%
2nd honor die penetrates [1d4-1+1gh]
RK1 PF Factor check 2nd honor die penetration [1d4] = 3: 83+3 = 86%.
Hopefully that will be enough to keep these people from trying to steal from/kill each other (or at least me:lol:)on the way to town.

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:43 am
by Chris1234
Presence Factor = Cha + 1d4 +45(bonus)=14+4+1(GH)+45=63
Penetration = d4-1+1(GH) =3-1+1=3 so 63+3=66 total.
The woman nods through her heart-wrenching sobs.
Chubby looks like he wants to say something.
Ratty is unreadable.

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:56 am
by TristenC
Ruehar turns to chubby, Something important?

Wow. I don't know how my math failed so hard. Early here when I did that I guess, but
14+4+1=19. +45 is 64 not 63
Wait, was the 1d4 on my initial roll on presence factor the honor die, then? I'm confused

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:04 am
by Chris1234
PF is cha + Hon die.
Raw cha in other words; no mastery die.

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:29 am
by TristenC
[Ooc: ok, I just had it listed as 1d4 and not labeled 'honor die'. I'll correct it on my sheet to avoid my own confusion in the future. Sorry for all the really basic questions. I appreciate your help and patience.]

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:35 am
by Chris1234
It's no prob. Am I doing ok at explaining?
I will use queries from you (tidied up) in the Q+A section.
Have you had a look at that yet? Any feedback welcome.
Do you think I'm good enough to GM on here?
Do you think the system is too complex to be played on forum?

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:53 am
by TristenC
[Ooc: I think you're doing a good job explaining, I'm just still getting used to some of the terms and modifiers. It is similar enough to 2e that I feel comfortable, but different enough thar I'm still adjusting a bit. I'll have a look at the q&a tonight. I think you'd do fine dm-ing here. If you wanted to do a HM game i'd be happy to pitch in a bit once I get a handle on it with answering questions and such. I don't think the system itself is too complex for the forum, but it might be difficult digging up players willing to do the char-creation slog]

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:01 am
by Chris1234
Chubby says hesitantly, "Thank you, our mysterious saviour, for freeing us from the injustice that had overtaken us. I am, or was, a merchant of, some would say, substantial means, at least before my caravan guards were killed and my goods stolen. My name is Alfred Higginbottom and I would humbly ask that you return my two rings : me, please."

Re: Tristen (private)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:26 am
by TristenC
[Ooc: would observation skill, talent or a wis check or something help me determine if he is being truthful?

I am sorry to hear about your guards. You have my word you will have them back once your identity can be verified in town. Survival is our main objective at the moment. He will ask each of their names as well, and collect the shackles in the empty sack, keeping eyes on all of them, particularly ratface.

[Ooc: is the way to town fairly straightforward now that we're on the road? Do we know how far/long it will take?